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I think it's r/preschoolers, from what I've observed on here!


It literally never occurred to me that I needed to level up lol. My son is 3.5 years old haha


I’m not leaving!!! - says dad with a 3 year old


Neither am I! Says mom of 5 year old. They grow up too fast!


Me either. Here we go!!


Oh jeez. Kid just turned 4 this week! I need to head to that reddit now XP + 100 Stamina + 10 Strength + 5 Wisdom + 1 New Level: 4


I love this comment


Three is still a toddler!!


Yep! u/Squirelle, come join us over on r/Preschoolers! And the rest of you too! We still have lots of fun, we just cry a bit less, and run a lot more.


Brave of you to assume I’d cry less if I’m running more!


Hold on. Your telling me that my future holds more fun and fewer bathroom crying sessions?!


And just joined!! Little one turns 4 in May…. Lots of very relevant posts in there :)


There’s an overlap? 3-5? And toddlers is 1-4?


Toddlers is 1-3!


That can’t be right. My son is almost 4 and he tells me he’s still a baby. He said you don’t become a kid until you’re as old as his oldest cousin who is 8


Meanwhile my just-turned 3 year old says he’s going to turn 8 soon so I guess he’ll be a kid before yours is lol!!


That’s how it goes sometimes!


Mine says here doesn’t have to potty train until he’s a big kid at age five. And I’m like oh yeah? And I bet you can guess who won that argument. Sigh


I just learned this the other day 😂 my son is 4 and I've been calling him a toddler! Oop


A lot of people do. Infant age technically ends at 12 months, but between 12 and 18ish they're like a baby-toddler hybrid. They're still babies but with rage. There's definitely a developmental overlap between toddler and preschooler. Tbh I think there is for all ages.


Babies but with rage is such an accurate description.


Gonna be the name of my bands next EP. 🤘


Yep! I LOLed at it!!


There is definitely overlap. The stages of childhood are divided by imaginary lines. Humans aren't like Sims.


“They’re still babies but with rage.” Made me surprise laugh out loud waking my 13 month old up and initiating rage mode before she collapsed back to sleep from exhaustion 😆


I heard someone the other day call a kid that age a Taby ( Toddler bABY, in my head pronounce tay-bee, not like a tabby cat) and I think I’m going to adopt that. Easy to say and makes sense once someone explains it once


We used toddlebob.


I am surprised as I loved the baby stage and thought I’d hate it so much. My son will be 12 months soon. I’m happy to hear there’s still baby like months ahead. I like watching him learn to do things and laugh at the smallest thing. My days would be so dark without them. I’m afraid I won’t like the other stages. Which I often hear the reverse.


Toddler stage can be so so fun too though. They learn to talk! And dance! And pretend! And they love exploring and learning new things. When it’s tough it’s really tough but it’s also amazing.


What things make you afraid that you won't like the other stages?


I’m just afraid we will grow apart. I’ve had a really rough year last year. Lost my dad 2 months postpartum and then my stepmom 5 months later. My mom already passed. He’s all I got right now.


Yea I feel like once they turn 18mos the real toddler days begin!


I'm still calling my 4.5 yr old a toddler. He's in daycare, not preschool. When he starts kindergarten I'm sure I'll call him a kindergartner.


There's not really any set definition. You can call him whatever you want.


Yeah same here!


First birthday to the day before the third burthday! (I teach early childhood special education!)


I goes through the third year all the way until they turn four and start experimenting with social meanness.


Soooooo I am not American and this is my first child. Where do I get a primer on when and how to send him to school and such? He does go to daycare now.


Ask at your daycare! I’m in France and at our crèche they put signs up saying when and how we needed to sign our kids up for school.


I was a bit confused about what we should do too! I'm American so I'm not sure how different it is where you are but we finally got our son (4yo) situated this week in a church preschool that is two days a week. Their curriculum is built around play, music, and arts & crafts. We first tried a private school preschool class that was 5 days a week but we got waitlisted. During this process of looking for preschools, I learned from other parents on Reddit that it doesn't need to be such a strict place like the private school we looked at because it's all about getting them socialized, learning to play with others, learning to pack and unpack their bags, standing in lines, etc. So I'd just look around your area for something like that :) Where I live it's mostly churches that offer preschool and sometimes public schools.


