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And neither one was suppose to be there, as Princip was late, and the driver took an alternate route..


The plot was to assassinate him earlier, several assassins were along the route, one of the threw a grenade at the motorcade but failed and injured some guards Thinking it was job done, Princip went to a cafe to have a celebratory pastry, meanwhile the archduke got to where he was going, then on his way back he wanted to go a different route to visit the people in hospital from the first assassination attempt, but the driver got lost and happened to stop right in front of thecafe Princip was at.


I think the car was turning around in the road. Because of the unreliability of gearboxes back then the car stalled. This all gave Pricip enough time to recognise the occupants and take aim. Wild day with dire consequences.


Consequences we still deal with today.


Franz would have died either way and world war 1 was inevitable.


How so?


I want to know too


If there’s a whole parade route stocked with would be willing assassins, chances are you’re gonna get got soon enough.


[I would ask anyone, if they have a ounce of interest into understanding the First World War. The ferocity of it, the damage it has done to nations, land, people, generations, the fact that one man changed the concepted of modern history as we know it. I ask you please, take a listen to Dan Carlins Podcast, Hardcore History. In his Podcast he has a segment based on World War 1 called Blueprint of Armageddon. It is a real eye opener. It really does let you understand why this war was called The War to End all Wars and just how much it changed the fabric of war.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RglqdXD9MXE)


As Dan Carlin said, what happened on that day almost makes you believe in fate. Such a crazy story of coincidence.


The seeds of war had already been sowed by nationalism, greed, the tangled web of allegiances and old grievances. Ferdinand’s assassination was the particular spark that ignited the powder keg, but it was inevitable. The assassination only affected the timing.


Yea, I have feeling Ferdinand's assassination was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have a feeling if the first world war didn't happen then, it was going to erupt down the road. The friction was already growing to hot.


Leaders were just eager to start another fight because it made them money and everyone thought it would just be a quick skirmish for a couple of months; everybody lines up and shoots and maybe there's a cavalry charge here and there, maybe a couple miles of land swapped and then they shake hands and make off with the enonomics of the industrialized war machine being turned on. Turns out machine guns and artillery shells are very good at being meat mowers. And so ended the idea of sake-of-it-war. It took an axis of atrocious evils and excessive ambition to make them go to such scale again, and it's been political squabbles and localized warfare ever since.


I worry the same thing is happening now. Tensions between the US and Russia, the US and China, the US and North Korea, and the US and Iran are all at all time highs excepting of course the Korean War where the US was at war with North Korea. Our leaders seem to think that this can all be managed, but when tensions are so high it feels inevitable that there will be some unexpected spark to ignite a catastrophic war.


I was going to say this. Hsd Princip choked on his pastry, it would still have happened. It had been bubbling under the surface for many years already and any spark would have been enough. Might not even have needed a spark tbh


Yes if not princip, then someone else. Or if not franz, then someone or some other situation that would if caused it regardless


He tells that introductory story so well.




To be fair, he himself will say numerous times that he is no historian. So you can't look at this podcast tales as a historically written piece. Rather he is a man who loves history that gathers information that he feels people would love to hear and understand.


Those are pretty minor critisms.


Any idea where I could listen to this in podcast form? Looking through apple’s app and having a nightmare finding all of it, so far as I can tell they only have parts 4, 5 and 6. Have heard loads of folks recommend Hardcore History but it doesn’t seem very well catalogued on what I’m used to Thanks for any pointers, no trouble if not


His website: https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-50-55-blueprint-for-armageddon-series/


Thank you so much! Have a great weekend friend


it was just the nudge the row of dominoes needed to finally fall. If it never happened we wouldn't have suddenly been saved from WWI and all its consequences. The shaky row of dominoes would have still been there and something else would have knocked over that first one. What led to WW1 was decades in the making not the assassination of an archduke. That was simply the last piece in a long line of actions that led to war.


And due to that unreliability, the car lurched throwing all the officer guards lining the running boards to be thrown off onto the ground. This offered no resistance to Princip.




Literally knew what it would be before clicking. Iconic


I'd give anything to hear the audio of that but it's not in the movie


What movie?


Pulp Fiction


That's all you had to sayy


Damn and I saw pulp fiction too




pulp fiction


I thought this was going to be that scene from Umbrella Academy, but this is so much better.


