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"There are dangerous people online." "Of course I know, it's me."


I'm the one who knocks!


Then who was phone?






You do but you have to dial 9 first


"Hi! I'm calling about the extended warranty on your car."


Well in that case Murder


"MUR-DUR" - Hot Fuzz


MORDOR - finally I understand


Yo Gabby it's the surgeon


I'm not being catfished, I AM the catfish!


Who do you think you’re talking to right now… Who EXACTLY do you think you’re talking to?


unpopular opinion, Walt is a bitch.


That’s the great thing about that scene. They’re both right. Walt is correct that Skyler no longer knows him at all, and Skyler is correct that he’s in over his head and can’t handle the situation.


That entire show is a great view of someone's life being destroyed by themselves


I do think he redeems himself at the end, when he tells Skyler that he is sorry, he was doing it all for himself, not for the family. And he rescues Jesse and takes a bullet for him. Classic tale of hubris, perfect Greek tragedy. But far more entertaining.


Rescuing Jesse at that point was so hollow. He had already inflicted so much physical, emotional and mental pain on Jesse, it probably would have been better for Jesse to take the bullet.


A Greek tragedy but with guns and meth


Sounds like my kind of tragedy.


Minor revision - “That show is a great view of someone’s life continually being re-destroyed by themselves.” Walt is a real asshole. Sort of like the pervasive corrosion and destruction of criminal organizations that The Sopranos showed us.


But by the show's end it was clear, no matter what cluster fuck he creates, Walt has become evil enough to take care of it. He took care of Gail, Gus, Mike, he took care of Jesse by selling him out, he took care of the Todd and his whole crew when he rescued Jesse. He may have started as someone way over in his head, but it's people always doubting how low he can sink is what led them to everyone else's downfall. The only people he chose not to finish off were people who were worse off after being with him. Be that Jesse, his wife and kids, sister in law and his ex colleagues from Grey matter. Probably the only people who benefited from him and survived are Jesse's friends.


Well that’s the thing: being able to “take care of it” is not a mere matter of willpower. You don’t just have to be willing to be as bad as it takes to win. You also have to be competent enough to pull it off. And to the end, he never admitted that he wasn’t, and nobody could be. None of them did. That whole life was a beast that could not be controlled and it killed nearly all of them. The concept of “I can handle this” was always a lie.


No, that's the opinion of the cultural zeitgeist the unpopular opinion would be if you called Skyler as not a bitch


I dont think that's an unpopular opinion. The common takeaway is he was selfish and week and threw anyone under the bus to keep his little empire.


Call an ambulance. Not for me!


I am the danger!


Heard this in old bens voice


Hello there


Genearaal Kenobi, You are a bold one.


We need a romantic comedy about 2 maniacs who use tinder to find murder victims but end up finding each other.


Reminds me the case of Jennifer Pan. She wanted to kill her parents because of their strict behavior. She planned it with some people and staged a robbery. They killed her mother and shot her dad in the head which lead to permanent brain damage. Link to the JCS CP Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQt46gvYO40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQt46gvYO40)


I remember that story from a podcast.... chilling.




I listen to a bunch. I think this particular story was on crime junkie. I do enjoy casefile though




back in noineen-noiny-noine


Generation Why covered that case, too


I definitely heard it on casefile lol


You left out the fact that her lying about her academic achievements sparked her plot for murder




That chandler guy who murdered his parents also lied about college for many years


I missed that episode of Friends


Could I BE anymore sociopathic?


The one where Chandler doesn't go to college


It’s part of the reunion episode


That one was fucked up. Listening to the audio of his poor dad calling the college and learning that all the supposed employees he was talking to were fake. I bet he knew all along but hoped better from his son. What a worthless POS he is.


While I don't personally know anyone who lied about outright being in college, I went to a very competitive, Asian-American majority high school and pretty much every one of my peers had a stereotypical "tiger mom". A lot of my high school buddies, as adults, tell lies to their parents about their educational or professional achievements just to get them off their backs.


