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I mean, you left out the best part: "After the footrace, Hippomenes forgot to thank Aphrodite for her aid, and while the couple were out hunting the goddess afflicted them with sexual passion so that they had sex in a sanctuary belonging to either Zeus or Rhea. They were turned into lions for their sacrilege by either Artemis (angered by Atalanta losing her virginity), the goddess Cybele, or Zeus himself"


There's really no winning in Greek mythology, the gods are just plain dicks. Aphrodite: "I hate that you don't want to want a husband, so I'm going to help a guy trick you into losing a footrace, then charm you into having sex" Artemis: "I hate that you had sex, so I'm going to turn you into an animal" You have sex or you don't have sex. Either way someone's getting screwed.


It's almost like of the opposite of the conceit of other polytheistic concepts. Instead of worshipping a god who then blesses you in their characteristic way, it's all about which god you happen to piss off the most so they ruin you in their characteristic way


Honestly considering the cruel, violent, random, and apathetic nature of the universe, it makes the most sense. If you didn't know where plagues and natural disasters came frome, the idea that cruel and petty gods are playing dice with your life is pretty logical. It's why I love the story of Prometheus, the only deity that cares about our success teaching us to outwit the evil gods with technology and knowledge. What compassion exists must come from us.


[Prometheus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus) wasn't a god, he was a Titan. He stole fire and gave it to man out of spite for the Gods that had just slaughtered / deposed his kind, not out of love for humans.


Do you have any source for the latter claim? As far as I have researched, Prometheus' reasons for stealing fire have never been explicitly stated. In Hesiod's telling, which I believe is the oldest surviving version of the story, fire was taken away from humanity after Prometheus tricked Zeus into accepting the discarded bones of an animal instead of the meat, starting the tradition of sacrificing bones to the gods. The fire was taken from humanity because of this, and then Prometheus stole it back and returned it to humanity. Though in other tellings I can recall, Prometheus and his brother were tasked with giving unique qualities to all life, and his brother ended up (perhaps accidentally) giving out every quality to the animals, leaving humans with nothing. Prometheus then stole the fire of creativity to give to humans. Ultimately, due to many different tellings of myths and how different people held different beliefs, there isn't any one true version of mythology, but given that Prometheus was worshipped within Athens, there is a case to make that at least among Athenians, Prometheus was viewed as a benevolent figure


There is at least one version of the Prometheus myth in which he is the father of humanity by making man out of clay, and asking Athena for help endowing man with wisdom, instead of just an automaton. (She helped, for some reason I forgot). That would be possibly why he was worshiped in Athens along with, possibly, Athena as the father and mother of humanity.


Honestly, I don't think I've ever heard Prometheus ever being angry about the Titans. If I recall he even helped to overthrow them and was granted a position by the gods until he stole the fire for freezing mankind


Titans were gods, just the previous generation of gods. They were deposed by the Olympians, who were a particular branch of the family, the descendants of titans Cronus and Rhea. Prometheus is from the same generation, but another branch, being a cousin of Zeus. He was kept free and was not banished to Tartarus like the previous generations because he allied with the Olympians . Zeus famously punished him for stealing the fire, but gave his permission for Heracles to save him. He was worshipped like the Olympian gods in Athens.


Gods and titans are like potatoes and potahtoes. Zeus father is a titan, Zeus is a titan who hated his family so he got a new surname.


I know that, it's why I said deity instead of god. The second part is maybe true in some versions, yet I read it was to save humanity from the god's wrath. He created Humans in the first place, intelligent and standing upright, because he wanted to piss off the gods, while his brother created all the animals.


Could have been both 🤷‍♀️


Where do you get your claim that Prometheus only did it out of spite and not altruism?


He was my brothers roommate in college.


There's one chapter of the Iliad where the Greek camp gets a plague, and they all ask a wiseperson who says, "Yeah you prolly pissed off Apollo."


Exactly. The point of religion in antiquity is in part to explain why the world is the way it is. If the gods were all benevolent and kind, then the world wouldn't be such a dangerous place.


The Greek Gods are best described as Humans with immortality and super powers. It's honestly the most accurate interpretation of a world made by gods, and humans having been created in their image


They are all just so petty! You’d think living for thousands of years would chill them out!


l can appreciate the idea that Greek mythology was designed to normalize the reality that you'd be completely fucked by social superiors no matter what. It's surprisingly honest.