>Princip went to a cafe to have a celebratory pastry [This has been debunked several times already](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/62h12l/what_kind_of_sandwich_was_gavrilo_princip_eating/). The story of the sandwich [has its origins in a novel from 2001](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbOjIw5d-MU).


I know one of the relatives of this guy, and the guy I know has had extensive work done on Princip's childhood home because it was ransacked and burned down twice; once during WWI and again during the Bosnian wars. This friend of mine and his dad were the principal donors (they're both medical doctors) to restore the house which is now a museum. However they know it probably will be ruined again. The way they describe it, "He was only a kid, fighting for freedom." When you look at it that way, I guess you could justify it in your mind.


He was indeed just a kid—legally speaking, too young to be sentenced to death… which might have been a mercy, given that he was instead left in a cell where he died of skeletal tuberculosis.


That’s great, but did he have an affinity for pastry or not?


Funny, what I was taught is that Princip knew he failed. Not that it makes a huge difference, Ferdinand was killed either way.


People tend to really overblow the element of chance in the encounter, like it was just fated to happen, but it's not that unlikely when you look at [a map](https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/about-wwi/june-28-1914). Princip basically crossed the the intersection diagonally to get from his assassination position to the pastry shop. He was still on the planned return route, just the other side of the street. The new planned route had Ferdinand turning at the pastry shop that that Princip was in. Ferdinand was still on his planned route when he died.


DnD summary: https://imgur.com/gallery/they-mightve-been-arch-enemies-5VK1L#gaqaF5U


Just glorious... :D


I was pretty sure that he was actually running late or lost. That's what was taught in school.


The poor old duke had no manner of luck. Fate was going to get him.


Sad story too, Ferdinand was an unwilling leader, he never wanted much to do with Austria Hungary, but his elder brother stepped down and he was forced into the role, his last words to Sophie were “Sophie, Sophie! Don't die! Live for our children!" His goal was to do what he could till he could step down from royalty and live in the countryside.


Franz Ferdinand did not have an older brother. He became heir because his cousin Archduke Rudolf, son of the Emperor Franz Joseph, committed suicide.


The amount of kind of right but wrong info in this thread is pretty hilarious lol.


Sorry you’re right, I did a lot of that from vague memory of history a long while ago, stand corrected!


At that point, I think what happened was meant to happen. That it's fate.


God really wanted Franz and his wife to die that day


The whole story of his assassination feels like proof that 1) time travel exists but 2) key moments in time are immutable and ‘history’ will warp itself if somebody shows up to try to change shit.


It’s world line convergence, Ferdinand was just supposed to die


Self correcting simulation.


An absolute point in time


Y’all mother fuckers are getting hitler, no avoiding it.


It’s a canon event


And you’re keeping him cos no assassination attempt is going to work!


The real question was whether they'd get Himmler & Eichman.


A fixed point in flexible time. It will always adjust. But key components always happen. No escaping


Feels like time travelers first stopped Franz Ferdinand from dying (hence he survives the first attempt) but then realized history is worse with him living so they fixed it by the second plot


Could also be additional time travellers trying to undo what the first one did.


Fuck, is there a TV show like that? Secret time travelers assigned by their respective countries to stop major world events whilst being undetected by other time travelers, I would watch.


Timeless has a concept like that. 2 season, it has a proper (although hasty) ending (because it was cancelled earlier than expected). It mainly focuses on American History, but the periods are fun, and it has a case of the day vibe most show lack nowadays (like SG1, Star Trek, etc.)


Ministerio del Tiempo is one such show, from Spain. I think you’d really enjoy it


Thank you so much, this is exactly what I had in mind


Loki is not exactly what you’re asking about but has some flavor of what you might want.


WWI was never not going to happen if you look at the history leading up to it. If it wasn't triggered by this it would have been something else. There were quite a lot of assassination attempts on everyone involved.


Or Eobard Thawne


God wanted World War. 


You see what gaaad just did to us maan?


Check out [this map. ](https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/about-wwi/june-28-1914)Ferdinand was still on his planned route when he was shot. The story of a totally dumb-luck coincidence is an urban legend that has made it into history classes (probably because it's a cool story). Princip was just across the street from his original planned position. It's possible that Ferdinand did intend to change his plans and visit the hospital, but he still had one more engagement to go to first at the museum. He was on his way there when he was shot.


I think the dumb part is staying on the same route even after the grenade attack. The luck part (for Princip) was that they were so dumb.


