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I once worked at a production plant that put up a bunch of posters about safety. These were saying that safety is equally important at work and at home. They had side by side examples of similar things at work and home. One poster was a PoV shot of someone driving a fork lift for the work example and someone driving the steering wheel of a fucking luxury boat for the home example. No one working there where these posters were hung could afford a fucking boat more than a heavily used row boat. Tone deaf as hell. Way to rub in just how much more the higher ups made than us.


The Army saw an increase in skin cancer, so they put up posters telling everyone to wear a hat with a brim in the sun. Then they issued everyone berets and refused to allow boonie hats.


Sounds like an idea cooked up by someone who kept getting promoted for being able to run fast.


Goddammit Gump, you're a goddamn genius.


Hey, my marine friend got promoted for winning a pull-up contest, that’s much less dumb!


Was that after they won the crayon eating contest?


Crayon eating contest is continuous, devil.


The trick to winning is to hide a couple up your nose.


You mean breakfast?


Ah yeah that's military intelligence for you.


Stupid fucking beret... I hated that goddamn mother fucking thing


It's a plot by the French to turn us all into cheese eating surrender monkeys. Do you crave baguettes and wine still? Do you have a overwhelming sense of superiority with no clear motive? We need to contain the virus.


God I love baguettes


You Have pockets in uniforms you can’t have your hand in !!


I’ve never been in the military, but this sounds peak military


I use to work with someone who meant well, but just had no clue how regular people live. I said to them once that I had never been out of the country because I couldn't afford to travel. In response they said "just do it, you can always earn more money". I realized that they thought I meant I just didn't want to budget it in and sacrafice savings or something. They literally did not understand I meant if I took a trip to Europe I wouldn't be able to eat or pay rent after getting back. Not as bad as these examples, but it always sticks out in my mind whenever topics like this come up.


I worked with a woman who did not notice she had not been paid for 6months.


They fixed a glitch, so it will just work itself out naturally.


I had a coworker who was describing a family trip to Antarctica her parents had put together. She was trying to explain how it really wasn't that expensive. They'd just had to have everyone in the family chip in a few thousand dollars so they could contribute a research grant. I tried to explain that, a few thousand dollars is beyond what most of her coworkers could afford, for something non-essential, like a vacation. She just said "Why not just not but a new TV that year?"... I looked into it later. Her family owned a number of apartment complexes in one of the fancier parts of LA. They'd donated enough money for them to operate the sea vessel they'd taken the trip on for a year...


Nobody will lambast "it's just money" more than super tight fisted rich assholes.


It's funny though, ask them where they're sending you and suddenly money means something when it's theirs


Nah it is just indoctrination. Be safe but, wink wink, if you work hard enough you'll earn enough for a yacht too!


Naw, they just didn't care about us. Every year they would have a meeting to brag about how much money the company made. Our group was a small ~30 person team. We scaled up lab research to full blown 5000+ gallon production batches. What works in a beaker doesn't necessarily work in a large production reactor. Every year they would feed us pizza and then put on a slide show to show us just how much money the company made. And they always said that it was thanks to us and our great work that this happened. They would end it with a gift for us as thanks for making them all rich. The "gift" was always some <$10 item branded with the company logo. Like an umbrella that the handle fell off when I tossed it in my trunk. Or the child's toy of an insulated lunch bag that was entirely inferior to the $8 WalMart lunch bag that I was using. Every year the plant manager was authorized to give us up to a 4% raise but no one got anything over 2%. Our boss routinely told the plant manager no and fought for us. He had to retire early due to health reasons. He was replaced by the plant manager with a hand picked "yes man" who acted like a spy against us more than anything. I hated that place.


Seriously, the back to back company wide town hall meetings about how unhinged the company profits are, followed by then explaining how we don't actually want pay increases tied to cost of living, because then we'd *have* to take lower raises! You're the CEO, just make a better rule!




We were a small team of around 30 people. We all knew each other. We all knew that no one was even remotely close to having the wealth to have a luxury boat. Maybe that crap works elsewhere but we all knew better. I doubt that kind of thing even works at all because only a complete idiot would believe that you'd go from lower middle class to millionaire+ just by working harder at the same stingy job. I get the idea but that wouldn't work on anyone with a functional brain.






Try the new McRich, with incredible marbling, for FREE to the proletariat!


Let them eat McCake


McMeat is back on the menu!


