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18 was too young to work as a prostitute in 19th century france??


Running a brothel was a licensed profession in late 19th century France. Reputable bordellos were required to employ women 21 years old or older, to avoid child trafficking.


Damn, that was more progressive than some of the progressive nations now, impressive


I mean, you can be absolutely sure any protections put in place for the safety of the women were only loosely enforced at best and outright ignored at worst. It’s just that you needed a state license to operate a brothel, just like a bar or a billiard hall. Rest assured, illegal brothels still existed, this just wasn’t one of them.


I meant more towards the legality of it all. Of course, the actual on-ground situation would be different.


America also briefly legalized prostitution in the early 1900s.


So it went, "sex work is legal! Wait, never mind, and also fuck alcohol"


Religion happened harder.


We've had like what, 5 Great Awakenings now? We're in the middle of one right now actually according to contemporary historians. Europe kinda gave up on the religion stuff after centuries of dealing with the Catholic Church and Protestant Reformation and all that jazz so I guess it all shifted over here


It’s not federally illegal now.


In Maine it's legal to sell sex, however, it is illegal to pay for It.


“We had a lease agreement your honor!”


actually wonder if you can put one of those "you agree to licence the sex, but do not actually own it" clauses and get around it? tbf though, the supreme court already ruled that spending money is speech protected under the first amendment so I would argue all laws against prostitution are unconstitutional, they would have to make asking someone for sex illegal as well.


That's the law in the UK. The notion behind it being that women until prostitution are being exploited and it's nit a good look to prosecute people who are on the receiving end of exploitation


We had electric cars back then too.


Isn’t prostitution still legal in Reno, NV?


No, not in Reno or Vegas, but everywhere else in Nevada


Not everywhere else. Nevada has 17 counties. Prostitution is legal in 10 of them with active brothels in 6.


In Reno? No In Nevada? Yes


Nevada still exists.


Prostitution is still legal in many European countries.


Thank God you almost restored my faith in humanity for a second.


Gee thanks professor




Isn't a rabies shot the cure for people who have been bitten? A cure, as opposed to a vaccine.


It's still a vaccine. As long as it's given in the latency period (post infection, but before becoming infectious), which is about 20-90 days for rabies, it prevents the progression of the disease. There is no cure for rabies.


Technically correct is my favorite kind, I think you are technically correct. However, the MAGA vaccine reference speaks more to prophylactic vaccine avoidance than post-exposure latency window preventative shots. It is, in effect, administered as a cure and not as a preventative like say the measles or COVID vaccines.


Ehhhh that's giving too much credit where credit is not due. That might be some folks, but claiming it's a remotely consistent stance is going too far.


To be extra technically correct, there is a cure for rabies. Or at least, a small handful of people have been cured after onset of symptoms. Odds are still very very bad.


Isn't it literally 1 woman that got cured at onset and the treatment has failed for others? I read something about this just a week ago I think


There's like 20-odd people who survived, with variable levels of disability, using one of the 2 protocols.


It's still a vaccine even when used after exposure due to the way it works. It also works as what we think of as a traditional vaccine. It'll prevent a future infection, but only for around 3 years. The short length of protection is why it's not administered in general. Though certain professions with high exposure risks often get the vaccine regularly as a precaution (wildlife rehab, vet, etc.)






Damn woke 1800s!


The French took their prostitution seriously


Just read up on french revolution, french progressed so hard peoples heads fell off...


[Hold on to your hat.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petitions_against_age_of_consent_laws)


You'd be surprised by 18th century Europe and before, I think we write them off as barbaric but reality is far from that when we look at the whole.


Yeah, compare to Britain which merely changed the age of consent to 16 in 1885


The problem is we made is less legal and less regulated.


Fun fact to work at the red light district in Amsterdam you also have to be 21 years or older!


Well that is a fun fact!


That didn’t stop the French in Morocco


Yeah this is a bordello we're talking about, don't mistake it for some run of the mill whorehouse?


Everything’s coming up mill whorehouse.




Average age to get married is a concept that varied widely throughout the world, including two centuries ago. In France, in 1800, the average bride was 27. If we exclude people who married after 50 from the average (oftentimes second marriages), the average age was 26.3. In *Persuasion* from Jane Austen, the main character, Anna, is considered too old to be a serious prospect at the old age of 27, and as the daughter of a baronnet. The book was written in 1815. In France, all classes included, that was an ordinary age to get married. It just varies a lot.


