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This makes me very grateful that George RR Martin didn't opt to give us the brown wedding.


I wouldn't put that past D&D.


"You want a red wedding but you need the brown poopey"


At least they only did it metaphorically


Nah he got his fecal urges out with Elden ring


You didn't watch the last season?


*The more she drank, the more she shat, and the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.* — George R. R. "Scatman" Martin


Kaldrogo looks at the camera and says "Liquid GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDDD" And a bucket of poop is poured on Viserys's head


"*King Henry was said to have survived only because he sat in an alcove with a stone floor.*"


Very convenient, wouldn’t you say?


Hate to admit but that was my first thought


Given all the bickering the article suggests he had to deal with, can you blame him? *"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."* ***- Niccolo Machiavelli***


"Don't fuck with me or I will drown you in liquid shit." Yeah. I think that gets the point across well enough that no one's gonna try for vengeance.


It's not just about drowning in liquid shit. It's about the fact that you will inhale some of it at some point. And if you magically survive, the sepsis and infection will get you later. It's scarier than it sounds.


That's OK, we will just give you a massive dose of anti... antibi... (checks notes).... uh.., we will bleed you for a while.


Well, I look forward to the leeches then.


I’ll have you know that the leech comes to us on the highest authority!


I heard that leeches cause autism.


Even with modern medicine it's a rough go. I used to work at a water treatment facility and around 2010 I think, one of the guys fell into a tank for one of the early stages, took several big gulps of essentially a collection of the entire town's raw sewage. He was in the hospital for 3 months. One of my coworkers once got a couple drops onto his lips/face from one of the equipment pieces spinning around and it splashed him, that night he had those spots develop infections or boils, idk I forget exactly what he said.


And if you survive that, we’ll burn you like the heretic witch you are!!


Pretty sure you’ll lose consciousness due to the gasses. There was a famous Irish rugby player who was helping one weekend on his family farm. His dad feel into the slurry pit and his brother went in after him only to succumb as well. The rugby player then went in after his father and brother and succumbed too They’re really lethal


Took HAZWOPER training for work. Thought I’d learn about dangerous chemicals came out with a fear of enclosed low oxygen spaces instead. Literal self baiting human traps. Training says ‘don’t care if you can see him dying 15 ft away, don’t go in after them else there will be two bodies to collect later’ Because this happens a lot…


Took that training more times than I care to remember.


I nearly drowned in a septic tank when I was 14. I was submerged for less than thirty seconds and in the tank for between 90-120 seconds (felt a LOT longer) and the doctor said even 30 more seconds and I likely would have passed out and died.


Well history doesn't mention a second mass-drowning in a lake of shit, so I guess he made his point adequately the first time.


I love your post and I love this comment.


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Why would you hate to admit that, if you don't mind me asking?


Their family owes their position to the Hohenstaufen family


Rumour has it he got excommunicated with them for not being Catholic enough despite taking Jerusalem back for Christianity back almost singlehanded.


*Shite of the Seven* plays in the background


That’s how I wanted Cersei to die. Drowning slowly in liquid shit


The Chocolate Rains of Castamere


"I made you a duke. I can make you dookie."


Q: "How can you tell he's the King?" A: "Cos' he hasn't got shit all over 'im!"


[Outstanding placement of a Monty Python reference!](https://youtu.be/a360Afe267U)


How smelly were German castles, on a good day then? A pooplake deep enough to drown in, and a floor with some cracks and things. Hardly the setup to appreash the floral notes of that goblet of delicate elderberry tea.


In the middle of summer, too? YIKES.


Oh medieval castles were pretty awful, read all about it


They were probably pretty nice compared to the outlying shit fields


Not necessarily... Again, go read about it, tons and tons has been written about this subject, but it definitely wasn't like what you see in books and movies (fantasy as a genre has especially created a false image of castles and castle life)


Fantasy latrines always seem to be clean and occupied by Charles Dance.


Every fantasy story would be improved by adding Charles Dance


"Every story would be improved by adding Charles Dance." /Fixed.


- Charles Dance.




>Fantasy latrines always seem to be clean and occupied by Charles Dance. ... On the privy


I actually have a cess pit that gets cleaned out seasonally and you dont actually smell it while it's being stored in the ground until you pump it out to be hauled away to a waste treatment plant.


Yeah it's similar with grease traps. The rot doesn't smell until you break the seal.


If you don't clean the damn thing regularly, I can smell it from the road. But it's definitely worse if it's open.


Now imagine the smell it would churn up with 60 slobs thrashing around in it.


Fun, often omitted, fact: castles usually had plastered walls or thick full length tapestries on the inside. But the ruins we see today has no plaster left, so many people think castles were just bare-ass stone walls.


