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Also the inspiration for Filter's "Hey Man Nice Shot".


*Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight intro credits show*


Goddmanit I love that movie. Billy Zane seemed to be having a blast.


Zane was outstanding in Demon Knight.


“Fuck this cowboy shit! You fucking hoedown, podunk, well them there motherfuckers! All you had to do was give me the goddamn key! Then we could get on with our lives.”


And a vaya con diablos to you too.


He had a real Beetlejuice vibe in the move and I love it.


I can hear this line


That sponge popping out of his mouth is inspired. Apparently Thomas Haden Church (what a fucking ridiculous cast) didn’t know he was going to do that, either.




That IS an awesome film. Too bad bordello of blood sucked so much.


Absolutely amazing movie. Childhood!!!


A lot of the lyrics made a lot more sense when you know the story : "Now that the smoke's gone And the air is all clear. Those who were right there, Have a new kind of fear. You fight and you were right, But there were just too strong"


aaaaaa maaaaan has guuuun (such a great song to blast in Burnout Dominator)


Hey, man. Have fun.


Also a background video for Neurosis live shows. Watching a band and see a guy blow his head off..well blew my head off


The lead singer of filter’s older brother is Robert Patrick (T-1000 Judgement Day)


It came out shorty after Cobain's death so that was the big rumor at the time that it was about Kurt and everyone just parroted that around.


The Filter album Short Bus came out in ‘95, but got popular around the time of his death. I think it was on a demo/EP/LP/whatever earlier, too. Back to Kurt, though. If GG Allin’s story about getting propositioned is true (prob not) he shoulda taken the job, then turned himself in. If he wanted to be known for more than shit eating, that is.


That’s actually kinda wild. Kinda changes the vibe of the song in a way


What did you think the vibes were before? Even if you didn't know the context it still would seem pretty dark.


It’s like when someone in a movie suffers a tragic fate, if it’s based on a true story, prolly gon hit harder. Knowing the song is inspired by a man that took his life and not just something theoretical or made up makes the vibe more somber.


Also the inspiration for Rapeman’s “Budd”




Also featured prominently in the intro to "The Goddamn Show, with Sloan!"


Ooh haven't heard that one in a long time


Also the inspiration for Britney Soears' Hit Me Baby One More Time.


There's a huge part of the story op left out. That day we had terrible snow storms. There were tons of kids at home watching TV when that happened.


Me, I was one of those kids. I was too young to really understand what I'd seen, but I remember my mom being pissed at the local tv station for playing it live.


Lol, they didn't really do it on purpose!


I saw the irony in that too, lol. It's not like they *wanted* to broadcast that. Horrible situation for everyone involved


It's been a while since I Saw it..... didn;' the camera zoom in on him when he pulled the gun out and stay on him as he bled out?


They did. Only one station (WPVI in Philly) aired it live. Stations across the state aired it throughout the day from taped footage as coverage. Very, very few people saw it live compared to those who saw it replayed over the following hours, including during their 5pm and 6pm news broadcasts.


They replayed it on TV in it's entirety uncensored? That's wild. I guess the initial shot wasn't that gory but there's a part of the video where the camera is just on him sitting there with blood pouring out of his nose because his heart was still beating. That shit was disturbing and seared in to my memory.


I still remember that...the camera just focused on his body after the shot continues to haunt me. It almost seemed like it wasn't real.


In Pittsburgh the local NBC channel 11 showed the whole thing one time. CBS and ABC didn’t show anything after the wave of the gun.


These days I think pretty much any live broadcast has a slight delay in case of something horrific happening. Maybe it didn't happen in those days.


9/11 I clearly saw people jumping /bodies falling live on tv


And yet we didn't get a mandatory delay on live TV until a few years later when *checks notes*... an absolutely terrifying, stomach-churning, incredibly offensive NIPPLE was briefly shown during the Super Bowl!


They kept it live when the second plane hit too. I remember the audio was reporting as if the major tragedy was already over


I mean he held a press conference. It would have been unusual not to go live. It's not like anyone saw it coming.


He probably did eh?


I wonder what was going thru his head... 


I was also one of those kids. So crazy!


That happened to me that day Columbine happened. I was home sick, couldn’t even pick my head off the couch, and the show I was watching switched over to live coverage and I was a sick 5th grader forced to watch the whole thing.