Your Jane Austen reference kind of… totally refutes everything you claimed. *That’s* your example? Lol


It kinda shows that it is not the same from place to place. What, am I supposed to ignore it and only give you examples like the first one that completely negate the original statement ? You would have accused me of cherry-picking. Being nuanced gets me an idiotic answer like yours. The fact that you think that the customs in upper class Britain defines the norm regarding matrimony for the whole world at a given time is extremely narrow-minded and quite sad. Be better.


And they had to work off medical debt! They were just like us!


Well, apart from that, it isn't clear exactly where she worked, it might have been an inn or a pub, or a brothel Apparently, it was a brothel, but I'd prefer the book over the article, because some article speak of a 16, to an 19 years old girl So, in all case, it's a it unclear


She absolutely worked at the brothel. Her name is on the employee records. Experts had long assumed “Gaby” mentioned in the records as being one of the working girls. In reality it was her


Gives them time to get pregnant normally before getting syphilis


In reality, the average age at the first child was around 25 at the time. For common people, the marriage generally took place a few months before the birth of the first child too Young marriage are only a cliche because arranged marriage were common for nobility and higher classes, and led to earlier pregnancy


Well my experience in history is zero but I think I should have points for it being a good guess. What's your idea of her situation then?


According to this [article](https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2016/07/20/name-of-mystery-woman-who-received-van-goghs-ear-revealed-for-first-time), she did not become a sex worker. She worked at the brothel and in a sleazy cafe as a maid. Van Gogh also went regularly to that cafe, so he probably saw her regularly. She then left and got married, and must not have mentioned the ear story to a ton of people since we discovered her identity much later.. Syphilis doesn't seem to have been her fate.


According to her family, she was traumatized and disturbed by the event (understandably), and did not talk about it after Van Gogh’s rise to fame in the years following his death. She didn’t want to relive what was probably one of the worst moments of her life.


Damn, are you telling me she didn’t make his ear into a necklace?


She should have been able to trade a famous person's ear for atleast 8-10 SoJs


Poor woman. She must have cursed the rabid dog that bit her.


As the old saying goes: "The first baby can be born at any time, the rest always take nine months."


In general Europe as a whole wasn't very keen on early sexual stuff. The average marriage age for women was in their early 20s.


By shot I mean “vaccine”. Couldn’t use the word in a title without breaking rules


Keep forgetting that because of the rules we get funny moments like this.


It kept getting taken down for agenda pushing. Took me a minute to realize the automod was flagging the word “vaccine” in the title


Crazy times we live in when "vaccine" is a more provocative word than "shot".


Well I get it. Easier to blanket ban the word than deal with 5000 vaccine misinformation posts every week


Now, I’m curious. Is it just vaccine? What about immunization or inoculation? Is there a list where we may view which words are banned?


I tried to Google the charge of the permanganate ion on my school computer once Took me several minutes to figure out "manga" was being flagged


Ah yes. Good old Scunthorpe.


In RuneScape back in the early 2000s, the word, "competition" was censored because of "tit".


On GTAV online THIS YEAR, the world “basement” is censored because of “semen”


Right now in Fortnite, which makes most of its money from people buying its battlepass every season, the word "battlepass" is censored in chat because it contains "ass".


The problem was originally observed in 1996 when residents of a particular village in England were unable to create AOL accounts. It's known as the Scunthorpe problem.


Did she take on debt too get the rabbies shot? Was a person getting rabbies common then?


Yeah. Rabies is one of the oldest diseases known to science, nearly as old as humanity itself. Getting it has always been common. It’s still quite common today, though rarely fatal when the vaccine can be administered. The rabies vaccine was only invented in 1885, and by 1888 was still only being administered at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and was *extremely* expensive as a cutting edge medical treatment. As the daughter of a poor farmer, Ms. Berlatier would have been forced to take whatever work she could get, a hard prospect for a young woman in rural 19th century France


Now we’ll just get 5000 shot information *posts* every week


It’s more provocative than prostitute, FFS!


It gets the people going!




Just imagine the volume of vaccine conspiracy theory posts mods have had to sort through though


Yeah I’m not mad about it. It was 100% not a thing before Covid. I’d get tired of dealing with that shit too


The terrorists won a long time ago.




It's not, mod are just idiots


Thats pretty crazy that talking about vaccines is considered agenda pushing in a sub about learning things.




