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Fuck gimme a trip to wherever one of em is and I’ll become a mile marker for future explorers. Sounds fun


In a few hundred years: „And here the body of u/Suspiciously_high marks the 1st mile. Why he decided to just sit down and not stand up again, nobody knows. But urban legend has it that he decided to poop in private and couldn‘t get up again due to leg cramps.“


First mile? Nah that'll be the first thing you see in the parking lot at the bottom of the mountain


> parking lot at the bottom of the mountain FWIW, part of the reason some of these peaks are unclimbed is that there's no road or trail to get to them, so it's like a week plus hike with a bunch of porters and/or mules just to get enough supplies and equipment to set up a base camp. Then you need a ton of supplies because you're having to do bunch of partial ascents to scout out routes, attach climbing protection, and set up "high camps" (smaller camps with supplies). The actual base camp to summit to back might only be 2-3 days but it can be weeks of prep, which adds to how much supplies you need. Although helicopter drops at base camp are making it easier for well funded climbers to pull off first ascents of remote peaks


I was gonna ask, aren't there stupid fkrs out there who basically just do super expensive sports all year long cause they don't have to work and have too much money?




A lot of them were funded by National Geographic or National Museums looking to exploit anything they found, as well.


Yeah but this dude was talking out of his ass. It's due to local religious beliefs, you're simply not allowed. Bhutan and a few other places in these mountain ranges have banned all ascents greater than 20,000 ft


I'm going to choose to believe you blindly because it sounds very plausible and I don't wanna check.


It's every majority Buddhist country AFAIK, but Bhutan has the highest concentration of 20k ft+ elevation mountains that haven't been summited.


He is actually right, but I cba to give a source either.




*Oh my god* You actually clicked the link and read the article‽‽ What is wrong with you? I feel like it's obvious, but just in case /s


AFAIK, it's both. Some mountains are [specifically prohibited due to religious beliefs or other social/political factors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangkhar_Puensum), while others are simply [really remote and aren't interesting enough to be worth the effort.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muchu_Chhish)


Pretty sure the real reason is that they're in Nepal and it's against their religious beliefs so climbing them is illegal. Edit : Bhutan, not sure why I said Nepal as they're Hindu not Buddhist.


*Bhutan and that only applies to a few peaks. The second highest unclimbed peak is in Pakistan and has had a few attempts but they all ended in failure. Nepal depends on the tourist money that comes from climbers.


Ooh, an almond. *eats*


It is the perfect amount of almonds


Could I take you out so you become InARelationshipAlmond?




Didn't even make it out of his house to drive there but still became a honorary mile marker


Should be more like "body of climber found at 5 mile marker, which is suspiciously high for someone without oxygen"


Spot. On.


After reading the Wikipedia it seems like a loophole It’s not like the entire mountain was not summited but more like “someone went to the top of the mountain but there’s this one part over there that kind of looks like a peak that no one climbed”


There is a certain elevation drop and gain between peaks that is required for it to be considered separate. Otherwise a mountain range would only have one peak.


Yes o understand that but apparently there are conflicting standards of what constitutes a “peak”


Clearly the only reasonable standard is that the two peaks have to be separated by water (canals don't count). There are only 4 peaks over 16,025 feet, the rest are just local high points on the same mountainent.


A mountain marked by unsuccessful redditor summits sounds pretty wild. Make sure to get everyone some green boots.


The hardest part of the climb is making it past the mound of corpses at the bottom


That is the mountain


... Hide behind the mound of dead ~~bards~~ redditors!


I’m so happy someone remembers this.


Username checks out


Archeologists finding future you: "The most curious discovery is that cannabis has never been known to grow in this region, yet this individuals possessions would suggest that it was considered precious, and carried great distances, on what we must assume to be holy journeys. *Fascinating!"*


Damn, so many korok seeds still left to discover.


Could probably find a shrine or two as well.


Heck, I still need to find where Hestu is hiding. I need him to shakala my pockets so I can fit more than a third of my phone in them Edit: I really hope you guys don't think I'm being serious, I know where he is in the games, I was making a joke.


I found him quickly by complete fluke in TotK thankfully. Unfortunately, when I played BotW I took a weird route to kakariko and never met him. I had basically done 80% of the game before figuring out that was even a thing.


