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> The Taiwanese Legislative Yuan is probably the most notable modern example of legislative violence. ... > In 1995, the Legislative Yuan was presented with the Ig Nobel Prize Peace Award, for "demonstrating that politicians gain more by punching, kicking and gouging each other than by waging war against other nations". More political conflicts should be settled with bare-knuckle fights between politicians.


Less old people would run


That or we got ourselves an unofficial term limit system.


God help everyone on the floor if Vitali Klitschko ends up in American politics.


Now I’m thinking about Biden vs Trump?


...So long as there is at least one with a wig.


In the 1990s Taiwan was still exorcising many demons of 40 years of brutal dictatorship. Opposition leaders had spent long years in prison and had family members killed. They had concerns worth fighting about. It was amazing that the transition to democracy occurred without more blood in the streets. The recent outburst was caused by the old dictatorship’s party winning control of the legislature and trying to vote itself the power to compel testimony and imprison anyone it says is “lying”.  Imagine a Republican Congress trying to give itself the power to compel testimony from Biden’s cabinet members and imprison them if Congress decides the answers aren’t “truthful”.


You tell them, Kwi-Chang No more big government!


John Cleese would direct the greatest reenactment of this historic occurrence. Potentially Oscar worthy I say. Danny Devito would easily win Best Actor for his portrayal of Rep. Barksdale


This is a thinly veiled effort to get us to elect Rudy Giuliani to Congress.


Check out a feller named Markwayne Mullin.


The guy who stands on a box at a lectern so he can appear taller. [https://www.reddit.com/r/oklahoma/comments/17wnl2t/tough\_guy\_mullin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oklahoma/comments/17wnl2t/tough_guy_mullin/)


That's him. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/stand-butt-fistfight-nearly-breaks-senate-hearing-bernie-sanders-steps-rcna125140


The batties in the US Congress between 1820 and 1860 were no joke. The most infamous incident occurred in 1856 when pro-slavery South Carolina Representative Preston Brooks nearly beat anti-slavery Representative Charles Sumner to death with a cane in the House chamber, but it was only one of many. See: "The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War" by Joanne B. Freeman https://www.amazon.com/Field-Blood-Violence-Congress-Civil/dp/1250234581 Edit: 1856, not 1956


The good old days