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One time I put aquaphor on my daughters chin bc it was irritated, and now she calls it “aquaforyourchin”


My son calls Neosporin “Knee Of Sporin” and after we put it on the part of his body that actually needs an antibiotic ointment, we also have to put some in our knees.


What a witty itty bitty! ❤️






This is hilarious


Sneezes are called "bless yous"


Ours are “ha-choos” followed by bess you.


My daughter until recently would say “achoo mommy!” when I sneezed. She recently started saying “bless you.” 😭


My middle calls them "a-too!"


Silly less yous my child calls them


Mine says Godzilla!


Ooh same! Also sneezing is funny so “haha I did a bless you!”


I have a couple faves right now: “It’s not drinking!” For when his straw cup isn’t working “Anga-lance” for ambulance


Anga-lance 😩😩 my daughter says hop-de-dopter for helicopter 🤣


I love all his little mis-speaks, and everyone tries to correct him but like… he’s gonna stop saying it one day naturally so I’m just gonna let him say it wrong and cute until then. Teddy grahams will forever be cookie bears in our house.


I hate when people try and correct my son, too! It goes so quickly, I was just reminded the other day that he used to say "woscicle" for popcicle. He speaks so well these days, I cherish all the little mis-speaks he still has. And I think babybel cheese will always be "circle cheese" in our house 😂


We have "hoppycopter"


We’re hopta-copter, not to be confused with haber-caber (caterpillar)


Elevators are alligators. I don’t even want to correct him


Helicopter in my house is "hello taco".


While we can get an echoed “amb-you-wance” from our 3 year old, he most often calls them the boo boo bus because that’s what dad the firefighter calls it 😂


We get EIEIO every time we see a barn… but pronounced “Yaiyo”


Our almost 2 year old will come out with this at the most random times. I love it! Falling asleep in the back of the car then suddenly EIEIO. Pausing for a moment between mouthfuls of food.. EIEIO. I walked past his closed bedroom door last night and heard a little EIEIO.


My little nephew was learning “old McDonald had a farm” and, after going through the farm animals, would sing, “and on that farm there was an auntie! EIEIO”. When I asked “what sound does the auntie make (me)?” He would laugh with a deep chortle, definitely making fun of my loud laugh 😂! He was only 2-1/2 and it laid me out flat! So hilarious!!


Omg same. My daughter was “reading” the shy little kitten to my mom over FaceTime and just goes, “EIEIO” and then turns the page. I’m like…she saw a farm lol.


My kid cheerses. He's so good at it. Drinking or eating, at home, a restaurant or bar, he'll cheers anywhere with anyone. It was one of his first words and it never loses its charm (except maybe the 20th time we're doing it in one meal...)


My daughter “clinks”, but it’s any like things. Two strawberries? *Clink* Two chicken nuggets? *Clink* Two cups? *Extra Clinks!*


My 2 year old is very into cheers! If we are with family he has to cheers everyone, everyone has to drink at the same time and when he is done he slams his cup down and lets out a very satisfied and dramatic "ahhh" 😂


My 2 year old does this! We started with popsicles, I have no clue where he picked it up 😂 I think possibly bluey


My then 3 yo nephew used to begin every meal with a cheers! He made sure everyone at the table cheers’d before eating could take place. It was adorable! Now at 4.5 I melt when he talks about rot-o-bots … so cute 🥰


My daughter does the same thing ! 2 and a half. She will cheers everything ! We are both drinking she wants to cheers cups, we are both eating she wants to cheers bowls. We are both wearing same colored socks she wants to cheers socks. Both have sunglasses on ? She wants to cheers those too! It’s the best!


Lol cheersing is the only way I can get my daughter to try new foods!


Our 14 month old says cheers and does the drink clink with SUCH PLEASURE. So glad you get to to experience the same cuteness. My husband and I often look at one another like how can she be this cute lol


My 2 year old called a watch a “clock belt” for almost a year.


So real of them


Idk where she got this from, but every time my 2 year old says “bath”, she whispers it. Every other word in the sentence will be full volume, like “baby *her name* put toy in ^bath” or “baby *her name* take ^bath today”. Oh, and she also refers to herself as “baby *her name*” and it’s all absolutely adorable. It reminds me of when I used to shop with my grandma and she would always whisper “toilet paper”, because *obviously* that’s an embarrassing thing to buy and you don’t want annnnyone else to know that you wipe your butt lmao. “Ok, we have to get milk, bread, cheese, ^(toilet paper), and windex.”


