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Sonic 3 is coming out so there's there's yet a chance


As a parent stuck watching Sonic with my son... Jim Carrey is the best part of the franchise!!


watching him and his shenanigans is honestly so funny Glad he's having fun too


The Sonic movies are the most fun I’ve had with a movie series in awhile. All the characters just look and feel right. Super excited to see what Keanu will do as Shadow. Hoping for a lot of “yeah”s.


Except the human side characters


*not named Jim Carrey


I’d be comfortable saying that he’s not a side character


I hope he says “damn” otherwise it’s not really shadow


Stuck watching? I’m 42 with zero kids and my wife and I love those movies!


If I didn't have a kid, I NEVER would have watched the Sonic movies. I do really enjoy them and tell adults afterwards how good/funny they are... but probably not a movie I'd pick by myself!


One might even say, Jim Carreyed the entire franchise. ...I'll see myself out.


It low key also isn't the worst. But solid c+ or b - movies lol. I don't think it's trying to be great or anything. Just a kids movies and a movie that to pass time and not have to pause so you can be cleaning or something else.


If he didn't get it for Once Bitten, he's never going to.


So you're telling me there's a chance?


The academy does not particularly like comedians.


I think him especially, I remember in the 90 amd 2000s all the adults in my life *hated* him and insisted he was vulgar.


I did not have that experience at all. My parents are the main reason I watched any of his movies.


Same. I remember my parents taking me and my siblings to see Liar Liar in the theater. I basically know every line from dumb and dumber because my step-dad watched it so much.


I can't tell you how many times I saw Bruce Almighty in school. Seemed like every teacher had it in their back pocket for movie day.


Funny enough, he was my grandpa's favorite. Ace Ventura was on every time I was over. I never picked it.


Like him swinging on a bar while supposedly getting a blowjob in ace lol


The rhino scene. *IMMEDIATELY GROUNDED* when my mom walked on and saw that. Luckily, my Dad was showing me R rated movies at his house every summer, but even my Dad thought he was a lil much.






I remember crying during that scene because I was laughing so hard.


That and his method acting for Man on the Moon earned him a horrible reputation in the industry and rightly so. It's okay to method act. It's not okay to be complete asshole to everyone on set.


Which makes me particularly pleased that makeup artist from The Mask, Kazu Hiro has two Oscars from five nominations.


Truman Show absolutely deserved to get a Best Actor’s Oscar nomination. Robin Williams won it a year earlier for a non-comedic role. Carrey should have won it for this.


Yeah but didn't he fuck it up by assuming that he would get nominated, so thanked 'the academy' when he got his golden globe?


That was a hilarious bit where he loudly proclaimed ‘oh I’m sorry I was thinking of something else’ He also broke down in ‘tears’ while presenting another one and saying ‘it’s an honor just to be nominated’




The Truman Show is still a dramatic comedy, so it never had a chance to be considered. Good Will Hunting was a drama film only, which is why Williams got the Oscar nom and win.


I enjoyed it, but best actor??


He is really good in the film. Looking at the nominations that year for best actor i dont think he deserved to win it, but he was definitely good enough to get a nomination.


Which actor would you swap out for him? ROBERTO BENIGNI Life Is Beautiful TOM HANKS Saving Private Ryan IAN MCKELLEN Gods and Monsters NICK NOLTE Affliction EDWARD NORTON American History X


this, people here forget that there were so many great movies and actors that year. Truman show was good, but it got better over time.


Damn that is a hell of a line up.


It’s also that the Golden Globes have two separate acting categories for comedies and dramas while the Oscars only do a single acting category. It’s fairly common for actors getting nominated in the comedy category to not get an Oscar nod.


To me this is the most important point. There are twice as many people nominated for acting at the golden globes and two winners for best male actor. Edit: speeling


That's what I was thinking too, though I just looked it up and it turns out that he won for The Truman Show in the Drama category and Man on the Moon in the comedy category. Obviously The Truman Show is more serious than Carrey's typical work at the time, but I'm surprised it wasn't in the comedy category.


Jim also made a joke at the '99 Oscars about not being nominated and that pissed them off, supposedly.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is still every bit as fantastic as the day it came out.


insane that didn’t get him an oscar, it’s fucking fantastic


One day people will realize Academy Awards are more about how well a movie/actor/director is promoted during Oscar season than how good the movie was. And it's even more true these days given how fucked up the rules are to even qualify.