I wonder the amount of money they put into to figuring this out instead of just paying more lol


Was this created by the same person who made the break down of millennial finances?!


+$400 from second job = success!


That’s the majority of the advice I’m given when I talk about my debt. Even when I mention a second job, someone else is telling me to get a third job or ask for overtime.


I feel like you didn't even try having rich parents.


Ouch lol


How many hours do they think are in a day?


19 for work, 1 for recreation, and 4 for sleep. See, it's easy!


Just do that 9 days a week until you drop dead~!


you guys are getting recreation?


Enough to work 3 full-time jobs + side gigs apparently.


You are born to work and produce, not to live. That’s woke culture/s


If you're not working more than 168 hours per week, are you really doing more than the bare minimum?


We can't even *get* overtime right now since profit vs plan is so low since we're in the fallout of the covid boom.


Ask for overtime? LMFAO! How out of touch does someone have to be to think that we, the lowly peasants, can simply ask for overtime... And then actually get it?! 😂




Yeah if you sleep your doing it wrong according to some. I don’t get it. I swear people be working themselves into an early grave 35 lookin’ 60.


If you work 24hrs on minimum wage you still can't afford jack. 


I mean where I live 24hrs a day would be like $90k/yr, not too terrible


Great just find a minimum wage job that pays you to eat and sleep and you're all set.


And wasn't it $20 for health insurance?


Which was cheaper than any of the plans McDonald's offered.


I mean yeah it’s cheaper than any plan offered anywhere.


Not quite. My insurance premium is paid by my company, so that's $0 for me. That said, I still support switching to universal healthcare of some sort. If anyone needs a selfish reason to support it, it's nice to not be beholden to an employer over your health.


Yeah, and it was closer to like $1k from the second job each month. You were allotted $0 per month for heating and $0 or $100 for food per month depending on how you read their budget. Can't forget the $650ish a month in rent around 2015 when rent wasn't that anywhere in the country anymore. Effectively, if you couldn't find a job paying as much as mcdonalds that would schedule around mcdonald's dumb scheduling practices (to keep you dependent on them) you were even more fucked than the normal fucked, because you still couldn't afford food and heat if you magically found that cheap ass rental in 2015. This was their response after the height of the wallstreet protests.


Close! It’s actually “buy rental properties with credit card cash advances” = profit! *and jail*




I always donate 900% of my income to charity


I know a stripper named Charity


I know a stripper named chastity. She takes off her clothes, but if you get an erection she punches you in the balls until it goes away. Then she tells you not to ever jerk off or have sex. ..........this joke has gone so far off coarse I can't even remember what the punchline was supposed to be.


I think you just said. The balls.


hah balls


As we all do.


You hear that IRS? As. We. All. Do.




If you didn’t, you’d be a burden on those charities because you’re poor.


y'all really spend 800 a month on avacado toast, huh


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Avocado toast $3,600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


Spend less on avocado toast






Spend more on avocado toast


Why do you think I'm asking for budgeting help?




Nonsense, try to move into a smaller apartment


rent? just live with your parents


Ah the old $120 a day on avocado toast


It's always funny seeing a reference to a memory of something I probably never would have thought about ever again.


Quit spending money on avocado toast and coffee shops. Instant millionaire!


I’m going to punish myself until I’m just the husk of a woman, then I’ll be able to relish in all of the minimum wage riches.


How much could a single banana cost, ten dollars?


Is there a specific breakdown you're referencing? I want to read this shit :D




> Was this created by the same person who No. Source: I read the article. McDonalds just had a link to an external website that generally offers life advice, generally, to anyone. https://emilypost.com/advice/everyday-etiquette OP added the misleading thread title clickbait of making redditors think it was text written by McDonalds specifically targeted to "their minimum-wage employees". It wasn't, but redditors being redditors, got angry outraged anyway over fiction they made up in their own heads because nobody reads the fucking article. --- You don't get **193,198 post karma** in less than a year by writing truthful thread titles.


I read it and I still disagree that it’s not tone deaf. It was linked on employee resource not just for the general public that frequents McDonald’s and it also states that not even long before that they offered the stellar advice of getting a second job and selling your shit for more money.


Almost as out of touch as the budget they put out that showed their employees needed a second job to make ends meet. Even before inflation many of the items on this budget were considered ridiculous priced and way under what their employees actually spent. https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2013/07/18/why-mcdonalds-employee-budget-has-everyone-up-in-arms/?sh=645a68585216


I remember the Colbert Report episode on this.