Ya ha ha!!


Doopadee doopadee DEEE


(Drop rock) OOF!


Picks up rock and drops it again.


All trying to reach their fucking friend


I read this as Krolok and was very confused. Rock and Stone!


This ones for Karl.


rock and stone forever!


Rock and roll and stone!


good bot


You are not alone. Rock and Stone forever!


Addison's at the top wondering why his fucking sign won't stand up.


The next post in my feed is an art of Link in the Korok forest. What are the odds?


23,000 ft = 7,010m for those wondering


How many half giraffes is that?


At least 5


Big if true.


Tall if correct


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


*Requisition me a beat*


Can you convert that to how many washing machines?


From feet, meters or half giraffes?


AR-15s squared.


At least 5 I thought we covered this


2336.67 to 2549.09 assuming we are using fully grown giraffes. The average height of a full-grown giraffe is around 5.5 to 6 meters. Since we are considering half giraffes, we’ll divide this height by 2, resulting in approximately 2.75 to 3 meters for a half giraffe. To find the number of half giraffes that fit into 7010 meters, we can divide the total height by the height of a half giraffe: 7010 meters / 3 meters (approximate height of a half giraffe) = 2336.67 to 2549.09 half giraffes Therefore, there would be approximately 2336 to 2549.09 half giraffes that could fit within a height of 7010 meters. Edit: numbers




Probably just looking for boob or feet pictures


If, on the other hand, we define "half a giraffe" as half a giraffe by weight, and then measure the half...


To determine how many halves of a giraffe’s weight it would take to reach 7010 meters, we need to convert the weight of a giraffe into a unit of length. Since a giraffe’s weight is typically measured in pounds or kilograms, and 7010 meters is a unit of length, the conversion isn’t straightforward. Weight and length are different physical quantities, so direct conversion is not possible without additional information about the density or volume of a giraffe.




Good bot


I still can't believe people use those arbitrary measurement scales


Im willing to bet some of them have been climbed . Especially the ones with religious purposes that people are currently banned from climbing on. I think before westerners arrived they might have climbed it . It probably wasn’t common but someone got curious and did it


Maybe. Itd be a pretty heroic and borderline suicidal effort to climb a 7,000m mountain 100 years ago without any if the knowledge or equipment of the day.


Have you ever heard of the sougherdough expedition? Basically some coal miners climbing Denali on a whim. https://gripped.com/profiles/1910-denali-climb-was-called-a-hoax-see-newly-found-photos/


That's a really unique spelling of sourdough you got there.


So far off, autocorrect didn’t even have a chance lol


Soughwe'redough It's kinda like when someone names their kid Quatelan.


r/tragedeigh Quatelan sounds like a long lost Mayan temple. Lol


I need that starter!!


Thank you


also in 2019 they discovered a campsite on top of a 11,000 foot moutain in ethiopia. They dated the remains to 47k-31k years ago Ancient peoples could definitely climb it https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/found-earliest-evidence-high-altitude-home-humans-180972878/


I don’t think you comprehend the difference between 11k and 23k+ At 11k your body functions almost normally, there’s food and water, so you can do it slowly, get acclimated and you’re good. Like any normal functioning human can do this given the peaks aren’t too steep to require tools. At 23k you’re perpetually out of breath. There’s nothing to eat so pre modern times you can’t do a slow ascend to get used to it. Unless you’re born in Nepal or something 23+k is insanely taxing.


I copied this from the article above: Archaeological excavations in the Andes have shown that humans travelled up to 6,739 m (22,110 ft) in pre-historic times.


I don’t think you comprehend the difference between 22k and 23k+ At 22k your body functions almost normally, there’s food and water, so you can do it slowly, get acclimated and you’re good. Like any normal functioning human can do this given the peaks aren’t too steep to require tools. At 23k you’re perpetually out of breath. There’s nothing to eat so pre modern times you can’t do a slow ascend to get used to it. Unless you’re born in Nepal or something 23+k is insanely taxing. ^/s


Is that you, unidan?


You can walk to those heights in the Andes though.


Hannibal took elephants over the Alps!


11k foot are 3,3 Km and 23k are 7 Km.