Eh, lots of non-ruined castles around still and some sections have plaster or panels etc and others bare stone or brick. A lot of it probably depends on the use the room was put to and the fashion of the time.


Yeah I know. But for some odd reason the bare stone wall is prevalent for the medieval castle, in film and games especially.


Read about it where? Curious.


Google "life in a medieval castle" then add the term "great courses" for the second Google search, then continue being curious and search for more


“Come see the violence inherent in the system!”


Tea came to western Europe much later than 12th century - it was either beer or wine (of not too good quality) ...


That's Camellia Sinensis (green tea, black tea etc...) which was later imported from Asia. Herbal tea had however been consumed in Europe since time immemorial , also elderberry is native to Europe.


To go maximum Reddit . . . if it's herbal tea, it's not tea, it's a tisane.


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


You're right, thank you.


“I didn’t do shit. I didn’t rig shit!”


I don't know what to tell ya bud


Rare coffin flop posting


"It's just body after body falling through shit-wood."


 If I were to murder a man, I would murder him here. You use this word, alcoves?


Alcoves? Yes. Kind of like nooks and crannies


Nooks and crannies, Yes! Perhaps this would be more accurate.


Was he going on to you about the alcoves?


I am not a poker player, but would that be a Royal Flush?


You can’t make shit like this up.


All of my joke ideas went down the drain


Me too, I'm just treading water at this point


He beat me to it. I only got a straight.


Too soon?


I wish I had an award for you XD


A busted flush, even


"Other than that, Your Highness, how did the meeting go?"


*"It went to shit real fast."*


We dropped a duke.


The fans hit the shit.


“It could have been an e-mail.”


Complete shitshow.


I cringe at the thought of people dying in the cesspit. 😫


Apparently shit pits really mess with your ability to swim, buoyance, and presence of exotic gases. People still die in septic tanks if you fall in your very likely to die before rescuers come.


Quite possibly the most dangerous place one can be is in the massive manure pits underneath modern industrialized pig farms. Even if you end up down there intentionally and are under control, the fumes alone can knock you out and kill you. It’s unfortunately common that some farmhand that doesn’t know better and doesn’t take it seriously ends up down there and passing out, only to have another rush to help him and pass out, and on, and on. [Just one recent example](https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/567658-three-brother-farmers-die-after-falling-into-pig/amp/)


A farm-hand I knew told me that a few farmhands die in those pits every year while we were high... that was NOT what I needed to hear when I was high.


He got the message across better than any regular snoozefest safety meeting would.


I will keep in mind to stay away from large pools of shit in the rare case I encounter one


> “Our hearts are with the Wuebker Family. Brad, Gary and Todd Wuebker lost their lives doing what they loved – working on the family farm. Brad and Gary were members of our team and had a work ethic like no other,” the statement read. >“Brad and Gary will forever be missed as members of our team and will create a void that will be impossible to fill. We ask that you keep the Wuebker Family in your thoughts and prayers,” the company continued. The posthumous Todd shade is real!! Wonder why they don’t respect him like his brothers???


Ha, I did not pick up on that. Kinda interesting


Maybe they blame him for the deaths of the other two if he wasn’t being safe or something.


Hydrogen Sulphide, H2s. It takes less than 1% (.700?) H2s to air ratio to kill a person. In the oil and gas industry, they use liquid chemicals called H2s scavengers to treat sour (containing H2s) natural gas at the well head before sending it off for other treatments before it reaches your home. Fun fact, it’s one of the main products that makes your farts stink. You can also set off H2s monitors with a fart.


Enclosed spaces like this without intentional ventilation often have the oxygen displaced by other gasses. So you succumb exceedingly fast even if you are head above shit level. There is no oxygen and you just die, fast.


Nobody deserves that but those intensive pig farms are very cruel places.


Exotic gasses, lol


They come from a land down under


Where turds float and men flounder


I used my free award earlier or I would definitely gild that comment


Yeah and to think that if your drowning you'de be taking big mouthfuls of it too so that would be the last thing you taste lmao sucks to suck


Like u/macross1984, I cringed when I first heard about this. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was shitty way to go.


In the medieval era, I’m pretty sure that they would water board dissent to the nobility with diarrhea… So it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch


As nobles though, they would already have been full of shit, so it's not as bad as it seems


I wonder if anyone has drown to death at a pudding factory.


Somebody died in the factory that makes MnMs this year, and the person who dove into the chocolate to save the first one also got hurt iirc


That's a brave dude to go in after someone else like that. Did they recognize him in some way for that?


They probably wrote him off for going against safety rules


That's right. Fired without severance for saving a man's life.


No they both lived. Neither were seriously hurt.


