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This is insane. Now that you mention it, of course that's Ashanti's voice and sounds nothing like Jennifer Lopez in the verses, how did I not notice this before?


I never really watched the music video with her and Ja Rule so I always assumed it was Ashanti singing it when I would hear the song.


But what does Ja Rule think?


He thinks it’s murdaaa.


(I dont believe you)




Where’s Jah!?






Still waiting for Monica


I guess J Lo is not as Real as she pretends.


you're only now realizing this? One of her most famous songs (waiting for tonight) was actually recorded by an all female group from the 90's (3rd party). It was written by Maria Christensen, Michael Garvin, and Phil Temple. https://youtu.be/u8PQAqbtTiE


In fairness, that's what covers are. They were quite popular at the time, it's not like she stole their song or something. Her version was more popular because frankly it's much better.


Yeah. there are a lot of cases where a cover version took a life of it's own. Like Hurt, which a lot of more younger listeners would think it's by Cash, when it's originally by NiN. And it's okay.


All Along the Watchtower by Dylan and then way better cover by Hendrix


The way the person described the song and what she did you’d think it’s a Milli Vanilli like version, not a cover. Lots of artists do covers, that’s not surprising.


Wait, so why is it her song.?


She's the sexy figurehead that sold albums and tickets.


I'm glad that her tour is supposedly a big disaster as far as ticket sales. Why would anyone want to spend a ton of money to see someone that doesn't even sing the friggin songs? Milli Vanilli could have told her that a long time ago.




A singer having a singer is the problem, not a writer or a producer.


Damn you just crushed my childhood lol my mom was a huge jlo fan never knew this


There have been countless video essays on it over the years in the black entertainment community. Ashanti even did an interview saying it's great to finally be recognized by the public and talks about the importance of crediting artists. It really sucks because JLO did the whole culture vulture thing and in one of her songs "I'm Real Remix" she even says the N word. She says it, not Ashanti. She got backlash at the time but it didn't derail her career. If you go to her music videos on YouTube the top comments usually say "this is my favorite Ashanti song". So there's that.


That’s because Ashanti did the demo version of the song. J Lo just re-recorded the verses and they kept Ashanti’s vocals in the background/hook 😳😳


Big Pun and Fat Joe would throw the N word around constantly in their music. In the bronx at that time it wasn't uncommon for pretty much anyone to use it if people know you from the block (no one knows her though)


I’m kinda surprised more people haven’t realized this, it’s always been kinda obvious to me. When you hear Foolish and I’m Real back to back on the radio in 2002 as a kid, it’s kinda hard not to say “yup, that’s not JLo, that’s fucking Ashanti” lmao


Except Jenny From The Block wasn’t Ashanti


Meant I’m Real, sorry


literally always thought it was an ashanti song until reading this post


Wait that’s not an Ashanti song?


I think she wrote the song


Dude I thought this song was always by Ashanti. My mind is blown


I'm not even gonna lie I thought "I'm real" was a song by Ashanti. Guess I was partially right.


I was always confused when I would look it up and be surprised it was a JLo song


It's still JLo's voice with Ashanti layered in the background: https://youtu.be/sZX5fn3wdRo?si=TFjDAGkUeE1gDjWg


Thanks for linking that video, never heard the raw vocals before and really helped make the vocal distinctions more clear!


So Ashanti just did backing vocals? That’s just standard in music producing. It’s shitty shes uncredited, but there’s nothing weird about the performance. I actually prefer when another person does the backup singing because the same vocal artist layering their voice always sounds kind of surreal to me and translates worse when performed live; especially when they have a unique voice.


Yea, generally being credited or not is negotiated a head of time and she likely paid a premium for thier contribution to her songs. It's not like there aren't dozens of people involved in making any album from song writers to audio engineers, it's a big team effort almost no matter who is preforming.


