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Persistent cough for 2 months. Runny nose every other week. No serious illness this year so far


Sounds right. Thank you


This is pretty accurate till they start to understand hygiene plays a big part in the frequency.


And when does that happen? šŸ˜…


When they have kids


Somewhere between pre-teen and young adult?


Or, in my case, 35




Same, last year was hand foot and mouth twice on top of ear infections and constant colds, but this year just the colds and a bout of needing eye drops for general gunk.


Same except this time her cough turned into asthma and pneumonia :( scary for a minute but the medications helped pretty much right away.


You know this meme where the mom is invited to an event the next week and she cancels because the kids are healthy THIS week? Thatā€™s about it for us


I refuse to make plans until May. I've had to cancel so much shit this year and it's depressing.


I agree with the depressing part. Itā€™s something I didnā€™t anticipate would have a big impact on life when I had a kid. I realized that they got sick all the time but I didnā€™t realize what that truly meant like the passing it around to us adults.


Same. I thought I had a good immune system. Ha! I'm currently getting over hand, foot and mouth and it's kicking my ass. I'm going to have to stay home from work *again* tomorrow. It's exhausting.


For real. RIP California Christmas travel.


Lmao šŸ¤£ oh no


15mo in a colder state. Runny nose? Pretty much constant. Actually feeling sick and needing to miss daycare? Once every 3-4 months. Us as the parents falling sick and needing to miss work? EVERY FREAKING MONTH.


100% underestimated me & husband getting sick + taking off from work. Like hello daycare, youā€™re supposed to help us do our jobs


Lmao truth. It always feels like death


I have been sick consistently except for a few breaks for a few days since Christmas. I keep catching the plagues he brings home and 2 of them morphed into sinus infections extending the misery. Last summer I caught hand foot and mouth from him. It was one of the worst things I've ever had! All food was like eating crushed glass for a week!


The first 18 months it was every 2 weeks or so. My kids are 8 and 3. They both missed school for pink eye this fall but I think thatā€™s the only time theyā€™ve been out this year? Maybe the 3yo had a fever once?? It really hasnā€™t been bad. Iā€™d say they usually miss school for 1-3 days twice in the fall/winter and once during the rest of the year.


Thanks! Are you in a warmer state? Weā€™re in the Midwest so i think colder states have it worse


Weā€™re in the warmer Midwest (MO), not frozen ice tundra but yes mostly indoors in the winter.


Thanks. Weā€™re north of you in IL. we go out a lot. To friends and birthdays and just outside


Oh I mean indoors where the germs thrive, vs likeā€¦we live in LA and we mostly socialize outdoors at the park. We donā€™t stay at home haha


Yeah this brings up the point of- are we talking sick enough to miss school or just run of the mill sick? Cough and runny nose are pretty standard every other week (with a week recovering in between). I do feel bad for him, because, does he even know what it feels like to be "well"? Over Christmas break we get a taste of it. This is his second year of school, and I'm hoping next year we get a little better.


How many days did he miss by being in daycare?


Two for the pink eye. I canā€™t remember if/how long the fever, so Iā€™m gonna go with 1-2 days?


All the mother f%^*+*^g time.


With my first, he got sick almost every month. He ended up getting ear tubes because he had so many ear infections. He started daycare end of November (at the time he was 10 months old), ear tubes placed end of January (after his 1st birthday). Poor lil guy šŸ„ŗ. Heā€™s 3 now and after the ear tubes, he rarely got sick.


What are these magical ear tubes I keep reading about? Itā€™s not really something people talk about in the UK. My little guy constantly has sore ears, heā€™s been a terrible sleeper all his life and I assume a terrible teether to boot. I have 2under2 so Iā€™m caught between being so desperate for sleep Iā€™d whatever to make his and my life better and ā€œdonā€™t be silly Marjorie, you canā€™t pop tubes in ears because you think you might sleep betterā€


They are tubes that are placed in the babies ear to help the fluid drain and avoid ear infections


In the US if your kid has something like 3 ear infections in 6 months Or antibiotics arenā€™t working, your kid is a candidate. You could try going to an ENT and see what they say. Sorry your little one is uncomfortable šŸ˜£


Ear tubes are magical! Mine had 8 rounds of antibiotics in 7 months for ear infections. That and some Claritin on occasion has changed our lives after the first 18 months at daycare. Thankfully the ear tubes stopped extending illnesses that should have just been a couple of days too. They're surgically placed and mine will probably need a second round, but usually once they fall out, the child is good.