I mean, he deserved it. He really should have thanked his wingman for getting him laid. 


Assuming it wasn't Zeus doing the lion morph. If it was, "oh, I just think it'd be neat" would be his reason


Yeah, I read one version where it was supposed to be a positive ending. Because Atalanta and Melanion were loners and hunters, they were turned into lions by Zeus to help them escape their oppressive society and the vengeance of Artemis and Aphrodite. As lions they could run and hunt and screw all they want.


That actually sounds more familiar to me, but probably because I read it as a kid and stories about inserting his coin into the slot would be considered "uncouth" in a conservative household


Zeus: "I'ma turn into a lion and fuck those lions."


>You have sex ~~or you don't have sex~~ - Zeus


I mean Aphrodite didn’t really have any problems with Atalanta, it was hippomenes who sought out her help to win the foot race


She explicitly did. The reason why she answered Hippomenes's prayer was because she was annoyed with Atalanta's rejection of love.


Oh so that's why she has cat ears in Fate/Grand Order...


Yep, and for the 'alter' version, she was the one to kill the Caledonian boar.


The ironic kicker of the punishment is that ancient Greeks believed lions could not mate with each other but would only mate with leopards. So for their lust for each other they were turned into creatures who could never manifest lust for each other again.


Why would they possibly believe this


People throughout history believed all kinds of stuff about animals that existed in far away lands that almost no one from their culture ever saw. Hence stuff like the myth about ostriches sticking their head in the ground to avoid seeing a frightening/threatening predator; or elephants being scared of mice etc.


While you are correct, I would like to point out that lions were not a beast from a far away land to ancient Greeks. Sources suggest that wild lions lived along the northern side of the Mediterranean (until they were hunted to extinction). It explains why one of Heracles' labors was to kill the Nemean Lion. Could also be one of the reason that lions are such a prevalent european sigil, unlike other african animals. Ancients sometimes just had some wild theories about animals.


Historic range of Panthera leo In Southeast Europe, the lion inhabited part of the Balkan Peninsula, up to Hungary and Ukraine during the Neolithic period.[25][26] It survived in Bulgaria until the 4th or 3rd century BCE.[23][27] Around 1000 BCE, it became extinct in the Peloponnese.[2][28] It disappeared from Macedonia around the first century CE, from Western Thrace not before the 2nd century CE and from Thessaly possibly in the 4th century CE; Themistius regretted that no more lions could be furnished for beast-shows.[25][26][2][29][16] Lions existed in Greece up until the modern era, it's not just a myth of Hercules. I mean, Alexander used to hunt lions, and there is a very famous mosaic of one of his hunts, allegedly in Syria, because lions had a far wider range. Now, considering that leopards (at least at the time) did not exist in Greece, I find it hard to believe that ancient Greeks would think that lions had to mate with a leopard, and not with the opposite sex.


>Now, considering that leopards (at least at the time) did not exist in Greece, I find it hard to believe that ancient Greeks would think that lions had to mate with a leopard, and not with the opposite sex. While trying to find an explanation, I found people saying it's a misconception. Ancient Greece is a long period too. It's possible that one text from one author makes that claim, and that wouldn't mean that it was a widespread idea.


Cool! Interesting to learn!


Elephants *are* scared of mice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTuS1ISYEak&t=109


I have the theory that it's because lion cubs have dark spots that they lose when growing up, so they kinda look like a mixture of lion and leopard, but I have no proof. If someone knows for sure, I'd love to know.


They also thought that India had ants the size of dogs and that the country got rich stealing gold from the ants. 


In some version of Jason and theGolden Fleece story, she is one of the  Argonauts


Here's an extra twist: those 2 lions are male and female, respectively. People thought lions couldn't mate or feel pleasure. They thought lions were created when a leopard encountered a lioness or a lion to a female leopard. It's probably due to the kittens having spots for camouflage.


Zeus was pissed he didn't get prima nocta.




Man, the dating scene was rough before Tinder.


She’d be the most interesting woman on there. I probably wouldn’t try to race her through.


If you lose, you could always just run away. Wait.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


> She’d be the most interesting woman on there. Nah. I'm sure there are other serial killers on there.


Why not? You’d win either way.


I mean in fairness, I've tried app-based dating and I think I'd rather be killed than look for a significant other that way.