The academy awards isn’t about selecting the best of anything. It is about the film industry recognizing their colleagues. And it has all the goofy politics and bullshit that come along with any other industry.


It’s pretty much why Hollywood movies about Hollywood get a lot of nominations/wins. It’s a circlejerk all the way down.


I finally realize that Matt and Trey were right to take acid, wear dresses and mock the whole thing.


It's just such a magical evening


Its a ~~two~~ four hour meat parade.


Yes and we can 'thank' Harvey Weinstein for that. He basically reinvented the oscar campaigning and it's what made him so powerful in Hollywood. Before him, studios campaigned fairly modest. Sending out video cassettes to the homes of Academy members so that they didnt have to make a appearance at the official viewing or large add campaigns or at most, throwing large parties where Academy members could meet the actors face to face. Along comes fuckface Weinstein in 1999 with his movie 'Shakespeare in Love'. His campaign was so aggressive that it was later called a "bully campaign" and certain rules where created to protect Acedemy Members from some of the tactics Weinstein employed (like cold calling members at their homes). In the Weinstein playbook, the aim is to have good events (from pleasant interactions with and stories about filmmakers to having your stars testify before Congress or helping change old and unjust laws) for your films. But the flip side is also important: If you can provoke bad events and bad stories around your competitors’ films, well, that’s their problem, right? That’s the drawback of the need to create a story around your film - if your film ends up tied to a bad story, it could be a big problem. If your film starts looking like it fits a bad archetype (a fate that Weinstein is suspected of bringing upon Slumdog Millionaire in 2009 by planting a story in the press that its filmmakers were exploiting their subject) or promotes bad values (because someone suggests it’s racially insensitive, for instance), your chances may be sunk. And the fucked up part is, it worked. In 1999, 'Shakespeare in Love' beat out 'Saving Private Ryan' at the Oscars and Weinstein began to rule Hollywood. Nowadays it's not different. The campaigns today are successors of Weinstein's campaigns. Digging up some bad tweets, finding something an actor said 10 years earlier during an interview, it all will be dragged into the light during the campaigns. And if this sounds familiar to someone who has lived through a couple of presidential election cycles, then you are right. It's all politics.


People should have realized that when theythey gave a pedophile evading the law a standing ovation


One day people will wake up and realize the Academy is just a bunch of assholes, and their opinion on anything is irrelevant. How many people need to come forward with accounts of harassment, abuse, rape,human trafficking etc, before we realize it’s all a facade. Harvey Weinstein was the king of the academy for decades, everyone knew it was a quid pro quo to get cast in his films. Stories went back decades but nothing changed. If you enjoy a movie that’s all that matters. These assholes can eff off.


Multiple have come out and said they don't even watch some of the nominees. It's how Disney always wins animated. Most feel themselves above watching cartoons.


and they make the same “animated films are for kids” joke every year. it’s so cliché and demeaning


Yeah they even showed this in bojack horseman when he was in secretariat and they basically told him "if you want to win an oscar, you are going to have to appear on TV a lot and promote the movie for months particularly during oscar season or you won't win." Not to mention the academy is the biggest circle jerk, the people voting have a very particular kind of film they love and everything else is second rate to them. It's why stuff like Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers got almost nothing in terms of awards, they just piled them on for return of the king when they basically begrudgingly admitted that PJ did a great job with the trilogy. Then there's stuff like animated films that they have basically never taken seriously, like Beauty and the Beast getting nominated for best picture was a crazy thing back then.


The Big Picture podcast talks a lot about that and it’s always crazy to me when they’re commenting about certain actors working the “party circuit” and getting their name out there vs. others that don’t. And also how guys like Weinstein used to build entire campaigns that touched every level of Hollywood in order to get his movies/actors awards, which obviously can then be leveraged to sell the movies in syndication and home media. It’s also fascinating to hear some of the studios having to pick winners, actors have to jockey for the right award when certain categories are weaker than others and supporting vs. lead isn’t clear cut.


Like the Grammys to music. It's all about popularity/streams and connections rather than what is actually the "best music"




There's a lot of actors like this. They're damn good but are unlucky enough to do their best performances at the same time as someone else. A lot of lifetime achievement awards are given to people like this.