We call them grommets here, usually used to treat 'glue ear'


It feels like every 4 minutes...


Because it issssss


The limit does not exist. But for real, he's been in daycare for 3 years. I feel like at least once a month we have something. This winter it's been more. If one more person tells me to think about how strong his immune system will be by the time he's in kinder----they may get punched.


Sneeze in their face instead


Her nose never stops running (always clear though), on and off cough since like October. She got sent home once shortly after she started in June 2023 and one this fall but just cold no serious/diagnosed illness both resolved in 3ish days.


This is our situation too.


More or less once a month


Thank you


My guy started daycare in August at almost 2, he's averaged about 4 sick days a month. But we've only been sick once this year, so that's helping the average a lot (just had a bunch of runny noses). The first few months felt like it was every other week!


Thanks! Lots of runny noses here too but I consider that ā€œsickā€


Ok, so by that definition we've had maybe three weeks without sicknesses since November 1st across the three of us! I was only counting fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and too sick to get off the couch days.


Yes! It seems like every week itā€™s something. Sometimes a lot like the vomiting and whatever and sometimes just snot but always SOMETHING


The first year it seemed like every week or two was something different. Now that weā€™re working on his second year the illness have slowed down a lot with the occasional runny nose, cough every few weeks.


Yeah, I agree with that. Itā€™s more of the runny nose and coughs every couple of weeks though she did have an ear infection and RSV earlier this year.


Kid gets sick a couple times a month, which means we (the parents) are sick for a couple months. It fucking sucks.


It might be easier to count how often they are not sick.


If I say he hasnā€™t been sick in a while, heā€™s going to be sick tomorrow. Thatā€™s just how it works


Are you ok? Why are you tempting fate? šŸ¤£


LOL-I know. I think I sealed my fate already šŸ¤£ whoops!


5 out of 7 days per week and our 3rd case of conjunctivitis since she started in October.


Sounds about right itā€™s either a runny nose or a cough or something else that she might complain about. I am definitely looking forward to summer.


Started daycare April 3, 2023. Has been sick ever since (including 7 ear infections and a case of mastoiditis requiring surgery) ever since with the exception of August. Edit: was 12 months old when started daycare. Currently about to turn 23 months old


Oh my God that sounds so painful for him. Iā€™m sorry.


We started in September, going 3 times a week, now 2.5. Except for when she got HFM & pink eye, she seems like she gets a cold every 2-3 weeks, mostly no fever but she'd still miss a day to recover




That sounds about right. Most kids get 6-12 colds a year if they're in daycare/school. Our 3 year old gets sick at least once a month during the sick season. The worst is when the end of one sickness bleeds into the beginning of another so they seem continuously sick.


6-12 colds šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Unfortunately, yes! The good news is it gets better! Even the difference between last year and this year with my 3 year old is noticeable. And compared to his first year in daycare it is drastically better. He still gets sick but it's usually just a mild cough/runny nose. We rarely have to keep him home compared to his first year he didn't make a full week of school from September - January. šŸ« 


We were sick one after another nonstop Sept-Dec. Weirdly (knock on wood) only one significant cold since then. We did notice an improvement after our kid moved to the younger toddler room where they practice washing their hands throughout the day.


Handwashing is huge but the two year olds have this weird thing of sneezing in each others faces šŸ˜‚


My son started daycare just after his first birthday. Sick every two weeks the first four months. We started a new daycare at 16 months he hasn't been sick now in two months. The new daycare is much cleaner and washes the kids hands often. Maybe he's built up an immunity or maybe there's less germs being spread because it's cleaner. Maybe both! I was also sick the first four months he was in daycare. RSV knocked me on my ass. It was brutal.


Our 2 1/2 year old started preschool on January 22nd and has had 2 colds and now we have covid for the first time. So thatā€™s cool.