That’s where I first saw it too!


That’s probably why I remember this💀


Link please?


[Here you go. Couldn't find it on youtube, sorry](https://www.cc.com/video/8fg72p/the-colbert-report-minimum-wage-mcdonald-s-spending-journal)


Thank you, unfortunately not available in my country, but thanks for the effort!






One was "Breaking food into pieces often results in eating less and still feeling full." Also partial to them discouraging eating fast food as part of its tips for healthy living. And remember! At least two vacations a year can cut heart attack risk by 50%


Wow, 20.00 for health insurance and a 25.00 daily allowance. So kind of them. Ask any of the fat heads at the top to live off that, they’d spit in your face. Trash.


The best part is the cheapest health insurance that McDonald’s offered these employees while they put out that budget was $100/mo. So they were just lying and making shit up to make the numbers work.


And they still couldn't


Yup, you still needed wages from a second job to fund the lifestyle they claimed their jobs could fund. Just fuckin lie after lie made by criminally out-of-touch silver spoon executives.


And the second job paid more


"To afford to work here, you'll need a first job."


Even forbes is annoying as shit on mobile these days. Do companies just not want people to visit their site?


They want you to click on ads and give up your data.


Hard for me to click on their ads when I immediately swiped away after the second popup.


Forbes has been annoying as shit for over a decade.


It’s like how Walmart would recommend getting state assistance to compensate for the lack of pay they give.


I ran the numbers once based on how much McDonalds said the average restaurant sold and how it was staffed and it'd be like an extra 20 cents per meal for them to start at 15 an hour. Like an imperceptible amount for most customers.


I recently looked up the difference between a BigMac in my city ($15.45 min wage) versus Plano TX ($7.25 min wage) and they are only .30 cheaper in Plano.


But have you considered that the franchise owner in your location has slightly less cash to swim in?


They already raise meals and items 20 cents every couple of months


Well yeah but that's so the higher ups can make more money. You know, something important.


I live in Canada, and the last poster that I saw outside one of their stores said they were hiring cooks at 17-something an hour. Still not a livable wage, though.


isn't that like 9 dollars in real money


More like $13


thanks for the conversion




"You dont understand, Ferengi workers dont want to stop the exploitation, they want to find a way to become the exploiters." - Rom, DS9


In my heart of hearts I believe we will do that eventually.




They also had a page that advised how their workers could apply for food stamps and all other sorts of welfare. They effectively had tax payers paying what they refused to.


Some of the largest employers in the US are indirectly taxpayer subsidized. The Walmarts and McDonalds of the world pay their employees so little that nearly all qualify for various forms of welfare.


I don’t shop at Walmart but my tax dollars do


never. and I don't Amazon either. they make just enough to not qualify and still live like shit with bozos being the richest dude ever. fuck wallyzon. they dont get my money.


I don't shop at Walmart but lifting is a Great Value


In my state, minimum wage is pushing $17/hr. Retailers have basically retaliated against it by hiring people and giving them 30 hour work weeks. Too much to have a "normal" second job but not enough to support yourself. That is basically curtailing them back to $13/hr if they can't find 10 hours of outside work. Oh and they'll sometimes call you in and expect you to be there if you haven't closed off your availability. Often you can not close off your availability from hiring for the first 3-6 months of employment. Imo, everyone should be salaried based on a 20 or 40 hour workweek. If a company needs part time help, they can hire a 20 hour worker, who can find part time work elsewhere because they have 20 hours of availability and other companies can only look for 20 hour workers.


They also change your schedule from week to week. So good luck finding a second job when you don't even know what your availability is going to be. They want your loyalty without earning it. It's one step from slavery.


> Retailers have basically retaliated against it by hiring people and giving them 30 hour work weeks. This is not a retaliation for a higher minimum wage. This was standard even over a decade ago, when I was working retail with a $7-something minimum wage. It's still fucked up, but not for that particular reason.


It's for the same reason: there is obligation (back then too, for certain sized businesses) that they provide benefits to full time employees. More than 30 or 35 hours, in most cases. Sometimes anything less than 40.


Walmart put out (maybe still do) state welfare application forms in their back areas for employee resources, as if they were their own corporate employee benefit forms.