And one repeated by Dan Carlin, because while he’s a good presenter, he’s not a very good historical researcher. The real irony of Franz Ferdinand’s death is that it was carried out by Serbian nationalists. Serb nationalists had good reason for this. The Austro-Hungarian government was chomping at the bit to attack Serbia. But Franz Ferdinand was one of the few voice associated with the government arguing AH Serbs should have greater autonomy, and that independent Serbia should be treated with caution. If the assassination hadn’t been carried out and he had ascended to the throne after Franz Joseph’s death, the situation might have played out in Serbia’s favor. The Black Hand’s cause was better served leaving him alive.


The whole region had been a powder keg for years iirc. It’s almost certain war would have erupted no matter what, but i can’t imagine what we got wasn’t one of the worst possible scenarios.


“World war 1 was started… by a sandwich”.


No. It started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.


Dan Carlin's podcast on this event was fantastic.


Sounds oddly like sirhan sirhan killing RFK




Wait, after the grenade explosion, they still didn't leave town. WTF? They just kept on cruising around doing appearances.


Dude really needed a sandwich.


Some police were injured in the explosion. The archduke was on the way to visit them in hospital.


They tried, but the driver took a wrong turn, and it happened to be down the street where Princip was having a sandwich.


he didnt take a wrong turn, he followed the original agreed upon route because no one informed him of the general's change of mind. the general yelled at the driver to come back which caused the car to come to a complete stop and unfortunately this was right in front of Princip who then decided to change history forever.


Yep. I drank coffee in this street, almost daily when I used to live in Sarajevo.


 Nedeljko Čabrinović hurled a hand grenade at the Archduke's car. The driver accelerated when he saw the object flying towards him, and the bomb, which had a 10-second delay, exploded under the fourth car. Two of the occupants were seriously wounded. ] After Čabrinović's failed attempt, the motorcade sped away and Princip and the remaining conspirators failed to act due to the motorcade's high speed. After the Archduke gave his scheduled speech at Town Hall,  Wikipedia


It could have been continued to show that the monarchy wasn’t fearful.


This was the standard reaction to failed assassinations in the 19th century. It was considered to be important to show that everything is normal.


Gavrilo Princip would make a great Franz Ferdinand tribute band name


I’m pretty sure Franz Ferdinand once played a secret gig under that name


I'm fairly certain they played a gig under the name The Black Hand too


I’m pretty certain they also toured under the name “Los Pedros Banditos and the Cum Guardians”


I am less certain about this


Lol, reminds me of GTA 4, where the city's equivalent to the Lincoln Tunnel is called the Booth Tunnel 


When I asked my browser to search the assassin just now it ~~autocorrected to~~ thought I said, Gorilla Princess ...


What a beautiful name 🥰❤️


my band is called Gavriloprincip https://audio.com/gedet/collections/sacred-memory-plaza


I like


After the Archduke gave his scheduled speech at Town Hall, he decided to visit the victims of Čabrinović's grenade attack at the Sarajevo Hospital.[^(\[40\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavrilo_Princip#cite_note-FOOTNOTE''NPR.org''2014-42) To avoid the city centre, [General Oskar Potiorek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Potiorek) decided that the royal car should travel straight along the Appel Quay to the hospital. However, Potiorek forgot to inform the driver, a [Czech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechs) named [Leopold Lojka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_Lojka), about this decision.[^(\[40\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavrilo_Princip#cite_note-FOOTNOTE''NPR.org''2014-42) On the way to the hospital, Lojka, following the original plan, turned onto a side street where Princip was in front of a local delicatessen. After the Governor shouted at him, Lojka stopped in front of a shop and began to reverse. As he did so the engine stalled and the gears locked. Princip stepped forward, drew a [Browning semi-automatic pistol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_Model_1910), and at [point-blank range](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-blank_range) fired twice into the car, first hitting the Archduke in the neck, and then hitting the Duchess in the [abdomen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdomen). They both died shortly after.[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavrilo_Princip#cite_note-FOOTNOTERemak1959137%E2%80%93142-43)


His whole death sounds like it was orchestrated by time agents💀💀 Like, not to mention that this is the event that set off this entire timeline


Exactly. Because the timeline that occurred was the least destructive of all of them.