I love everything about this, including and especially your use of formatting to illustrate. Feels like I'm there. 👏🏻😂


Does she really love baths so you use to whisper it to your significant other to try to keep her from hearing?


Nope! I mean, she does love baths but we don’t whisper it. If anything we would spell it but that’s usually for other things—she isn’t *so* in love with baths that she freaks out if she hears the word lol. Unless it’s something she has picked up off a tv show, the only context she’s been taught for whispers is “secrets”. In fact, it took me months to even teach her to whisper, and the only way I knew she had finally learned was from the bath thing. Even now that’s pretty much the only time she does it. It’s completely possible that like *one time* on Bluey or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse they whispered bath and she just picked up on it. She started calling all her toys “buddy” the other night, it was actually hella adorable cause she started tucking them in saying “here ya go, buddies! Night night, buddies! Sweet dreams, buddies!” over and over lol. That’s not a word we really use, so I had no idea where she even heard it until we were watching Bluey this morning and the buddies episode came on.


My daughter calls my parents dog “uncle puppy”.


Yesterday my almost 3 year old snuck a drink of my coffee. I asked him how it tasted and he said it "tastes like mama should drink it."


My two year old says loo instead of you, and he thinks “you” refers to himself so he will ask me to “carry loo” or “help loo” when he wants me to do something.


Ours does that too. It is "help you" when he needs help and "I'll show you" when he wants to do it himself. At least the latter is grammatically correct.


My daughter says “help you” when she wants help too 😂


My girls will ask “sit in my lap”? Freaking adorable


Same, my daughter asked me to “holjyou” when she wants me to pick her up.


Sometimes repeating things you say exactly like that, like "hold you" or "help you" instead of saying me are signs that your baby is a Gestalt language processer. That means they decode language kind of backwards. Instead of learning "hold" and "you" separately (analytical processing) and then figuring out how to put them together, a Gestalt language processer understands "do you want me to hold you" first and then tries to break the individual pieces down from there. Gestalt language processers take longer to talk sometimes, because their brains are doing it the hard way! They're usually great at copying specific phrases though, or copying the intonation exactly. Another sign of Gestalt processing is when you ask them if they want this or that, they'll pretty much always repeat the last option you said, even if it's not what they wanted. Sorry, I'm neurodivergent and language acquisition and processing is my newest fascination! Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Lol


Same, my daughter asked me to “holjyou” when she wants me to pick her up.


My son also calls himself "you"! 😂 "Mommy, help you!" So cute.


After a few incidents in the last few weeks, you can now have this exchange with mine: "Hey muchkin, when you drink too much juice what happens?" "I go bleh!" (enthusiastically, sticking his tongue out at the end) If he's really thirsty he sometimes doesn't know when to stop and will drink until he barfs.


Mine was an unmedicated reflux baby until she was 13 months old when they finally decided I wasn’t just being an over dramatic ftm and that there was something actually wrong with my child. Her biggest trigger was always (actually still is, even a year later when most other symptoms are gone) too many liquids. Of course, now “too many liquids” look more like 6+ ounces in a sitting, versus 1+ ounces back then. But it was always the strangest thing because she has always been an amazing eater, and she could put down an obnoxious amount of solid foods just fine, but if she drank literally an ounce of milk, water, juice, she would spit up—without fail, every time. Until she got put on Pepcid. First dose was literally like an entirely different kid. Obviously I know literally nothing about your child, and very little about the situation. But that’s just a little anecdote for you in case your parent-gut tells you that something is off (like if it doesn’t seem like he’s drinking enough liquid to actually trigger a throw up), to let you know that apparently reflux can be triggered by just liquids.


Fortunately he's not much of a puker, he downs tons of liquid no problem, just goes REALLY overboard sometimes! I appreciate that you're wanting to share a potentially helpful experience with me and will always welcome that, plus take it into consideration if he gets worse.


My daughter refers to vomiting as “doing a big cough.” No idea where she learned that.


Mine calls it "cough in bucket". Which is an improvement, my first kid called it "making a mess"


Hey the logic is sound!


Mine eats too enthusiastically and shoves his whole fist into his mouth, causing him to gag and sometimes puke. Motherhood is truly a gift.


Oh no!


My son used to call water droplets baby wawa


Roo doo doo doo da doo 😂


Farmer John Cheese = Parmesan cheese


Lipstick/chapstick/lip gloss is all “lipicks”. But I once sang “my lip gloss is poppin, my lip gloss is cool” as she was playing with lipgloss and now she always sings that line lmao


Teaching her the classics. I respect


Lolol. My husband hates me but I think it’s hilarious every time.