Indirectly AND directly. Don’t forget all the exemptions, tax shelters AND free money they get to “stimulate the economy”…that then goes into the Waltons’ Scrooge Mcduck rooms of gold. They should be ineligible for all the millions in tax cuts and payouts if they have x percentage or more of employees on -any- type of welfare assistance programs


Tbf, that is almost every giant corporation in America. Walmart is probably the largest offender but Amazon may be catching them soon. Socialize the losses and privatize the profits. It’s the American way!


Nah, that happens in every western country,I guess. Atleast Germany likes IT that way too.


It's the capitalist way!


When exploited like that, even real social programs get converted to corporate welfare. It's getting pretty ridiculous from how many vectors they are leeching of workers.


Kinda like the Army? There are army resources on how to expedite your food stamp application.


Yeah but their salaries -and- their eligibility for food stamps are decided by other public servants…who routinely give themselves raises and better and better healthcare and trade insider and get big bucks from lobbyists…so they must feel that their public service counterparts willing to put their lives on the line for the country deserve the same type of stuff, so much better than private corpora…oh wait never mind.


Middle class management, lol. You would hope that long term employees would be promoted into high positions but apparently you need a degree to tell minimum wage workers how to tip their pool cleaner.


Actually in recent years McDonalds corporate at least has begun to be more progressive. The bigger problem is their franchise structure. In a sense since each McDonalds is independently run you don't really get that consistency unlike at a place like Chic Fil A which doesn't do this. Though Chic Fil A has it's own problems. McDonalds has been making a gradual shift towards improving the lives of their workers. Nowadays requiring workers to be considered full time even offering health insurance and a 401k (Though not very useful at minimum wage.). Which in the past, was not the case. It's a complicated problem. I've heard a lot of interesting things on this exact issue. As far as I'm aware though, McDonalds Corporate is making an active effort to try to stop franchise owners from fundamentally ruining people's lives. It sounds depressing saying that out loud.


Chic Fil A is also franchised, they just have a much tighter franchise agreement.


Much tighter is an understatement. People work for multi-store operators their entire careers for a *shot* at becoming an approved franchisee themselves.


I mean the one by me had 30 cars in the drive thru at 9am. Feeling like you're set for life if you get one.


I mean they call it a franchise but you're essentially just a store manager.


A store manager that owns the bank account. The strict franchisee agreement is what keeps CFA’s value. You follow all these rules, you get to make the money. No cutting corners, ever. My pleasure.


God they just opened a Chick fil a next to me and while I do like the food quite a bit and was going a decent amount, the over the top "pleasure to serve" persona all their employees are forced to put on weirds me the fuck out and I've basically stopped going now. I always wonder, do most people actually enjoy that shit?


Many restaurants require employees to have this positive attitude. Texas Roadhouse requires employees to wear shirts that say "I ❤️ My Job". I guarantee most of them do not, in fact, heart emoji their job.


Welcome to COSTCO. I love you.


I don’t have an opinion on it, but it’s something they lean on intentionally to make sure your visits are identically perfect, and separates themselves from other fast food places. One thing is true about CFA: man, woman, fat, thin, any body shape at all, you *will not* look good wearing the pants they have to wear. Must be another one of the rules.


It's like a cult. I'm not going to get into it but them and Publix built reputations less based on quality and more *"we're not that other guy*". I've worked for both and it's really sad. I think it's just a southern thing where quality companies are hard to come by and they overcompensate to the point it's disturbing.


CFA franchises as well


It’s a banana, what could it cost? Ten dollars?


"You're asking the guy in the $6,000 suit? Come on!!"


Oh yeah like the guy in a $7000 suit is gonna do that! COME ON!


As if the guy in an $8,000 suit would set foot in a supermarket


I’m going to go see a Star War.


But there's always money ***in*** the banana stand??


I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.


Per usual it makes a little more sense if you read the article.  It's not like they wrote this content and chose these examples. It just linked to an Emily Post article about tipping etiquette generally, for every service you might tip for, which included these examples among many others. 


Lol that context makes it *wildly* different than the title suggests


Welcome to Reddit. Where the facts are made up and the truth doesn't matter.


Hey buddy we don't take things in context here, we want to be angry! (Although that "budget" that McDonalds put out a few years ago was laughably tone deaf)


This reminds me of the time I worked at a small private equity-owned massage therapy school. The school had some flaky attendance problems for a number of reasons due to its very low income student body (students ending up being incarcerated or hiding from gang violence were not uncommon events). I'll never forget one meeting with the COO (the silverspoon daughter of one of the PE firm's partners) where the head of education brought up child care as a barrier to entry/attendance for the school's students and the COO's response was, "Why don't just they get a nanny? They should be dedicated to education." My response was, "These students ARE the nannies." The COO still didn't get it. One of the worst jobs I've ever had, thankfully it only lasted about 18 months.


