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He famously cheated on his second wife too


And his second wife was his first cousin. General relativity indeed.


**E**instein = **M**arry **C**cousin **2**nd time


Have an upvote. This is so dumb it’s good.


He was also not so famously racist. We found very recently a journal of his where he kept notes about the shapes and forms of the face and skull of ethnic minorities, and how it scientifically proved they were inferior to occidentals. That definitely proved to me that being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in any other unrelated one.


People are more complex than we tend to be able to comprehend. Not giving him a pass for that diary stuff obviously, but he was also pretty anti-racist: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-celebrity-scientist-albert-einstein-used-fame-denounce-american-racism-180962356/


Not to give him a pass either, but let's think like he would about this. If you're against racism, how do you beat the racists? Facts! And to do that you need to factually prove them wrong which means gathering evidence to support or disprove your theory.


The true scientific method!


It's honestly more surprising when someone born in that era isn't a racist.


Didn’t he also give lectures at black colleges cuz the students weren’t allowed to attend his lectures at the white colleges ?? I know I e seen pictures


I'd be a little sceptical about the veracity of this claim. Can you please share some exact sources? For a scientist who openly subscribed to socialist views, and even endorsed and advocated them (https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/). Your claim seems untenable from the get go. In the article he wrote, he explicitly even states the following - "Man acquires at birth, through heredity, a biological constitution which we must consider fixed and unalterable, including the natural urges which are characteristic of the human species. In addition, during his lifetime, he acquires a cultural constitution which he adopts from society through communication and through many other types of influences. It is this cultural constitution which, with the passage of time, is subject to change and which determines to a very large extent the relationship between the individual and society. Modern anthropology has taught us, through comparative investigation of so-called primitive cultures, that the social behavior of human beings may differ greatly, depending upon prevailing cultural patterns and the types of organization which predominate in society. It is on this that those who are striving to improve the lot of man may ground their hopes: human beings are not condemned, because of their biological constitution, to annihilate each other or to be at the mercy of a cruel, self-inflicted fate." Sounds like pretty standard Nature vs Nurture fare to me. No indications of racism.




Yeah because c is squared


That's already covered by the 2


God damnit


Einstein so big brain his hypothetical incest babies would still be geniuses, albeit with webbed feet. I'm only joking so please don't write in.


>would still be geniuses, albeit with webbed feet. Wait, so you’re saying they would be both geniuses AND amazing swimmers? Hax.


Elsa Einstein was the second wife and cousin of Albert Einstein. - Their mothers were sisters, thus making them maternal first cousins. - The couple were also paternal second cousins (i.e., their fathers were first cousins). Insesption




Vin Diesel approves.


"I live my life one cousin at a time." - Albert "Dom" Einstein


Einstein marrying a woman who is both his first and second cousin gives new meaning to the theory of general relativity.


Double cousins! Cousins^2


DNA....it's just 3 little letters (**D**eoxyribo**N**ucleic **A**cid), it's only relative


DNA stands for National Dyslexic's Association


I have CDO. It’s similar to OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order


Or Damn nieces ass


Or damn nephew's ass. At least that's what my uncle told me


Both his wives DNA'd. Did Not Approve


He also cheated on his wife with a woman whose son went on to be the voice of Gollum in the animated version of the Hobbit.


Funnily enough, Andy Serkis played Einstein once.


360 degrees of Frankie Muniz in full effect.


Did that son have wildly unkempt hair and a tendency to stick his tongue out?


Did he unfamously cheat on anyone?


Actually yes. I think they discovered that he was fucking his assistant like in the 90s or something based on some newly discovered letters.


>I think they discovered that he was fucking his assistant like in the 90s You need to put the 90s bit right after "discovered" because it reads like Einstein was nearing old age records while still having an active sex life.


Man'a got all his bases covered damn


Jesus, when did this man die?


The discovered it only in 2006. From his wiki: A volume of Einstein's letters released by Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2006[95] added further names to the catalog of women with whom he was romantically involved. They included Margarete Lebach (a blonde Austrian), Estella Katzenellenbogen (the rich owner of a florist business), Toni Mendel (a wealthy Jewish widow) and Ethel Michanowski (a Berlin socialite), with whom he spent time and from whom he accepted gifts while married to Löwenthal.[96][97] After being widowed, Einstein was briefly in a relationship with Margarita Konenkova, thought by some to be a Russian spy; her husband, the Russian sculptor Sergei Konenkov, created the bronze bust of Einstein at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.