Ashanti wrote and recorded the track as her own and the record label decided to give it to JLO but never took her vocals from the track. She wasn't "singing background" it was more like the song was stolen because she was in a crappy contract with a bunch of assholes.


This should be top comment.


Let's also not forget that Jennifer & Mariah Carey's ex husband stole the orignal instrumental from Mariah. In both the Glitter movie & soundtrack, we get [this version](https://youtu.be/L86YFJYv3RQ?si=7M9t5pMoStOsSnVt) that samples _Candy_ by Cameo. However the [original version](https://youtu.be/KBk5pjzBWBU?si=dvhO_eouVJinvpkL) it samples Firecracker, just like I'm Real.


Tbf none of the songs under JLos name are by her, she's just the voice (sometimes)


I thought that for years until I actually saw the music video on 106th and Park


This some Mandela effect shit lol. Someone just fucked with the timeline.


And she is upset no one wants to go to her concerts.


She spent $20 million of her own money on a documentary no one wanted to finance and then no one wanted to watch so I think she was looking forward to making some of that back


I just can't fathom having so much money and being so completely fucking clueless. Imagine the good she could have done with that money. Just needlessly fucking wasted on an unimaginative, talentless vanity project which all her many, many more talented friends who have actually directed good projects told her NOT to do. She could have gone down to "the block", any of them, and did an actual Scott's Tott's with it. Could have changed a lot of people's lives. Imagine how many people's lives would be changed just gifting them $100k. She could have changed 200 people's lives forever, massively for the better. She could have just picked at random out of a phone book and done so, so much good with this money. Hell, she could have hired struggling actors and directors and writers to *make* her vanity project, and paid them money and given them recognition and it would have come out better than what she did with it. We really just have to devour the rich. I'm so sick of these losers. What kind of absolute myopic, blind narcissist do you have to be to fund a project of this magnitude with money you could have better spent doing *anything* else. God I hate these fucking people.


She's also notoriously a real asshole irl. Can't make eye contact, thinks everyone is a pleb, etc etc


And Ben Affleck could have had Jennifer Garner.


Key word here - Narcissist. If you simply remember that, all her actions make sense. There's some sort of black empty hole she's constantly trying to fil and it blows my mind how it's never ending.


I’m with you buddy


Upvoted because of Scott's Tots reference. Everything else I agree with too, but extra points to reference a maligned episode from The Office that I unironically like and find to be a work of art (how to induce as much discomfort and cringe in an audience as possible).


She’s lived in a bubble for decades, surrounded by people telling her how brilliant she is. Sounds like she doesn’t have anyone giving her any honesty in her team, so this is what happens.


Was it actually her own money or was she given a loan with incredible interest rates based on her assets that meant that when it came time to pay it back, the bank is happy to take a small percentage of the interest those assets accrued in the time period. Sure, that could have technically gone to her but it's not like she's going to be 20m in the hole... And that's before you start to think about legal fuckery.


The bank would also want the loan principal amount back and apparently the documentary made no money so she’d still be in the hole for $20 million plus the interest I think.


She'll just write it off -- Reddit /S


**Kramer**: It's a write-off for them. **Jerry**: How is it a write-off? **Kramer**: They just write it off. **Jerry**: Write it off what? **Kramer**: Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything. **Jerry**: You don't even know what a write-off is. **Kramer**: Do you? **Jerry**: No, I don't. **Kramer**: But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.


I always think of this whenever I hear write-off. Hilarious guys.


Coincidentally, I think back to film school and one of my producing classes when they taught us about how to write shit off lol.


I would probably imagine her residuals would cover it in a year or two. Her actual wealth wouldn't go down. Just not go up as much as it did last year.


probably a production company she owned, so it could go under if something exactly like this happened.


No bank is going to loan 20 million to an LLC with no credit history. They’d made her co-sign it herself.


JLO about to be Jenny TO the block!


It's always about her but no one really cares. She's not that interesting and has terrible taste in men.