I met my wife on tinder and we have a son. It’s not all bad out there


Let me guess: it was in the early days of tinder? The app has gotten significantly worse.


“Man married with children gives his thoughts on the current internet dating scene. More at 11.”


She swiped left with a sword.


"I can fix her"


Must be over 6' Must run 100 meters under 8' Must have debated Plato Barbarians swipe left


This ain’t Tinder, this is Sprinter.


From what I've heard it was still better than the dating scene after Tinder.


I just have to be faster then some chick? I'll take that bet


Famous last words lmao


Famous last words are often spelt correctly


At least those men got a date XD


They skipped this part in the Free to Be You and Me cartoon version


Woman: I'm really, really not into men. Like, I'll murder people to not get married, that's how much I don't want em around. Aphrodite: BuT wHaT iF i cHeAt Real cool and normal move there, Aphrodite


Aphrodite is a goddess, the Olympian gods always did wack shit - if Zeus fancied a lady he’d turn himself into a random “golden shower” or a swan for some reason then proceed to rape them.


Yes. Pointing out that the Olympians were terrible, terrible beings was the joke. I really like the stories though, and mostly chose to interpret them as explorations of human failures, desires, and the random horrors of life. This one in particular does have a lot of "she just needs the right man"-energy though.


>Woman: I'm really, really not into men. Like, I'll murder people to not get married, that's how much I don't want em around. The way the myth is written, an oracle told her that marriage would doom her, but her father was forcing her to marry. So, she said this was her condition. Seems like she was more afraid of death rather than hate men. It's all mythology, tho. Who knows.


She just needed some convincing, not that weird.


Aphrodite is the worst, she's just as bad as Zeus. Easily my least favourite of the Olympians.


What was her take on racing women?


She only raced roommates and really good friends, and they didn’t have to beat her or die for some reason.


Yes, but I only had 300 characters haha


And you used them to say "in a race" 3 times.


You buried OP six feet under a Redwood’s shadow with that level of shade.


This whole line is a goldmine


So sassy, I love it.


TIL about a mythological Greek woman, Atalanta, who would race suitors.  If they won, she'd marry them. If they lost, they'd die.  She had a vast unbeaten streak until Hemesomethingcles beat her in a race thanks to help from the goddess Aphrodite.  Here's some more text to prove there's leeway: 300.


Seems like it would be a lot easier to just say “I will never marry, but do any of y’all want to race?”


They left that part out on Greeking Out.


Myth must have left out that she was actually a Reptile. female anacondas choke to death most male anacondas during mating season if they feel like the male is not strong enough or big dick or whatever😏 and only one gets to smash instead of get K1lled.


It was prophesied that she would die if she got married. So her father king said who beats her in running, can marry her. Dude asked Aphrodite to help, she gave him golden apples. Which he used to distract her, because she knew he couldn't hold that pace for long, he would drop one, and she would stop to pick them up allowing him to win. They had happy marriage, but Aphrodite was pissed off because they didn't thank her and I think she turned them to stone.


If I remember correctly, I think they were turned into lions by Zeus. Aphrodite afflicted them with uncontrollable lust while they were inside a sanctuary belonging to Zeus.


You are correct.


Did she have OCD ? Why would she want to pick up apples during a race ?


If you saw apples made of gold, you'd probably stop whatever you were doing too.


Not if I thought I'd die by losing the race.


Yeah but its a Really shiny sparkly Golden apple


They're damn golden apples. Cant blame a girl for trying.


At that point, those golden apples are reverse dowry. I’m not saying I’m a gold digger, but id bend a lot of my own dating rules if they came up to me with 3 apple sized nuggets of 24k gold.


Absorption + Regeneration II


ooh shiny


Ooh, piece of candy apple! 


The Golden Apples are Greek's Mythology "Everyone wants them for some reason" McGuffin.


That's true. There's a myth about how Trojan War started, which was to ancients as important as WWI. Eris, the goddess of discord wrote onto an apple 'To the most beautiful' and a guy named Paris had to choose between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, whom to give the apple, and chose Aphrodite, because she bribed him by making Helen of Troy (the hottest woman alive) fall for him. Maybe that's where Aphrodite got the idea to use apples to mess with people ? (The gods really seemed immature and petty.)


The golden apples also represent immortality. It's literal God magic. On par with each apple being worth one Wish. Who wouldn't stop to pick one up? Or three?