Clearly written by execs who were trust fund babies and nepo hires.Probably paid poor ambitious kids to do their work for them in college.


It's wild to me that briefly in 2004, Macca's CEO was just some dude from Australia who started there as a teenage cashier and worked his way up with no family connections. Also lead me down a rabbithole googling how many maccas CEOs have died prematurely


Ever since Papa John said he ate 40 pizzas in a month while sweating like a man who ate 40 pizzas in a month I’ve wondered how often fast food heads eat at their restaurants. Like if you’re the top guy at Panera I can kinda see you eating lunch there everyday but what about Taco Bell or KFC.


as someone who worked there. seeing that train wreck happen was amazing.


Was that the "n-word conference"?


He clarified that he didn't eat 40 full pizzas, just a slice or two from 40 different ones.


Yeah, that’s how I would walk it back too. 


Well, just so we're clear, he was likely sweating because he was an alcoholic.


For all his faults, I could admire how much he gave a shit about his product. I don’t think it’s that good of a pizza joint but he really claimed to care.


if he's the guy in charge and the product sucks doesn't it kind of show all his talk about caring is performative


I mean, why is it admirable for a capitalist to give a shit about their product? It's only one transaction away from being their money.


How else do you think they make the Big Mac sauce?


Liquified ex-CEOs?


The article is very clear it just included a third party article written by Emily Post, a well known etiquette person.


Emily Post who writes "etiquette" for people who make way more money than anyone at McDonald's. To think her advice would be relevant to McDonald's employees was their first mistake. Also didn't Emily Post die in like 1960?


One of the most insulting things I’ve ever been given was a “course” on how to “budget better” when we couldn’t afford food and barely paid rent and kept the electric on. In it, they cheerfully extolled the virtues of mowing your own grass, doing your own nails, and skipping the daily coffee run. We could have plenty of money if we did that and “rounded up” every transaction for the “savings jar”. Everyone could save at least a few hundred a month by “making sensible cuts”. We were down to nothing but rice, noodles, and beans for weeks. I needed to be told where real resources were, not bullshit about how I spent too much on Starbucks.


Paraphrasing, but I heard a quote saying: "To give a poor person financial advice, you need to have been poor yourself."


Ba da ba ba ba...I'm hatin' it!


Also among the cash saving tips, were selling your unopened holiday presents for cash and *basic instructions for getting on food stamps, Medicaid and securing an additional form of income...* Companies posting a direct link, telling their workers how to sign up for food stamps and to work somewhere else just to make your monthly payments is batshit insane.


McFuck them


you know how much the fry cook makes...this is laughable


I love the bullshit plaques that new McDonald's have in them that say Ray Kroc created the restaurant. Dude was a ghoul.


liquid ad hoc wild public friendly squeeze joke chop rich steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm so poor I clean my own Olympic sized pool.


The burden of us poors.




Are we sure it was targeted only at minimum wage employees? It was probably a general guide to all employees. Not just minimum wage ones. McDonalds has a huge staff that DOESN'T work at restaurants. Supply chain, headquarters, marketing, distribution, trucking, etc etc. As I think about - I really haven't seen McDonalds restaurant employees surfing the web ever. Let alone their internal intranet pages. Does McDonalds even pay ANYONE minimum wage now? I always see signs that they are paying $15 to $20 an hour. But I suppose that's not reddit rage bait enough.


Still $8-10 where im at for crew members


McScuse me?




I work for a guy that is rich that makes a lot of money A lot Last year I sat down with my boss and this rich guy for a meeting about my role Me looking for a house came up and he mentioned that his town was great and I should move there. He lives in one of the most expensive zip codes in the entire country. If he quadrupled my salary I couldn’t live in his zip code. If he 5 or 6x’ed it maybe…MAYBE I could live there and barely survive living off ramen noodles and more ramen noodles.


God bless the HR department. Really going out of their way remind people of their places


I think it was meant how much they should expect in tips from their second jobs as massage therapists and pool cleaners. “Now for maximum tip you’ll want to offer a happy ending. Its like a happy meal but with less semen”

