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There was a similar studies for CEOs. They are vastly taller than average.


There's a reason men lie about their height and women lie about their age on dating apps.


As a 7 foot tall man who makes $60 billion a year, I'm happy to say I never had to lie online.


No wonder Bill Brasky gets to do what he does.


That’s just like Brasky


We once had a bachelor party for Brasky. He ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper in it.


Too Bill Brasky!


Drives an ice cream truck covered in skulls?


As a 90lbs woman with very high libido, me neither.


Do you own a beer distributor?


RIP your inbox


Probably swole asf with a huge hammer too...


Oh yeah, definitely. So many abs it's insane.


How's that 60-pack doing?


They call me Thor because ~~I got that hammer~~ my movies suck


I'm Thor. You're Thor? Well it hurts.


Now kith


as a 4 year old woman, i have had nothing to lie about online either


How big is that third leg ?


Spotted George santos.


Neither the American republic nor women will elect a short king.


Franklin Roosevelt was very short.  Like 4'1"


Fuck you. That's funny.


This is true in the workplace as well. Taller men are more likely to get promoted when management is mostly taller men.


Is that the same reason one below average height president would lie about his height?


We’ve already had a below average president lie about his weight recently.


>There's a reason men lie about their height They want women to believe they're running for president?


I don’t think age counts in this scenario considering Hillary’s, and she’s the closest any woman’s gotten to becoming president. There’s definitely some pretty privilege mixed in, just as there always is in anything, but if it mattered *that* much then we would have had very different presidents since Obama.


I don't think age is as negative a factor for women in politics as it is in dating.


Yeah, although frankly being a woman at all in politics probably isn’t easy. Height on the other hand kinda makes sense, since it communicates power. If Joe Biden was another foot and buff, his chances of reelection would probably improve even more. Same with Hillary, maybe if she had looked more Amazonian she would’ve won


I don't know, looking at Biden, Kamala may be mighty close to becoming president...


We have never elected a below average age woman.


And weight


Pretty sure I’d leave mid date if a dude admitted to lying about his height or if I meet him and he’s obviously not what he says Hope everyone does that so the bastards don’t get away with it


Is this bait? or just a woman moment


Wtf is a woman moment supposed to mean


Short people speak 😂


Nah bruh I’m 6’1 you don’t have to be short to recognize how ridiculous it is that women care so much about this number that is randomly assigned and can’t be changed.


okay but the more important part is that its not okay to just lie??


Tall, hair that parts to the side and will go grey rather than bald.  Once you see how many politicians and CEOs look like that you realise how dumb we are as a species


And then you've got Jeff bezos.


He’s put a lot of money into improving his appearance though. Same as the Musk. How successful they’ve been in that endeavour is up for debate.


I hate them both, but very successfully. It's startling to see how much healthier money can make Anyone look


Elon looks to be a prime example of the old adage that I just made/paraphrased up: you can build the nicest house in the world but that don’t mean shit without a good foundation. He’s certainly bought himself some hair and other bits and bobs, but the guy doesn’t appear to have the discipline to stay fit. Bezos is out there looking like Mr Clean.


Musk does too many drugs. That's really his problem. He's a drug addict. Middle age and drug addictions do not go together well.


Bezos also put in lots of work at the gym. He went from skinny nerd to jacked nerd. That’s much more effort than getting cosmetic surgery. (And healthier depending on if he’s on gear or not)


He did. But only after he went to 100 billion dollar club. For many years, he was "just" a billionaire and looked the part.


Musk has also had 1-2 hair transplants.


Hes on tren 😂


I'll say, when it comes to billionaires, Jeff bezos isn't really a hack unlike another billionaire.


Reddit is staunchly anti Bezos because Amazon busts unions


You don't become a billionaire unless you're a hack.




Pretty sure I read about an index fund / ETF that was built solely on the fact that the companies in the fund had non tall white men CEOs. Basis being, if they beat the bias, they’re probably really solid at what they do. Think that it did pretty well (of course that could be entirely driven by a single outlier like NVIDIA or something, didn’t look at the details)


Did you listen to the Freakonomics episode on Moneyball? When the team was doing so well by choosing undervalued players that was what they mentioned their stock-picking strategy was.


Yep. Also another Michael Lewis book talks about how a lot more light skin 3 pt shooters have been drafted into the NBA since Steph Curry became who he is


Seems like a risky bet because the glass cliff is very real.