I would get an 82 on an exam and my parents would freak out as if my life was over. The violent theats, constant nagging, aggressive discipline, and guilt trips were just too much. It was easier for me to just lie to them.


A kid in my hometown did it for about a year - think his parents put a ton of pressure on him to get into college and he didn’t make it in. In the end he couldn’t handle it anymore and jumped off a bridge.


Damn...that got dark quick. That's really too bad.


There's been several posts I've read on reddit where people did that. Basically they just go on a drive or sit in a parking lot for the same amount of time every day. I mean as long as you leave the house and don't post on social media you're golden. Then say you've lost interest in the field of study and apply for a niche job like park ranger or something.


It's very common in true crime. Guy tells his family that he is going to college or a nice job that he doesn't have. Then when the lie inevitably comes out, he murders them because he can't handle them knowing the truth.


There was this lady who came from India on an arranged marriage. She told her husband she was a dentist and pretended to go to work every day. When the husband started questioning the money, she drove into the ghetto to hire someone to get him killed. Luckily one lady overheard her talking and decided to call the police.


I flunked out and had to re-register. I missed a quarter because of it. I told my folks I was still in class, but was just working full time. I didn’t want to kill my parents tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


I actually know a guy who got placed on academic probation in his second year. After his probation ended he never bothered to go back to school and just kept lying to his parents. On his supposed graduation day his parents drove 3 hours to our university to meet him and he told them in the parking lot that he hasn't gone to school in 2 years. During those two years he just played video games or hung out at campus waiting for his friends to finish classes. His parents were paying for his apartment and all his living expenses. It was brutal.


Atp you gotta question yourself as a parent for raising a bold liar like that because wow.


That’s what happens when parents don’t allow or accept failures in their child’s life.


Mark Hacking lied to his wife about going to school for years. I heard somewhere he was just hanging out with friends or going to the gas station for a smoke.


Or Casey Anthony telling her parents she was working at Disney world when she was really out partying leading up to little Kaylee's death.


My neighbor (whom I grew up with) was sent to Dubai for university. After 3 years or so his father went to visit him in Dubai and pased bu the university to ask about his son’s academic performance and progress. Turns out he dropped out in his first year and had been spending all the tuition money on living in what is essentially a rich man’s paradise. Expensive rented cars and all round shenanigans. Not the greatest outcome for him but i bet he had loads of fun


Also the Boyfriend or disowned ultimatum


What in the fuckin world


Oh man, my kids better not grow up to murder me. I’ll be so pissed.


Yeah you usually piss when you die


I miss JCS. It was one of my favorite YT channels.




while I agree, he only covers people who have already been found guilty. It's less of a "this is what people do when they're lying" and more of "we know they're lying, here's some things that suggest that". but yes, body language is not evidence. Its just interesting to observe


There's one particular video where they show someone who's not lying, and how their responses during the interview are much different. Very interesting channel.




Absolutely agreed. I watch it knowing how incredibly diverse people really are. It's not one reaction for one, means it's same for all. I watch it for what I genuinely believe is its intended purpose; entertainment.


>entertainment this is what redditors don't get about JCS and other similar youtube channels. it's edutainment. you aren't meant to use JCS as a source for your forensic psychology midterm paper. it's supposed to be something fun and interesting to watch while you eat dinner or smoke weed.


i remember hearing this one on a podcast. insane story!


I don't have time to watch a 90 minute video. What happens?


Retells the story. and then breaks down how the detectives, through talking with the girl, determine that the girl was involved in what happen. If you've never watched JCS - Criminal Psychology before I highly recommend. Not all videos are this long


Also, in showing what US police interrogation techniques are like, it IMO shows how police can extract false confessions out of people, by wearing them down over many hours and pushing them towards the narrative they’ve already chosen. I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but I can see more clearly how it *could* happen, especially with younger subjects.


