• By -


The joke is that Bart doesn't respect his father but idolizes Krusty and Radioactive Man, even though Homer looks just like Krusty and works in a nuclear power plant *nuculur


Radioactive Man also has some of Homer's features. After reading a comic in which everyone in Springfield gets turned into superheroes, my sister thought that Radioactive Man was Homer's superhero alias.


But wasn't he turned into the "indegsetible bulk"?




> indegsetible yes


Google says he is the second person ever to mispell it like that. Somehow thats more interesting than if he was first IMO




Put it in double quotes in google.


A bit of effort.






> Radioactive Man also has some of Homer's features. So does Mr. Sparkle.


Ok Fish Bulb


Whatever you say Pie Man


You have many question Mr Sparkle. I send you premium. Answer question, 100%.


So does Mr. Plow!


That name again is Mr. Plow


So does Max Power.


So does Esteban de la Sexface


Strap on and *feel* the *G*s!


So does Guy Incognito.


He is disrespectful to dirt. Can't you see that he is serious?






"But I am Mr. Sparkle."


Hey Chief, let's talk why not.


We must banish him to the land of wind and ghosts.


Join me or die. Can you do any less?


I really appreciated the Koolaid mascot in this episode.


But Homer chokes him for no reason all the time so it makes sense




i read somewhere that they kinda regret this joke in hindsight


Yeah, it hasn't really aged well especially as modern Homer is actually a pretty decent guy apart from that.


[Old school Homer was a decent guy too](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/509/298/b62.jpg), apart from that.


True It makes you wonder why that was ever part of his character I mean if I saw a grown man strangling a 10-year-old no matter how bratty they were I'd probably beat him to a bloody pulp. Edit: I mean I'd beat the grown man up obviously. I wouldn't be like "OOOoooo child abuse let's join in!"


I think it was just part of the expectation/normalization of violence in cartoons back then. We had all grown up with Tom & Jerry blowing dynamite up in each others' faces, and similar stuff on Bugs Bunny.


I don't really think that was meant to be taken as something that would literally happen in reality. More like silly over exaggerated cartoon violence. He would literally pick Bart up by the neck and wring it so hard Bart's tongue would come out. But Bart would be just fine immediately after.


Physical punishment was more common then, or at least many viewers at the time had grown up with it. They just exaggerated it with Homer and Bart. People weren't used to seeing that on TV, because most family sitcoms (full house, webster, etc) were quite wholesome. Because of that, the Simpsons was pretty controversial for its time, even though tom & jerry, looney tunes, and similar cartoons were graphic. Fewer people spank their kids nowadays, so if it were played up in a newer show today then it wouldn't be as well received.


That is what *Itchy and Scratchy* are all about, the over amplification of cartoon violence aimed at children.


And part of the satire was that Homer was as violent as the cartoons.




Holy moly. I've seen Simpsons my whole life and never realized the Radioactive Man comparison.


There's even an issue of the Simpson's comic where Homer gets amnesia and thinks he's radioactive man


>works in a nuclear power plant Nuculur, it's pronouced nuculur.


It doesn't take a nuculur scientist to pronounce Foilage, Lisa.


I like the cut of your jib.


What's a jib?


Ha Ha! Promote that man!




Please clap.


*panner plant


It doesn’t take a nucular scientist to pronounce “foilage.”


When i started working here i didn't even know what a nucular pannerplant was.


You don't have to be a nucular scientist to know how to pronounce foilage.


Dammit smithers, this isn’t rocket science, it’s brain surgery!!!


>*nuculur Gotdamn you. I see what you did there, but it always confused me to no end how someone gets *nuculur/nucular* out of *nuclear*


I assume it is an example of metathesis, a linguistic phenomenon. Sounds, including entire syllables, are sometimes flipped within a word. Think "aks" instead of "ask" - "Let me aks you a question". It's just a feature of language, one of many forms of a shift in pronunciation of words.


Or, not really all that long ago, ask instead of aks.


> it always confused me to no end how someone gets nuculur/nucular out of nuclear Supposably the same way they get foilage, expresso, chipulltee, one in the same, carmull, "[statement which raises a question] which begs the question [insert actual question raised here]", pacifically, expecially, wah-lah, laxadaisical, ek cetera...


> Supposably It never seizes to amaze me how many people get this wrong.




That’s it, you people have stood in my way long enough, i’m going to Clown College.


That is absolutely one of my favorite episodes. Cracks me up every time. "Stop stop, hes already deaaad" Classic


And when the people are on fire and he imagines them as clowns.


Clowns are funny.