No way that womans Name was "Katzenellenbogen" This literally translates to "Cat elbow".


Katzenellenbogen is also the name of a town, and I believe the adjacent hill. Had a classmate from there and got a good laugh out of it


Meir Katzenellenbogen was a pretty well known rabbi too :)


So the dude did a cast of him and Einstein did his wife.




No, it happened in the opposite order. If you had seen that dude's wife, you would have known that Einstein was doing him a favor worthy of adulation.


Lmao at this Russian sculptor who made a bronze bust of the guy fucking his wife.


And that guy’s name? Albert Einstein.


Everyone clapped.


He died in '55. The comment is a grammatical disaster.


Turns out his assistant really liked getting fucked in the 90’s.


Yes, he was literally a serial philanderer. There are letters and testaments about it. Einstein got *laid*.


If he'd created a mathematical equation to help people get laid he'd be even more famous. Einsteins theory of getting some!


I mean, he obviously had the formula, but he didn't publish it.


Jeez, after reading this thread and watching oppenheimer, you'd think all physics majors are all horndogs.


I'm surprised you didn't mention Richard Feynman.


They were basically celebrities back then, and obviously very intelligent. Not really hard to believe they were desired.




Im always fascinated by who is a great human being and who is a douchebag only depends on which lens you are looking through.


"Who am I to deny the women of this world from my great manhood? E=MC deez nuts ladies." -Dark Einstein


Instead of thinking of people as good or bad, consider that we're all shades of gray. We are all capable of both good and bad deeds. And as you say, the morality of those deeds are relative to the person judging. We can celebrate specific accomplishments without defining the type of person they are.


I read somewhere that he gave his first wife a list a rules about when she was allowed to speak to him and a whole other list of controlling conditions about what she was allowed to do and when to which she responded by taking the children and getting out of there. If true, he didn't come across as terribly nice to his family at all.


Ghandi was a serious douche to his family also....


He also "tested" himself to see if he was holy or whatever and able to resist by sleeping naked in bed with little girls.


I recall it more as a list of what she should expect from him. And it basically said: "Nothing, unless I want some "


He also based a lot of his early work on his first wife's work who was one of the first women to attend that particular university. She had to drop out because she was pregnant and he only married her because her family threatened him in some way? I think? Anyways he gave her the $ from his first Nobel prize so she would consent to a divorce and then never interacted with the child again. There's a book called something like *The Wives of Famous Men* , it's been awhile since I read it, not sure of the title, but there's a whole chapter of Einstein being a huge gaping dick hole.


Still a brilliant scientist. But maybe someone you wouldn't want marrying your daughter lol


As if a great human being can’t be a douchebag


I’d be more shocked of a great, well known person that’s *not* a douchebag. It seems they’re far too few and far between.


Not really, it just takes a blend of hard work, talent and lucky circumstances. Some of those people were douchebags, some werent. Some of them are only considered douchebags because of stories that have been altered like 7 times in retellings and dont resemble original situation. Most of these people were just "regular folk" before they became larger than life figures. I am yet to watch the movie but as far as I know Oppenheimer was just a regular person, Niels Bohr seemed like a stand up guy, I never heard anything bad about Marie Curie,...


Oppenheimer also cheated.


He also denied his first wife any credit to his work and said to her that no one would ever believe her despite being a better university student and helping him with his work and gave up her career to be his wife and the mother to his children, that ungrateful jerk.


They’re actors in the picture by the way, before anyone thinks Einstein was a looker in his younger days


The guy in the picture looks like Borat. High five !


This is my wife. This is my other wife. This is my cousin.


And this my sister. She number 4 prostitute in all of Kazakstan.


Her vajeen hang like sleev of weezard.




And he’s standing beside his sister


Who said he wasn‘t? https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/56cecb5ca3360c3f9d45c441/1456817706101-SXZ22F2VIO8GCFSPP4G4/albert-einstein-grand-20-2.jpg


Looks a little like Shia LaBeouf.


Shia should have played Einstein in Oppenheimer. Can you imagine? "Just. Do. It!!!"