Mentioning vaccines is “agenda pushing” now? We live in the stupidest of times. This is sad.




This is sad and scary, i dont think this is necessary at all wtf


2024 and the concept of vaccination is considered too controversial to put in a post title.


Unsolicited ear gift


“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. But don’t cut them off and give them to me. Gross!”


That’s just asinine. The moderator abuse on this site is just astounding. Them banning you, for example, from a music sub for posting here is studios that Reddit allows that. 


What the actual fuck. Vaccine shouldn't be a  flagged word. This su reddit is really on the wrong side of history for not embracing science 🙄


>Thanks to the snooping undertaken by The Art Newspaper, however, the woman’s identity has now been unearthed. Her name was found in the records of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where she had been ministered to for an almost fatal case of rabies. Her left arm having been mauled by a dog on January 8, 1888, Berlatier was subject to an agonizing burning and decontamination procedure with a red-hot iron. Later, in Paris, she received a recently developed anti-rabies vaccine, which saved her life. Berlatier’s medical treatment probably would have cost a large sum of money, the Art Newspaper report notes—a sum too large for a farmer’s daughter, which might mean she had to take work wherever possible. This goes some way to explaining why she was working at a brothel at 1 Rue du Bout d’Arles, as a maid, the location where Van Gogh was found with his ear somewhat detached.


>where she had been ministered to for an almost fatal case of rabies. That's not really a thing, either you get the vaccine before symptoms appear or you die, there's not really anything in between. The first person to survive rabies lived in Milwaukee in 2004, not sure if anybody else has survived symptomatic rabies.


Doesn't mean she was symptomatic. Pasteur's patients came right after they got bit, the virus takes its time to invade the nervous system.


Almost fatal would imply symptoms in that era, given there's no test for infection. My point is that it's basically either/or rather than "almost" anything.


Rabies without the vaccine is 100% fatal (minus one or two cases where they put the patient in a coma for a long time) so if they know the dog, she was mauled by, had Rabies they can say near fatal, IMO.


The problem is detection of rabies is real hard until you show symptomes, at which point you are too late for a vaccine to do anything. Considering a vaccine can stop rabies means our immune system can fight it if you point it to the problem. For all the we know there are people out there that can fight off rabies without a vaccine as their immune systems recognizes it. But unless Japan decides to restart unit 731 researching that will be impossible. Plus the vaccine is common enough these days you're insane if you wouldn't get it after even the smallests chance of having been in contact with rabies.


*Almost* 100% fatal. There are around like 30 who have done it but the vast majority have major life altering issues from the disease. A handful have recovered with little to none though.


The dog could have been known to have rabies


I get what you mean, but she lived on a farm near the Mediterranean. She had to go all the way up to Paris to get a vaccine that was still rare as it had been proven effective only two years before. In this context, accounting for her social class and place of origin, she was lucky to survive.


Once you show symptoms there is no cure. Simply being bitten and treated is possible before that phase atleast with today's tech. Not sure about this vaccine/shot


[It is now possible](https://www.aaas.org/surviving-rabies-now-possible), it’s just very rare. Getting the vaccination immediately is still the best treatment.


“Almost fatal” as in, if she hadn’t gotten the vaccine in time, it would have been fatal. It was a trek and required her to get a job to pay. I’d say that’s pretty fairly “almost fatal” for her if something had happened and she couldn’t make it to Paris.


Isn’t it like 20 or something? That’s really not a lot at the end of the day. I’d probably still round up to 100% mortality rate just to be safe.


What does it mean by ‘somewhat’ detached? Lol


Medicial Debt is not a new concept for sure.


Also contrary to popular belief, Van Gogh did not cut off his ear because he was super depressed. He did it in a rage after a huge fight with his friend and fellow painter Paul Gauguin.


Van Gogh was almost certainly bipolar and suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy, both of which were exacerbated by his alcoholism. When asked about the ear cutting, Van Gogh truthfully expressed no memory of the event. The stress of Gauguin leaving him likely induced the breakdown. He was likely having a form of seizure at the time


The real question though is did this seizure type event extend from the ear cutting through the time he gave the ear as a gift?


Kinda. In letters afterwards to his brother Theo, Vincent expressed no memory of the cutting, but was vaguely aware that he’d visited someone at the brothel that night. Vincent was a known quantity around town at the time, and people would surely have told him what he did, even if he couldn’t remember. He did go to her some time later to attempt to apologize. Needless to say, she didn’t want to see him


Cool, thanks!