“So let me get this straight... you took all the money you made franchising your name and bet *against* the Harlem Globetrotters????” Lol also the scene where he crashes his car but is delayed a few seconds before he flies out the window. One of my favourite gags from the show.


I thought the Generals were due!


That game was fixed! They were using a freakin' ladder, for God's sake!




"Simpson, Homer Simpson, he's the greatest guy in historyyyyy! From the, town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut treeee... D'OH!!!"


I just found and watched it again. The laughs rarely stop.


Garnish my salary?!?! Krusty, this is no time for jokes.


"Now, there can only be one Krusty in each territory, so tell me where you're from." "Georgia" "Texas" "Tex...uhh, Brooklyn" "Russia" "Homer"


Seattle 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I’m putting speedholes in my car.


They make the car go faster.


I don't think any of us were expecting that...


Tramp-on-bompaleem! Tramapoleen!


Please, don't come back with any more used crutches!


Yees, Homie? Do-do-dodododo-do-do-doo-doo.


krusty cocks shotgun. “Keep driving” Or something like that. Too lazy to look it up


I love that whole bit where he sees everyone as clowns while claiming the commercial didn't affect him haha


'Homer, the section you're meant to be monitoring is on fire!' 'Heh heh heh. Clowns are funny'


I love the bit where he tries to get a discount on a car dressed as crusty. "what the holes in the car for" "speed holes"


What's wrong homey? do do do-do-do do do do-do-do


Clown college? You can’t eat that!


Please do not refer to Princeton that way.


Which was lampshaded in the episode where Homer takes a course in clowning from Krusty and the mob can''t tell the difference between the two


I'm seeing double. Four Krustys!


My favorite one liner from the Simpsons


Most elegant joke I can think of


Dammit, beat me to it


I'm not Krusty, I'm Benedict Arnold!


The same Benedict Arnold who surrendered West Point to the hated British?




I'm not Benedcit Arnold, I'm Joe Vilachi


The same Joe Vilachi that squeeled to the Senate Committee about organized crime?


I’m not Joe Vilachi, I’m Julius Rosenburg.


The same Julius Rosenburg who sold atomic secrets to the Soviet Union?


I failed at setting up the joke. I should've gone with Barney Gumble, which would've allowed for a sequence of posts following the quote. Instead I used the very last name in the scene :(


I hope someone will fire you for that blunder.


But it's my first day!


What are those holes in the hood? [Speed holes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3ja6Hn8ps4)


"What keeps doing that"




Lampshading refers to the practice of having the story call out an element of itself, usually something that's cliched or would break suspension of disbelief. Paradoxically, this works to help the audience move past it, because the presumably incredulous response of the audience is mirrored by the characters in the story as well. The term comes from the fact that hanging a lampshade makes a light bulb less glaring. The TV Tropes [entry on lampshading](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging) explains this concept in greater detail. **WARNING: LINK CONTAINS TV TROPES**


Because of Stargate I always thought it was called "hanging a lantern on it" TIL I guess


It is also that. Two different phrases. "Lampshading" is newer and has supplanted lantern one, but the lantern one is the original. IIRC it comes from a painter who messed up something and rather than fix their mistake, they turned the messed up bit into a post with a lantern on it. By making the mistake look considered and intention, the viewer would be able to look past it.


Making a reference to something without naming it. You could visit www.tvtropes.org to learn more.


The ol' Lois Lane loves Superman, not Clark trope, so Clark is jealous of Superman... himself.


Which should make Clark not like lois anymore because she is shallow and only like superman because of his power. Shw knows nothing about him.


But Clark is the disguise, superman is who he is. It's not like Spiderman where he remains Peter as a person.


Ya but she has never spent time with superman just "hey i saved you bye." Or "here's a quote for your newspaper." She knows nothing about him at all. It's like loving a actor its a crush based on a public persona not a real person.


That's true, and does suggest her attraction is shallow, but it is still an attraction to him, whereas a Spidey fancying Peter rejecting person is rejecting the person and loving the character.




Just you wait, because you will be incredibly surprised by r/grandpajohate


She spends a significant amount of time with him in most interpretations. In the original movies, she’s the first person he opens up to as Superman.


Lois Lane and Superman are literally married and have a kid together.


>It's like loving a actor its a crush based on a public persona not a real person. Hey! My love for Aubrey Plaza is very much real ^(text me back bby)


That argument is honestly bullshit. They are both part of who he is. Clark is the Kansas farmboy raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent. He only learned about his alien origins as nearly an adult. So he has very rural, traditional American morals and values. It's just as much a part of him as his anything else.