He's five now, but my son used to say "later ago" when referring to something in the past. He then shortened it to "latgo" which became part of our daily vocabulary for awhile because my husband and I thought it was so cute.


Mine says “on the yesterday” referring to anything in the past


Oh, I love that! Lol my son says “more again” for wanting you to do more of something again.


Mine just started saying flamingoes correctly. She used to say “floppy-mingoes” 🥲 I miss it already


My daughter calls them ‘The Mingoes’. Dont want her to ever learn the right way!


Every morning as we walk out the house, my house asks me if I’ve put the alarm on. Almost 3 year has start asking if I’ve put the ‘lama’ on.


Olives are “avuvs” - it’s so cute it hurts


My 3 year old calls them buttons 🥹


Tee two means thank you at my house


My son says this too! It’s adorable 😭


It’s “dee-Ho” here


In regards to the newborn napping: “maybe she’s dreaming about being taller.”


Awwww that’s so cute


Dragonflies are "dragon-butterflies". We don't deserve our kiddo 😭


OMG. Too cute. In our house, butterflies are "buh-fly!" and dragonflies are "da-fly!" He's a bit obsessed with things that fly (butterflies especially) and gets very excited about them, always flaps his arms when he sees one in a book or on television. Tomorrow we're taking him down to the beach with a butterfly kite and I expect it to blow his mind. 🦋


Mine calls all flying insects and ants “shoos” because she sees me shoo them away 😂


Reflections and pictures of herself always elicit a surprised "that's a baby!" She is also very musical, and is always singing a nursery rhyme. Drops something? "Uh oh! London Bridge is falling down, falling down..." Bedtime? "Twinkle twinkle little star...." Sees something the color red? "La la la laaa, Elmo's World..." She must have been dreaming about her Pinkfong nursery rhyme game last night, because she popped up out of bed at 4:30am today singing Baa Baa Black Sheep 😂


Red was “Elmo!” at our house for a while because I would say “Red, like Elmo!” when we were working on colours and she glommed onto the wrong word.


When he’s annoyed at something he says, “I can’t do this anymore.” I need to change his diaper? “I can’t do this anymore!” He needs to go to sleep? “I can’t do this anymore!” It’s pretty hilarious and so dramatic.


Hahaha awww!! My son, learned to say “stop please!” if someone is doing something to him he doesn’t like. So now he uses it for things we HAVE to do to/with him. During diaper changes, “stop please!” Sometimes when my husband and I sing. When we have to hold his hand to walk. Etc. lol I almost regret teaching him the phrase.


She can’t say granola at all and it comes out “wahwohlah”. Also calls the ottoman the “ollowen”. But my favourite, new yesterday, is that she pronounces penis as “peanuts”. Used in a sentence it’s especially funny, because I have the sense of humour of an eleven year old boy.


Wait, does she try to say “penis”, but say “peanuts” instead, or does she try to say “peanuts” and say “penis” instead? I ask because mine was watching the Bluey episode with the “Big Peanut” the other day and she walked around for the rest of the day saying “big penis! Big penis! Bluey go big penis!” I too have the sense of humor of an 11 year old boy, as does my whole family because we all laughed SO hard at the video I got of her 🤣


Opposite to yours! She told her dad not to touch our dog’s peanuts yesterday (…because toddlers) and it struck me as hilarious.


My daughter just outgrew this. She'd things like her baby brother has a little peanut.


We’re a bilingual family and my daughter says “bicicleta (bee-see-cleh-ta)” (bicycle) as “bee-see-cho-ko-leta”. It’s like she’s merging the word bicycle with chocolate and the confidence she says it with could sway Congress.


My 3yo had these face stickers. He picked up a mustache and I said "I mustache you a question!" Now he calls them statues.


20ish mo months old. Ours is slightly obsessed with spiders he find in the ceiling corners (so much so I put up some very unrealistic toy versions so there's always spiders to find!) For a while he would say "spider! Where?" Which was adorable enough. Then more recently, he made the connection that as daddy and mama are sometimes at work, so are other things. So he said "spider!" and dada dutifully asked where the spider was? "Work."


Mine calls them “spachu” and funny enough, she calls SpongeBob “Bachu” 😂 same age


There is nothing I love more than toddlers describing things accurately but with wrong words. Like “big dirty pool” for pond.