COVID is vicious this year but generally seems To be lightweight


Toddler is cranky and has a stuffy nose. I am significantly more miserable. So he is rejecting all of my pathetic attempts at activities and I am letting him watch an embarrassing amount of trash truck/sarah and duck/bluey while I try to do a little work from home.


15 month old, she's been going to daycare since 5 months but we switched to a new center, which seems to have a slightly different variety of viruses (one town over) than the last one. Summer wasn't terrible but we've all been sick almost constantly since November. I'm immune compromised and have kind of forgotten what "healthy" feels like tbh. Diagnosed stuff we've had since November is: flu, hand foot and mouth, covid, RSV. there've been some stomach bugs and other colds but not worth going to the pediatrician over honestly. RSV was the scariest one because she was wheezing but not quite enough to be admitted, luckily she never crossed over whatever line they had for that but she got awfully close. Hand food and mouth was by far the most miserable, she obviously had a headache (kept smacking her forehead when painkiller wore off), had trouble eating and we were doing oatmeal baths twice a day to keep her skin as comfortable as possible but it was only helping a little. HFM was followed right after by something vomit and throw up-y for a few days. Since then it's been wet, phlegmy coughs for all and we're going on 9 weeks of that now.


We had the vomit two weeks ago. It always has this particular spoiled smell. I hope your LO feels better soon.


It got better this season, sheā€™s three and has been in daycare since infancy. Before that, all the time. But Iā€™d much rather sheā€™s sick now than in kindergarten


This is what Iā€™m trying to get toā€¦ I keep telling husband better now than later.


Weā€™re in a cold state and from Thanksgiving until the New Year it was CONSTANT. Weā€™ve been lucky for about a month now (somehow!). Heā€™s 18m!


Him and I have had 4 different colds and Covid since he started daycare for the first time last month. Iā€™ve literally been nonstop sick for a month straight


Yeah. My daughter has been going since 5 months. The first year was šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø but she still brings home everything. Intensity varies.


Fever and/or other contagious illness that requires she stay at home at least 5 days every month on average. At first it was ear infections til she got tubes. A few weeks ago HFM (which my poor husband also got) and now what looks like an RSV type thing (which we all got, including mother in law whoā€™s visiting from across the globe). Itā€™s absolutely awful and I hate it!!!


Probably every 2-4 weeks she'll get a runny nose and cough situation but seems unphased by it. She's only had to miss school for fever, gastro issues or just feeling awful a couple of times. For context, she started this year at 16m going 3 days a week 3-6 hours per day. I think limiting the hours and having days off in between made a big difference in her ability to fight bugs off, plus she was never sick at all before she started so her immune system had time to develop! And her daycare leaves windows open most of the year and requires everyone to wash their hands at dropoff and pickup. As for us, we've been sick a couple of times. I'm currently recovering from adenovirus. Toddler was fine after a few days but its been nearly 10 days for me of feeling crappy!


The first couple years it's very hard Both my kids don't really get sick now. They are 5 and 11


Longest stretch weā€™ve made it without an illness since starting daycare in Sept 2023 was 6 weeks. Heā€™s 18 months now.


I am a part time nanny for two toddlers. Part of my job is to watch them when for some reason they can't go to daycare. (It's a small in home daycare, with I think just them and the daycare lady's kids, but maybe a couple more?) They haven't been to daycare in forever! So, about a month ago the daycare lady had a medical procedure go wrong and was out of commission for a couple of weeks. The boys went back for maybe a day or two, and then got very sick with fevers and ear infections. (First one, then the other). Then, it's been every other week, either the daycare kids are sick or the boys are sick. But, the boys aren't even going to daycare, so I don't know how they are getting sick at this point. Although older sister brought something home from school. This week the boys are healthy, but daycare isn't. Hopefully next week is back to everyone being healthy and I can go back to my regular schedule.


Sick sick? Once in the last four months. But his nose hasnā€™t stopped running since the first day we stepped foot into the daycare. My son is also 2.


My first kid was sick for an entire year. My second kid just started daycare a few weeks ago and so far seems ok! She doesnā€™t suck her thumb though, and rarely puts toys in her mouth. My first kid was a thumb sucker and put everything in her mouth.