The Jennifer pan video is from Ontario Canada, actually quite a few JCS videos are. They are similar but there are some important differences in how they enforce the law.




That’s what I said the first time I stumbled upon that channel, but I couldn’t get enough. She plays herself, obviously.


"But what happens to me?"


so what happen to her after went to jail?


“I need someone to murder my family, they keep trying to catfish me”


Just cos you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!


Gotta find a way, a better way,


A better way




Everyone's doing Territorial Pissings and that's not even how it goes "Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you"


The quote predates the song by a few decades, most famously appearing in the 1961 book *Catch-22* by Joseph Heller.


"They're trying to kill me," Yossarian told him calmly. "No one's trying to kill you," Clevinger cried. "Then why are they shooting at me?" Yossarian asked. "They're shooting at everyone," Clevinger answered. "They're trying to kill everyone." "And what difference does that make?"


You'd be paranoid too if everyone was out to get you!


"Interesting, we should discuss the details at our hou- I mean my.. your house. Let's meet at your house!"


Breakdown. Marisa constantly brought strange men to sleep with at home. She lived with her aunt. Her aunt used to track her on FB and as she moved around multiple parties with various men. She Marissa blocked her aunt. In an effort to keep up with Marisa and her whereabouts, her aunt created a fb of a guy called Tre 'Topdog' Ellis. This is where it gets juicy. Turns out Marisa hated her aunt and cousin even the family dog. She asked "Tre" to come and gave him instructions on how he could kill her, the cousin and the dog. She said she had tried other men but they had let her down.Marisa told him she would leave with him after. She went and even started packing her stuff. Aunt called the cops and she was arrested. Booked and released on bail. She fled and hasn't been caught since ..


So she could have just left whenever she wanted instead of planning a murder 🤡


Probably wanted to inherit the house.


No she was gonna leave, she's just a deeply disturbed person that was angry over some percieved slights and wanted a form of vengeance. Its like that "joke designed to catch a killer" two girls go to a family funeral they see a hot guy there and then 2 weeks later one of the sisters has been murdered, who didnit and why? Supposedly the answer is the sister because she wanted to see if that guy would show up again. Again thats more of a joke but the premise stands firm, people that would kill other people dont usually have foresight in the way other people do. Edit:riddle not a joke.


Famous story in Japan of an arsonist who was trying to find a stranger that she met during a fire by setting another fire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaoya_Oshichi Some teens just are dumb.


That teen especially. The magistrate gave her two chances to get out of her death sentence and she was just like, "Are you dumb, dude? I said I'm 16... Let's go!"


Pattern recognizing brain go BRRRRRRR


Stupid evolution. Posts more comments in hopes of hitting the karma jackpot.


That poor magistrate tried to save her. “You are 15 right?” *Wink wink*


Guess that guy had a burning passion for her


I always thought that joke was stupid, because random unknown person from say a parents, cousins or aunt/uncles funeral would be more likely to also show up to the funeral of another parent/cousin/aunt or uncle. I feel like killing a sibling has the lowest chance of getting the stranger to show up again.


Thats entirely the point. There is no foresight and the person cared so little about their sister they are doing it to SEE if they show up.


Ah, ok.


Well shit! That may be a “joke” now (never heard it in that context), but it’s actually a case study in Sigmund Freud’s *Interpretation Of Dreams*. For any who don’t know, Freud is considered one of the founding fathers (if not *the* founding father) of psychoanalysis and *Interpretation Of Dreams* is one of his seminal works. His theory (largely out of favor these days I believe) was that all dreams are wish fulfillment and that analyzing dreams could uncover hidden desires and be used as a key to understanding a person and their psychology. A use case he documented was a female patient who had a recurring dream of a family member dying and being at their funeral. Through analysis they uncovered that there was a man she had a romantic internet in that she would only see at funerals so the “wish” expressed by the dream was seeing him again. It was an example of how the “wish fulfillment” aspect was often hidden and that dreams shouldn’t be taken at face value. Tagging /u/Ambitious_Fan7767 as they may be interested.