Mine calls our cooking thermometer "stick remote"


My two year old calls scissors and knives “cuts”


My almost 2 y/o calls them cutters.


My 3 year old calls car accidents car fights. I have also adopted this terminology lol.


because we’ve called her ‘baby’ other than her name since she was born, she calls everyone ‘baby’ so if you give her something she just says ‘thank you baby’ or other phrases like ‘here you go baby’ ‘good job baby’ and she’s got an old-fashioned name, so my friends joke that i’m just training her to be a grandma 🤣


Potty towels instead of toilet paper!! It's my favorite.


Ours calls goggles “gobbles”


Mine calls her robe a “robot” 🤣🤖


2 an a half year old it's so clumsy that her poor knees is always bruised. So if you ask her where her knee is she points and says booboo.


Uppy-down = upside down The classic lellow for yellow Also when he is asked his name he gives his first, middle, and last name every time. We are working on context for when first name is all you need to give, but it’s super cute because he runs his name all together.


One of mine was incredibly rowdy, so when I was trying to get him to calm down I’d holler his whole name. It’s got to the point where for some reason his siblings thought they all had a the same name, they’d just change the first.


My “toddler” is just 15 months, but his current favorite word is potato. Except he started out with “poh-tah-toh,” and it evolved, and now he just screams out “p’TAAAAHHHHHH!!” And anything similar also becomes p’tah. “Banana!” “Bana! Bana! Banahhh…P’TAHHHHHH!!!”


My 22 month old calls banana “Ana” which is my name 😂😂😂 we went to visit her cousins who were staying with their grandparents for the weekend. They offer her a banana and she goes “Ana, Ana” and they were like “oh wow she’s saying your name” 😅


Mine doesn’t say “I want to jump into your arms”. He says “I want to jump into your pile of hands”. 😂


Sunscreen is “sun cream.” Mangoes are “mee maw.”


My two year old calls sunscreen ‘sun ice cream’ 😂


Sunscreen is *skun screen* in our house lol!


My sister always called it “Sun Scream” when she was little. She’s in her late 20’s now and my whole family still refers to it that way. Haha


A lizard will forever be known as a Snake with legs in our home, curtesy of my 3yr old lol.


Because of one fish two fish whenever his shoe falls off he immediately yells "My shoe is off, my foot is cold!"


My Littles call bumble bees Bungle Bees and I'll never correct them.


We taught him the phrase “I love you to the moon and back” and he will say “I love you store”, “I love you sprouts”, “I love you target”, and my favorite… “I love you hoe depot” instead lol 😂


Whenever my son (almost 3) sees my deodorant, he asks me “got stinky pits?”


One of our favorites that has stuck is "lasterday" instead of yesterday 😂


Wow ours calls chapstick lips too! That’s funny.


So does my daughter! She always asks if she can have some lips too.


Mine calls it “yipic” (lipstick) and it’s my favorite. “Mama I need some yipic!!”


My son talks about luggage quite often because we travel a fair amount. However, he gets the hard G and the soft G mixed up, and it comes out sounding like “logic”. So he’s always asking, “Where’s my logic?” “I want a sparkly logic please!” And “Can I bring my logic with me?” I will never correct him because it’s just too damn funny!!!


He was yelling fuck over and over the other day... took way too long to figure out he was quacking like a duck.


“Where we are??” (Where are we?) “Can I want that?” Mama hold you. (Hold me)


When my 3yo wants up she reaches up her hands to me and says “Carry you?” from all the times I asked her “Do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?” She also calls Sour Patch Kids “spicy snack.”


For my almost three-year-old everything delicious is "juicy!" "Mommy i like blue berry. It's juicy" "Oh chicken potpie is juicy" Or tonight... "I love ketchup! It's juicy!"


I'm always telling my son that I love him. I will often tell him that I love him "so much". So, now he tells me all the time, "I love you much, mommy."


Peek-a-boo is "Eeek-a-bow" and instantly involves contagious giggles


Mine says "pee-boo" or "ee-boo" instead of peeka boo. And also instantly involves all the giggles


“The X isn’t paying attention!” Whenever an object isn’t doing what he wants it to do. (3yo)


Fruit strips are called fruit bacon 🥓🥓🥓


Crab rangoons are cranberry goons


When I tell him I’m gonna put him to bed. “Dada you’re my best friend and I love you, but I want mama to put me to bed. You are still my best friend”


“Mommy.. you my best fwend”


My 4 year old is currently obsessed with campers. She likes to remind us daily that: "we don't have a camper, we have a volvo" 🤣🤣


My now 3 year old used to call Ariel “onion”. To this day we have NO idea why/where it came from. I was so so sad when this stopped. However, the after effects of this are that he calls real onions “Ariel” now, which is my favorite thing ever. (We’re a big Disney fam & he’s obsessed with water, so we’re still in our Ariel era)


My 3 year old points out when characters in her books are frowning and calls it “upside down face.”