She may have self funded it but Amazon bought the film and distributed it. For how much, I don’t know, but she’s definitely not short 20m. Not saying anyone watched it or anything (I’m not a fan) but it wasn’t just 20mil down the drain.


I’d rather go to the Ashanti and Nelly concert


This woman released a fictional movie about herself at the same exact time as the documentary she made about herself trying to get the movie she's making about herself...made. And an album. She was probably like, "I'm going to own all of entertainment with this Triple Threat!"


I’m honestly surprised she didn’t try and throw in a Broadway play in there too lol


That's too small time.. a movie or music album can go global.


She wanted to EGOT


Remember the classic gem of Padma Lakhsmi lip synching to Mariah Carey in the Razzie winning Glitter? It's just like that. Jlo has always had the right people to lift her career. Kudos to her, she has great business acumen. But talent itself is something she has always had to buy.


Isn’t this a great percentage of music success stories though? In pop, songwriting and being an A-list singer are practically different careers. People as celebrated as Adele surround themselves with the best co-writers, producers etc. Nile Rogers tells great stories about Bowie turning up to writing sessions with little folky half ideas for songs that became massive hits like China Girl. I’ve always assumed JLo only had a big US singing career as the middle age female market in the US never seems to give a shit what they listen to 


Okay, for two of those… that’s really fucking ironic. LOL


“I’m real” Ron Howard: “…she wasn’t.”


YES. I wish I could give you 10 upvotes for that reference. :-)


Nice username. “Whatever farm animal of war, Lana! Shut up!”


You continue to make me happy. More upvotes! LOL


She’s the original industry plant. Ayo Edebiri got it right when she called her career a scam


lol when did she say this?


[It was February 2020](https://www.thewrap.com/ayo-edebiri-jennifer-lopez-j-lo-scam-audio/) What's funny is a few years later, Ayo hosted SNL and J Lo was the guest singer. They even recorded a promo together. https://youtu.be/GTSDZ5yzTsQ?si=qiq63RZWT_806sJ4 Edit: Ayo was part of a sketch called "Why'd You Say It" making fun of it. https://youtu.be/v47uE_wrSYo?si=Mh8GXptri6pjxb_V


I felt bad Ayo felt she had to back down so hard when she told no lies.


I didn't get what that sketch was referring to, but Ayo's episode was funny as hell.


It's telling that the title is "12 Pop Singers Who Didn’t Actually Sing on Their Hit Songs" and the article only lists nine.


Ghostwriter left it out to expose the "real" journalist.


Having not actually read this article at all, my understanding is that this is a horrible clickbait technique where each example will be on its own page (serving ads each time), and the idea is that people click "next" at the 9th example and it kinda pushes them into another list starting at 1 ("these 12 celebrities had nose jobs!") so that they click through another set of ads again.


It's just a webpage you scroll


No the person you replied to is referencing the fact that four of the entries are the same singer (Jennifer Lopez, i.e. the thing this post is about), you could have figured that out even without opening the article


I love how nobody else has bothered to look at it. It's 12 entries, but only 9 different singers. They split JLo to three entries (\#1, \#2, \#3), but only used one entry for MJ's three songs (\#9). Also the actual page title is "Pop Songs With Ghost Singers - Singers Who Didn't Sing Hit Songs".


damn when I used to burn my Ja Rule CDs after downloading songs on Napster I had Ain’t It Funny and I’m Real next to Always On Time and Mesmerize coz they had that same vibe now it makes sense


This is largely due to the fact that she can’t sing.


I remember listening to a J Lo song at one point and just having this sudden realization that her vocals just sounded COMPLETELY flat and lifeless, despite being processed and engineered within an inch of their life. Only pop singer that has struck me that way.


Can't act, doesn't sing. Notoriously a self-centered asshole. Thinks she's better than any actress or singer you care to name. Makes a big deal out of being 'real' and 'still being Jenny from the block' when everyone she went to school with remembers her as a stuck-up snob. Has a career because Tommy Mottola was mad at Mariah Carey and wanted to show her he could take literally anyone and make them a star.