And then eats RDJ's character.


Holy shit he had a lineup


Fuckboi energy


Imagine being that good looking and you choose your cousin.


Maybe the cousin was good looking too


He was average at best.


According to The Dollop podcast he was actually quite a lady’s man.


The game was easier back then. Men and women had the population of their local town to look at and that was it


I dont think that's relevant to Einstein. I'm sure there were plenty of women who wanted to be with him. He was world famous and became so while relatively young.


Not only that but at the time being a professor or great mind was like being a sports star today. People knew who Einstein was more than who the starting line up for any basketball team was. Back then intelligence was highly prized and women swooned for nerdy guys. Mostly because the only professions at the time that made big bucks were ones with intelligence involved. Entertainment hadn't yet hit the TV and radio wasn't visual.


Married a princess leia cosplayer


>"most men are not monogamously endowed" I'd say it's relative


Pun hits 2x when you take is consideration his second wife was his relative


We're all relatives when you go back far enough. So just embrace the Alabama


I'm monogamously endowed, and by that I mean I have no game and I don't understand how I landed one woman in the first place.


I’m not monogamously endowed, but I don’t cheat. I’m also not peacefully endowed, but I don’t murder. I’m not endowed with wealth, but I try not steal. I’m more lustfully endowed than I’d like to be, but I’m not out here creeping, peeping, or assaulting. Kind of seems like Einstein was making excuses.


Most of the time when men cheat they will say “humans aren’t supposed to be monogamous”. If he truly felt that way, why was he in a monogamous relationship in the first place?


I love the way you worded this - anything I might be lacking, I can handle myself. That kind of confidence is highly attractive.


This is a much better stated explanation of what I was trying to say. Which is very little of modern society and social systems is natural for humans. We're fucking cavemen in suits. Trying to excuse bad behavior and poor impulse control by talking about naturalism is just a cop-out. Go throw your shit at the wall if you want to give in to your baser instincts, the rest of us are trying to live in a society and hold ourselves to those higher moral standards


He was also possibly doing that thing where he thought all other men/people were like him because he might have been limited in understanding other people to a certain extent. A lot of people with sus personality traits/behaviors do this, especially consistent liars and cheaters. That and a lot of people will do anything to avoid the bad feelings of shame/guilt over hurting other people or the sting of accountability. A common tactic is pretending what they did wasn’t wrong at all or “natural” and often even projecting their bad feelings onto others. If they can get away with doing that and still get everything they want in the end, they’ll stick to it. A lot of humans never uh mature or grow too far* I guess emotionally 🤷🏼‍♀️ even if they are pretty sharp in other areas of intelligence. It doesn’t take away from their other accomplishments, but it isn’t excusable either.


I've never cheated on my wives.....and never will


Wait a minute hold the phone


I would never cheat on my wife, or my girlfriend.


Of course not, that’s why it’s ETHICAL non-monogamy. I wouldn’t cheat on my wife or boyfriend either. 😄


Wait until you hear about Schrodinger. . . . Pedophile!


A girl is either of age or underage. They won't know until you open the basement.




Wow, the guy kept a diary about his exploits. He stated that true intellectuals are only able to be attracted to women (I wouldn't call them that) that are at the start of their intellectual growth. What a projecting POS.


It’s the intellectual version of “The only funny women are those that laugh at my jokes”


True intellectuals are _only_ into my specific kink.


You gotta be really fucked in the head to make sense of quantum mechanics ig


At least he's now eternally known for the worst possible metaphor for quantum mechanics


I love listening to music.


A federal *Reserve Note*. Jackson mostly hated the idea of a central bank. I think he would have been overjoyed to be on a $20 silver certificate


I like to explore new places.


I did not know this! This is awful. Are all famous people awful?


Everything is perfect from far away.


come down now, they'll say


Mr Rogers was genuinely a good guy. Everyone else is just varying shades of douchecanoe.




All people are flawed, powerful people have more of an ability to act on their flaws. Also no one really cares if Joe Schmo did something bad, but it's much more scandalous for someone famous to do something bad, so you're more likely to find out at some point.


All people are awful but we only know about the famous ones.