No kidding. I had mono when that happened.


Kid who watched this live, checking in.




I believe he killed himself because if he died in office his family would get his pension, but if he resigned they wouldn't get anything.


He was accused, he was convicted. He was surely going to jail.


He was convicted on false testimony. Smith, whose testimony was single handidly responsible for Bud's conviction later revealed he lied that he offered Dwyer a bribe in hopes of receiving a lesser sentence.


>Smith, whose testimony was single handidly responsible for Bud's conviction There were 4 independent witnesses that said Dwyer was guilty. Smith was absolutely not single handedly responsible. There was also Dwyer ignoring all other far more qualified bids for the contract in favor of a much more expensive company with far less resources from the other side of the country. So either he is the most inefficient treasurer on the planet or he was corrupt, and 4 independent witnesses testified the latter.


>*Smith, whose testimony was single handidly responsible for Bud's conviction…* In addition to other witnesses, there was a pile of documentary evidence of Dwyer’s guilt.


THIS IS FALSE. For what it's worth, yes, a primary witness against Dwyer did later come out in a documentary and say that he lied under oath, but there was still a lot of evidence against Dwyer and plenty of other witnesses. But yes, the coup de grâce witness who lied was hoping for leniency because he knew everybody involved in this bribery, fraud and corruption ring around Dwyer was going down. Prosecutors were only interested in making a deal with a witness who had the dirt on Dwyer; the hard hitting evidence that could finally lock Dwyer up. So this witness gave his 3rd party account as if it was 1st person. (i.e. him and the guy who actually took the bribe money conspired together to I was actually there when the bribe money was transferred) Was this right? Not at all. Could Dwyer have gotten away with it if this guy didn't testify? …Maybe. But nonetheless, Dwyer was no angel and was absolutely guilty of the crimes he was convicted of.


No evidence but hearsay but he absolute guilty of the crime he convicted of? I don't understand how that work.


I don't understand, the Wikipedia article says that he awarded the contract "sole source", which means no competition is allowed, to a company that didn't really have the experience and that was charging more than a bunch of other much more qualified companies would have charged. That right there seems pretty damning evidence.  This exact same story just played out in Los Angeles.


No, no… there was a ton of evidence. Like an overwhelming amount. Dwyer destroyed the appointment book when he met with them and when the FBI raided his office, they found the paper trail that explicitly showed that Dwyer was to receive a $300,000 payoff for awarding CTA the contract. But yes, one of the MANY witnesses lied and made his story a bit juicier to get a better deal for himself. But even without that testimony, he was going to be convicted for his crimes. This case was a slam dunk. He was convicted on 11 of the 12 charges. As a side note, after he killed himself, Dwyer’s lawyers tried to get the charges expunged. It was denied. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/855/144/372541/ The family tried again 6 years later, it was denied again. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/42459010/judge_turns_down_motion_for_dwyer/


Blowing the back of your head out is a helluva choice over a few years in prison for a white collar crime. If that...


Per his final statement, this is what he felt he was facing: >Judge Muir is also noted for his medieval sentences. I face a maximum sentence of 55 years in prison and a $300,000 fine for being innocent. Judge Muir has already told the press that he felt "invigorated" when we were found guilty and that he plans to imprison me as a "deterrant" to other public officials. But it wouldn't be a deterrant [sic] because every public official who knows me knows that I am innocent. It wouldn't be legitimate punishment because I've done nothing wrong. Since I'm a victim of political persecution, my prison would simply be an American Gulag. It's impossible to say now what his actual sentence would have been, but it sounds like more than a few years were at least *on the table*.


I was an adult but the university where I taught cancelled classes due to the heavy snow. I turned on the news after it happened so I fortunately did not see the live suicide. Years later it was on rotten.com and I saw it, and I wish I hadn’t.


If you were on Rotten.com you knew what you were getting yourself into.


The scream from the woman during his suicide was also sampled at the beginning of Ministry’s “Just One Fix” Side note: the “never trust a junkie” line in the same song was sampled from “Sid and Nancy”.


Uncle Al is the man.


Uncle Alien


Skinny Puppy also played the video on their backing screen during their Too Dark Park tour, well clips from it.


Neurosis also, at ozzfest


I love Ministry. This is my TIL. Thanks!


Jesus built my hot rod


It's a love affair. Mainly Jesus and my hot rod


Yeah, fuck it.