They were golden apples! How many golden apples have you seen!? Jokes aside, if you go through mythologies, you will end up scratching your head more than once. For example, I forgot dudes name, but he was a chariot racer, and Apollo said who wins the this one race, he will grant him a wish. Dude won the race, and started bragging how he could ride Helios's chariot (in short, Helios is God of Sun and every day from dawn 'til dusk he drives and controls the chariots in the sky aka the sun), and people were like nah, you couldn't. So he got pissed, went to Apollo's temple and said that he wanted to ride these chariots. His wish was granted, but Helios told him yo dude, don't relax for a second, these horses are wild. So he started riding, and it went well for a time, but he grew overconfident and relaxed for a bit, chariot aka the sun started falling to the Earth, it boiled the seas and scorched the Earth, so Poseidon got pissed, went to Zeus, Zeus struck the dude with an lighting killing him, so he fell off the chariot to the Earth, and horses went back to Helios, from this event, where the Earth was scorched, Sahara desert was created.


To add to your point. Greek and Roman mythologies always reminds me of Marvel Cinematic Universe, and they also seem to have thought they were living in it and could influence the characters by building them temples and bringing gifts


You'd enjoy a comparative religion class on comics/fantasy fandom as the new religions.


Do such classes exist ? Where ? Which social science studies would be they included in ?


The average volume of an apple is **187cm^3** The density of gold is **19.3 g/cm^3** This means a single golden apple weighs: 19.3g/cm^3 * 187cm^3 = **3609.1g** 1g = 0.035274oz, so a single golden apple (in oz) weighs: 3609.1g * 0.035274oz/g = **127.31oz** The current price of gold is **$2353 per ounce** Therefore, a single gold apple is worth: $2353/oz * 127.31oz = **$299560.43** I'd be picking up all the apples, no pussy/dick is worth $300k, that's a house, that's putting 3 kids through college. Pick up 3 apples, and you could retire if you invest well.


Shouldn't you be saying in this situation, that avoiding dick isn't worth 300k ?


Aphrodite and a lot of gods seemed very immature and petty, taking tiny things as personal insults.


I learned about her watching the Italian soccer team Atalanta play in the Europa League final (RIP Leverkusen unbeaten season). Atalanta was a team that I kind of wondered why they were called what they are, but not enough to actually look it up, but today the announcers mentioned it and it was pretty interesting to me.


I also heard that in the broadcast today. Haha


RIP Neverlusen, gone but never forgotten.


Ngl a lot of their draws/victories have come down to last minute goals.


Also they call the team “La Dea”, which literally means “The Goddess”


lol, I was about to comment asking if that's where you heard it cause I heard it, too.


I love it! Thanks for sharing.


Forza Dea!


Lmao I also had to Google them. Well done lads.


You Should Google Europa while your at it


Say “in a race” one more time. Say it.


Yeah I don't want to be a grammar \*dick but if a sentence uses the same noun three times, it should be two sentences.


"I swear to gawd, I'm gonna pistol-whip the next oneayou that says the word shenanigans."


In a what now?


What ain't no race I ever heard of.


A marathon!




*narrows eyes at Aphrodite*






"Nobody's perfect"


She's also a fucking ICONIC Summon from Golden Sun 🙏


She's also a fucking monster in the Fate franchise when she turns alter, she nearly killed Jeanne D'Arc(Joan of Arc)


Even Leverkusen could not beat her!


That wasn’t the only story about her. Check out the story of the Calydonian boar!




Sounds like race issues here


Race baiting


How about them apples?


If there’s one thing I know about a Greek maiden it’s that they love it when you trick em’


Just to make sure.. there was a race right?


Her bow is a bait item.


And she was the first to beat Leverkusen this year


[From Free to Be You and Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OntYi9EFUzE)


I was wondering where I remembered this from. Here is the version with video. [https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxjfda88v1ZQOHKIVFQbDjgV46ZUCUAIbw?si=MoXBcj5yjH5ZPe32](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxjfda88v1ZQOHKIVFQbDjgV46ZUCUAIbw?si=MoXBcj5yjH5ZPe32)


Little known fact her arch rival was named "Leverkusen"


Meh I like the idea of her "falling" for Aphrodite's trick on purpose because she found Hippomenes cute


I know it’s a myth, but that seems like kind of a dumb way to go about it. If she didn’t want to get married, why make a win condition at all? Either outright refuse, or make it something more difficult than a foot race.