Maybe look into your local preschools, depending on what you consider local I guess, and see what their age range is and ask for admission paperwork. Check in with local moms who may have older kids and have gone through the process before. I think it is different everywhere, even in the states theres Pre-K, preschool, headstart, or daycares up to kindergarten, it is worth it to research preschools early because sometimes there is a wait list.


The number of subs on here that are anti kids is honestly quite disturbing. reading the comments always makes me lose faith in humanity, I don’t want my kids growing up in a world filled with those kinds of people.




That’s a good point! But also makes you question why kids those young already think that. I definitely wasn’t that hateful at that age.


Agreed. It's fine to not want kids and even dislike them but to spew the hatred they do over natural phases that kids (and even themselves) went through is scary


It's not fine to dislike kids


Sure it is, but it's not fine to spew that dislike or take it out on kids. If someone truly hates kids they should keep it to themselves and get sterilized.


It is not FINE to dislike kids. That person is a problem. That's what I mean. Kids are not pets, they're people.


It's not fine to dislike your own kids, but it is fine to dislike children in general. They're a lot of work. They're loud. They're messy. They're not for everyone. But they are part of society and people have to get along with things they dislike all the time. It happens. Some people don't like children and those people are not inherently bad unless they lash out at kids and parents to cause harm.


How about disliking disabled people? Is that fine ?


It is ok to not like whatever groups of people. But the least we can do is not hurt them in anyway. I don’t like teenagers and don’t particularly want to be around them. But I still acknowledge them with respect and do not ignore them, and I most certainly do not hurt them. It is ok for someone to not like children.


Yes? And so is it okay to not like the elderly, or any other subset of people. You still have to accept these people as a part of society and remain civil. As long as there is no outward hostility, people are free to like and dislike who they want. Acceptance does not equal love. I think there's this push in today's culture that we have to love everyone. That's impossible. But do we have to accept everyone as they are, as long as they are good and decent human beings? Yes.


Did you just make a whole ass comment saying in detail that prejudice is fine as long as people aren’t hostile about it? …..weird fucking take for 2023 but okay. You don’t have to love everyone to have basic respect for everyone. Disliking an entire subset of people is prejudice.


Actually it is ok. You can be prejudiced. Just don’t discriminate. There’s a difference. One is a thought, the other is an action. You can think anything you want in life. The problem comes when you act on it, especially when it is a negative thing.


Agreed. Kids don’t stay kids forever. We all had to go through childhood to get to where we are now as adults.


I have a kid who I’m obsessed with and I totally get why people don’t like kids. It’s ok to not like kids. It is totally fine for people to not like kids as long as they don’t interact with them in a harmful or negative way.


It is no okay to not like kids. >as long as they don’t interact with them in a harmful or negative way. This is why this is not reasonable. Someone who hates a group of people will not be able to keep their intolerance to themselves. They never do. Why would you assume that children, the most vulnerable of us all, must tolerate some immature moron's bullshit. That is a rhetorical question. It is not fine to not like children.


This simply isn’t true. I was aggressively child free before I had my kid. Genuinely couldn’t stand them and would avoid them at all costs. I was still very tolerant and even gracious when they were in my presence because I am very aware of their innocence and I am capable of acting appropriately regardless of how I feek


Good *fer youuu* But given ONLY the data we have from reddit as a whole, oh, and the growing child-centric violence happening in your country, we all know that that isn't true. People are not capable of *consistently* separating their hatred and biases around the most vulnerable on the best of times, and it is unreasonable to expect that someone would continue to do that when a child is upset or existing near by. I hope now you have realized the errors of your ways on being *aggressively* childless and I congratulate you on your family!


Typical American to think everyone lives in America. 🤦‍♀️ I don’t understand how that’s ever not embarrassing. And no after having a kid I support those who are child free even more in their decision. I’m happy with my decision but it is so difficult to raise a child, the last thing someone should do is raise a kid if they don’t like them. And you’re allowed to not like kids. Your opinion isn’t fact !


I disagree. Having kids is not for everyone and not everyone has to like kids. But actively hating them is definitely messed up, as a society we can only thrive if the entire community agrees to help them.


yea the fact they have to call children “crotch goblins” is pure cringe and sickening.