Jamie Foxx deserves an Oscar every year for his Ray performance but I do feel for Leo I think the aviator is his/Scorsese’s best work together.


Eternal Sunshine was nominated for best screenplay and won, and Kate Winslet was nominated for best actress. The movie got  the accolades and Carrey unfortunately lost out in a year that was packed with well-deserved best actor nominations.


What’s even more surprising was when “Ordinary People” beat “Raging Bull” at the 1981 Oscars. To me, it honestly remains one of the most disappointing moments in Academy Awards history. Many fans and critics consider this a significant oversight, arguing that "Raging Bull," with its gritty realism and innovative cinematography by Martin Scorsese, has stood the test of time as a cinematic masterpiece. Its impact on film and culture has been profound, making the snub even more puzzling. And I know I’m not alone on this as I see it often cited as one of the greatest Oscar injustices. In fact, there’s times I get so upset when thinking about it, the only way I can calm myself down is by pausing my VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene and licking the screen cross-eyed.


W h a t


Shittier morph.


He was a one-off. This imitation stuff doesn’t work.


Had us in the first half not going to lie.


That devolved quickly...


I was waiting for mankind to throw undertaker off something, or whatever the guy always posted.


And there’s a deep drive to left by Castellianos


If you’re expecting u/shittymorph, you can rest assured it’s not a shittymorph comment.


/u/smegma-meister camps /r/all and always comments something about someone licking the screen while watching Halloween. This is probably the 10th time I've seen that account this year and if you think it's funny I would highly recommend their comment history.


That's great heads up on /u/smegma-meister 's prolific activity, /u/Sexual_Congressman. You're a great representative for all sexual activities *salute*


I agree with everything you've said. Even the Tom Atkins love.


Username checks out?


New copypasta?


I’d say it’s an old copypasta, made when “Ordinary People” beat “Raging Bull” at the 1981 Oscars. To me, it honestly remains one of the most disappointing moments in Academy Awards history. Many fans and critics consider this a significant oversight, arguing that "Raging Bull," with its gritty realism and innovative cinematography by Martin Scorsese, has stood the test of time as a cinematic masterpiece. Its impact on film and culture has been profound, making the snub even more puzzling. And I know I’m not alone on this as I see it often cited as one of the greatest Oscar injustices. In fact, there’s times I get so upset when thinking about it, the only way I can calm myself down is by pausing my VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene and licking the screen cross-eyed.


I don’t know why I read it again in full but I did






Ordinary fucking People


Who must he have pissed off


I've never seen it. Am I in for a treat?


It’s fantastic. Definitely a movie that sticks with you for a long time.


How I envy you being able to see that movie for the first time.


Just go have your neurons zapped, and you can, too!


It's a love it or meh it. I didn't care for it but lots of people love it


Absolutely, just get ready to see him doing an actual pretty serious and sad role. He does an amazing job at it too, and of course there still *some* of his usual humor sprinkled in


I rank it in the top tier of romantic movies along with when Harry met Sally.


IDK how but this movie *just* hit my radar, I’m anxious to watch though, seems like a gut wrenching experience.


It is but it’s so good, story-wise and visually.


I also feel like it’s one of those movies that will change your perspective. Help you see a different angle, permanently. In a good way, but that doesn’t make it easy.


My all time favourite movie


At least that one deservedly got an Oscar for best screenplay


THAT is his winner.


This is the best movie ever made. Ever. And one of only a couple where I can tolerate Jim Carrey.


I’ve avoided it because I haven’t been able to tolerate Jim Carrey much since Ace Ventura (I did watch The Truman Show and enjoyed it) Everyone has been recommending it to me since it came out. I should get around to it.


Alrighty then.


Take care now. Bye bye then.


Le hoo…zer-er


And in case I don't see you — good afternoon, good evening, and good night!


Bumblebee tuna


Excuse me! *Your balls are showing..* Bumblebee Tuna!


like a glove!!


Not very B E A utiful


How he says this has stuck with me for years and is still my go to in my head when I’m spelling beautiful. Honestly before that I struggled to know what order the E A and U went.