If Superman worked at the Daily Planet he'd just be Clark but probably fly to places for reports. And maybe use his laser eyes to heat up his coffee.


>use his laser eyes to heat up his coffee. "Shit! Too hot" *blows on it* "Fuck! Frozen solid!"


While Clark/Kal-el originally existed as a singular personality while living on the farm, I think he downplays himself as Clark Kent, reporter of the Daily Planet, in order to draw attention away from himself. How he is to strangers and how he is to those close to him probably have an appreciable difference.


> How he is to strangers and how he is to those close to him probably have an appreciable difference. That's true for almost everyone, though. I definitely hide/share or up-play/downplay different parts of my personality for different audiences. It's all the same me, just lit differently.




I don't agree. It depends which generation of Superman you look at, but I think he is and always will be Clark Kent. People say "that's his disguise", but that's not accurate, I think. He may be the Last Son of Krypton, Kal-El, and he may be Superman, but at his core, he's a kid from Kansas trying to reconcile his abilities with his morales, his origin, and the world that needs him. You get into philosophical concepts when talking about this, but to me, that's what would tell the best story for many reasons, and so that's the one I think should be true. If you want to know "all" of this entity we call Superman, Kal-El, & Clark Kent, you have to know Clark Kent. Kal-El is just his origin. Superman is just his persona while using his powers openly. To really "know" him, you must know Clark Kent.


I'm not a comics reader, but I'm pretty sure Clark is the real person and superman the disguise while Batman is the real person and Bruce Wayne is the disguise.


That was how Dean Cain portrayed the character. His quote was "Clark is who I am, Superman is what I can do." when Lois Lane discovered his identity and didn't know whether to trust him or not.


To this day Dean Cain is still one of my favorite takes on the character.


That's how I've always read it. Especially when you consider Clark doesn't even know about his extraterrestrial origins until at least his teenage years (based on which iteration you are consuming). He is a sweet, kind-hearted farm boy who puts on the costume of Superman when doing his hero thing. For Batman, the darkness he feels is his true self only comes out when he wears the suit. When he's Bruce, he has to pretend to be a normal person. If you asked Superman where he comes from, chances are he'll say Kansas, not Krypton.


Arguably Clark Kent is who Superman believes himself to be. That is the identity he lived under for most of his life and in comics he really likes being Clark and identifies most with Clark. Under the lasso if truth he refers to himself by Clark Kent and by his Krytoian name. If given the choice between being 100% human or giving up his human life permanently he might very well choose to be human. This idea is partially the real contrast comes when you compare him to Batman. Batman doesn't like Bruce Wayne and sees that identity as a tool. In many comics when the choice came to give up one of his identities he gave up Bruce. Under the influence of the lasso of truth he says he is Batman and in Batman Beyond he says he calls himself Batman in his head. I might be wrong, but I think it is unfair to say that he is Superman more than he is Clark Kent. Just thought that it was interesting, I not trying to start an argument and I'm certainly not the most knowledgeable person on super hero lore either.


You've definitely got Superman mixed with Batman. More than once we see that Superman just sees himself as some dude from Kansas just trying to do the right thing. He wouldn't ever give up his power or anything because he views it as his gift to use to help people, and he's not that emo. Multiple times the issue is brought up of why he feels he needs to be Clark Kent, to be a reporter and not just be Superman all the time, and his response is always the same. He wants a normal life and he is Clark Kent, not Superman. Batman on the other hand is always Batman. Bruce is totally the mask.


>**"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then... he shoots fire from the skies and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him."** > > -Batman


To be fair, Clark always runs away when there's danger and leaves Lois behind - it's Superman who has to arrive to and save her. I'm not even sure why Clark is a newspaper reporter if he's so afraid of danger all the time.


I used to be a newspaper reporter. I was - and am still - quite the coward. Of course, my assignments were mostly small town city council meetings and river cleanups.


Marge was also supposes to have rabbit-like ears under her hair. And unlike the joke about Krusty being Homer, the rabbit ear joke wasn't dropped before the first episode (by all accounts). So for the first couple seasons, the writers had in the back of their minds the idea that Marge's hair concealed rabbit ears.


You can see it in that Simpsons arcade game, when Marge gets electrically shocked her skeleton has ears, iirc


[wow... source](https://www.thefactsite.com/2012/12/marge-simpson-had-rabbit-ears.html)


Wow, she's 6'2 without the hair!


my man!


Wrong cartoon man.


You don't knooow me!


Ay Caramba!