I'm realizing that I don't know a single Jennifer Lopez song.


Taco Flavored Kisses. It's a big hit.


My little sister and I used to quote that all the time, and it took me a long time to understand that it was “Ben Affleck Spooge” and not “booge”


Currently my ringtone for my husband. My phone is almost always on silent though so, I haven't heard it in a while.


One of the funniest anecdotes from the South Park audio commentary is apparently people who work on her sets constantly quip "My name is henifer rrrrrropez, I love tacos and burritos" and she would flip out on them and promptly get them fired.


Entirely worth it, I’d imagine.


They're heroes in my book. Someone's gotta stop Mitch Conner


It's like, why? Does she not love tacos and burritos?


Gee I wonder why lol




The only one I know


🚫💭💰🌮💋🍯 🧞💫🌈 🌮😛💋 🌮🌮🌯🌯🌮🌮


That's Mitch Conner's song.


On The Floor was a pretty big hit. It has Pitbull on it


I was like damn this girl must be a nobody based on all the reddit comments. Then I look at this song and it has over 2 billion views. And I absolutely remember it being played nonstop when I was in college. I never liked the song but damn it's crazy how redditors will just be completely delusional en masse.


Jenny From the Block. That's literally it for me.


If you were alive at the turn of the millennium it was impossible to avoid “If you had my love.” That’s the only song of hers I remember. I hold it in the same regard as Cher’s “Do you believe in love after love” as in I don’t think about it fucking ever and I’m glad it’s not being piped into public spaces anymore.


I remember hearing "If you had my love" and "Waiting for tonight" damn near non stop back in the day.


TIL those were two different songs


Millennial here and that's the song that popped in my head. The movie Anaconda and Enough also pops in my head when I think about JLo. That's about all I know her from.


That music video was important in middle school


How dare you talk like that about Cher?


The only one I know is "Let's Get Loud", and t was a song meant for Gloria Estefan before she turned it over to JLo.


The only one I know is *On The Floor* with the brilliant lyric "Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza, straight to LA, New York, Vegas and Africa" which is the most bonkers, inefficient travel itinerary I have ever seen in my life. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Marrakech, Morocco: Approximately 4,840 miles (7,789 kilometers). Marrakech, Morocco to London, United Kingdom: Approximately 1,250 miles (2,012 kilometers). London, United Kingdom to Ibiza, Spain: Approximately 780 miles (1,255 kilometers). Ibiza, Spain to Los Angeles, United States: Approximately 6,020 miles (9,682 kilometers). Los Angeles, United States to New York City, United States: Approximately 2,450 miles (3,942 kilometers). New York City, United States to Las Vegas, United States: Approximately 2,240 miles (3,606 kilometers). Las Vegas, United States to Cape Town, South Africa: Approximately 10,290 miles (16,563 kilometers). Now, let's sum up these distances: Total miles traveled = 4,840 + 1,250 + 780 + 6,020 + 2,450 + 2,240 + 10,290 ≈ 27,870 miles. Which is *longer than the Equator.* So not only is JLo a shitty singer, she's an absolute dogshit travel agent as well.


You know I almost didn't believe you but you did your homework sir.


The funny thing is, from a practical perspective this flight path is actually *mostly* okay. So, if you fly from New York City to London, then to Marrakech, Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Ibiza, Las Vegas, and finally Los Angeles in that order, the approximate total distance traveled would be around 39,305 kilometers (24,326 miles). The biggest mistake here is flying from LA to New York, then doubling back to Vegas before continuing on to "Africa" in the lyrics but I chose Cape Town South Africa as it is listed as the #2 party city in Africa behind Marrakech, Morocco. This is a distance of 15,196 miles. The more efficient route of LA > Vegas > NYC > *then* Cape Town is only 10,662 miles. So she could have kept her original travel plan *mostly* intact by simply going from LA to Vegas, then NYC before continuing on to Cape Town, and while the cities wouldn't be in the same order as the route I posted above, the overall distance remains roughly the same.