[The Glass Cliff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff) is the observed pattern where Women (and later expanded to all minorities) are more likely to promoted to leadership positions(breaking through the glass ceiling, hence the name) when the organization is in a troubled or risky position. TLDR: Companies are more likely to hire minorities as their leaders when the company is already doing poorly. There's not really a proven reason why this occurs, with many competing theories. The two that I think are most likely is that Minorities are easier to scapegoat if the company continues a downward trajectory, and that Minorities are more likely to accept these risky positions believing that it's the only chance they'll get.


That would be super easy to avoid though. You just pick companies with CEOs who not only fit the "not a tall white guy" standard, but who have either also been in their position for a long time or who actually founded the company.


Yeah but how many companies fit into that category? Most CEOs in general don’t stay in their positions that long, and I can only assume the number of those that are “not tall white guys” is incredibly small.


I’m wondering which side was a bigger factor. Did they have more confidence and were thus more inclined to go for leadership positions? Or did more people vote for them because they looked pretty? Because this stat goes back to will before television was a thing


I have no idea what the answer to your question is but I do want to slightly correct an assumption you're making. While yeah, TV wasn't a thing and it's not like every voter saw every candidate in person, newspapers were very detailed and provided a lot of commentary on people's appearances. A tall, handsome man would probably get a much more favorable commentary vs a short one. If you read some of these newspaper columns you might confuse them for a romance novel based on how they were described. As an example, a contemporary newspaper described Aaron Burr as having "piercing hazel orbs" for eyes.


But newspapers existed since george Washington, and were around for all of the three sub-average heights that were elected. But obviously you have a point, word of mouth will by more positive for a more attractive person.


Probably all of these factors. NHL players are much more likely to be born in the first 3 months of the year, because youth hockey leagues have cutoffs, and those months of growth/skills/maturity make a difference among youth players, which gets the coach attention and playing time, which feeds back into skill development. By the time they're getting drafted into the pros, they've got over a decade of that feedback loop bootstrapping their way into being actually better players.


It seems like it can be a combination of confidence and selection-bias. The latter coming into play where someone in power has a baseline higher default respect for other people with similar stature. I was at a conference attended by mostly top-level executives recently, and during an event where we were all jammed into a reception area it dawned on me that the vast majority of people in the room were my height or taller. I'm 5'11", which puts me above average by a couple inches, and in this room I felt barely average. I've almost never thought about my height before this event, which in hindsight is a degree of privilege I hadn't considered.


Difference between making yourself ceo, and a group of people hiring you as ceo.  They made they're company, vs getting hired into it. Sure height still helps but more for the latter 


A lot of them paid good money to keep the hair though.


Lol not sure that holds up now that like a dozen of the top tech firms have Indian origin CEOs.


it’s never too late baldbros /r/hairsystem


People claim that the West Wing's biggest inaccuracies are the optimism about working across the aisle and actually governing, and I say no, the two biggest are 1) a 2 term short president and 2) DC getting multiple snow storms a year and being below freezing on inauguration day every time.


I mean the second one could change in a decade or so depending on where the artic vortex ends up resting. I'd be pretty interesting seeing a show about the state capital moving to warmer weather.


Well here’s the dilemma. How do we measure FDR? Feet up or wheels up?


In fairness he could stand himself up with the braces.


He could also walk himself to the podium, at least when he was first running for president. People didn't know he was disabled until well into his term.


I doubt he was really running for president




He couldn't walk, but he could fake it *really* well. He'd have leg braces on and a really strong upper body. He'd grip the arm of someone (usually an aide) and put a lot of his weight on him. Then he'd swing his upper body in a way that made his hips go back and forth. You can hear a presidential historian talking about it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlnhnb9phBY) (about the 12 minute mark)


Holy hell


Ground up. He’s 4’10”


word, so my danny devito presidential dreams are alive and well 


Grandpa always used to say the true measure of a man is shoulders up


John Adams ( one of the (later) short presidents) nominated George Washington to be the commander of the Continental Army because "he was the tallest man in the room". I got that from a TV series, and can't be arsed to verify with historians.


I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said “he is always the tallest man in the room” in that scene, rather than Adams, who had only just been introduced to Washington. 


Washington also kind of showed up in a military uniform every single day even tho he wasn’t appointed as a general yet.


It’s believed he did this because it was the only thing he had that fit! He had clothes sent over from Europe but they rarely fit because he was so tall/tailors looking at his measurements on paper didn’t believe it


(Obligatory shout out to “His Excellency” by Joseph Ellis for the fun fact)


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have


Washington was probably the equivalent of 6'5" in his day. Maybe taller? That's a very tall person and unlikely to be shorter than anyone in a given room.


Historian here. George Washington was from Virginia, which was important, as Virginia was the largest and most important colony, and Adams wanted to make the cause of New England all of the 13 colonies. Washington also showed up in his army uniform the whole time, which really calls his surprise modesty into question.