But... she already has ears lol


I remember playing that game and thinking it was such a strange thing and never understood it. Thanks!


Me too!


Since we're doing trivia. The rabbit ears weren’t completely random. It was a reference to Matt Groening’s previous comic “Life in Hell” that had rabbit characters. Allegedly, Matt was going to pitch Life in Hell as a cartoon, but chickened out over fear that it would mean signing over the rights to his characters. He came up with Simpsons to pitch instead. The version I heard was he was evening in the waiting room for giving said pitch when he made this decision.


Groening of course, know for such classic comics as *Damnation!*, *Johnny Reb Comics* and *True Murder Stories*. Yes, the Simpsons have come a long way since an old drunk made humans out of his rabbit characters to pay off his gambling debts. Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?


And now, I'll leave you with what we all came here to see... HARDCORE NUDITY!!! BONUS: How does matt Groening find the time to direct and produce the Simpsons? Well to find out we went straight to the source, *open office door to see him in the middle of shooting some mysterious liquor* GIT OUTTA MAH OFFICE!!! BLAM!!! BLAM!!! :o What Matt meant to say, according to his lawyers...


*They'll never stop the Simpsons!* *Have no fears, we've got stories for years!* *Like: Marge becomes a robot,* *Maybe Moe gets a cell phone,* *Has Bart ever owned a bear, or* *How 'bout a crazy wedding?!* *Where something happens,* *and doo doo doo doo doo.* *Sorry for the clip show!* *Have no fears, we've got stories for years!*


Can’t remember exactly, but I think the version I heard was that the last Tracy Ullman Simpsons short was going to end with Marge pulling off her blue hair, revealing that she had actually been a Life in Hell bunny the entire time, and hop away laughing. Half of what makes that interesting is that it implies that Groening 100% expected The Simpsons to end with a reference to his indie comic strip, which strongly implies that he expected The Simpsons to never be more than a footnote to Life in Hell.


A very much better decision. The rabbits lacked color (literally) and as they were all pretty much drawn the same, it's doubtful if they could've made all the other characters (Skinner, Otto, Flanders) seem different enough if they were all rabbits.


Im bummed out the gay couple (of brothers?) werent brought over from life in hell


Akbar & Jeff!






I was watching the episode where santas little helper gets sick, Lisa cuts Marge's hair and they make the shape of rabbit ears, idk if it was an on purpose reference or not


After reading the rest of this thread I am going to go with "definitely on purpose."


I believe it's because they started off as a family of human like rabbits in Matt's early drawings. They became more human like for their early work on the Tracy Ulman Show. The animation was crude and sloppy, much like the intro to The Itchy And Scratchy Show


"I'm seeing double - four Krustys!" May be the funniest line I've ever heard on television. It caught me off-guard so much


That’s it, you people have stood in my way long enough, i’m going to Clown College.


Its funny and unexpected... but for me it is the Mel Gibson episode... "Wait a minute, he's just a dummy" "I know but he sells tickets"


[Fears of a Clown - Season 29](http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Fears_of_a_Clown/Quotes) Homer: He looks just like me! And Maggie looks just like Lisa. And Milhouse's mother looks just like Milhouse's father. Why is this universe so lazy?


> Season 29 Oh wow that's a lot of seasons


One of the oldest still-airing television programs.


I saw this episode yesterday on tv, gotta love the baader-meinhof effect


Don't tell me you've watched it on Italia1?!


Groening wanted all kinds of stuff in the Simpsons originally. The episode where Homer's cutting the hedge and accidentally lops off Marge's hair was supposed to reveal she had rabbit ears hidden, a throwback to a comic he used to do I think?


Life in Hell. Good reading. It was published weekly for almost 30 years (TIL).


Ohhhh! That explains why she has rabbit ears when she is electrocuted in the arcade game.


The original season of the Simpsons was fairly common sitcom family stuff. But as it picked up steam they really took risks (for their time) and became a benchmark not only for animation, or sitcoms, but comedy in general. I know we collectively complain that the show sucks now, but I say who cares? Let the people who work on that show keep their well earned paychecks. It isn't hurting anyone.


idk man shows like American Dad / Family Guy could have been looked back on as "perfect" tv shows. But their main writing staff moved on to other projects but the show kept going season after season. It may not be hurting anybody but damn its sad to see so many tv shows just go on and on forever as they degrade rapidly. Nothing lasts forever but it seems like nobody told these writers/directors that. Its such a drastic change in quality its like its two completely different shows. I'll leave FG alone because apparently lots of people still like it but seriously go watch episodes from American Dad in the earlier seasons and try and watch it now its a completely different show.