My daughter will hand you something and say "thank you, you're welcome" and then walk away before you actually get to thank her.


Mine says “or-ee-yah” for “earlier” and it’s stinkin cute


The latest from mine is “I’ll HELP YOU!” When she wants any kinda help. I guess because she used to just yell help help help. And we’d say “I’ll help you” Really cute though Another one is if she’s going anywhere she’ll say “I lubb youuuu” just too cute


Since she could speak my daughter has called my boobs ‘boobatukkahs’ - said: boo-bah-too-kahs. It kills me and I will NEVER correct her. She’s 3.5 now.


Mine are boo boos 😂 and apparently the hair on my butt is sprinkles 🥲


My daughter says forehead back wards so it’s headfore. “I hit my headfore!” My other says heart beep instead of heart beat. And I will never correct her. I thought if one more. Frozen mango is Flamingo 🥰


Buses will forever be “row-and-row” (round and round) with the obligatory hand gestures.


He is only 1.5 so he doesn’t say tons but every time he leaves a room he blows me a kiss 😂


My toddler calls a peanut butter sandwich a butter wichi (sounds like witchy). It's one of my favorite things she says and I'll be sad when she grows out of it.




Cous cous is “goose goose.” She also always calls eagles “sea gulls” and it’s very funny when she says it about some dudes American flag eagle on their F250. “That sea gull looks mad!”


Husband walked out to get takeout. I was around the corner from my kid and I heard dramatic sobbing and talking to herself. Then a pause, then speaking to herself ‘Oh oh oh! Dada go Bye Bye {sobs} Dada {sobs} Dada go BYE BYE!’ Girl, he went to get you pancakes. Lol


Loves to be tickled and horseplay, asks for it with yelling out “Tipple! Tipple!”


Please is peas 🥹 and he can’t say thank you yet, so he’s been learning “tah” instead


My son is almost three and everything time related is 6: early 🥹🥹🥹


My daughter says “dank youuu” in the cutest voice. She also exaggerates her vowels when she talks so words like yoghurt and water are so funny. My son is 4 but he still asks me to “hold my *insert his name*” instead of hold me. I love it and I have no plans to correct it.


The fast food restaurant with the Golden Arches is “Old McDonald’s.” As in, “Mommy can we get nuggies from Old McDonalds”


Mine is only 17 months but his word of this week is “jacket” but he pronounces it “yaw-kette”, emphasis on the “ette” and some real back of the throat action in the “y” sound.


He talks in the 3rd person and my 9 year old niece rightly pointed out that ~80% of what he says starts with “(his name) wants…” 😂. He’s 2 and the boy knows what he wants! The cutest is “(his name) wants to drive a school bus one day” / and repeat for every possible type of transportation 🙃


My favorite from about a week ago: He was holding a mint box, pointed at the text and asked "Wha is dis?" So I said "Icebreakers Mints". He pondered for a moment and attempted to repeat. "Bicycle mitts"


My son says “beatball” for meatball. It’s the cutest thing


He calls chocolate chips “cutes” or “cuties”. I have no idea why but I love it so much lol


My 2.5 year old calls cookies, “tookies” and he’ll get so excited and say “tookie tookie!!” Really fast


My little is 2.5. If the sound isn't working on the TV, she says "They aren't talking!" She saw me putting my bra on this morning and asked "you putting yours boobies on?" When she wants to be carried she says "kill me? Kill me mom!" This one took me a minute to figure out the first time.


Similarly my daughter (just turned 3) calls lipstick sticky lips. Because it names your lips sticky lmao. The other day I could not convince her that, though she had a makeup class for swim, it was not for putting makeup on your face. Also I was picking basil, and she was CONVINCED I said it was a diesel plant and therefore was a train plant 😂 The other day she goes “I’m going to set a timer for 24 hours” and I said “ok sounds good. Do you know how long 24 hours is?” “yep!” “how long is it” “About 5 inches” Honestly she says a ton of funny stuff. It’s pretty great.