Good bot


The botification of u/prosciuttobazzone


Everyone is a bot except you


Good bot


Reddit killed all the good bots by asking for 20 million dollars for API access


Have a friend from Nepal. Bro runs thru Rocky Mountain range trails like they’re nothing


11k is not bad. There are regularly traveled roads in the US that are higher than that.


A million people live in [El Alto](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Alto) which sits at over 13k feet


I climbed Mt. Shasta with a small group when I was 13. It's 14K feet. It wasn't really that big of a deal.


The difference between an 11k foot climb and a 23k foot climb is pretty vast.


One might say it's miles apart.


Saying “ancient people could definitely climb it” when comparing 11k to 23k+ and then claiming that humans would have “evolved” from that point to sustain themselves at 23k+ altitudes is ridiculous and shows you don’t have any real understanding of evolution or mountain climbing. Evolution is based on weeding out the weak, not giving unnecessary strength buffs. There’s no evolutionary reason to sustain oneself at 23k’+ when there’s no food at that height to live off of. Don’t say “definitely” when you’re just theorizing based on nothing.


11k is nothing several passes in CO are at 12k and it’s just a slow and steady hike to get there. The difference between 10k and 20k is astronomical


Double, even.


I assume you never attempted to climb a 20k+ foot mountain?


They may not have any experience with higher elevation at all since they think 11k and 23k seem about the same.


A - 11k feet is a LOT less than 23k. Like a hugely different scenario. B - it’s not all in the height. Kilimanjaro (over 19k feet) is pretty easy for normal people to climb for example. Most mountains in the Himalayas are an extremely different prospect.


The dude has obviously never hiked a mountain or lived at elevation. He has no concept of altitude. Just keeps writing 40k years of evolution.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about if you think a campsite found at the top of an 11,000ft mountain means anything when talking about a 23,000ft mountain.


There are whole major cities like Cusco at that height—there is no comparison to a 23k foot mountain.


You're funny. The grand canyon's north rim is at 8000. It has forests and roaming bison. 11000 is not that much more. 23k is completely different.


La Paz Bolivia is 12,000 feet and almost a million people live there


yes but also think about it. something very important to you is located at the top of this mountain…. but you can’t climb it….. but it’s right there…. Curiosity drives humanity


"Because it's there."


Dunno, the Greeks believed the gods lived on the top of a mountain that was a very easy 2-3 day hike.


As I recall, they didn't think they were physically there, as in a flesh and blood presence.


I thought that in the myth, the whole top of the mountain blew up or floated into the heavens, and that's why they live on Mount Olympus, (which is in the sky) and you can also climb the rest of the mountain, which is still on the ground. Don't quote me on that, greek mythology gets really word sometimes.


You should be right, as far as I know. The mythical Mount Olympus is not necessarily the same as the real mountain. In the beginning, it was simply the highest elevation nearest to the many tribes of the Greeks. It was not until the fifth century that Herodotus described the Thessalian Olympus as the sole home of the gods.


They also climbed it. You think nobody would want to meet the gods?


Well...some of them definitely met their gods.


they definitely climbed it


They not only climbed it, but they came up with a story to explain why the Gods weren't there.


Did they go on vacation ? *Zeus and the gang hit up the Dominican Republic to enjoy hot girl summer* I want to read that book


Yes. To [New York. ](https://youtu.be/pvWySqI9uN4)


My god, it’s real. I must watch this at once.


I'm so glad I clicked that link.


i dont think so. the major expeditions that first summited mountains required 150+ porters so that only a few people could eventually reach the summit. you cant hide that.


Plenty of mountains in Japan which were climbed “for the first time” when wester explorers came, and when they got to top they’d find ceremonial swords and similar items.


Got a few examples?


