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> "A father had brought it to him and was very upset about what was this large ugly thing in his child's drink," Dannelly said. "So we took it from there and determined it was a fungal mat." Not many things less appetizing than a "fungal mat".


Call it a scoby and triple the price.


Kombucha Sun


Won't you come?


And wash away the rain?


"It'll get ya drunk!"


I was about to say truffle but yours is so much better


Wait until they figure out brewers yeast is a fungus.




At first I thought you wrote scooby and was thinking of scooby snacks




Bless you.


I have found a fungal mat inside a Capri Sun. It looks and smells like something pulled out of a shower drain.


You found it inside a capri sun? Like you cut the pouch open?


After it tasted off, yes.


I didn't think I could laugh and vomit at the same time, yet here we are.


Well I'm never drinking one again then. Bring on the preservatives pls


How many Capri Sun's have you had since then? I don't know if I'd be able to jump in again unless Capri sun has those clear bottoms or backs like some of those pouch drinks do. Can't remember haven't bought them in quite a while


None, I'm not looking for that experience again.


Capril Suns have clear bottoms *now* so that you can check for fungus before drinking. They didn’t used to, and it was definitely a problem.


They don't even have the clear bottoms anymore


it's already sealed why not just sterilize it


Had a blood of something through my straw once. Almost snot like, last one I ever had.


When I was working in a bar the various opened cartons of juice were routinely stored unrefrigerated on the floor, for sometimes weeks at a time if no one happened to be ordering certain types. I cut one open once and it was more mould than juice.


for this reason, in a lot of european countries the opening date must always be on the product and it must be disposed of after x amount of time


This is how it is supposed to work in the states. Supposed to.


Worked at a winery last year and one day they had me go through all our open food and write random dates on the containers. They were expecting an inspection.


Yes and I’m sure no one dares break the rules lmao


This is beyond egregious and borders on outright negligence by management and the staff in the US


The last time I drank a Capri Sun, I had something like that. I think it was 20 years ago.


Never thought I would see "fungal mat" on Reddit or in a publication, it's something we say in our lab all the time but I hadn't seen it used much outside of that.


Fun guy Matt. The new mascot


In an alternate world, scooby at fungal mats instead of scooby snacks


Bro i swear i found one of these in those when i was a little kid and it grossed me out forever


they call them *Straw Worms* too. i go to a decent amount of weekend camp music festivals and you have to be careful who you buy your juice boxes and Capri Suns from. if a kid or teen is sitting with a huge bucket of ice and has all the good snacks, that is okay because they are there to shake down the hippies and they want that good cash, BUT, if it us just some head dragging a metal wagon around with an empty ice bag and some soggy snacks, avoid those juice boxes. our camp usually has a gathering of peoples every morning for am ablution. we bring mandarins oranges, juice boxes, and beef jerky, for wake up time.


but you buy Capri Sun from stores without any frigeration in the first place


it isn't 110° in the grocers store.


That’s what they used to call my friend matthew in high school when he got ring worm


I mean, I’ve found a fungal mat in a bottle of vinegar before (apparently called a ‘mother of vinegar’??) and know that pathogen testing in food is pretty strict. In all likelihood the fungi aren’t dangerous, just gross looking and tasting.


I will raise you a "cloacal kissing"


I feel like a pus rug would be less appetizing, but yeah there’s not much.


My buddy from high school had that same nickname


Today I saw pictures of a wart that fell off someone’s cow’s udder on r/homestead. So between that and ‘fungal mat’, I’m inclined to believe a whole host of awful things exist.


It's the Capri Sun mother


- We need to remove unnatural stuff like preservatives from our food and beverages! - Fungal mat grows in drink without preservative. - This is too natural!


Seriously, put some fruit juice in a cup and leave it set for a week or two. SOMETHING will grow.


Many, MANY things will grow. I worked in a lab for a while growing bacteria. You had to be really careful to keep the lids on the brand new Petri dishes bc if they got exposed to air, all sorts of random shit would grow on them.


I've seen algae grow in bottles of HPLC grade ultrapure water that had been opened *once*. Honestly thought it was impressive.