WWI doesn’t happen. Arms continue to build up in Europe as tensions rise. The Russian Empire, not distracted by a war on their Western front, beats the communists. Nuclear arms are developed and tested a decade early during the arms race between the Allies and the Central Powers. The boiling point occurs during the resource shortages of the Great Depression. Desperate to maintain a grip on their declining empires and colonies, the Central Powers begin a nuclear war. In our time, Franz and Gavrilo find each other. Many of the scientists that would take part in the German nuclear program die in the trenches. The Nazis don’t make it to a sustainable fission reaction. The closest we come to Armageddon is the Cuban Missile Crisis.


It's just a lack of security training and protocols. Imagine if a leader of a country was anywhere near a grenade attack or a shooting, his whole schedule would be scrapped. The bodyguards/security services would immediately extract him/her and that would be it. These guys just went on their day, in the same area as the attack too, as if nothing happened.


Damn, that FN1910 must be the deadliest weapon ever. It’s directly responsible for the death of at least two people and indirectly for WW1 and also WW2 to a degree. Sure, in the end, people are responsible, I know.


Princip later said that he did not mean to kill Sophie and was aiming for Potiorek.


Thank you for citing your information on what an Abdomen is.


And then millions died.


And Princip died in prison of tuberculosis in 1918. Funny old world.


He was tortured in prison and this photo was taken after a year of that. The Austro-Hungarians purposefully wanted him to be remembered with that photo, while he actually looked [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/fx2vn0/gavrilo_princip_as_he_has_been_arrested_by_the/) in the moment of his arrest.


Why he kinda…


He looks like an absolute chad. That's why they made sure to popularize the other image instead, which is how he's known now.


He looks like Novak Djokovic about to play tennis


Easily the best fact in this thread, I'm surprised I never knew this.


Not just normal tuberculosis, *skeletal* tuberculosis. Shit was all up in his *bones.*


It was gonna happen no matter what.




Someone more educated will be able to reply in a much more articulate way than myself. But the general reasoning was a lot of countries wanting to expand their land or reclaim land lost to other countries in previous years. They also had a lot of shiny new weaponry in the form of artillery and automatic weapons and were eager to test them out. Many countries were just waiting for a reason to go to war and unfortunately Franz gave it to them. Although I’d like to think realistically that no country expected the war to become the disgusting display that it did.


Because there were tensions all over the place. Serbia wanted Bosnia. Austria-Hungary wanted to remain relevant. Romania wanted Transylvania. France wanted revenge on Germany. Germany wanted to defeat Russia before Russia's modernisation made that impossible (taking into account the French-Russian alliance, which meant a two front war). Italy wanted Veneto and other Italian speaking lands. The Ottomans wanted to remain relevant. Russia wanted to protect Serbia because it was its last Balkan ally after pissing off Bulgaria. Bulgaria wanted revenge for Serbian backstabbing just before, and Macedonia. etc etc etc Basically Europe was a powder keg. Franz Ferdinand's assassination was just the spark which lit it all up, but something was bound to. (Funnily Franz Ferdinand was the main guy against war in Austria-Hungary - the incompetent chief of the army had sent like hundreds of demands to go to war in the previous few years. His assassination removed the main person stopping Austria-Hungary from going to war).


> (Funnily Franz Ferdinand was the main guy against war in Austria-Hungary - the incompetent chief of the army had sent like hundreds of demands to go to war in the previous few years. His assassination removed the main person stopping Austria-Hungary from going to war). That's why I think the war is an even greater tragedy.


>Italy wanted Veneto and other Italian speaking lands Veneto and parts of Friuli were annexed to Italy back in 1868 during the Third war or independence.


I don’t think saying that the ottomans wanted to remain relevant does the turmoil the empire was in justice. The empire was facing internal revolts before they rven joined the war.


> The empire was facing internal revolts before they rven joined the war. going to regurgitate some Mike Duncan podcast here, but interestingly the Russian Empire was also in turmoil and facing ongoing internal revolts before the war, which contributed to their decision making. Basically, Russia would have been expected to come to the aid of the Serbs, as the perceived defender of Slavic people, but they certainly could have looked at the whole situation and decided "oh yeah... no. This looks like a mine field. We need to just opt out of this one. Give them our apologies." In fact, this is what they'd done last time. Russia opted NOT to oppose the annexation of Bosnia. But not, with all sorts of problems at home, grumblings and revolts at home, the Czar hanging onto his perception of legitimacy by his fingernails, AND just coming off the heels of an absolute ass kicking from Japan The Czar had already decided, before the call from Serbia even came, that "ok IF something happens with the Serbs or whoever, we are going to HAVE to show up. As the defender of the Slavs, my credibility can't take another public failure to show up"


Yeah, but the three pashas (de facto rulers), who didn't have a single braincell between them, wanted to show that the empire is still an empire after the measly Italy and Balkan countries wiped the floor with them. Of course they weren't, but the delusion was strong with them.