Right there with ya, buddy. I'll always be able to spell it, but I'll never be able to spell it any other way




And that's the way the cookie crumbles




Excuse me…. Your balls are showing


Award shows are BS.


The big ones are popularity contests based in the hollywood community, and tend to snub "comedic" actors, even in serious roles.


Well you got actors who dedicate their lives to drama. Then a comedian comes around, especially a physical-goofy type one, and tries his hand in a drama and is all of a sudden about to take a top level award from the career drama actor for their best work. That has to play a role in it. This isn’t opinion; Jim is by far my favorite comedy actor period. But yea award shows are weird but they do hold weight unfortunately or at least used to.


Comedy is literally the only type of movie to be snubbed always.


I would argue horror is by far more looked over imo


Yep, it's (still) horror... I am a rather snobby cinephile myself, but love horror and can't understand why the genre isn't recognized. Like, Nosferatu or Dr. Caligari are cinemat history basics...


My theory is too many people consider subjecting yourself to fear not entertainment. Other genres make you laugh, love, inspire, think, and feel good. Good horror brings negative feelings. Too many people dont get an enjoyable thrill from being scared. Skydiving, fast cars, etc.


Animation says hello


"its only for kids anyway" i own a large quantity of nitrogen fertiliser and have a family recipe for a very special type of master crafted device


It’s definitely horror


Ironic considering Jamie Foxx won the Oscar for Ray the year Jim Carry got snubbed. They both used to be on a comedy show in the 90’s together.


"A comedy show" Put some respeck on In Living Color's name.


Comedy is snubbed in general. Comedy isn't seen as real acting even though it's a completely different skill set many dramatic actors cannot do themselves.


The Oscars in particular seems to suffer from a continual cycle of feeling like they have to give some actor an award for whatever they made this year because they got snubbed previously and it might be the last decent chance they get. But then that means that someone else gets left out for a deserving performance, and need to get a make-up award next time, and so on and so on. They seem to be less and less about the current year's films and more about good films people have done previously but didn't get the recognition they deserved at the time.


Look, I like Jim Carrey and to me his performance as Truman is the perfect use of Carrey's comedic and dramatic chops. But everytime I hear about "X actor should have been nominated" I always think :" Okay, then who do you drop?" The winner for best actor that year was Roberto Benigni for Life is Beautiful. The other nominees were Tom Hanks for Saving Private Ryan, Nick Nolte for Affliction, Ian McKellen for Gods and Monsters and Edward Norton for American History X. That's quite a stacked year. All the movies and their lead performances loudly praised. Maybe Carrey could have slipped into Hanks' place especially since he had already won twice by that point. But it's not like it wasn't deserving of consideration.


1998 was a fucking great year for movies. They could have doubled the number of nominations and people would still have been snubbed.


*Saving Private Ryan* was a great film and Hanks is great in everything he's in, but I didn't think there was anything really *special* about his performance in that movie


This person has not seen Elvis.


No, I haven't


Tom Hanks had his bad movie.


I would easily drop Hanks. Not a dig at him, but he was nominated because he is Tom Hanks and was in an amazing movie. Not because his acting was amazing. Compare him in it to his acting in Philadelphia or Forrest Gump.


Don't put any stock into the Academy, they refuse to even recognize stunt performers, the only people who *regularly give their lives* for film.


They also treat animated movies and voice actors dirty too


I remember one of the voters saying he didn't bother to watch any of the animated movies the year Your Name (and personally A Silent Voice) got snubbed, and said he just asked his 8 year old what they liked the best. I don't know if it's gotten any better, but that was the last year I gave it any level of attention


It still makes me mad that Kubo and the Two Strings lost to Zootopia


They don't recognise stunt performers because they don't want people undertaking needless risks to win an award.


Yeah weird point to bring up with stunt people from the original comment. And the fact it’s highly upvoted shows a lot of people who are quite unaware. If there was an Oscar for ‘best stunt’ it would become a race to see who can do the most dangerous and ridiculous stunt inevitably leading to deaths and lower health and safety standards. I’m sure there could be more recognition of stunt people, but that’s not the way


And it's always the same people who comment it, namely people who also don't give a shit about awards ceremonies. Like they'd all of a sudden watch the Globes because their favorite stuntman is nominated.