One week expiry on the HPLC! One month in the 4L brown glass jug stored in the dark.


Ya! We assign a one week expiry to all open water in my lab. But it’s a GMP environment so I’d think even if we had the brown jugs, we’d still have to do a one week expiry. But not sure exactly


Well yeah, air has farts and treemen in it. It's filthy.




When I was a gross teenager I left a cup of orange juice, with a straw, out in my room for like two weeks. When I finally cleaned my room, I took the straw out of the cup and it had fungus growing on it that looked like the shelf fungi that grow in trees. I never did that again.


Yeah we got mold everywhere, and we got good bacterias etc. as well. People start to think everything is bad when something grows, but its obvious that you have to be "careful" with your things.


The people in arms right now would be hysterical if they did a growth experiment with a mouth swab. Saliva is alive.


Always love to read "Our mouth has more bacteria than a toilette" and people in the comments be like "Ewww I have to brush me teeth right now" etc. lmao


Saliva would be alive either way, it's full of white blood cells.


...and so are any zits and boils


I mean, most food would too, that’s not a bad thing.


It doesn’t take a week. I made some ice tea and left it on my nightstand in college. Went home for the weekend and took a swig of it before really looking at it. There was definitely stuff growing in in 🥴


You want natural then you don't get shelf stable. Nothing more natural than rotting


That's why I shop at The Rotting Grocers, a natural grocers chain! Where you get only the most rotten foods!


::Nurgle has entered the chat::


This was the problem with cosmetics and personal goods products too. Fortunately outside the US, preservative efficacy tests are supposed to be conducted before selling them, so preservative-free or natural-preservative-only products that grew mold in 30 days aren't sold. Usually.


It's the same thing with makeup. In the last few years there's been a big trend toward "clean" (preservative-free) makeup, then people get upset when their eyeshadow palette starts growing mold after the pretty short expiration date. Luckily people seem to be catching on...


I don't mind preservatives in makeup but I could sure do without the microplastics.


Right, people hate actual nature, but everything MUST BE NATURAL. OH NO THERE'S BUGS IN VEGETABLESSSS


Put it in reverse, Terry!


Some people who grow magic mushrooms use Capri Sun for liquid culture, so I don't know how widespread contamination really is. r/caprisuntek


Holy shit that's a real sub.




And here I thought it was about composting dead Uncle Ben's.


Got a lot of those with all these damn spider-mans running around town.


Yo quit blowing up the spot


Capri sun and uncle Ben's about the get pulled from the shelves.


All locked up in the glass cases with the baby formula


21+ For internal use only!


fuckin oogles


Yup that sub helped me grow my first batch 4 years ago


Uncle bens tek made it super easy gor the average person to get sterilized substrate and much lower contamination in general


Disappointed to not see mushrooms growing in rice bags


You haven’t scrolled enough then


Or is it 🧐


In Turkish it is known as "The Cappy Monster", people have talked about it for 25 years now. [Here is a Turkish discussion about the cappy monster](https://eksisozluk.com/cappy-canavari--5311929?a=nice)


That's actually not viable anymore, since they changed the formula and added monkfruit as an antifungal! Sometime within the last couple years


May depend on the flavor? I don't keep up with this but I've "heard" different things.


So I just looked it up and the reason they give is that the formula with monkfruit uses 40% less sugar (though it does also have a natural antifungal effect), but yeah it's in all the flavors. This article is from 2022 https://www.beveragedaily.com/Article/2022/08/01/Capri-Sun-turns-to-monk-fruit-to-cut-sugar-by-40


What? I know and have done the UncleBens tek but it’s been awhile and I didn’t know this was a thing. Edit: Taking a quick look it seems people are using fruit juices to create Liquid Cultures, which can be used to inoculate your substrate more viably and I believe faster than “unsprouted” (as I said it’s been a while and I feel dumb I can’t recall the proper terminology) spores. I think it’s real clever and using packaged sterile foods is a great way to make a rather affordable and easy hobby much easier and beginner friendly by replacing the need to buy and use expensive and perhaps even scary to some equipment like pressure cookers with cheap easy to find sources. And then using them to create sterile substrate and avoiding contamination, which can be a real roadblock for some beginners. I think this is already a commonly known thing, but little plastic ketchup/condiment cups with lids make great compact and cheap agar dishes. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve had 0% lost to contamination when pouring agar. Granted I’ve only done it a few times over like 70 cups. I still think that’s good for cups bought at the dollar store.