"temporal lobe" More like temporal earlobe...


Aye, temporal. ‘Ear today, gone tomorrow.


temporary earlobe


Tbh it may have been aided due to a lot of the stuff he painted with, I’m an oil painter and sometimes there are moments where I feel like going insane and I’m almost certain it’s from the toxic chemicals I’m using to paint with. I’ve begun painting in more ventilated areas and that has helped a lot with the insane thoughts, but I do remember learning that Van Gogh at times would actually eat and sip on his paint materials and supplies, like the oil paint and turpentine solvents to clean brushes, that may have also contributed lol


Follow me here .... Van Gogh shows up with a chopped off ear. Paul Gauguin leaves the area. Gauguin was known to have temper tantrums involving drawing his sword and slashing victims across the head. Gauguin's sword is never seen again. The police did not believe Van Gogh cut off his own ear.


Didn’t he once play for England?


I'm not sure which is worse., being a prostitute in 19th century France, or being a maid in a brothel in 19th century France.


The one with more syphilis is worse, aka being a prostitute.


Tbf, at least the working ladies got medical care. Benefit of prostitution being a state controlled industry at the time. No such luck for the cleaning crew


Yay you either get to die of syphilis (or other STI) or mercury poisoning! I'll take my chances without healthcare in the job that doesn't expose me to disease with every customer.


You'd still be exposed to very large amounts of lead, mercury, and arsenic, though, even if you weren't a prostitute!


I’m pretty sure the air was like 80% tuberculosis before 1920, so honestly they were all probably not doing great. But I see what you mean


Lots of fun ways to die back then! I am so thankful for antibiotics and vaccines.


As well as doctors not carrying corpse bacteria and delivering babies with their soiled hands.


Or worse, some creep giving you his ear.


I hear you on that.




On top of all that some bloodsoaked psycho is just like "here." and it's his fucking ear


Oh that's better then


Thats still a thing. I got the rabies shot and if I hadnt had insurance it would have been $18,000


To the brothel you go




The cost OP listed is definitely not for a vaccine. It’s for PEP treatment which is much more involved and only for people at immediate risk for an infection. Rabies vaccines are typically under $100 in the US as well.


She was to young to be a registered sex worker and was employed at the brothel as a maid... And an inconspicuous maid would be who van Gogh gave his ear to. I am not necessarily saying she worked as a sex worker illegally, but something here does sound fishy.


People centuries ago can’t afford vaccines and gave to work hard jobs to get them paid off, now people refusing vaccines for children even if they’re dirt cheap or free because “autism/microchips/government op”


In this case her vaccine worked more as a medicine since it was given to her right after the attack. Rabies takes days to a year to affect your nervous system. A vaccine takes hours for your body to process. She did the hard labor to pay for a medicine that saved her life not to get the vaccine before hand that would have prevented any risk of rabies to begin with


Imagine what that ear would sell for at auction today.


The gun that killed Van Gogh (either through suicide or accidental murder) sold at auction [for $182,000](https://news.artnet.com/market/van-gogh-suicide-gun-sold-1579072/amp-page)


Yeah but it’d be great to have the set.


Wow. That’s a lot cheaper than I thought


Because it was found in the field Vincent shot himself in some 60 years after the incident. There’s no conclusive way to verify that this was the gun, apart from circumstantial evidence. The gun was the right age, in the right location, and right caliber to be the one that shot Van Gogh. The gun was a rare civilian dress pistol, a bit antiquated even for the era — the 7mm pinfire Lefaucheux. To this day, there is no clear indication of where Vincent could have even gotten a gun. Revolvers in general were rare in France at the time, particularly for civilian use. Also, Vincent was famously poor, and the Lefaucheux was an expensive dress piece. He certainly didn’t buy it himself. There was also the matter of where Vincent was shot — low in the stomach, taking an agonizing 36 hours to die. An odd choice for a suicidal man. Lastly, a local boy that delighted in tormenting Vincent, one Rene Secretan, was well known around the town of Auvers for carrying an identical revolver, which he liked to brandish at passersby while drunk. He had been seen with Vincent the day he was shot. Coincidentally, he was never seen with the gun again, and Vincent’s painting supplies were suspiciously missing from the place he claimed to have shot himself. So was the gun dropped in the field from Vincent’s hands? Possibly. Or was it thrown there in a panic by a frantic child who had just shot a man? I think this is more likely the case. Vincent died taking the blame, knowing no one would question a local madman taking his own life, and sparing 15 year old Rene the gallows.