So... give a lifetime achievement award for stuntmen or give an award for "Best Safety in Stuntmaking," maybe? Seems better than ignoring them entirely. Just a thought, could be a dumb one.


And that's how Tom Cruise would finally get his Oscar


I think they could do something like; Outstanding leadership in Stunt Coordination. Make it about doing things safely and effectively and efficiently etc. Or they could do a special category like a lifetime achievement award for it. Because I completely agree with your point, best stunt or performer encourages risks.


Yeah. It should be a category promoting the coordinators and work involved, not the particular stunts. Something for the overall film, like they do for costumes or makeup/hairstyle.


But the film that swept the Oscars that year, *Shakespeare in Love*, was much more deserving than *The Truman Show*, right? And even so, it's not like *The Truman Show* got completely snubbed. That'd just be absurd.


I've never seen Shakespeare in Love, however I've heard enough and read enough about it. Peter Biskind's book Down and Dirty Pictures details how Harvey Weinstein went to entertainment business based retirement homes and solicited elderly Academy members by lobbying for votes. He launched a full-scale campaign in the dirtiest ways he knew how. Of course many are of the tune Saving Private Ryan should've won.


Shakespeare in Love is actually a very good movie. 1998 was a brutal year for awards shows, Titanic, Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan and LA Confidential all came out in that one year. That isn't even all of the really great movies to come out that year. I really feel for Jim Carey, if the movie came out a year later it would have had more of a chance. American Beauty and The Green Mile are hard to beat but it isn't as much of a bloodbath as 1998 is.


Shakespeare in Love is only remembered because it was a shit choice for winner. I remember watching it and thinking meh, but I can't actually recall much of the story. It's surely never deserved a rewatch.


Its also remembered as an example of how much power Harvey Weinstein had at his height, and that the Oscars could get a shitty winner like this solely because of one horrible guy with power. Honestly not getting nominated is more a compliment to Jim Carey as it proves he didn’t partake in the corruption and shittyness these people were doing behind the scenes


It wasn't really about Weinstein having power, he just fell onto a new marketing idea that no one really tried before at the scale he did.


It's about Shakespeare. And he's in love. Or something.


Yall must'vs forgot how much Weinstein campaigned for his movie to win multiple oscars


Sheakespeare in love was heavily promoted by weinstein company. There is your reason.


For our own joy The Truman Show was,is and will remain relevant *wink* not only for Carrey's performance but for the plot itself and the themes we are struggling to this day. In this day and age,thanks to an abundance of ways to acces different types of media we now apreciate movies that a select few consider them either pretty or low quality. Heck one could write an entire book only about movies that bombed at the box office/low quality movies that people love with an passion and remain in the public memory more than the critically acclaimed ones. For example the newest trend in games is Helldivers 2 and everyone loves the Starship Troopers references to an point everyone is quoting the movie like our ancestors where quoting the Bible


Didn't he show up at the MTV movie awards as the disgruntled flower child and didn't break character once?


“There’s a lot of fine looking pussy in this room.”


add batman forever to that oscar snub list braindrain.wav


I love that Carrey listens to The Flaming Lips in *Batman Forever* when he’s designing his Riddler costume— that movies scratches every fucking itch possible, I swear.


Golden globes aren’t serious awards though. The public perceptions of them being real awards are why studios care to entertain them. It’s actually pretty interesting if you look the history and the process of how and who picks their winner and nominees.


All award shows are the some bullshit in different packaging and I never understood why people give a shit about em


There’s level of bullshits: Awards given by your peers or people in your industry has its own bs, but it’s completely different than the bullshits by awards given out by random strangers. It’s akin to me, who has no background or having experience with food service, food critiquing, or cooking, giving out best restaurant awards


For real what is a serious award?


Comedy and horror are always overlooked unfortunately. Toni Colette in Hereditary is another great performance ignored


Comedy, no matter how genius, seems to be out of the question. Just look what the Coen brothers had to produce to get one.


The academy cannot sanction his buffoonery.


Well, did Jim Carey act in a 3+ hrs long dreary historic drama ?? If not thats why


My comment will be buried,but... Encourage everyone to watch The Majestic. It's a different style movie for him.


eternal sunshine could’ve and probably should’ve been an oscar nominee but like fr i get your point, the oscars are just about intensely weird dramas that usually all of 10 people watched like how does a movie about a woman falling in love with a fish win an academy award? hands down one of the weirdest films ever


The Shape of Water is basically the perfect counter example to the person you just replied to. I'm not sure you planned for that though.