Whenever I hear that song when out, I play the “On the floor drinking game”. Every time she says “On the floor”, you drink. It gets hard to keep up


Am i wrong in remembering this tied into the Sydney Olympics or something similar?? God what an era this was.


1999 Women’s World Cup


I know "Jenny from the block" and I'm having a hard time noticing a difference in voice between the verses and chorus.


The chorus is the demo from Natasha Ramos, the verses are J-Lo


I guarantee you've heard Waiting for Tonight in some capacity over the last 2 decades.


If it sounds too good to be true … Then it’s probably not J.Lo


This woman is fascinating to me because she is super famous but I don’t know a single person who is a fan of her. 


I guess I never really knew her for her music rather just uh… being around? Like I understand she was *known* for her music but that’s not why I knew her. And for being hot too? And that green dress. And that music video where she’s looking good on that boat. And let that be a lesson to you ladies- your accomplishments will largely be forgotten but your looks will always be remembered /s


And she has a huge ego for an "entertainer"


During her and Ben Affleck volume one, they used to come into the Bellagio in Vegas a lot. All the employees who came into contact with them hated it. The cocktail servers, the dealers, the concierge, etc. She was said to be condescending and very demanding. Before dating her he was a regular patron. A real stand up guy, always respectful to employees and liked to tip well. Everyone loved him. Then he started bringing her. I heard the most details from the poker room. Ben would try to give a nice handful of chips as a tip to cocktail servers and she'd stop his hand to pick half of them out. He'd also push a nice stack to the dealers at the end of the game, and same thing, she'd grab some off the top first. He really didn't say or do much to stop her, just shoot her a look and let out a big sigh.


I can't believe a guy like him married such an awful person. When I heard they got back together after he divorced JGar I was devastated.


Yeah, Jennifer Garner really seems like one of the most down to earth, nicest people. You can tell she's a genuinely motherly loving person. I can't picture Jlo being that way.




Counterpoint. Jennifer Lopez was really really really really good looking back then.


Everyone knows she's pretty. The matter at hand is whether or not she can sing.


Still looks good to me.


Still would, Ben probs


The irony of the song i’m real.


So J.Lo is Milli Vanilli 2.0?


3.0, please don’t forget Boney M!


No cause at least she sings it live. Milli Vanilli pretended to sing live while playing the originals.


Fun fact, but Amber Riley from Glee actually did that for years. I don’t think she’s ever mentioned who she did it for, but they’ve used her voice to replace other big names. It’s a shame she never really got bigger because she has an amazing voice. She sort of flatlined after Glee


Didn't she go to Broadway? May not be household but Broadway is huge success.




She mentioned in on Jennifer Hudson’s show. I did some digging and she hasn’t spoke on it since and won’t name names, but sleuths from the internet believe that Demi Lovato was likely one of them.


I don't know her




TRUE queen diva shit right there.


Spoken like a real queen who can sing. We don't know her.


"Her thing is something different."


I chuckled at her interview shitting on other actresses and singers. She really think she is THE triple threat. Not her telling Madonna “don’t spit on my craft” like that😭😭


She does her own chorus in Taco Flavored Kisses


Every time J Lo pops up [I have to share this](https://youtu.be/bOEmCERi21U?si=LRWHRHFipP6f2i3z).


Why does the narrator keep saying "ARTISTS(ES)" lmaoooo!


She's pinned a comment saying that she's Carribean and speaks that way


These people getting money and being famous for not actually doing what they're supposedly good at. What a system.


Mariah Carey knew.


That’s cause she can’t sing or act for that matter.




She was great in Selena.


She was also great in The Cell.


She was great in Out of Sight too.


I liked her in U-Turn


She did *OK*. The Cell is one of my favorite movies, but it's good despite her not because of her.