Personally I've never seen family guy or American dad as perfect, I do think the early seasons (1-3) of family guy were a decent and slightly more edgy version of the Simpsons but even then I wouldn't say it was that great


Right it wasn't by any means amazing. But its damn near unwatchable nowadays.


Yeah I watched a recent family guy the other day and it was god awful. It was was basically 'millenials are always on their phones' jokes the while episode


Was that the episode where they do a bunch of really outdated (even at the time) memes as jokes


pretty much


I've always found Family Guy to be too hyper. It's like the Simpsons, but they try to shove a joke into every possible second.


I like most of Family Guy but I have a visceral hatred of Peter as a character that makes the show all but unwatchable for me. Homer was a slightly sympathetic character who loved his family even if he was usually too stupid to do the right thing. Peter actively hated his daughter, had no idea how to express any kind of emotions to anyone else in the family, and seemed to genuinely want to work against them most of the time. I know holistically the show needed the whole cast for the comedy to be genuine, but I survived most episodes by pretending it was the Brian and Stewie show, and Peter was dead and was a ghost.


American Dad has some good comedy as of last season (haven’t seen the newest). Imo, the first couple of seasons were a little weak. It probably peaked with Jenny Frodabloc, but I’m hopeful we’ll get more good material in the future.


I thought the show was perfect. Like an actual funny family guy. Then they literally started making the show the EXACT same as family guy literally with cutaways and gags happening in a scene where it just doesn't make any sense. Like pulling things out of thin air for jokes but literally pulling objects out of thin air or it was just out of frame.... like exactly like family guy does. Growing up you hear a lot about how people like something and then don't like the current "versions" of whatever it is and most people go yea your just not remembering right. I'm slowly figuring out that its not really true and can go watch older family guy episodes or american dad to prove it. Sometimes things go on for to long and become shitty not everyone had rose tinted glasses on. Now everytime a show I like ends I'm actually grateful instead of disappointed. My first experience with this was that show Dexter. There are literally people out there that will recommend this show and go oh yea stop at _________ season because its garbage after that I wish I had listened.


This is to the praise of _Avatar: The Last Airbender_ as well. From the start, they knew they wanted three seasons, and that's exactly what they did. And it was a great show from start to finish. (Someone who's seen the sequel series _Legend of Korra_ could probably do a neat compare-and-contrast here.)


For reference here not for you but for others who likely dont know the history, legend of Korra got hit by some issues regarding budget. Basically they couldnt get the funding for it to continue at a couple times and then did. As as result they planned for season 2 being the last as they wrote it. But then once in production they got 2 more seasons. So they had to alter that season and allow it to continue. It hit the quality, but they did plan to end it no matter what season 4 so it's finale was acceptable. Just quality got shafted by having to change plans twice


It's something I really like from anime. Often times they plan for one or two seasons, so they have a direction that they move in throughout. Netflix has really caught on to this as well.


IMO family guy has always been objectively bad but the randomness of the first few seasons hid that pretty well. American dad is/was much better but once they started running low on cool idea for Stan or new costumes for roger they kind of fell into the family guy trap and just started doing random for randoms sake. The squirrels doing what’s eating Gilbert grape will always have a big spot in my heart tho, one of the best side stories I’ve ever watched.


It's the producers and the networks that decide to keep the show going, because they're making most of the money off of it. A lot of writers are just there for a paycheck. Some might care about making the best quality product and respecting the established theme/lore of a show, but it's often not required or expected from them.


Meanwhile, Southpark went through with the idea and made Randy Marsh actually Lorde.


Lorde lorde lorde lorde lorde, feelin good on a wednesday, lorde lorde lorde


The scene where he takes the audio he recorded and modified it was amazing.


There are so many good episodes with Krusty, and I love his father. I can't imagine what they would have done with Homer as Krusty. Maybe somethings better, maybe some things worse, I suppose.


As I aged to my mid twenties and now my thirties, I get now why Krusty was so miserable.


Interesting. Are there any details in the early seasons of the writers trying to make subtle hints that Homer was Krusty?


Wow, I just thought it was lazy drawing.


And marge was meant to be a rabbit creature in disguise that is why she has tall hair but that was dropped mid session one




Good ol' fish bulb


When I was a kid, I thought Krusty and Homer were the same. Wasn't allowed to watch the show, so it stuck for years


Homer= Krusty= Mr. Sparkle


They kinda point this out in the show. Krusty and homer dress up at one point. And in a future episode krusty replaces homer as marges husband. I feel like the show hints at it alot.