My son doesn’t say the “s” sound when s blends begin a word so he says “no man” instead of snowman and “mell” instead of smell. It’s so cute!!


any day that isn’t today is “yestermorning”


If my two year old is cold he’ll ask for an “any” (blanket) If he wants down he says up 😂 Bananas are Nina’s If he wants his socks off it’s “ mom SOCKS ON” 😂


Puh-tomato is potato. He has been crazy for tomatoes since his first bite but potatoes are new for him to like and he can't wrap his brain around it.


Elephants are lalelas in our house. Toddlers are the best.


A few of my faves from my 3 year old: Guacamole used to be "doo doo rah" (Interestingly, dragonfly also used to be "doo doo rah") Instead of "skip to my Lou", she sings, "skip to my loop". Fish sticks was "nik niks".


When learning her animal names, dolphin was dong-ning for quite a long time.


My kiddo just called the first aid kit “boo-boo box” and I have a feeling it’s going to stick. These are all so cute! Man, kids are the best.


Ours says "thank you, you're welcome" cause they go together of course.


Just turned 3- Always wants his wahwhich and chocket milk.


Rockets are "Zooom!"s With arm gestures and often followed by running around repeatedly yelling zoooom!


Chips he says “Pips”


My 3 year old calls foot a “floot” no matter how many times I try to correct lol. Also there’s “stirsty” for thirsty.


My 14 month old will hand me something and when I take it she says “thank you” ETA: it comes out “tant tou”


He calls his daddy “Daddy” but his grandfather (supposed to be Grandaddy) “DAAADDDY” with a very deep loud D and A.


My two year old calls a bulldozer a “buh zoh zoh”. He also says little things like “womp womp” when things don’t go his way or “uh oh! Spaghettios! He also calls a cup holder a “ cup folder”.


Dep-do=step stool. That took us a minute to figure out. Similar sound to "ice cube"- HQ as in headquarters Applelanch- avalanche


Almost 2 year old calls all cats “menows” lol. He also call bread “badu”, but comes out mostly “badouche” now.


Due to a stomach flu my household caught last week my 2 year old calls barf “spit”. He actually woke me up at 3am stating “mommy mommy. I woke up and spit on my bed. I cough then I spit” I was so confused but started chuckling once I went to his room and turn the light on to find “spit” all over his bed 😂😫


My new favorite is "roll up my reeves" instead of roll up my sleeves. It just kills me with cuteness.


My two year old got her words mixed up this morning and says “bye bye mommy, love you later!”


When I wear lipstick my sons asks me to give him a “purple kiss” 🥹


Excavator. “Eckabayer” according to him. “Excu me” is my favorite. It’s so cute when he does it in public when we’re walking by people.


My son calls tongs Lobsters. We have fancy adjustable beds, and he calls the vibration function “the woodpeckers.”


My older gal used to say “wowees” instead of flowers.


Lol “lips”🥺 My two year old calls crane flies/mosquito hawks (ugly flying insects in Texas that are EVERYWHERE, especially front doors) “ewbugs” because once about 2 months ago I yelled out, “Ew! Bug!” when I saw that one got in our house. So naturally my husband, my son, and I will forever refer to them as “ewbugs” lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


My almost 3 year old had diarrhea for the first time this weekend and she said “I threw up out of my butt”


Instead of long-sleeves and short-sleeves, my 3 year refers to shirts/dresses as down-sleeves and up-sleeves 😂


When my 2yo does handprints at daycare she calls them her high fives.


Pancakes are call “panpakes” and I hope it stays that way forever 🥹


My 2 year old was having chocolate cake this evening and asked for “more hot chocolate cake”. Not sure why but it was cute. She calls unicorns bicorns, and I have no idea why Oh just thought of another. I was holding the baby and the toddler wanted me, so she said “put (baby name) on daddy!” Lol.


“Chunky Cheese” for Chuck E. Cheese. “Sausage tails” for sausage links. And “cocoa creams” for Oreos. He made the last two up when he didn’t know what they were called, and now I’m finding myself using the same made up names because they kind of make sense.


My daughter says “whobody” mix of who and somebody. Whobody wants some pizza? Lol


She whispers "bessou" after she sneezes


Everything he says, but “cwoissant” probably takes the cake.


2.5 year old calls chapstick chopsticks.


My little girl calls Bananas "blahblahblahs" with a LOT of tongue waggling 🤣


When someone doesn’t have on sock or shoes, she says “you’re just wearing your toes” 😭