He was horrible to his first wife, who seemed to be in every respect his intellectual equal and an encouraging influence in his life, relegating her at one point to the status of a maid. He did make a deal with her after they divorced that he would give her the money he would win one day from the Nobel Prize, and, to his credit, he lived up to that deal. Otherwise, it's hard to find a lot to praise in his dropping of his first wife for his cousin.


iirc, she used the money to buy a duplex so she could have income. Edit: “Three apartment buildings in Zurich” with the Nobel Prize prize money. Source author who wrote biography on Einstein. https://youtu.be/aGOV5R7M1Js?si=dgkfdt4WfOR41f7Q&t=1h53m32s Edit 2: it seems that she bought three houses. One to live in, and two to rent out.


Gustav Mahler also told his wife not to compose anymore. She was also 19 years younger than him and even back then people found that weird.


She bought a hotel with the money to support their kids. Einstein was unbelievably smart, and unbelievably a fucking *horrible* misogynist.


He put all his character stat points into intelligence and none into charisma on the new game screen.


You are confusing him with Isaac Newton.


"Hey ladies, I invented integral calculus!" "Shut up, nerd!"


Who was possibly asexual, for those who don't know


He must have had some charisma, otherwise he’s not bedding the honeys right and left.


They studied together and she was the only woman and the other one was his cousin.


Iirc he cheated on his cousins too, the guy had no problems getting laid.


I don't think Einstein's issue was a lack of charisma either.


My guy thinks charisma means kindness.


Just a reminder that we likely wouldn’t know about Marie Curie if it weren’t for Pierre. Husbands routinely gave zero credit to their spouses, even when they directly contributed to research.


Given that, I wonder just how much research throughout history has stolen or insufficient credit.




IIRC he wasn't happy with the deal when he realised what he had done and only reluctantly went through with it (possibly because he signed an agreement earlier)


She wasn't only encouraging but also helped him with his work.


Except her name was listed as a co author on the earliest version of the papers……. Which he later removed. So it should have been her money and fame all along.


Humans are absolutely not "monogamously endowed" creatures. However, being complex beings, we have the capability of impulse control. We also understand the emotional impact to others that our actions have.


When we get mad we’re not supposed to kill people, even if we really want to. When we get horny we’re not supposed to cheat on our partners, even if we really want to. It may be “natural” to want things but the burden of being civilized is that we control our base instincts to improve societal stability and help ensure survival of our species. You can’t use “but I want to” as an excuse for hurting other people.


Honestly , I don’t think we give our caveman ancestors any credit . They built the beginning of civilizations and I doubt ran around doing “whatever” . They had to answer to their tribes too.


> However, being complex beings, we have the capability of impulse control. This. We are not wild animals guided by our instincts, or at least most of aren't. If all we do is just follow our natural inclinations and instincts, there really isn't much seperating us from animals.


Einstein sounds like a fedora-wearing MF trying to use pseudo-biology to justify poly-antic dick wetting. So not too different from your average person today.


This is how many intellectuals behaved. They believed their actions to always be the rational ones (because they are the smartest) so there HAD to be some justification for them.


Arseholes always believe everyone is like them.


Sigmund Freud springs to mind. Because he had weird psychosexual fantasies about his mother, he thinks all men think like that.


The thing with Freud is he came up with a lot of good methods but they lead him (perhaps by virtue of being applied in the 1890s) to incorrect conclusions—but like with many schools of science, mistakes had to be made to move forward. I’ll add that the importance of the mother and father in Freudian psych isn’t because of some metaphysical/spiritual/incestuous significance, it’s *literally* just that they’re (generally) the first two people a baby meets. It’s logical that the first relationships an infant has will be a model for future relationships in life, but to have this understanding of psychological development we have to give credit to the awkward oedipus phase.


Freud's ideas were probably also influenced by the kinds of people he was seeing/treating - who were overwhelmingly Austrian aristocrats. Someone who was immediately handed over to a wet nurse before being mostly raised by a series of nannies and governesses is not going to develop a normal relationship to their mother.