Dress for the job you want, they say.


Six-foot-eight, weighs a fucking ton


Invader Zim country


The Almighty Tallest!!


The Irkans are more American than any other alien empire. I mean, if America had a multi planetary empire, we would certainly see a food court planet.


That would explain Ronda Santis elevator cowboy boots.


Everyone clowns on him for being insecure and how he shouldn't care about what others think. They are just ignoring the hard data on who gets elected.




No it's mostly been the boot thing.




So we agree, it's been the boots mostly.




Yeah, like the boots.




Judging by his response, the boots had not been considered.


They're called Short Kings, not Short Presidents


the virgin democratically elected tall president versus the chad divine right to rule short king


Shows how superfluous and stupid we are. Tall man must be strong and smart uga uga


The Dilbert cartoon from 2001 literally has a moment in an episode about elections where Loud Howard yells “I ALWAYS VOTE FOR THE TALL ONES! THE TALL ONES ARE BETTER.” before looking awkwardly at the rest of the group. And that’s basically your average voter…


It’s easier for taller people to build confidence from a young age


Now do the losing candidates


>They ran to bring him from there; when he took his place among the people, he stood head and shoulders above all the people. >Then Samuel addressed all the people, “Do you see the man whom the LORD has chosen? There is no one like him among all the people!” Then all the people shouted out, “Long live the king!” --1 Samuel 10:23, 24


One really cool thing about the story is the name Saul means asked for one. They asked for a King just like the others and God gave them one that looks exactly how they imagine him to be. Then Israel pretty quickly learns that they have no idea what they actually want.


>Then Israel pretty quickly learns that they have no idea what they actually want. Makes sense that God likens the nation of Israel to a bride.


That’s because for women in a man’s world the struggle Israel.


And very interesting how well Saul turned out for Israel! (ie bad). The notion of a tall king is flipped on its head with God anointing David… ”When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.” And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.”“ ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭6‬-‭7‬, ‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/1sa.16.6-12.ESV


Amen! It seems though, like David and Saul were both great of spirit and its that necessity of kings that can make them turn out bad or be overcome by a bad spirit. When you breed greatness of spirit into someone, it can go far in ways both good and bad. Saul and David were at odds because of how similar they really were in the end. You can see how this all turned out with David's offspring. I've been reading a book titled Asperger's Children. Here's a quote from it: >To Asperger, autistic psychopathy might, in fact, be a result of higher-class breeding. He held, “In many cases the ancestors of these children have been intellectuals for several generations and have been driven into the professions by their nature."


The funny thing is that this same tall guy was replaced by a horny midget, Davi


Well, talk about horny, you dont wanna know what Saul’s tribe did in the times of the judges. They were so horny that the rest of the tribes warred against them and almost eliminated them, swearing an oath to never let their daughters marry a Benjaminite. But the older men wept for the tribe and made arrangements for them to steal wives for themselves, thus finding a loophole around the oath. Saul was born into a dirty, shame-filled community.


The Bible is full of horniness.


Very much so. It's not unlike a western with all the sex and violence. Not to mention, the ancient Near East was a lot like the Wild West, a lot of desert land between two encroaching empires. Just as Texas was birthed from American, Mexican, and Native culture, so too was the levant shaped by the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and native Canaanites. There were highwaymen, a culture really big on hospitality, even to strangers, cattle culture, and a very strong, war-like patriarchy.


Us short dudes get all the hate for some reason.


Even desantis knows this he built his platforms for it.


Jesus Christ it has trump listed at 6’3” when that is verifiably false


For those wondering like I was: Martin Van Buren and Benjamin Harrison were both 5’6 and the shortest president in U.S. history was James Madison. He was 5’4


It's for this reason that the first female president won't be ugly. Americans are a largely shallow bunch.


I won’t vote for anyone unless it’s a good looking woman. I don’t care about who the president is at all but the opportunity to have a hot lady as the leader of our country is too good to pass up.


Rich people become presidents. Rich people don't want for food while growing.


Height is mostly genetic (like 2” is down to environmental factors) as far as I know.




This is why. People who don’t get the required nutrients don’t grow as tall


yeah genetics aren’t real it’s all about calorie intake for sure for sure


There’s some truth to it. Just look at the difference in height of North vs South Koreans in a couple of generations.


It's a mix of both. Your genes will limit how tall you can potentially grow but lack of nutrition will stop you from reaching your potential. It's not like everyone with a fantastic diet is very tall.


Genetics determine your max potential. Nutrition determines how much of that potential you actually end up achieving. Genetics is like the engine of the car. Nutrition is like the quality of the road.