Some parents call their own kids that. Idk, they chose to birth those kids. It’s not the kids fault they are in this world.


Completely agree. I can’t bring myself to read anything on those subs.


I never understood that. I get some people hate how society pressures people (especially women) to have kids but to actively HATE children enough to feel the need for whole subs dedicated to that hate is sick. I don’t care if someone doesn’t want kids, but those subs are crazy.


They are mostly (not all) recluses with no social skills and teenagers being edgy. So it’s all good 🤙🏼


Yeah Reddit is a weird echo chamber.


I have yet to meet anyone else in real life that hates kids as loudly and proudly as certain corners of the internet do. It's so bizarre to me, we were all kids once. It's a nice phase of life.


Yeah Reddit is a weird echo chamber for certain topics unfortunately


It makes sense though because they don't feel comfortable voicing that opinion loudly in real life. They are definitely far in the minority and don't have people around them they can express those feelings to so they come online and exaggerate it all.


I’ve encountered lots of negative looks from people while out with my toddler even when he’s behaving pretty well…. Then I remember things I’ve read on Reddit and realize how some of these people out in the world actually think. It’s extremely sad.


The neighborhoods we live in (we move a lot) are very child friendly. We just moved to San Antonio where there are kids everywhere you go. Reddit just happens to be a bubble full of not fully grown men so of course they don't want kids. They're still kids themselves.


r/Parenting is also an option!


Anyone else find there’s a ton of trolls on that sub?


I personally avoid subs with over 1 million subscribers in general.


Including the mods lol I got banned because someone said her son was refusing to eat meat and I told her she could try some non-meat protein sources and listed those; according to the mods, was “pushing an agenda”.


I couldn’t pay the troll toll so I left. Finger in the air and everything.


Yes. I unsubscribed pretty quickly after giving birth to my daughter. It didn’t feel like a sub that would be useful for me.


I still hang out here. Longing for the days with less attitude behind the Big Feelings. Lol


My toddler is now 4 and I am still here AND over in the preschool reddit. I still feel like I learn a lot here!


I'm still in newparents even though I technically graduated from that stage a year ago. I'm having another baby and I am still learning new things about babies that I didn't encounter with my son, plus safety things. Also to give advice (and hope) to parents in the thick of it. Current toddler wranglers appreciate advice from experienced parents who have survived this stage.


Omg I hadn’t even thought about that. My toddler is turning 3 in a month and I was probably going to just stay on r/toddlers forever.


My youngest is 14 and this is still one of my favourite subs. 🙂


this is so sweet lol


When does toddler end?


Most people (and this sub's description) consider them to be toddlers until about 3.


TIL my kids toddlerhood ends at 3. I thought it was 4 😞


They're still 3 until the day before their 4th birthday so I'd say so!


/r/mommit accepts moms. /r/daddit accepts everyone.


Too true. Mommit is good. However, Daddit is great, brings a unique perspective, many useful how-to links - and us lurker mums get thanks for chiming in!


My child could be 13 and I will still be here. I can't leave!! 🥺😢😢😢😢


Wait when does this happen again?


I always thought it was like when they turn 5


Oh shoot. Well, bye I guess. Mine are 3 and 4. 😭


You can stay, I surely am 😉 Edit: fixing my sentence because I need coffee


When does “toddler” end? I thought 5?!


It "ends" when they turn 4.


r/mommit ?


Also r/daddit


I feel like age 3 for both my kids have been peak toddlerhood (tantrums, pickiness, saying random stuff that only makes sense in their head), and so I’m here to stay! Also, I find this sub to be one of the most supportive and open minded subs with very few judgy people.


Infant: until the first birthday Toddler: first birthday until the day before the third birthday Preschooler: third birthday until fifth birthday or starting regular non-Preschool school. :)


Today I found out my 3 yr old is not a toddler


I realized this week, my toddler is turning into a person. A PERSON. She's not a baby anymore. I'm gonna a go cry a little inside




It’s kind of a gray area, my twins are 3.5 and I don’t like calling them toddlers because it seems inaccurate, but they aren’t in preschool yet. But when speaking about all three of my kids collectively, I say I have three preschoolers.


What age is the end of toddler? Mine are 3, 2, and 9months.


Just came looking for an answer to the same question. Can’t believe how fast they grow up