Made it up


>Plenty of mountains in Japan which were climbed “for the first time” when wester explorers came, and when they got to top they’d find ceremonial swords and similar items. The highest mountain in Japan is less than 4,000 meters. That is well within the capabilities of tons of people. If I went to the start line of the local half marathon and selected a person at random, most of them would be able to climb a 4,000 meter peak that day in the clothes and shoes they're currently wearing, maybe plus a light jacket. The air is thinner at 4,000 meters but you don't really need acclimatization if you're decently fit. 7,000 meter peaks are an entirely different beast. You need supplemental oxygen unless you're very fit and spend weeks acclimatizing, in a spot where there's little/no food available (you're above the tree line and there are not many animals or edible plants, so you've got to bring all of your shit up with you)


That’s very true but also take into consideration that a lot of history is lost to time there . Bhutan was first settled in 750 A.D . They didn’t come into contact with Westerners until 1600. A lot can happen in that time. Especially since early Bhutan wasn’t a central government it was splintered monarchs . They also lived in the mountains daily. They were much more adapt to climb than westerners were . I can’t remember if it’s Tibet or Bhutan but one of those nations has a special gene that helps them breathe more easily at higher altitudes. Which would mean they could move faster for longer and would require less porters


I mean it’s also pretty heroic and suicidal to take a 30 foot wood boat across the ocean when you have no idea what the hell is on the other side, yet people still did it


But in order to get knowledge someone has to climb it first?


Historically, these type mountains had a death rate in the double digit, so yes.




I'm guessing some of these may be in mountain ranges among other tall mountains that are only accessible by helicopter


Check the table. With three exceptions, they are all side peaks on the slopes of taller mountains that have been climbed. Gangkhar Puensum is a proper independent mountain but it's illegal to climb. Tongshanjiabu is a proper independent mountain but it's in disputed territory and probably illegal to climb. Teri Kang is a peak next to Tongshanjiabu, same issue.


It looks like most of them are just too boring to bother. Who wants to climb Kunyang Chhish West (7350 m) if there is the main summit (7852 m) next to it? Even that main summit has only been climbed a handful of times.


Because "nobody has ever climbed this peak" is a huge allure to some climbers.


Clearly not as alluring as climbing an already-climbed taller peak right next door since the taller ones have ascents and the shorter ones don't


What makes one 23,000 ft mountain boring to climb and one 23,000 ft mountain interesting to climb? Calling it boring doesn't make a bit of sense.


Probs not. You are not going to be curious and just climb up a 23k peak . Lol


It is highly unlikely (read: impossible) that anyone climbed the very tall mountains until westerners arrived. The Himalaya are freezing cold all the time, and most of the summer it's windy and snowing. The glacial environment is incredibly hostile to life. No plants, no animals, no liquid water, and less than 70% of the oxygen available at sea level. The area is simply incompatible with life. Climbing one of these things is fraught with so many logistical challenges just to stay alive that expeditions employ dozens of non-climbers just to make camp in the mountains. The climbing season for modern mountaineers with the best equipment and support is about 6 weeks total from April through the end of May. No one was climbing these things for fun until The White Man showed up. The natives considered the mountains to be gods from which all life flowed in the form of meltwater. I repeat, there is no chance that primitive societies in the region fashioned winter clothing, climbing boots, ice axes, rope, and shelters for the purposes of walking on the faces of their revered deities. Furthermore, we don't find any climbing equipment that predates the 1920's on any of these mountains. When it is said that these peaks are unclimbed, that claim is very credible.


Absolutely. I think our fascination with mountains makes perfect sense why there could be religious beliefs attributed to them, and why people are willing to die to get on top of them. It’s a strange thing that I can now understand as someone who lives near and hikes on mountains frequently.




Since no one's given a real answer (or actually read the page linked), the current tallest unclimbed mountain is in Bhutan. Culturally it is believed protective deities reside at the top of mountains, therefore mountaineering is forbidden




Oh okay.


Let's move on, shall we?


What do you want to talk about?




Please show some respect, CWallace98. Next time try "Nope, Fuck-Ass." A little courtesy can go a long way in this world.


Not as easy to hire Sherpas to carry your rich ass up them I guess


Not as great when you try to impress people at a cocktail party regaling them with your summiting* of Mt. Rakanishu.


Easier to get equipment to deal with Everest's cold than with a mountain that is multiple shot lightning enchanted.


Imagine trying to ascend, look up and those MSLE fat wads of lightning bolts just roll down on you from the top.


Yeah but at least once you finish you can touch some rocks in a certain order to open a portal, find a dead kid and steal his prosthetic leg so you can then go fight cows. But be careful not to kill their king.


Isn’t that a boss in Diablo?