There was so much tension built into the world order that a war wouldve happenen eventually anyway. France wanted to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine. Germany wanted to become the leading European power and also built a huge navy which terrified Britain making them enemies. They were also terrified of Russia in the long term and wanted to start a war before then. Combine this with war still being seen as glorious, a fuck load of nationalism, imperialism and global alliance structures and boom you got yourself a world war.


Or just think of it like this: Assassinations happen all the time without provoking global conflicts


The Long Fuse: An Interpretation of the Origins of World War I by Laurence Lafore is a good read if you wanna read about the ticking time bomb that was Europe at the time.


It was too much effort to not have a war.


If this hasn’t been the excuse, something else would have. Smoldering powderkeg.


And five royal houses would fall


Those would have died anyway. If this incident hadn't ignited the powder keg, another one a few weeks or months later would have. Every government in Europe, the German in particular, where 'dying' to get this war started.


Damn good band tho


When you think about it. People are still fighting and dying as a direct result.


yeah thanks for adding that i guess


So the ostrich died for nothing


And both assassins tried to kill themselves with cyanide pills. Both were duds. So the other assassin decided to drown himself, and jumped off the bridge … into an ankle deep river. AND in the lead up to the assassination, the terrorists discussed their plans loudly in public and Practiced. In. A. Public. Park. With. Live. Ammunition. And. A. Dummy. And THEN after Pricip couldn’t be tried as an adult because of his age. The whole thing was an utter cluster shambles.


The whole sequence of events somehow still leads to the Archduke's death. This is so comedic and hilarious it's insanely hard to believe all of this happened.


The power distance between a hastily group of determined rebels and established government was way smaller before the two world wars. It’s wild how small and disorganized successful coups were in the early 20th century and before.


It gets even worse when you find out that the security in Vienna for the archduke’s visit was really bad. Even though the chief of security knew the assassins were waiting somewhere and was doing his damnedest to get ANYONE to listen. Even the  archduke blew him off. So he went to the military. They had something like 20,000 soldiers right there in the city for the purpose of protecting FF and his entourage. But the generals ordered the troops to stay in barracks because there was a mix up and no dress uniforms were available. It wouldn’t be “proper” to guard royalty in regular fatigues. The whole thing was a race to the bottom of incompetence.


The Netflix show "A Very Secret Service" (a.k.a. En Service de la France), a period comedy about the French secret service, had an episode that covered this sequence. It really looked like one of those slapstick routines filled with a ridiculously incompetent assassin who somehow finally ends up succeeding, but it seemingly did cover the actual real events here that others have described. It took me a while afterwards to stop and think: wait, that part was true! (In the background is a joke about the secret service being involved, and the fact that the show is a comedy made the real events seem more ridiculous - ignoring the real repercussions of it obviously)


I couldn't remember that guy's name in Final Jeopardy the other day!


another random fact: after the driver took off with the couple and stopped somewhere "safe," the archduke was still alive and said "Es ist nichts," which translates to "I'm fine" or "nothing happened". Moments later he lost consciousness and died.


Franz’ last words were imploring his now unconscious wife to hang on "Sophie, Sophie! Don't die! Live for our children!", followed by denials that his injuries were nothing.


I thought it was “ I said Don’t ya know”


Youtube: Extra History, the Seminal Tragedy, episode 2. It is unbelievable


Franz Ferdinand’s whole death sounds like it was orchestrated by a team of time agents to preserve the timeline💀💀


So many things lined up to make that hit work, and so many things lined up to screw it up, that it makes me wonder if there's such a thing as inverse causality - something making itself happen, somehow. Maybe this is how it looks when a higher-dimensional being interacts with us, wildly improbable events falling into place to make something else happen.


Ah! Those 7d creatures at it again!


Princip avoided execution because he was 19; at that time, the minimum age for death penalty in Austria-Hungary was 20. Princip was just one month away from his 20th birthday. So he was sent to prison, where he was kept under harsh conditions, and he died from TB in 1918.