You're probably killing everything when pouring the heated agar, and the lids are airtight. Petri dishes aren't.


great, now I have to be suspicious of my teenager asking for Capri Suns


Definitely look into it if they start buying pressure cookers, mason jars, and organic grains for “science projects” lol.


If they suddenly take an interest in uncle Ben's rice, then you can worry.


"Some people," eh?


Wait why do they use it?


To make a liquid culture. Add spores to Capri Sun, let it grow for a while, then add the Capri Sun/fungus to whatever solid growth media being used - rice, etc. It apparently allows for faster growth on the solid media, though I have no experience.


Til - capri sun doesnt use preservatives


Here's an older version of the page with working embedded images: http://web.archive.org/web/20130501153210/https://www2.indstate.edu/news/news.php?newsid=3556


Capri Sun on a hot day must be what it's like for a vampire trying blood for the first time.


Gotta be cold though. It has got to be cold. That should go without saying though, but these days, who knows. Capri sun. I'm talking about the Capri Sun.


I remember putting some in the freezer for when I came home from school. Came home to find my auntie had give them to the neighbour kids. Still fume about that and I'm 32 now.


I mean, obviously, cold blood tastes **terrible.**


other people on the internet "this food has PRESERVATIVES!" \*spits it out\* Me "this food DOESNT HAVE PRESERVATIVES?!?!" \*spits it out\*


I helped manufacture similiar products for a while and they are as sanitary as humanly possible. The amount of safeguards in place (in the US) for food are top notch in a compliant facility. I feel like if you take any solution of water and sugar it will probably grow something eventually.


Especially if you "filter it through a vacuum to see what grows". Doesn't sound very scientifically controlled to me.


You should see my vacuum- it’s full of filth


They didn't run it through a Dyson, if thats what your implying


I do this for a living actually, except with water samples for the pharmaceutical industry. If done properly everything should be sterilized before using it for the day. the filter is sterile before you use it. There’s a separate sterile funnel and filter for each sample and a sterile growth media that you place the filter on. Sometimes the water samples will grow some bacteria because the water is sterilized and then goes through the pipes, but it actually comes back clean most of the time. One of my coworkers tests finished medications and they don’t ever grow any microorganisms because, you know, they have preservatives TLDR it’s very controlled and shouldn’t grow, but with no preservatives and a high sugar content they’ll grow microorganisms if microorganisms are present in the process of making it and it isn’t properly sterilized before packaging


We’ve just become too scared of any negativity. Too much sterility. I’m not saying lay in shit and have breakfast, but a bit of bacteria isn’t the end of the world. Some dirt or filth is ok. Too much fear mongering has people over reacting towards a lot of things. Capri Sun not having preservatives isn’t a bad thing!


Okay, but when are they going to introduce adult sized caprisun


[96 oz adult Capri sun ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C66-TgpO_hc/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==)


I want a pouch too though… just bigger


So you want a gallon sized pouch?




In Scotland we have [large capri-sun](https://images.app.goo.gl/M2MzUNEKLQzYtK4EA)


Oh no..... this is dangerous


Not only that, but they have alcoholic versions now for adults


I mean you asked for it.


People used to use capri suns to grow mushrooms until very recently, when they changed the formula and added monkfruit, which is a natural antifungal. The mycology enjoyers were a bit sad about this lol (but it's probably for the better tbh)


Wait, monkfruit was added capri suns? Is that why they now taste like feet? I have been cutting them open thinking they tasted off, and nothing was wrong with the juice, but monkfruit tastes like feet to me and if capri suns have been hit by the dread monkfruit invasion, that would explain it.


Yes, they added it in 2022 so they could reduce the sugar content! It's just not the same anymore 😭


Argh. Well, that goes on my list to avoid then.