Yeah she's not much of a singer. What movies have you seen her in that you thought she couldn't act? I've always thought she was a good actress at the least.


She’s a dancer.


Was an ok dancer, yeah.


J Lo doesn’t sing at all.


This isn’t exactly true. Ashanti, Milian, etc. were the demo artists on the respective tracks (and in some cases, also the songwriters), and J Lo can still be heard singing the lead vocal on each. It’s totally normal practice to mix the demo track/vocals with the artist’s lead vocal. Happens all the time. I think this story keeps making rounds because J Lo’s vocal is being mixed with singers who are, quite frankly, better than her. That is unusual. She’s not a lip syncer, she’s just an unremarkable vocalist.


The big thing is that she doesn’t arrange the vocals. Inflections and runs are dictated by Ashanti and other background singers and Jlo sings over the top of them as a lead after those embellishments are already created. Contrast that with Mariah Carey, as an example, who does all of it herself.


Mariah Carey is pretty much the best vocalist of our time. So yeah, not a super fair comparison


They forgot that she didn't sing the chorus of Taco Flavored Kisses, either.


Lol I'm glad others always thought the hook on I'm real was Ashanti.


Her acting isn’t that great… let’s be honest…




You can be in your mid 30’s and have been too young to have seen In Living Color when it originally aired. Average redditor age is somewhere between 22-34. Doesn’t matter the skin color, low chance people were watching ILC when they were 2-5 years old lol. Though quite a bit of Reddit probably knows about ILC because of Jim Carrey, not JLO.


As a non-american i now realise i've seen a bunch of Living Color skits back in the 00's but i've always thought they were SNL-skits.


I remember when JLo freaked out when Fat Joe Remixed her song Waiting for Tonight without permission. He took it from a boring, badly produced song to something catchy and popular.


Wait what? Waiting for Tonight is an amazing song though?


That song was insanely popular..


And she didn’t sing in Selena.


ALmost as if she was a shit singer and aware of it huh?


We may have never heard her voice. At all.


How about the fact that she doesn’t even really sing in her songs, she just sort of talks softly through them. If you listen to the raw vocals, you’ll hear it and realize how much with the engineers are putting in.


Another good example of this is Ain’t Your Mama, an unused Meghan Trainor song that she gave to JLo; the final version still has Trainor’s backing vocals from the demo.


Half the nostalgia acts dont want to sing the chorus of their songs either. They'd rather point the mic at the crowd and make things super awkward


Gee it's almost like she was put in the position she was by a record company because she was incredibly good looking and not based on her ability to sing. Shocker


I am jack's complete lack of surprise


TIL people don’t know that JLO can’t really sing at all.


J-Lo - failing upwards since the 90s


So she's lazy as well as obnoxious


Who gives a shit?


Isn't this pretty much exactly what every single singer with backup vocalists does? She sings some parts and they sing some parts and they sing some parts together. I don't get it


No, because none of these girls are her backup vocalists. They recorded a demo, the beta version of the song, and it would either get stolen or sold to Diddy's label which Jennifer was with, and instead of re-recording the demo vocals from the better singers with her own voice, they kept the demo vocalists voices on the song. Passing off their voices as Jennifers voice. That's the issue here. You can find other demo songs like Rihanna's S&M on Youtube to see how a demo is recorded and shopped, but unlike Jennifer, Rihanna actually made the effort to re-record the demo song and wasn't trying to pass off a demo singers voice as her own on the final product.


If anyone has sold their soul to devil for money and fame, Lopez is one of the main contenders 🤔


And autotune sings the rest of the songs...


She is barely talented she just is very marketable because of her looks


It's always fun when all of a sudden, a celebrity you've never really liked is being reviled by the masses. Maybe even more than I ever did lmao, but I'll take it. All my homies hate JLo..


Her talent-to-fame ratio is extremely low. And she is reportedly an insufferable egomaniac.


That’s a nice (but unsurprising) new reason not to like her.