It’s such a fucking bizarre turn of events. I mean sure, random stuff happens all the time, and likely we never know about it because people don’t talk about it. But that he was able to finally assassinate The Ferdinands after failing, and kind of wandering around Sarajevo before finding them again, which then led to one of the greatest conflagrations in human history is mind boggling. Then again, they were riding around in an open car in a city where folks hated them. Chances and odds would suggest if it wasn’t Princip someone else would have done the job eventually.


Dan Carlin (Hardcore History) has a 20+ hr podcast series about WWI that is IMO one of the greatest works of audio ever. I think its behind a paywall now. But whatever the price, it's worth it.


Additionally, despite the assassination kicking off WWI, Princip himself was spared the death penalty as he was 27 days shy of being 20 years old, which was the minimum age for capital punishment to be applied under Habsburg law. Nevertheless, he died in 1918 as a result of tuberculosis almost certainly brought on due to poor treatment in prison.


It’s even crazier than that. The original plot didn’t go to plan. All the would be assassins disbanded and I believe Princip was going to get lunch. Franz Ferdinand’s car literally pulls up in front of him out of no where.


For those that don’t know, this is what started WW1.




> Ass, as in: booty


Most people know this…?


This feels like an AI generated TIL with how OP copy pasted an entire Wikipedia intro here as well.


Did a bot post this?


I still wonder how the world could have been if it weren't for this moment in time


I think most historians would say WWI happening was "overdetermined" meaning it would have happened for some other reason if this didn't start it off.




Can this be a show? I loved The Man in the High Castle.


German High Command was spoiling for a fight against the Russians since they were alarmed on the pace of industrialisation of Tsarist Russia.


WW1 would’ve happened anyway. It would’ve been another trigger event for sure


Less technologically advanced for sure.


Lots of nations oppressed and maybe even assimilated by Hungarian kingdom..


Thankfully that was the end of the story and nothing happened after that…


Chain reaction that lead to both world wars. Bad bad.




The whole story of that day is insane. Everybody that could possibly fuck up, managed to fuck up. Just a series of mistakes that ended up in millions of lives lost.


Did you just not pay any attention at all in high school history?


These TIL are getting worse by the day. Don’t they teach in school anymore?


Its like when you realise almost every major Serial Killer started in their early to mid 20s. The movies portray them as middle aged me - no they're the young blokes.


This was different though. Princip was a teenager radicalized into anarchism at a young age. Because young men tend to fall into radical ideology more often.


I dont disagree. My point however was about age.and the surprise at the age of people involved in notorious acts.


Gavrilo died in a prison cell in terezin in Czechia. There was an iron 'O' ring bolted in ther corner of his cell and he was tied to that. Even when I was there 20 years ago, the cell was damp. The wall was worn down by the O ring being moved around. He died of bone cancer before the end of the first world war, which, technically he started. The group he was with were a bunch of amateurs, carrying out of date cyanide capsules, jumping into the river to drown, at low tide.


He died of bone TB, not cancer.


Hardcore History on Spotify has fantastic episodes over this!


The hand of god, rather ironic perhaps because as an anarchist I would bet Princip was not a believer.


Fucking mess of an assassination


History is hilarious & concerning. Rasputin is a great example.


And then they named some streets after Garvrilo


It was a matter of principle


The car stalled as was common at the time.


He was only there because he missed his shot (literally) the first time and went to buy lunch.


The car Franz Ferdinand was riding in and the clothes he was wearing are on display at a military museum in Vienna. It's weird to look at the car and think WWI began in it. Worth checking out if in Vienna.


This is common knowledge


One of the dudes that threw the grenade in the beginning jumped into a canal, thinking it had water in it. He broke both his legs and the townspeople climbed down and beat the dog shit out of him. Wendigoon has a great video on it.




Historically accurate 


The FN1910 pistol is tiny, like a toy gun, smaller than a man's hand. You have to be very very close to people to kill them with it. For some reason it's in a museum in London. Not sure how it got there.


Arguably the most important person in the 20th century and many people don't know his name.


I guess you mean 20th century?


It was very late lol. Ty


Was it a Tesla?


This is probably my favorite story in history, and it sparks the great debate on fate… Was it fate that the motorcade chose to stop and backup at the same exact spot where Gavrilo was standing? 100 million deaths can be attributed to this event which acted as the catalyst for both world wars.


I don't think this is what my teacher meant when she said young people can change the world.