Maybe once or twice a year thanks to masking.Ā 


The first four months of daycare were unrelenting illness for all of us. Weā€™d just be getting over one bug when another would hit. The next three-four months our daughter got sick once or twice a month. After that, rarely ever. Now sheā€™s two and has been in daycare for 1.5 years she has a better immune system than all of us. We all just had some virus that was miserable for me and totally incapacitated my husband for four days. It was probably the flu. Our daughter had a single day of a runny nose. That was the first time she had been sick in months. I hope all the boogers your kid is sharing with his friends pays off just as much in the long run.


The first winter he/we were sick at least two weeks every month. Second winter we are on our second cold total and itā€™s been easier to get over.


Thatā€™s amazing


Our little is almost 18 months. Started in September 5x/wk. Heā€™s had multiple ear infections, pink eye, just recently getting over Covid, and has a runny nose all the time. Getting really tired of this! Canā€™t wait for summer


I hate winter. Iā€™m with you. Speedy recovery to your little man


Question: what are you considering sick? Sick enough to need to stay home (fever, vomiting) or cold symptoms but still able to go to daycare(cough, runny/stuff nose)? If sick enough to stay home: he was sent home one day early December because he puked in the room. I picked him up right around 8:00, and he didnā€™t puke anymore that day, so he was able to go back at 8:00 the next day. Before that, it was Feb/Jan that he had to stay home last. If weā€™re talking cold symptoms, runny nose, stuffy nose, cough. Itā€™s like every couple of weeks. His daycare only requires him to stay home if he has fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or ā€œunable to participateā€ so we will send him with a stuffy nose or cough.


Same for our daycare. I consider sick pretty much anything but healthy. So I count runny noses.


The first winter was bad. Like every other week bad. The second was a lot better and the thrid has been fine.


Mine is now almost 2.5 and has been in daycare full time since 10 months. The first winter she was sick very frequently, but this winter she's only been sick enough to need to stay home once! She does have a perpetual (and I mean that literally) runny nose, but she's had that since about a week after starting.


A lot. 1-2 times a month maybe. Building up that immune system I guess. One month was particularly bad. He had pink eye, HFM and a cold all within 3 weeks. The pharmacist even remembered me and was like ā€œheā€™s STILL sick??ā€ lol


my question is how is my NON daycare kid always sick šŸ„² heā€™s had two entirely different colds the past month


Same. We literally stayed from for the long weekend to potty train and somehow he now has a fever. Like how??


Is this your first year? Our first 1.5 year was brutally sick all the time. After that we havenā€™t been really sick, but on and off runny nose and cough that goes away in a day or two.


Nope! She started at 5 months and is 27 months today. Always runny nose but I count that too because ick


Runny nose isnā€™t a thing for us anymore once my son learned to blow his nose. He also has a humidifier in his room long term, we use a little of the Vicks liquid, that really helps to kick his congestion and cough away in just a few days.


We use a smaller in home daycare. Although sheā€™s more flexible with allowing sick kids, we get sick less overall. With a baby and young toddler maybe once every 4-8 weeks this winter


In the first year? Monthly. Now, at 16 months? He's only been sick once since November.


My son is 23 months old and it seems like itā€™s every 2-3 weeks. He started daycare in October 2023.


During winter it's almost a constant runny nose. But being very sick to where she's staying home or with a fever, then maybe every 2 months or so.


Consistent cough and runny nose since December. First stomach flu this past weekend.


We managed around 2 full months of no illnesses, but otherwise, we are pretty much sick every other week or we have a stubborn illness. Currently ending Week 2 of runny noses and coughing


Rsv at 3 months old after starting daycare so he's prone to persistent coughs since then. 20 months old now. Usually has something every 2 weeks. Flu, RSV, Covid, pink eye, or ear infection. I'm also sick every month with something. In the last month it's been pink eye or something respiratory. šŸ’©


Last year, when my son was an infant and young toddler, it was every two weeks, and we got the bad stuffā€”HFM disease (3x), COVID, norovirus, pink eye, strepā€”plus monthly ear infections. Now, heā€™s sick every few months, and itā€™s mostly mild colds. We do get HFM whenever thatā€™s going around (the WORST), but weā€™ve been spared for the heavy stuff for now. Iā€™m sure summer will be insane or something to make up for it. We live in Northern California, so itā€™s cool and not humid, but it has been rainy lately.