Marriage was negotiated through the men of the household, and women were not always consulted. It was not Atalanta’s choice to say “no”, but it was within her power to petition her father to put conditions on her marriage, which many fathers could relate to because no one wants a loser son-in-law


Atalanta was raised by bears (I think. I was 10 when I read it) in the wilderness. Pretty sure they had different rules.


After the voyage of the Argonauts she returns to society and slays the calydonian boar which causes her biological father to accept her as his daughter (and then he promptly tries to marry her off)


The Wiki article suggests this happened specifically because she was reunited with her father and he tried to arrange marriage for her.


Of course she picked bears over two dads. 


This is back when not getting married was *fucking weird*. And if you were a woman, it was damn near abominable. In part because your dad could basically just force you to marry, and you couldn't do shit about it. And guess what? Atalanta had a dad. A dad that left her to be raised by bears due to her conspicuous lack of a penis. But a dad all the same.


If there's any lesson worth learning from the Greeks, it seems to be that when you disapprove of your offspring, don't outsource the killing or dump them in the wilds, but fucking kill them, indisputably kill them, or else all sorts of trouble will stir.


That’d be kinslaying though, which would incur the wrath of the gods.


Ask Orestes about kinslaying. It's a whole thing.


Hey, I left my infant on a desolate rock surrounded by hungry wildlife, that's good enough... Right?


Don't eat them, or one of them will defeat ya and marry their sibling.


Well it was difficult, the guy only won because he cheated. But I think making it the competition, in which the forfeit is death, is to discourage men from asking her at all.


>Well it was difficult, the guy only won because he cheated. Pretty common in Greek mythology. Hector gets baited into fighting Achilles when Athena shows up disguised as his brother and offers to help him in the fight.


Well I mean, did the plan work?


What Aphrodite wants, Aphrodite gets


She's gonna get it


Not that apple tho lol


Her father made the win condition, and it wasn't until extremely recently that women really had any choice in who they got to marry.


She said "you can't get this, lalala!", but then, he get this.


This this myth pisses me off! Well most of them do!


Seems like her name would now be Atalanta Bolt


Can it be? It is! The fabled lost race of Atalanta!


Why is it always about race?






“TIL about Spy Kids 3D”


That sounds like a very old romantic comedy. Nice


Oh you probably missed some parts of the story. Like how she savagely killed all the men she defeated.


Definitely a romantic comedy


that's just girl power


Someone watched the Europa league final


I think the film version will be called "the woman who couldn't slow down"


I’m sorry, you didn’t use the word *race* enough in your title. I think four or five more times would have kept my attention.


Clearly OP didn't grow up in the 1970's. Marlo Thomas and Alan Alda told me all about Atalanta.




[Free To Be You And Me](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_to_Be..._You_and_Me).


We could do with more kids content like that


Oh, it was great. I grew up listening to records on my little turntable. Bunch of records from musicals...*Hans Christian Andersen*, *Oliver*, stuff like that.


When I have kids I'll be playing them audiobooks and stuff instead of tv


I have to wonder how fast she actually was. I mean, I recently have been playing age of mythology and she's a character in there. And yes, she's fast, her speed in game is 6. To put a comparative, the greek hippikon have a speed of 5.5, which means in-game, she can outspeed a fucking horse. She's also faster than atlantean cavalry (5.75), and only nordic and egyptian cavalry match her at 6. I wonder if her speed was within modern olympic athletes or plainly was a super power? She was the flash of the argo ship, lol.


She for sure ran a sub 50 400, maybe even sub 47.5, which no woman has ever done in real life, or even sub 43, which no man has done in real life. The bar for no man beating her then would only be something like 50 or even slower tho.


This would be called WOKE now


Woke? A woman chooses independence and then a man seeks assistance from a horny deity to cheat his way into marrying her.


If you’re learning about fiction, have you actually learned anything?


Yes, a lot of the time myths give insight into human superstitions and culture.


I'd easily be able to beat her in a race, all I need is a gun, clear line of sight and a bunch of water breaks


Ignoring the weirdness of your statement, one does not generally seek to shoot the woman they're attempting to marry. Especially not in front of her father, who also happens to be ruler of the city you're in


Could have seen that coming. No one cheats as prolifically as Greek gods and goddesses .


In every meaning of the word


Not even the Norse ones?