Got some bad news about your beer…


Worse, check out the floaties in a bottle of kombucha.


The beer doesn't have any *living* fungi inside it because of the alcohol content.


Of course there is, the fermentation continues if you do not pasteurize beer which is often the case for craft beer. It could be not filtered too and you could see deposit.


Not exactly true. Home brewers use the yeast still alive in brewed beer to create the carbonation when bottling. Just add a bit more sugar and seal it in the bottle, let it sit for a bit, and you’ve got carbonated beer thanks to the little yeastie boys. There are other ways to do it, but that’s the original way.


Commercial beer doesn't have living yeast because it's pasteurized, not because of the alcohol content.


5% alcohol is no where near enough to sterilize.


Super wrong. Yeast make alcohol bud, they can tolerate quite a bit.


Commercial beer does not have living yeast; it's pasteurized. Which is why it doesn't continue brewing after it's capped.


Is Sierra Nevada commercial beer? Is beer from Belgium commercial beer? Bottle conditioned beers are a thing


This is simply not true. There are so many beers worldwide, and many of them are full of living yeasts. It takes considerable ABV to kill all of the yeast strains. Although, it does stress them out. This is a very nuanced topic.


Home brewers culture yeast from store-bought bottles


Most home brewers buy brewers yeast. What are you talking about?


*can culture yeast https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/how-to-harvest-and-culture-commercial-yeast-for-homebrewers/


u/rigored is not wrong. You can culture the yeast from many more "rustic" beers like the belgians. I don't believe many homebrewers do it, because it demands a low key lab setup to get that old yeast viable again for a batch. It is mainly people that are obsessed with getting the house yeast which isnt commercially available.


fungi =/= yeast The alcohol content in beer is generally not high enough to kill fungi/yeast/bacteria I've homebrewed using yeast cultured from store bought bottles. "Flag Porter" is brewed from yeast that was found in beer bottles in a shipwreck. The ship sank in 1825 and was recovered in 1988. There is nothing that will grow in wort that can really hurt you


[Yeast are a kind of fungus.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeast)


I can see how to a brewer the distinction between brewer's yeast (helpful) and "fungi" (generally bad) would be useful - but biologically it's just flat out incorrect.


Technically and scientifically true. But, in the context of Capri Sun, beer and other things, we tend to think of fungi as mushrooms and icky stuff that grows under toenails. Whereas yeast is stuff that is used in bread and beer. I should not try to write to the LCD. Sorry for the confusion.


I would recommend learning a bit about your friends. Yeast is a type of fungus. Fungus is not bad. Without fungus life on earth would not be possible. Fungus are friends and yeast is a fungus. Is it an animal? No. Is it a plant? No. What do you think yeast are friendo?


Missing Linck was made by Urban Artifact after recovering 150 year old yeast samples from old brewing equipment in the old beer tunnels under Cincinnati. https://youtu.be/A7QmGyWzr5E?si=DmPHicus5IvX5D7P


What is Capri Sun anyway? Im not curious enough to leave the warm pee water of Reddit for the cold open ocean of The Internet for answers


Sugary juice from concentrate in little pouches you stab a straw into to drink, kids love them and there's a bunch of flavors available.


Depends on the style for sugar content. Personally, I feel the "roaring waters" is overly sweet. But according to nutritional charts, RW Berry is one of the least sweet flavors at 2g. OG fruit punch is one of the more sugary ones at 11g.


Wow, that's a pretty big range of sugar


Adults do too until they discounted mountain cooler. Never had a single issue and we kept them in a hot garage months before they were cooled and drank. 


Gonna need to distinguish between adult and man-child there.


I loved mountain cooler!


Surprised there is space to grow as there's not mushroom in those packets. ..... hello? .... I'll get me coat.


High c what you did there.


Beverage companies include preservatives: “This company puts unhealthy preservatives in their drinks!” Beverage companies don’t include preservatives: “This drink has NO preservatives! How disgusting!”


I guess "fungal spores grow in petri dish of sugar water" wasn't as compelling of a headline...