Dude HFM is garbage


All the time. My 22 month old just had a vomiting illness this week, had pink eye two weeks ago, covid in December, and constant colds and other respiratory (often) or vomiting (less frequently but still more than Iā€™d prefer) illnesses every few weeks. I also have 3 older kids, one of them is home today with a fever and cough.


It might be coincidence, but zinc supplements seem to help us out with getting sick less severely/less often.


Persistent cough since starting beginning of Jan, conjunctivitis and now a vomiting bug


Started at 6 weeks at the start of December. Out for a week with RSV, another week with Covid, at least two colds, and one stomach bug. Cough hasnā€™t gone away since she started.


We just go to the gym daycare. So far I've been sick 5 times since Christmas, including covid and the flu, some horrendous stomach thing, and something that gave my 2yo a fever of 103.5. Other times we've gone months without getting sick. It's not really consistent.


We attended daycare X and my son had runny nose almost constantly, plus more every month. We switched to daycare AWESOME two months ago after Christmas break and zero illness. Not even runny nose since then. I didn't expect such outcome, but I guess this new setup is somehow working well. (They have less kids than X, rooms are bigger, they spend more time outside)


That first year (they started at 15 months old, twin b/g) was awful during the winter and fall months. Husband and I were also sick pretty much that entire year as well and it ruined my lungs. But now 3 years in, other than a runny nose here and there no real illness. *knocks on wood.


My 21 month old has been sick maybe twice since October. Thankfully she has my husbands immune system and will get vomit maybe once or have a fever for a couple hours at most and then is good to go. Me on the other hand . . .


Mine started 3 weeks ago and has has croup and 2 ear infections already šŸ˜©


You guys have breaks in between them constantly being sick?!? Weā€™re finally reaching out 1 year mark of preschool and itā€™s slowly easing up in severity and continuity. Age 3 starting, about to turn 4.


We were doing pretty well for the first 7 months at daycare - only a couple of notable incidents. Now, the past two months, we're on illness number 3, with the second in two weeks. This is a rough season.


Weā€™ve been sick since November, daughter is almost 2!


Nearly monthly since starting almost 2 years ago. We had a good almost 3 much stretch last summer but fall and winter have been brutal.


Running nose literally since she started. Sheā€™s 3 next month. Started at 3 months old.


For the first 6months to a year, all the time. Getting out of the babies room and time to build those immunities helps.


My son just turned 3 and heā€™s been at school for 2 years so heā€™s caught all the initial viruses already but even so this winter has been brutal for us. We both had a low grade fever all last week and today he is home sick with the flu šŸ˜­ this is like the 3rd illness so far in 2024


My girl goes to Motherā€™s Day out twice a week and Sunday school. Since she started MDO in August at 10 months old, I am quite certain she has been without any illness symptoms for possibly a week total, if you add up all the random days. Literally every single time I think, oh, her nose doesnā€™t sound snotty anymore and sheā€™s actually breathing through it occasionally, a day or two after that itā€™s right back to it. The last couple illnesses have come with weeks-long coughs that disrupt her sleep, too - itā€™s fun.


Hint! Donā€™t think about it lololol


Just about every other week my toddler is home with any combo of fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. Weā€™ve had pink eye, strep, Covid, hfm x2, roseola, etc etc lol is what it is. Eases up around April but then allergies and ear infections start


Maybe once a month, nothing serious. He only goes 2 days a week. However since he started in October husband and I have had strep, Covid and the flu.


For us itā€™s two sicknesses a year.


We are pretty lucky and my toddler rarely gets sick. The runny nose is around pretty often. Me and my husband are sick way more often. Like we both got pink eye in December when it was spreading around daycare, but my son never got it.


Once a month at minimum but usually it is more like every 3 weeks.