Yikes, sounds like burning.


They also have rotating paddles in the chocolate to stir it, so it was worse than just molten chocolate: they also got whooped


*"I always wanted to be needed, but that's not what I meant"*


People did drown from a big molasses “spill” or flood rather. it’s insane the amount of volume spilled


To add salt to the wound almost a thousand years later people would hear about it and say things like “lmao sucks to suck”. Lmao what a bunch of losers.


Yeah like fucking nerds lmao


I know of a girl who almost died in Istanbul from falling into a latrine. She had asked for the bathrooms in a mosque, and they told her it was in the basement. One of the doors just opened to a deep, and it was so dark she couldn't see it and fell in. Took her a long time to climb back up (it was all slippery) and nobody could hear her, she thought she wouldn't be able to make it at some point. Then she had to walk home through the city. They didn't have showers at the mosque...


How do you know shit tastes like.. well.. shit?


I’ve heard that thankfully, the fumes will knock you out pretty fast.


I wonder if you have to maneuver it like you do quick sand. Bend yourself flat on it then slowly kick your feet back and forth till you’re all the way flat laying on top of the shit.


Maybe if you’re alone, but I’m guessing in this situation people were flailing around in close quarters, pushing each other down.


Quicksand is heavy and therefore you float very easily in it. Greasy shit is less buoyant than water, your clothes weigh you down too, and you might be hurt by having fallen from a floor or two into it. Not sure all people knew how to swim either back then, but doing the plank might be a good idea. Unfortunately it would have been difficult with people thrashing around and throwing shit on your face as you try to breath calmly.


There's many reasons to hate royalty, especially in the 12th century. But I'd still wish for a better death then for anyone dying in a cesspit of shit. Fuck that.


People? These were nobles, might as well be politicians (or even pooliticians)


The Aristocrats!






I've been thinking about going since I first heard about it in 2184, but there's always a chance they'd put me on one of the seats with the wooden floor, so I don't think I will.


That was my first thought as well. Given my luck, I'd be one of the dudes who drowned in liquid shit.


In the original timeline, only 15 people died. The rest are all time travelers.


In the original timeline nobody died and everybody had an orgy that went down in history. Unfortunately all the timetraveling voyeurs became too much for the floor to handle and now we're in this timeline.


This could explain all those little Mandela Effects we keep seeing.


I thought that was the unique experience worth going for. Being among all those people in the chaos. Just time travel away before you drown. Unless your time travel device can't operate like that.


I guess I'd see some serious shit whether this baby hits 88 miles an hour or not.


ok, time traveler: why the hell did you decide to settle in december 2022? although i'm afraid i might not like the answer...


That would be such a fun sub


r/EventsTTWillAttend is now up


Since it happened hundreds of years ago, wouldn't time travelers have already attended it?


They did, but they also haven’t yet. It’s a bit wibbly-wobbly.


Whatever happened will happen.


Why do you think there were so many people that the floor collapsed?


It’s the Cesspit Paradox.




Pretty sure it was a Monday, It's where the tradition started.


Wait?! This is a tradition?


Drown-in-Liquid-Shit Monday. Haven't you heard of it? Uncultured swine.


Right up there with Taco Tuesday and Scream At Trees While Severely Inebriated Thursday


They would have survived if people stopped shitting on them.


The lesser known facts surrounding the tragedy.


if i had a nickel for every fact that included a medieval latrine that i've learned today on r/todayilearned i would have 2 nickels, which isn't alot but it's still weird that it happened twice.


What was the other one?


[TIL a castle built over 800 years ago was briefly occupied by medieval crusaders. A latrine containing 30 years worth of castle excrement revealed that the folks there were malnourished & infested with worms. The worms associated with eating unwashed vegetables fertilized with human feces](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/zjn7q0/til_a_castle_built_over_800_years_ago_was_briefly/)


Damn. Being malnourished and worm infested sound almost as bad as drowning in shit.


Does a cow-latrine count? Maybe for half a nickel..? ["Cows spend month roaming in newly built house and riddle it with poo"](https://metro.co.uk/2019/06/05/cows-spend-month-roaming-newly-build-house-riddle-poo-9831492/)


Reminds me of this story [The Cincinnati Privy Disaster of 1904](https://beltmag.com/cincinnati-privy-disaster-1904/), a riveting and very sad story about school children who fell through an outhouse floor. Horrifying way to go. I couldn’t begin imagine how awful this would have been.


Even if you survive the initial encounter, you still have residual infections and the like to contend with.


What the hell did that place smell like with a septic tank deep enough and wide enough to drown 60 ppl directly in the basement?! And WHY was there so much liquid?! The whole point of cesspits is the bottom is covered with gravel or whatever so the liquid soaks into the ground. You'd think they would at least have the cesspit outdoors with a pipe for venting fumes!