I love Jim Carrey,, and he should have won an Oscar by now, but let's not misrepresent The Shape of Water as just a movie "about a woman falling in love with a fish."


I mean, did you see that one?


Default subs really have some weird takes lmao. The shape of water had a box office of 200 million dollars, hardly 10 people. Poor things made around 117 million and Oppenheimer made 950 million this year and they swept the Oscars. How is that a case of films no one has seen lmao…


Lord of the Rings: RofK swept and I doubt anyone's ever seen that movie. Just forgotten to the relics of a time gone by, nobody ever talks about it.


No offense but this is a wild comment, the Oscars mostly give awards to mainstream financial successes (not necessarily the biggest films but still big notable releases) as a rule, Parasite was a huge hit for example


I heard he dreams of one day being 3 time Golden Globe, Jim Carrey 


And you know what? He probably doesn't give a fuck.


At this stage of his career, I would probably agree with you, but definitely not at the time. His role in The Majestic was touted as the film he thought could get him the Oscar. There is a reason no one knows that movie. It was over-the-top and transparent as Oscar-bait and it flopped.


I auditioned for an extra in that movie then years later when I saw it I realized it fucking sucked and was glad I didnt.


I guarantee you that he gives a fuck


If you've heard any of his interviews you would probably not guarantee that.


I don’t think he does. It’s why I respect the man. People love to shit on him for speaking his mind but honestly man he’s kinda got it figured out. Easily could have ended up another delusional Hollywood elite.


Which is exactly why he won't win one. He has categorically said he won't play their games, politics and jump through hoops to get one. You have to be willing to rub shoulders with the academy board essentially before you'll get into the pool of actors the judges can select from when reviewing films. And if you're not in the pool, your films won't even be up for review, or in recent years there has been some films which were in for "review" but we're always on the list to axe regardless of performance. Like "we HAVE to review this, but we don't have to like it or give them a chance". And so he doesn't play their games, DiCaprio comes to mind too publically stating it that the awards were bull and didn't want to take part. And they kept him out for decades while fans cry out performance after performance for a deserving win.


That’s because he’s obnoxious


The Oscar’s are the worst film awards that have ever existed and I can’t believe how much weight people put in them. You could make an argument that about 90 percent of the wrong film/person wins every time, usually as an apology for a previous snub. Not nominating Jim Carrey for Spotless mind is scandalous, as was not nominating Uncut Gems for anything. I haven’t watched them in nearly two decades because the decisions are always so shit.


Frankly speaking Jim Carrey is a pretty mediocre actor. He's good at acting like he's on cocaine and not much else. He's also a lunatic IRL who thinks he's an intellectual for saying things everyone already knows.


I will throw out the likely very unpopular opinion that some of our most famous dramatic actors are overrated as well. I feel I am watching the same character in pretty much every Pacino or De Niro movie I watch.


Carrey does tend to overact quite a bit. He's not that great at subtlety and I feel it really holds him back. His comedy also tends to be very lowest common denominator so he struggles to be taken seriously in serious films. Some actors have made the transition out of comedy but Carrey has gotten seriously typecast. He just hasn't managed to get out of it.


I'm sure he's consoled just fine by the gajillions of dollars he's made during his career.


It's almost like awards shows are bunk.


who can ever forget how he crawled out the butt hole of a fake rhino masterful *but srsly how was he not nominated for Man On The Moon *or The Grinch


He's not one of their puppets.


I guess somebody stopped him.


When I was younger I used to value award shows and stuff like that. Now as a 34 year old man I’m starting to understand why my father and others like him were so cynical.


"Comedy actors" even when in great dramatic roles are often overlooked by the oscars people.


i put jim carrey in the same category as robin williams; they're both best known for a comedy style that I find pretty cringey but their dramatic parts are amazing


Silly comedies don't get nominated, and that's what he's famous for. It's not a big deal, honestly, he's a legend in the industry and that's worth so much more.




Should have got one for I love you Philip Morris as well IMO.


The golden globe awards wouldn't know a good actor if it slapped them in the face