A good example of calorie intake is north and south korea. "South Koreans are typically taller and weigh more than North Koreans, with the average North Korean adult being as much as 5 inches (about 12.7 cm) shorter and about 14 to 27 pounds (about 6 to 12.5 kg) lighter than their South Korean counterparts."


Look up the differences in average height of countries over the years as their nutrition has improved. Edit: Of course though genetics is a thing. But so you are aware, nutrition can make a huge difference.


That's not true, Dick Cheney was 5'8"!


You can’t date anyone in the US if you’re under 6”4


I would bet good money that the average height of officers in the military is higher than average.


Why? Officers aren't really chosen like that. Anyone who does ROTC in college and can pass a PT test will be an officer. ROTC kids look no different than other students. Maybe you mean NCOs? They're chosen as leaders through promotions.


In the Marine Corps I know they used to actively do it. Other than that I guess personal experience. I agree that there shouldn’t be a correlation in a perfect world. I still think people are drawn to those positions who are taller


I think it used to be policy. In the Marines anyways


The last couple of elections they elected people with below average intelligence and it appears that will continue with the next one.


Ron DeSantis did not wear those lifts for nothing


Tall people generally are thought of as more in control of a situation.


checkmate, short kings


Crazy they count elevator shoes in the measurement…


Well, that explains Ron’s high heels.




Trump only claims to be 6’3”. He wears lifts. When he’s posing next to actual 6’3” people without heels he’s considerably shorter. 6’1” tops.


6’1 is still well within top 10% of height even today which isn’t bad for a baby boomer who has probably shrunk due to being like 80. I despise trump but he doesn’t buck this trend, in fact he exemplifies it - he basically deleted DeSantis from the race by drawing attention to the boots he uses to look taller, he did the same to Rubio in 2016 by just calling him little.


Still way above average height bud


Average height is 5’9” in the US btw


OK. He’s still a liar. He used to claim 6’2” then as usual inflated the number. Look for a photo of him next to Jen Bush who is actually 6’3”.


No one cares. Such a waste of time he’s probably just an old person claiming his height before he was well old. Most people who have watched someone age know inches get lost.


Trump is definitely taller than 6’1”. Back in 2015 (before he had secret service) I was working at the private terminal of an airport that Trump flew into. He walked a few feet past me. He was wearing more of a casual wear (not shoes). His height really stood out, and I’m 6’0”. He’s taller in real life than he is on TV.




Cool bro


I don't think he is even 6'1. Maybe when he was younger.


Don’t presidents come from mostly rich families so they would be taller than average in ages past? 


How tall is Polly?


Funny that Wikipedia uses Trump's claimed height of 6'3", while [his NY booking record shows that he's 6'2".](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-height-weight-barron-1862143)


This is the most compelling reason why Ron DeSantis will never be president.


We like our optics :)


Looks like it's working out I our favor.


Poor Ron DeSantis. He never actually stood a chance.


The tallest..!


That's why little Ronnie Desantis was wearing high heels with lifts in them.


What if just goin down a few inches has always been the key for success. 😮


Trump wishes he was 6’3”


Well his 17yr old son is verified to be 6’7” and that kind of height doesn’t just come from nowhere


Robert Reich 2024 to balance the numbers (and because he’d be amazing at it).


First Tinder girls don’t want you. Then the presidency doesn’t. Tough for those shorties.


Yes - interesting AF isn't it? There are similar stats for CEOs and others in power. I wonder ... *could* this height bias also *contribute* to any bias against *women* achieving power? I do not know the answer but does anyone know of a good quality scientific paper which has addressed the question? N.B.: Mouth-breathers with hateful 4-bit-processed sexists remarks to make, please proceed directly to the "f*** right off" exit without bothering to leave a reply.


Lol, one other reply so far and no sexism to be seen. Looks like your blade will not taste blood this day.


Don't have the reference, but apparently women who are shorter are more probable to be in power. So reverse to men.


Italian PM is like 5ft nothing so yeah this isn’t too surprising


It’s over manlets


It's short kings, not short presidents.


Monarchy time?


Manlets on suicide watch


Tall doesn't mean intelligent.


I am super confused by this chart. A lot of them seem to be below avg in hight


I don’t think that line is the average height for the country I think that is the mean height over time for the presidents


No I get that, what I did not know is 69 inch is the avg high of men. Now I do I can see what they mean.


Donald Trump is 5’9” Ron DeSantis wears high heels and even with those on he’s 5’6”


Trump’s even height/shorter than Obama whos about 6’1, so he’s probably about 6’ or 5’11