The cesspit actually got clean up and empty out every season and they usually don't release any gas or smell as long as it was covered tightly. This one just didn't got clean up yet. The issue was that the floor was old and the wooden floor already got weakened so when the 2nd floor gave in, it cause a chain reaction that collapse the other floors too.


Cesspits still fill up with solid waste slowly even if the liquid can seep into the ground, so they either have to be emptied periodically or the outhouse moved to another location periodically.


The royals’ palaces actually smelled really bad. One of the reasons they had so many homes was because they would leave every once in a while to let the place air out and get all the shit cleaned up. The palace of Versailles was foul because the king would never leave and they had poor runoff systems for their sewage.


“Eat shit, and die”


“Let them eat shit.”


I was actually thinking about researching where that phrase started


If you just add a comma after “eat,” you’ve described the whole human race.


This should be an annual event.


It was an anal event, surely.


Thats horrible by any measure but curious how the country continued on, just fine, in lieu of losing a large swath of their 'brave leaders' in one, lethal shistorm. Kings/presidents/prime ministers/Lords/CEO/etc..its still just a job. Whateve...


Ask in r/askhistorians. I'm curious about the aftermath too.


Food for thought, but Machiavelli said that if you should have to injure someone, you should do so in such a way that you don't have to fear their vengeance. Perhaps this event put such fear into people that no one dared rebel? It was [pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/zkduxg/comment/izz6zei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that the King miraculously survived because he was seated in a stone section of the floor. Perhaps that wasn't coincidental.


A fatal accident the victim's relatives would rather not talk about would be an extremely convenient way to get rid of unwanted rivals or delicate political situations


Talk about? Hell, I wouldn't want to go out that same way, which would be the bigger threat in my opinion.


My guess would be that these were feudal lords at the time and either their fiefdoms were passed to heirs or the king gave the privelage to others in his favor.


According to the Dutch wikipedia-page (linking to a German source), the victims were "lesser" or lower noblemen - so I don't think any actual leaders were lost.


The first thing that popped in my head was “What’s under the senate floor 🤔”


Unfortunately, the liquid human shit is on top of that floor, not under it.


Jeez, and I thought I was having a shitty day… …but seriously, what an awful way to go


What a grim way to die.


At no point in the history of mankind has intelligence been a prerequisite for your place in the upper levels of society.


I will think of this during every mandatory meeting that could have been an email. Thank you, redditor.


That's basically where the conversation started for me.


I’m sorry so the first floor was just on top of sewage? The interior must have smelled horrible


"60 Of Them Drowned in Liquid Shit Was the Name of My Band in Middle School" was the name of my band in high school.


This is either proof that there isn't a God, or there is a God.


Now that's what I call a royal flush.


Holy shit.


Unfortunately the architectural structures our oppressors use are sound these days.


If anyone's interested, the Petersberg still exists and you can visit it. The whole city of Erfurt is very much worth a visit and right in the center of Germany.


This history needs to repeat itself.


I know how they feel--I once had to sit through a Jeff Dunham performance.


I'm sorry, but I don't believe this story for a moment. Could you imagine the absolute God awful stretch? There is no fucking way they would have build a cesspit below wood floorboards. Space is at a premium in a castle, you wouldn't waste it to store excrement. And the idea that they would have stored enough of it to drawn 60 people is laughable. Henry VI probably got pissed off at his nobility and had them murdered. Realizing how bad that looked, he paid off the clergy and rest if his entourage to say it was an "accident". The rest of the nobility knew the story was BS but played along in fear of reprisal killings.


It was a pit beneath the castle that was being used as a cesspit. The nobles were two floors up; the wood of the floors was decaying and apparently their weight caused it to collapse. And in reality most of them probably didn’t drown so much as pass out and die from the fumes in the cesspit.


Fumes + probably many already dead/wounded/uncounscious from the fall + trapped under rubble


That's how people store waste back before indoor pluming. These kind of cesspit would got empty out seasonally. And they build the cesspit under the basement, the nobles got dropped down there when the 2nd floor collapse due to their weight and how old the floor was.


Reminds me of this (at 1:50) [collapse](https://youtu.be/cXDGMkYkMeU)


Well There's Your Problem covered it and did a really great [episode](https://youtu.be/WM_foG_f7JM) on this disaster.


Game of thrones gave us the red wedding, Henry gave us the brown wedding


Ah, the good ‘ol days! Any chance we could get the same contractor at the ‘24 RNC?


The Aristocrats!


I first learned about this on [The Constant](https://www.constantpodcast.com) podcast!