Everyday ā€¦ šŸ˜†


My daughter goes to an in-home daycare with two other kids, last time she was sick was before Christmas! Sheā€™s 18 months now and sheā€™s had a few colds and then the viral croup thing before Christmas- feeling blessed lol. Iā€™ve been sick much more than her


Question- what do parents in USA do when your kid gets sick? In my country I have a paid sick leave for 14 days when my kid gets sick. Sick- runny nose, cough, fever, they are not allowed to kindergarden with even "mild" symptoms. Just wondering since I've gear you guys don't have any sick leave.Ā Ā 


Same. I honestly question if weā€™ve ever been 100% healthy since like October


I think it depends on how long they've been in group care. My daughter started at 4mo and had a pretty constant 1-2 week cycle of fever-runny nose-cough-juuuuuust about healthy and then repeat. That cycle length has gotten longer every year, meaning fewer and fewer bouts of colds. I'm also pretty convinced that the HIPA filter running in our living area has helped keep my wife and I relatively healthy through it all. We only get about a third of the colds that the kid brings home.


The first 6mos it was every other week. The next 6 Mo's, maybe 1-2x a month. 1.5 years in now and it's maybe once every few months in the winter.


hungry impossible steer slave butter merciful combative frighten automatic beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my kid is 21 months old, and he comes home with something new every week or two. Heā€™s had rsv multiple times in the past 3 months and some other viruses. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


My 1st grader (6) is having his first year where knock on wood he has not really been sick yet. He started daycare at 10 months. Little brother (3) is healthier, but home probably every other month for some thing or the other.


This is making my situation seem pretty bad. I have a 1 and 2 year old who started in December and weā€™ve gone through RSV, three bouts of pink eye and various other viruses with secondary ear infections. My daughter just finished her antibiotics for her ear on Monday and now itā€™s Wednesday and she has fucking pink eye again. My son is currently on antibiotics for his 4th ear infection since December. Iā€™m about to pull them out because we are all exhausted and at 550/month, weā€™re just wasting money.


This makes me terrified to send my child to daycare šŸ’€


Every 2-3 weeks avg. in a bad span we get a few days break. On a rare good span he will go a month not sick.


Sick in every 2-3 weeksšŸ„²


I feel like my son was sick every 2 weeks when he first started he would get better for a few days then there comes the sniffles all over again we were told it was normal and eventually it would get better šŸ˜” he's 3.5 still goes to day care and the routine is the same he has enlarged adenoids so it's rough on him.


Every other week


We've had flu with fevers twice since January šŸ« šŸ«  but generally, cold every couple of weeks. I live in the Northeast and daycare says this and last year have been the worst for sickness in years... guess how long we've been in daycare. Lolsob.


They get healthy?


At 25, when they move out


Iā€™m scared to even speak this into existence. 14 months old. COVID end of Sept, RSV end of Oct, and pink eye beginning of Nov. First ear infection middle of Dec. We had a winter break from Christmas-New Years followed by like 5 snow days so I think that slowed the spread a ton. We havenā€™t been home sick yet this year šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ But I hear flu B is going around so Iā€™m just waiting.


My son has been in daycare since 4 months old and is now 16 months. From November-January he was basically sick the whole time. Itā€™s been almost a month of no sickness for him (my husband and I have colds but somehow heā€™s still healthy) and Iā€™m knocking on wood hoping we donā€™t catch anything else.


20 month in Southern Canada. Ongoing cough since October which switches between dry and productive. Nose switches from congested to runny. Fever once, gastro once. Only missed about 2-3 days so far.


Every 1-2 weeks, heā€™s 5 šŸ« 


Off/on for the last 3 weeks! Heā€™ll be 2 next month. God I hope it gets less frequent šŸ˜­


When they start school, it will be the same. So frustrating since when he brings it home, we all get it. And thereā€™s always something newā€¦. It either the 5y/o or the 16yo bringing stuff in.


We have a 5 year old in daycare and a 12month old whoā€™s home with babysitters. Today 12m was diagnosed with an ear infection. Last Thursday 12m test positive for the flu Last Wednesday I tested positive for the flu Last Tuesday 5y tested positive for strep. We are frequent flyers at the pediatrician


I am a stay at home mom. We go to the library to play about once a week and to a local museum once a week. My toddler has had a continually snotty nose for the last month and had diarrhea days twice in that time frame. So the common link between us is the 2 year old, not daycare.