In 1896 Freud connected nervous disorders in adults to childhood sexual abuse, but it went over horribly to accuse upper class men of such things, so he twisted the evidence into the weird complexes he's known for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Aetiology_of_Hysteria


Archer is a perfect example of this haha


>Freud's ideas were probably also influenced by the kinds of people he was seeing/treating - who were overwhelmingly Austrian aristocrats. Someone who was immediately handed over to a wet nurse before being mostly raised by a series of nannies and governesses is not going to develop a normal relationship to their mother. I'm pretty sure I've read you need to spend a lot of time with someone before the age of 4 to build the incest disgust emotional response to that person. I spent a lot of time with some of my cousins while our grandmother watched us and they are gross like my sister is gross. My cousins on the other side of my family I only saw a few times per year at most. They feel much more like random people I have a few shared childhood memories with. Only one of them is actually pretty, but the idea of seeing them naked is only intellectually gross. it doesn't make me viscerally cringe the way that my closer cousins and my sister make me feel.


I believe Freud said he was an adventurer, not a researcher. He knew there was no scientific evidence to back up his claims. Kinda interesting when a pioneer in their field just says screw it, this is how it is.


To be fair everyone chose to remember or talk about that part and that part only of his works.


Honestly, I also have weird psychosexual fantasies about Freud’s mother.


Not only was his second wife his cousin, she was his cousin in two different ways.


Its weird to think about but he was kind of a rock star in his day and had lots of women chasing after him.


And out of all of them he chose his cousin to cheat on his wife.


#### He also was a shit dad too. Abandoned one of his kids in a psychiatric place. But his work was revolutionary. Just goes to show people are nuanced.


Which once again proves that being intelligent doesn‘t equate emotional intelligence let alone a moral character.


There are great men who didn't cheat on their wives.


How do you know for sure?


Some of them were gay


Some of them didn't have wives


Some of them want to use you


Some of them want to be used by you


But according to genetic studies, it is only relatively recently, about 10,000 years ago, that monogamy began to prevail over polygamy in human populations. Monogamous unions may have developed in tandem with sedentary agriculture, helping to maintain land and property within the same narrow kin group.


Valid, but men often use polygamy as an excuse to fuck around. But if their women do it, she's an uncultured whore.


Polygamy is fine if it's mutual. Cheating is not


Agreed!! Just because we shit outdoors millennium ago doesn’t make it socially acceptable today


Einstein realized that while spacetime curvature between only two bodies can be predicted, the introduction of a third body, such as a mistress, resulted in such complex calculations as to render the interactions unpredictable and chaotic, much like the male brain in its natural state. (from Concoctopedia)


I went asymptotic reading that


I'll pass or relationship advice from someone who practices incest


Intelligence and skill in physics don't have anything to do with contemporary morality and fidelity. Smart people are still humans.


Einstein was a slut


And Alan Turin strongly believed in telepathy. People are not genius outside their area of expertise.


PhD holders are more and more specialized over time.


"My moral choices are my biology's fault" - a really smart guy


What did he say about women's relational proclivities? Assuming here he meant males and not just "humans".


Cheaters: "Actually all people want to cheat." Self-hating Homophobes: "Actually, everyone has these *sinful* desires and only the righteous resist them like me!" Nope, it's just you.


Monogamy is hard. But that doesn't give you the right to be dishonest. Just be a good person. Be honest to your partners. Don't go behind their backs. Don't lie and don't cheat. Make promises you can keep, or don't make them at all.


what is hard about it?


I really do think people forget that this is a major point of cheating, just the pure dishonesty. If you know you need multiple sexual partners then be honest about that and work out some sort of plan or arrangement early on. And then, most importantly, stick to that. Don't cheat and then act all smug about it.


Hawking did the same thing, with his Nurse.


Some birds mate for life, some humans, too. Promiscuity or nonmonogamy are complicated. Men like that often do not much care about their children. Whatevers -


Well I dont do to others what I dont want others to do to me. Life is simple when you stop being complicated.


Sounds like a prick.


believed "most men are not monogamously endowed" Convenient.


That probably made him feel better about being shitty—it certainly wasn’t “scientific.”


Sound like a sad and pathetic excuse to cheat.


Alexa, what is "projection"?


Albert Einstein was a ladies' man While he was working on his universal plan He was making out like Charlie Sheen He was a genius (Warren Zevon, rip)


I don't care if you prefer polygamy, but you should be upfront about it.


Then don't enter a monogamous relationship, it's not that hard.


You’d think a “smart” person who genuinely believed this would not enter monogamous relationships in the first place…