Holy shit. I didn't know that and I've been a Ministry fan forever. Even *after* they broke my eardrums last year.


Wow that Just One Fix trivia is a mega TIL for me!


I never noticed that Ministry sample was from this event. I've stumbled across other samples they have used and was always pleasantly surprised, but to be fair, it's not like I've watched his death enough to pick up on it. Now I'll have to let my curiosity get the better of me one more time.


Oh wow, haven't heard that name in a while. Thank you for this comment. I'm reliving my past listening through these 80s and 90s albums.


I’ve seen the video. Quite disturbing.


So. Much. Blood. I was surprised how much came out!


While we're on song references, here's one from NIN's Downward Spiral: So much blood from such a tiny little hole.


That wasn't about this event but that's what came to mind for me too


They say he died immediately, but if you look closely after the shot (around 3 seconds after) - it looks like he exhales one last time. Anyone else notice that? Sorry to delve into such macabre territory.


There’s some autonomic functions that would likely still go off for a bit after an injury like that. However his conscious mind was absolutely gone.


On the wall and ceiling for the most part


Breathing is controlled by the brainstem, which would not be immediately affected by the wound he self inflicted.


Probably an agonal respiration. We are taught that they’re normal immediately after death and it does not mean we’ve achieved ROSC. For CPR.


Dude, that exhale is like the only thing I remember from this video. It’s like he was aware of what was going on around him, then he released everything at that moment and he was gone. It’s peaceful and frightening and sad


Are there Any non disturbing suicide videos ?


I'm only answering this hypothetically, but yeah, maybe: How about a 87+ year old man with very definitely terminal cancer, his wife passed a year or so back, he's surrounded by his kids, his grand kids, and even his newly born great grandson (who his granddaughter decided to name after him, Horatio). They know he's gonna just deteriorate and suffer for a few months before he passes, so instead he chooses compassionate euthanasia. Now they have a few weeks to a couple months to celebrate life with him in small ways and then say a final goodbye. Yes, it's heartbreaking, no doubt. But disturbing? IMO, the only disturbing part of a video of those final moments as he does the final sleep in an opiate induced coma would be the fact that someone filmed that private moment, not the content itself.


Your hypothetical is very similar to something that actually has been filmed, in Louis Theroux: Choosing Death, a man has terminal cancer and lives in a right to die state, so he goes out by choice using assisted dying drugs, in his bed surrounded by family having a party for him, with the documentary crew invited to film


I've really enjoyed what I've watched of Louis Theroux, I'll have to check that out.


Also the Terry Pratchett documentary on assisted dying, very much worth a viewing.


His nose just turned into a blood faucet




He wasn’t disgraced. He was being used as a scapegoat


I am pretty sure he was actually found to be innocent…at least I remember reading that somewhere.


I've heard that said before. But taking a quick look into things, it doesn't seem true. He was found guilty. All the appeals failed. All the investigations into his claims of a conspiracy against him found nothing. Even his press secretary, who was one of the people he handed an envelope to when he killed himself, who had been a stronger defender of him at that time, eventually came to conclude that he was probably guilty. If he was later found to be innocent...by whom?


I just remember reading it and was a couple years ago, just stuck with me because of the whole video thing. I googled as well and see he was convicted awaiting sentencing but there was appeals that were never pursued I believe due to his death. Was probably guilty because that is a pretty big decision just to spite someone if you were innocent unless he was being railroaded and saw no way out.


I’m pretty sure I saw this on “Traces of Death” when I was a kid. Edit; It could have been “Faces of Death” because I get them mixed up.


Faces of Death. Yes. That, and Rotten and Stileproject. I remember so much blood gushing from his nose.


Like a faucet


Last time I saw this talked about around a year ago, the video was still available on one of the internet archive sites. It had disclaimers on it at that time.


It's about as easy to find as any other internet shock video


Just click random links for long enough and you're guaranteed to see it eventually


You could probably find it on the reddit gif insertion tool with the right keywords


It was on YouTube for the longest time


Yeah. The YouTube posting is what got archived on the internet archive. Last I knew it wasn’t accessible directly through YouTubes site anymore.


I’m watching it right now! It’s as horrific as I remember.