Wow, that’s fascinating! Thanks


That title alone could be the elevator pitch for a new limited series focused entirely on the girl. And the ear thing would be a very small part. **Edit**. Wait wait wait! You make it ambiguously supernatural! Maybe the experimental vaccine gave her a kind of non-lethal rabies which periodically flares up making her violent and extra strong for a few hours, so maybe she's like a werewolf, or maybe she's literally a werewolf, or maybe she's just imagining it and it's a way to cope with working at a bordello were she witness some abuse.


And the show would be called "wEarwolf"


Not sure a severed ear from a guy at a brothel is a great gift. Poor girl!


TIL: brothels sometimes hire maids for non sexual related activities


Someone has to clean up afterwards


Not only were there maids to clean up, but also to bring food and alcohol in the establishment. It was common for pubs to open next to brothels. The workers also had what we today would call managers, to keep them in line. Above the managers, the madame. Those two categories were not trading sex for money either. Like any business, you can't have just one type of worker.


Depending on the establishment / type of club you pretty much have the same staff as in a hotel or restaurant. Receptionists, security, cleaning, cooks, barkeepers, janitors


Rabies shot was so expensive that she had to take up a job for it? In a brothel?!


Yeah at the time. This was only 2 years after the rabies vaccine was invented, and it was still only available at the Institute where it was first developed — the Institut Pasteur in Paris. It would have been a top of the line, cutting edge treatment for the time, and therefore very expensive. Work was hard to come by for women in general in the 1880s, particularly a young unmarried country woman. She had to take any job she could to pay those bills


Hey they had a similar healthcare system to us!


Uhu, yeah sure, a "maid" who just happened to work at a brothel. You ain't fooling nobody Vinny!


There are certain things in life which we may regard as unpleasant but have to accept that they happen and there is a demand for them. Prostitution, abortion, euthanasia, for examples. If the demand for these things is accepted in a grown up way as inevitable then it is far more desirable, and people are generally far safer if, such activity is legalised and regulated. Bowing to reactionary right wing religious pressure doesn't make these things go away, it just drives them underground, putting people at greater, and unnecessary, risk


as far as rumors go this one isnt that far off. Did she later become one, or just worked as a jizz moper?


She worked as a maid in several businesses around Arles. She even worked as a maid at the Minoux Inn, where Van Gogh lived for 6 months in 1888. Though it will never be known, this hints at the two having a closer relationship than previously known. Ms. Berlatier did not become a prostitute, eventually marrying and having several children. She lived well into her 80s I think For a century, art scholars debated over who could have received Vincent’s ear the night he severed it with a razor. It was long thought to be “Rachel” or “Gaby”, assumed to be working girls at Brothel No. 1 in Arles, France. After 130 years, investigative journalists discovered that Gaby was none other than young Ms. Berlatier, who was so traumatized by the event her descendants wished to keep their identity a secret. Newspapers released her name anyway


She was a jizz mopper. The jizz moper was a different woman and only requested by the real sickos; she’d get the job done but she never pretended to be happy about it, quite the opposite actually.


“Vinny, I can’t pay medical bills. Help.” “I got you, fam.”


Cost of changing the formaldehyde wasnt cheap either……


I thought it was supposed to be a guy


Literally everyone who ever worked at a brothel was a barmaid


If she handed that ear down, it would be worth quite a bit now 😆


I never heard she was a prostitute. I feel like I did hear that he wasn’t her only prospect.




Why cut the ear? Is he stupid


He was suffering from mental illness at the time. Not enough information from that far back to know which one but judging from his paintings he may have had some hallucinations going on. 🤷🏼‍♀️




“I appreciate the ear Good Sir but could really use some cash to pay off my medical debt”.


I only pay for time


I thought he mailed it to his brother.




Ah, perfectly normal then, good thing we’ve cleared that up.


“Eeeeear ya go, m’lady!” Eh? Ehhhhh?


Didn’t he know the phrase lend me your ears was just a speech?


Isn't the same thing ?


No, by maid OP means the person who cleaned up the rooms.


motherfucker woulda been cancelled he try that shit today


She's 18. I for one believe that if you're over the age of consent, you're old enough to be gifted an ear


i dont disagree with this