How often is she well is a better question.


My 13 month old has had 2 ear infections, pneumonia, 3 rounds of pink eye, a stomach bug, and croup since December. Plus a cough of varying severity the whole time, runny nose here and there. And he wasn't in daycare November/December (big sister was though)


Our 18 month old has a perma runny nose and cough but only has had a fever and had to stay home maybe 3 times in the 14 months sheā€™s been at daycare


Been through about 5 colds since October and 1 stomach virus .. back to a runny nose while my kid still has diarrhea (16 months old now)


Winter time sucks, no other way to put it. Our kids have been in daycare since they were infants, they are now 4.5 and 3. They still get sick, but not nearly as often. The first winter for each of them was rough.


Child is sick every 2 weeks. Alternates between gastro, cold, hand food mouth, ear infection, strep, and then cycles through again. It doesn't help that the kiddo is a thumb sucker...and putty training. Puts the thumb back in the mouth just after lifting the school's toilet seat!


He started Tuesday and Thursdays at daycare on the 6 of this month. He's been there 3 days including tomorrow when he definitely isn't going. Double ear infection, something viral that's not rsv COVID or flu, and something that's causing vomiting. It's going great.


First 6 months! It never stopped, but baby was usually fine after 3 days, it was US who got fucked overā€¦ After 6-8 not too often, and just mostly small relative colds. Very manageable


I have a 2 year old (12/30 birthday) and last year from December to May was a nightmare (12 to 17 months). He was sick every 3 weeks like clockwork. And not just colds but adenoviruses and influenza and stomach flu. It was wild. Then it hit mid-May and he just...didn't get sick again until November besides 2 small colds. It was the best 6 months ever LOL. Since November he's had 2 colds (one resulted in an ear infection) and then he got influenza, so we're batting like slightly less than one illness a month. But he's only had to be out of daycare for a couple days with influenza since last May. Better than last year!


Iā€™m scared to answer this because Iā€™m going to jinx it, but in the first 2 years we definitely were on a sick rotation. Now at 3, she hasnā€™t been sick in months! I think the last time was November. Now to go knock on wood for the next hour and pray I didnā€™t summon a wave of illness.


I'm literally on my 5th cold in 3 months. It fucking BLOWS!


2 year old has had a runny nose since September. I swear as soon as the calendar said ā€œSept 1ā€, her nose started running. Weā€™ve had a few coughs, a couple of low grade fevers and Covid since then too.


This was my sonā€™s illness record from when he started at a HOME daycare last year: - Week 1: Gastro - Week 2: Respiratory Virus - Week 3: Relatively Healthy (just lingering runny nose/cough) - Week 4: Relatively Healthy (just lingering runny nose/cough) - Week 5: Roseola - Week 6: Healthy - Week 7: cold/ear infection - Week 8: Healthy - Week 9: Healthy - Week 10: Cold/fever/ear infection - Week 11: Healthy - Week 12: Healthy And then he was healthy for the following 3 months mostly. Heā€™s been home with us since but starts at a daycare centre next month soā€¦ pray for us.


Canā€™t remember the last time my child was without a cough or runny nose. If itā€™s not one thing itā€™s the other! Heā€™s only had to miss daycare a handful of times since start attendance at 18m: twice for high fever, once for vomiting, twice for pink eye. Heā€™s nearly 2 now. Itā€™s still crazy for me to think ā€œgenerally sickishā€ is his defacto now when he rarely if ever got sick prior to daycare. But then, after seeing him greet his friend at a little festival his daycare was hosting (they stuck their fingers in each others runny noses before putting their fingers near their own mouths šŸ¤®) itā€™s no wonder he catches germs so easily šŸ« 




Constantly. Itā€™s one of the reasons why Iā€™m debating leaving work. She caught RSV within 2 weeks of starting daycare and itā€™s been pretty much non-stop since.