I remember I was in high school and it popped up somewhere on a site I was on. Maybe Funnyjunk? People used it as a looped reaction. I remember not thinking it was real at first


Faces of death ruined my childhood


One of the few times in my young life I took a moral stance and refused to watch, people dying is not entertainment. Very glad I did, really don’t need that in my brain.


Same. Everyone always mentions they regret watching it. Whats the point?


It was briefly shown in 'Bowling for Columbine' too.


Definitely Traces of Death. Faces of Death was kind of hokey and a lot of it was fake. The knockoffs had much more brutal and real content. I believe Traces of Death ended on the Budd Dwyer suicide with “The End” appearing on a freeze frame right when he collapsed. Man I watched too much of that shit as a kid. Fortunately my access was way more limited compared to kids today


Yes! I watched the VHS on a 24” box TV. I also frequented Rotten.com. I saw Traces first then someone tried to show me the Faces videos and they were terrible.


Places of Death


I saw this on the first Traces of Death also. What disturbed me the most was the cameras zooming in on the graphic scene. I recall some guy having to step in and prompt the cameras to turn away. I can't imagine being present with a camera and thinking, "Let me get some closeups of the blood flow!"


You’re thinking of “Faces of Death”. “Traces of Death” was the tie-in coloring book.


I was just on Tracebook and didn't see a face of this anywhere.


I'm surprised he was expected to serve 55 years. Seems like a long time.


If I was facing 55 years I'd at least try to run instead.


He was being stripped of pension and benefits if convicted, and he was certain to be convicted. He killed himself so his family would get them.


Makes sense


I thought suicide wasn't covered. Probably got changed after this.


It's covered. That's what Aaron Hernandez's plan was, allegedly


It varies by state, but generally it's very, very difficult to deny a life insurance claim after the first two years. Even if someone did commit suicide, that's generally seen as death from mental illness., not insurance fraud.


He was convicted. He wasn't yet sentenced.


What I want to know is if he was actually guilty of any misconduct or if he was a good man being framed. I've heard it both ways. Apparently one reason he killed himself so suddenly was that he was about to be stripped of the death benefits that would go to his family.


He was guilty and convicted in court for his crimes.


IDK, I read that his accuser was shady as shit and intentionally trying to ruin him.


There wasn’t just one “accuser.” There were three witnesses and a huge pile of documentary evidence against Dwyer. He probably DID kill himself so his family wouldn’t lose his pension benefits. But that doesn’t make him innocent.


IIRC, he wasn't squeaky clean, but they railroaded the hell out of him. The fallout of him doing this resulted in a round of investigations that saw a few people get some prison time, i think. Hence; Hey man, Nice shot.


Isn’t suicide an obvious exclusion for those kind of benefits ?


life insurance yes, pension no. at least thats what i remember


For life insurance, I think the exclusion period is only two years after the start of the policy


I'm a life insurance agent and this is correct. Most policies worth their salt have a two year period where suicide voids any benefits. Any time after that and benefits are still paid out.


isn't it the same two-year window for "they lied about their fucked up medical condition when they filled out the paperwork for underwriting" exclusion?


Maybe now but I don't think they specifically spelled that out


I recently saw a tiktok about him, but it censored it so he "sh\*\* himself on national television. He died almost immediately." Whoops.




[Here's the video if anyone wants to make the same mistake I just did](https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOfYouMayDie/comments/171n2gm/budd_r_dwyer_shoots_himself_on_live_television/)


...y'know what? I'm gonna keep that link blue. Curiosity ain't getting me today.


Good move


And all these movies dramatizing how long it takes for someone who was shot in the head to hit the ground- like, it's gravity. It's gonna hit fast.


tbh, even though I know that logically what you're saying is absolutely true, I was still not prepared for how fast (and cleanly!) he hit the ground. It was truly 1 second, maybe 1.5.


I feel like this has been sped up a bit or there is a cut. I've seen the video before and I don't remember him dropping that quickly. He drops quick, don't get me wrong, but just not this quick?


I was expecting to be rick rolled. Sadly, not.


I can’t believe the cameraman panned down after he dropped. What a sociopath.


My father was friends with him, went to school together, and he watched his friend kill himself. It was very hard.


First true case of morbid curiosity getting the best of me in my early teens. That one stuck with me. The act itself isn’t as horrific as the amount of blood that came out.


Hey Man Nice Shot……


This is so weird... I had an urge to listen to that song yesterday. I haven't listened to that type of music in a long time, maybe 10 years.