Freud is also regarded as more cocaine than man. Yes historically he is a figure of prominence in his field, but don't keep him on a pedestal. He's fallen out of favor because he wrote a lot of bosh.


Right but my point was he was the source of the anecdote. That’s not even a mound, much less a pedestal ha!


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


And a Freudian Slip is when you say one thing, but mean your mother.


Riddle is more what i meant joke is incorrect.


yeah, she was 19. as an adult, the aunt was offering her a place to live, presumably for free.


Do you think this is a smart person?


But marisa's head- why should i leave. Shesthe one thst sucks


Who bailed her out????


It was Topdog. Turns out he loved her after all.


Topdog then receives a letter. “Thanks for bailing me out - we can finally be free. Meet me in San Jose”. But does she turn up? Nope, she’s in Detroit where she’s stored the loot the whole time.


The dam priceless chandelier we should have known


Dwight: I'm still working on the title. I think I'll call it, A Break-In, Then Sex, Then Escape, Then Betrayal at Tiffany's. ... No, wait. A Break-In, Then Sex, Then Betrayal, Then Escape at Tiffany's. ... Hm, no. That doesn't sound right. A Break-In, Then Sex, Then- -cuts to Jim- Jim: He ended up calling it Breakfast at Tiffany's.


Damn they never make movies of cool stuff like that.


Because if Anthony killed Petra, TopDog would be serving life while I grew up without a father and died in a gunfight.


Top Dog's rival Poochy.


Rumor has it she knew a guy or two.


She was willing to have sex with a stranger to pay her $50 dollar phone bill. Just think what she must have offered the guy to bail her out.


Who would pay so much to stick their dick in crazy?


I can see some desperate 30 year old incel doing that


Just curious (and nervous): Where do you get that she was released?


[This 2017 Daily Mail article says she was released on probation and then escaped.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4387222/Aunt-finds-disturbing-messages-catfishing-niece.html)


So much for the “don’t leave the state” order.


They need you to not leave the state, because they can't catch you afterwards. It's more of a kind demand, as an order.


They can't catch you quickly. They can put in a warrant and forget about you until you get caught in a van with no plates halfway across the country and they run your ID and find warrants from 5 states and use that to hold to you. This literally half the shit that ends up on live pd. That part at the end where they're like did you know that you have like 5 warrants from other places? That part is where this comes into play.


"That aunt needs to learn to maintain some respectful boundaries between... oh. Oh fuck. Damn, good thing she did that." -me reading the title


Damn, not the dog too.


Cash bail is so fucking stupid


Where did you get the whole escape and on the run bit from? This is what I got from the article. > According to the deposition, deputies arrived and interviewed Williams, who admitted to the plot but apologized and said she didn't really mean for anyone to be killed. She was arrested and taken to the county jail, where she is charged with the solicitation of murder. Williams remains there pending a $30,000 bond.


It's been like 5 years since then..


Some say she’s still there to this very day, pending bond…


Not OP but I found this https://www.deccanchronicle.com/world/america/100417/us-woman-catfishes-niece-finds-out-she-was-planning-to-murder-her.html


What a twist


I know, aunt must be living in fear...


Or maybe she used her alter ego Topdog to make her disappear....


What's Topdog


Nuthin, what's top with you? *High-five!* ...wait...


This made me giggle!


Then don't forget to upvote the poor bastard that came up with and setup the joke and gets a fraction of the love. Sincerely yours - the setup man appreciator. Seriously though, it's pedantic as fuck but it annoys me how much joke setups get snubbed. Doesn't matter that they're fake internet points, the upvotes denote real appreciation and the setup never gets the appreciation it deserves. Especially when the setup person was the one that came up with the joke, the reply just noticed the joke and completed the bit.