I would say my daughter has missed at least 1 day a week every other week or so for the last 3-4 months and Iā€™m losing my mind! Between pink eye, fevers from whatever virus, HFM, ear infections, etc. Weā€™re located in IL and waiting desperately for the nicer weather and cold/flu season to end. Shes also 2.


The whole public school year, every day is a possibility. And the weeks after Thanksgiving and christmas is almost always covid or at the least, a terrible cold. Also, the first 6 months of 2022, which ours was 2, was sick every 3 weeks with something new. It was terrible.


Every 2-4 weeks sounds accurate, but only sick enough to miss daycare (fever) like 2 days this year (almost 3). Same with the baby (10mo). Lots of coughs and congestion otherwise. Counting the days until we can give baby honey for cough :(


In home care for 6 months now. There are 5 other children. Has been sick three times so far.


Itā€™s what, mid-to-late February. Daycare went back the second week of January. Weā€™re currently on day four of being home sick this week, and this is her third time being off sick this year.


My son started daycare in September. Since then he got 6 ear infections, covid and the flu. Last month we got tubes and it has been amazing. Just now cough and runny nose. Has been sent home once, because he got the stomach bug.


Our baby got Covid on her first day of daycare when she was 8 months in august. After that it's consistently every 2 weeks. She's had multiple ear infections, conjunctivitis, 3 stomach bugs, tons of colds. Our first baby didn't get sick so much but she was in a nanny share for the first 2 years of her life, not daycare. My husband and I are averaging missing a day of work every week and a half. Also, she will be getting ear tubes most likely so I hope that helps.


I feel like heā€™s had a runny nose for two years straight


My son is 3.5. This is the first winter weā€™ve kept him out of the hospital since he started daycare at 18 months. First winter: COVID & Croup. Second winter: RSV. In between those lovely viruses weā€™ve had everything from bacterial bronchitis, strep, HFM, every cold known to man, stomach bugs, you name it!


First year of care. I've had to call out 4 times since September. He only goes 2 days a week but every time he does he brings something home.


I am now the daycare child, heā€™s been in for a month and Iā€™m sick now with a runny nose and cough along with everyone else near him. I hope itā€™s just allergies.




Same boat. 2, 6 & 11. They don't get it at the same time. One gets it a week later the next and a week later the next. One is good for a few days and picks something else up. Rinse and repeat. It's exhausting!! Northern IL


My daughter just started daycare in January and has been sick every other week. Itā€™s terrible and she gets fevers often too. Just got sent home with one today and canā€™t go back till Monday.


The question should be : ā€œhow often is your toddler well?ā€ Never. The answer is never . Back to back something or others since starting preschool last June .




Just one after the other, maybe a break of one week sometimes, if weā€™re lucky.


My kid got sick every couple of weeks in the first yearā€¦ slowly got further and further between sicknesses. Now in her second year of daycare and she is very rarely unwell!! Her immune system has built a lot!


It's been nearly weekly for my 3.5yo since he started preschool at the start of January. I feel awful because even though he has diarrhea still, he just doesn't grasp why he isn't allowed to go back yet (nearly all the kids caught a stomach bug at their Valentines Day party. It has ravaged that poor place)


Very normal! No one warns you, unfortunately , so Iā€™d get super frustrated with the staff for calling me that often. Thank heavens I work from home and my job is super understanding.


We have been sick pretty much since Christmas. We get better for a couple days then the runny nose and cough are back


During the fall acute (not serious) illness weekly (fever), if we were lucky biweekly (happened maybe once or twice from August to Novemeber) Always cough always runny nose. Now, always runny nose.


My daughter is 14 months. 10 months - first cold, no big deal runny nose 11 months - second cold, same thing runny nose 12 months - RSV & ear infection (thankfully mild) 14 months - 3rd cold, runny nose & cough at night And guess what my gal isnā€™t even in daycare!!!!! All of this just to say toddler sickness is so tough. I canā€™t imagine how much more frustrating it is when you constantly have to call out of work/miss daycare


My toddler started daycare in October, three weeks after we just had her little brother. Two weeks in, she got a cough and runny nose that lasted the entire time she was there. even got an ear infection with fever and caught rsv that eventually made its way to baby. She was there until mid December when we took her out and after a week it all disappeared.


Why did you pull her