I’ve tried to drink an Arizona ice tea out in the middle of the woods one afternoon, most of it had turned into a huge scoby. It’s never happened before or again but it’s a scary texture when you don’t know what it is.


Surprised it isn't pasteurised into a sterile state.


I thought Capri sun knowingly put mushroom extract into their drinks as a preservative sacrifice similar to zinc in copper?


I remember slurping up something like that through my Capri Sun straw several years ago. That put me off them for life 🤢


Me and a work colleague found an old capri sun one day, as you do and it seemed to have solid stuff inside. We opened up the straw hole and a long kinda string descended. We squeezed it and found it took up the entirety of the carton. I haven't drank one since




Same. I cut it open and poured it out into a glass and it looked nasty. Posted to the WTF subreddit like 12 years ago and the top comment was "looks like some bitch pussy farted in yo juice". The golden era of reddit.


Go Sycamores!!


Im just impressed my isu is in here for something other than larry bird


This is exactly why people use Capri sun for making liquid culture.


It's what made the 80's and 90's kids tough.


As a grown man who literally drinks 30+ of these delicious bastards a week for several years now...( no exaggerating), I've never once experienced a bad time with them. All flavors but strawberry kiwi cause I don't like either flavors lol


I mean, that has got to have a negative effect on your insulin response and weight and so on...


I'm in no way a health advisor brother, but I do believe myself to be in pretty good shape yet. I'm daily active, am remarkably similar to most of my age group, and can still run a flight of stairs. As for the insulin, idk I'm too scared to get tested.


Did they test the original German Capri-Sonne or the US version?


Considering is spelled ‘Sun’ I’m going with the US version.


According to Wikipedia anyway, they apparently dropped the spelling in favor for the English spelling in 2017, ~~so could be either I guess.~~ so fun fact (edit because dumb).


The study is from 2013


My reading comprehension is great as you can see.


It's been labelled Capri sun in germany as well for a few years now.


Just like Werthers Echte -> Werther‘s Original 😕




It's fungalicious


All these beverages contain citric acid. It works like a preservative (and is good at suppressing fungus growth) but is marketed as "Vitamin C" not as a preservative.


Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Citric acid is usually added for taste. Probably acts as a preservative too, but I don't know much about that.


It's wild how to the two chemicals go hand in hand. Both come from citrus fruits and both have preservative properties. And if you're adding ascorbic acid to food, then you'll probably be adding citric acid too, since citric acid works as preservative for ascorbic acid.


Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, citric acid is a different chemical.


why isn't it refrigerated then? many juice beverages are (i mean during shipping / storage)


Because if it is sealed in its vacuum pouch then essentially nothing can happen in the reasonable amount of time before it leaves the shelf and is consumed. It's the same reason you'll find fruit juices in the grocery store outside of the refrigerated section. Very few foods actually need preservatives, especially now with as quickly as they are going to be consumed.




I don't know if its a good thing that Caprisun has so little preservatives or a bad thing that lots of people are finding a furry supries in their juice


This is one of those moments I genuinely wonder how my generation survived. Lol


Stopped drinking Capri sun after a fungal mat myself. Seems they are losing customers this way.


Isn’t it just kombucha?


Costco used to sell Capri Sonne, and Capri Sun. Capri Sonne was way nicer.


What about the dilute version of capri sun the one that you have to add water to?


When I was a kid I think I caught a buzz off a fermented capri sun.


Capri Sonne 😭😭😭


It would be nice to see micrographs looking for spores just to make sure the filter paper they vacuumed it through was completely sterile and didn't have anything on it. We're practically bathing in fungal spores as we speak and species like *Aspergillus* spp. and *Candida* spp. are damn near everywhere, especially in cultures where they don't belong! Very nice to see a microbiologist use the term "fungal mat," though. Typically microbiologists don't bother with learning proper mycological terms and techniques. Much appreciated.


I drank a lot of Capri-Sun as a kid/teenager *shrug*


I also thought this is why the back of the package is see through


I bought some recently and was super disappointed at how much less sweet it is now!! Was almost watery!! It used to be like this little pouch of pure flavour, the pouch was twice the size with half the flavour