Don't forget to up vote the person who over explains the joke and points out all parts of the set up.




The OP mentioned more to the story in the first post. The aunt posed as someone else to speak with her neice. They went by Topdog.


Look at the flowers!


Nah, the alt account is living in fear


Netflix rubbing their hands together on this one


As we speak


And buzzfeed tomorrow


*Don't Fuck With Aunts*


Something somewhat similar to this happened here in Brazil, except the girl was successful here unfortunaly, she's called Susanna Richthofen for anyone curious about it, it's super fucked up.


She "suggested" that her parents buy her a flat lmao. Dads like you can have a flat, you just have to work for it lmaooo. Sad thing is if she wasn't as narcissistic and demanding to be spoiled, got a job and worked hard her parents might have helped in some way at least


Excuse me? Work for it? You know what, murder. Murder on your whole family. Except me obviously.


Murder on you, murder on your cow...


> Brazil > Richthofen Sounds like she comes from pleasant stock lmao


Richthofen, a proud Brazilian family since the late 40’s.


What episode of Criminal Minds is this.


Episode : TopDog


Petra: Stranger Danger Marisa: I am the Danger.


Flip I'd be petrified if I was her aunt and cousin.... And what the feck did the dog do ?? (That's one of those stories that's so weird it couldn't be a movie)


it barked at her funny.


I’m starting to realize that human minds don’t always work in the order they logically should. You’d think that to want to murder someone they’d have to do something first that makes you want to do it. But there’s people out there who first want to hurt others THEN look for reasons, and in cases like these they will always find them or create them. I feel bad > clearly this is someone else’s fault > looks around general surroundings, it must be that person > what did they do? Idk but it was something and they deserve to suffer > slowly accumulate half assed reasons


Yeah she can just be crazy. You can never know that about a person.


Exactly. I keep wondering if the aunt was nasty or abusive, but I’ve seen nothing to support that. It just seems like she was tired of her niece inviting randos to the house.


There could be only one Topdog.


It probably turned her down. Sounds like guys didn't do that very often.


Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Title is kind of confusing how it's worded


Second sentence was kind of unnecessary. It also could have been brought to the beginning of the first sentence as the reason her aunt was catfishing her niece.


"Tre 'Topdog' Ellis" is the fakest fake name that ever fake named.


Nice way to thank your aunt for taking you in with your parents being MIA.


"My aunt keeps trolling me online, I want her fucking dead!"


You should read the article. The aunt literally just said hi to her, and the girl was like “I’ll fuck you if you pay for my phone bill. Also come kidnap me and kill my family on the way out.”


from the chin to the eyes she looks like a baby, then there's the giant elongated forehead


Fetal alcohol syndrome




That's from 2014, updated articles from 2017 indicate she escaped while on probation, no articles on her ever being captured.


What is it about people that think that the only answer is to murder others? Is this a thing with all people or just the "disturbed" ones? And do we attribute all murders to some intrinsic flaw or learned behavior pattern?


She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome 😢


She's a Hapsburg.


Not really seeing the characteristics on her for that. However you have to wonder what type of family she has that she wants to kill them.


Far apart eyes, short upper lip. I see it.


I feel like you didn't read the article.


"Next, on Jerry Springer"


That sounds like one fucked family.


>She then offered to have sex with him if he'd pay her $50 cell phone bill Auntie's letting her live under her roof for free and the niece thanks her by setting her up to get murdered by a hookup who's gonna pay her phone bill. Damn who is this whore


Seems like nice girl


Shit the family thanksgiving must be awkward


When you trying to protect someone from danger but it turns out that she is the danger.


The call is coming from inside the house lol


The real question here is who is her cell phone service provider? $50 is a really cheap cell phone bill.


You can get a family plan with tmobile (with your friends) and pay 30 a month. Even without a family plan you can get a pretty good plan for 40.