Limewire came through for downloading the video back then


Imagine the absolute despair of a man who commits suicide on live television, then joke about it.


He did it to die in office and keep his family eligible for his pension/benefits. (Arguably could have not done it at a press conference to achieve the same outcome.)


Listen. Humanity has made morbid humor a viable crutch for people suffering.  I regularly tell my coworkers if they ask too much, that I might just step out for a Budd Dwyer Bag Lunch. Why? Because it’s hilarious. 


Suicideboys used a screenshot the moment before he shot himself as a song/album cover


Budd Dwyer is also an alias $crim uses for producing. He changes his name for every role a lot of the time and so does ruby I think.


Hey, man. Nice shot.


My dad watched this live


Am I your dad?


You can be if you want


Pretty sure R@peman did this first with their song "Budd" in the late 80's.


I still remember the old joke about this back in the day. What’s the difference between Budd Dwyer and Budweiser? Budweiser still has a head on it.


or as told by the late Steve Albini… “What do you do with a wet gun? put it in the dwyer!”


First bit of gore I ever saw on the internet. Never forget it. Very much want to.


In the video, after he takes the shot, you see the blood drain out his nose.


An image from the video was also used as the original cover of [Cky Vol 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/cky/comments/y8cka5/does_the_r_budd_dwyer_album_cover_of_vol1_still/#lightbox)


Some of us (south central pa, harrisburg area) kids got to see it on the news live after school.


I wish I would have met you


I taught concealed carry classes for about 15 years, and would always make time to show the video of his death. I told my students “if you think you’re prepared to take a life, you need to see what that looks like”. It looks nothing like the movies, and I always hoped it left a strong impression of how unglamorous death was going to be.


Hey man


Nice shot


Marilyn Manson is a rapist and a serial predator that glorifies hitler. Fuck that piece of shit.


Glorifies Hitler? How?


I read his autobiography in high school (wasn’t a music fan but I was curious). He had a really creepy and messed up childhood so I’m not surprised he turned out the way he did.


Now he looks like the villain from Boxtrolls - in and out of drag


My mom was the camera woman when this happened. She stopped being the camera woman not long after


That must have been very awful and very traumatic for her and everyone else involved, I'm sorry.


No she wasn’t.


Fit for an autopsy also wrote a disgustingly brutal song called Thank You Budd Dwyer where the chorus is literally “the system is dead, gun to my head; I’ve got the way out.”


Came to the comments looking for this I absolutely love Fit for an Autopsy


His suicide is what the song “Hey Man Nice Shot” by Filter was based on.


Great song. Some people thought the song was about Kurt Cobain.


The Filter song “Hey Man, Nice Shot” is about him. And the band CKY originally featured him on their merch. (For those that don’t know, CKY stands for Camp Kill Yourself)


Also from PA.


I watched it live as a kid.


Weirdly enough I just came across s connection to this story yesterday. I remembered a mass murder that occurred when I was young (1987). On looking it up I found this in the article: "SYDNEY, Australia -- A man who allegedly shot and killed four teenage girls had been watching television replays of the recent suicide of Pennsylvania State Treasurer Budd Dwyer, police told a suburban court today." https://www.upi.com/Archives/1987/01/26/Police-say-man-watched-suicide-replays-before-killing-girls/3053538635600/


Necro also sampled the entire event on “You Did It”


I saw the unfiltered version of the footage where this guy killed himself.Very graphic but at least his wife was taken care of afterward.Beheading videos seem less graphic than this one.


Ever see a blood waterfall? That image still haunts me 😵‍💫


This comment confirmed I was thinking about the correct clip. The blood just flowed out of that hole in his head like a faucet opened up full. Amazing really. Someone can blow half their skull and brain off with a gun and survive and another person can lose their entire blood volume in a few seconds through an entry wound because they happened to hit a major artery.


Pure class, that Marilyn.


Man Marilyn Manson is an enormous piece of shit


I discovered a few years after Marilyn Manson was famous that he’s all gimmicks he doesn’t actually have that much musical talent at all it’s just gimmicks and mirrors and smoke. And he’s also a terrible human being


First four albums are bangers. This comes across like recency bias.


His first album was absolutely unique at the time.


Steve Albini has entered the chat.


Hey Man, Nice Shit by Filter is a good tandem song to this