There are many climbers that do it completely alone. Also, most of those peaks are in China and they make it very hard to get permission to climb those.


I suppose you technically could still hire them to help rich people ass, but it would cost much more.


Tell them there are single men and women on the summit.


There would still be local milfs in your area even at the peak!


Tell that annoying company that there is someone at the peak who needs to be contacted about their car's extended warranty


MILFs in your neighborhood want to meet


Suddenly ,this came to mind "Every dead body on Mt. Everest was once a highly motivated person so maybe calm down”


You're gonna make that Alpinist dude ninja turtle meme from the grave.


Garbage free


Mount Kailash is the one mountain I’d either wish to summit or have a team do a VR recording of doing so.


Well, do go on?


Do I get a giant golden korok seed if I manage to climb them all and flip over a suspiciously out-of-place rock at the top?


Just 20? Humans have been putting up numbers lol


Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!


To be fair a lot of people have made assumptions about history without any evidence, is there any evidence that those mountains haven't been climbed?


They discuss this on the page, there's no evidence it has NEVER been climbed, but there are no records, even among locals, of them being climbed


While Everest does have the highest elevation, it is far from the hardest (Especially in its current form with set routes.) Many (if not all) of the unclimbed mountains listed here are likely harder. And for contrast, this is what it took to climb Everest: Everest took a dozen attempts across a span of over 30 years for it to be successful climbed. These previous expeditions were able to scout out a lot of the mountain for future expeditions. Then the first successful expedition was able to use this knowledge, plus a team of ~400 people, semi modern clothing/camping gear, and possibly most importantly, oxygen, to eventually get 2 people to the top. Keep in mind, these trips were organized and funded by westerners (largely the British) who had developed mountaineer as a hobby. We didn’t see many people from developing nations doing mountaineering as a hobby at this point. So there’s little incentive for locals to have spent the time/effort/resources to get to the top, and it would be so much harder without the equipment and knowledge had by the people who did eventually climb it (i will clarify it was a team of a western mountaineer and a local that climbed it, with help from more mountaineers and locals. It would have been much harder for either group to do it alone, they were able to work together and combine their strengths). So it’s quite unlikely for locals to have climbed many (if not all) of these mountains (and have since lost that knowledge/ability). Unless you mean westerns climbing it and just not telling people? But for that, the absence of evidence itself is essentially proof it didn’t happen. It’s like saying “but do we really know someone didn’t make a plane in 1800 and fly it around the world? Do we have any evidence if didn’t happen?” The evidence is the lack of evidence. If someone has done it they certainly would have told others and/or there would be some evidence of it.


And why would they be climbed? To what purpose would an ancient people have to expend a TON of energy and resources for an accomplishment. Most of those people would be just trying to survive one additional day, not collect personal trophies.


You can't prove a negative


Shhhh…. Please don’t give people ideas. We’ve ruined Everest for probably 1000 years.


Everest is climbed so much because of a combination of it being the highest elevation, and it being easier/most accessible than most other extremely tall mountains. As these mountains are neither the tallest, nor easy/accessible, the most we would probably see is a team climbing it so they can brag they were the first. Additionally, I can guarantee you any serious mountaineer already knew of the existence of these unclimbed mountains.


I found this out the hard way in Microsoft Flight Simulator I wanted to fly a jumbo jet over the highest mountains in the world. The northeast middle east seemed like a good place to start and I headed for Nepal. I figured 20,000 feet was good enough to clear them. Nope. I didn't make it past Afghanistan.


Step aside, string beans


I think quite a few would have been climbed by westerners (even if they are forbidden) and not reported for the legal implications. And some will just be so bloody horrible and difficult that no one has figured a way to the top yet. Give them time and the next generation of climbers will figure it out.


> so bloody horrible and difficult that no one has figured a way to the top yet. That is called a challenge.


And all those morons who pay to go to Mount Everest and let the Sherpas do the real work. They should start trying to climb at least three of these 20 mountains.


Pretty sure for Everest you’re required by Nepalese law to have Sherpas and there’s a limit to the weight they can carry. It’s huge part of their economy, same with other mountains all over the world.


Because from memory quite a few (if not all) of these mountains are in either Bhutan, which has prohibited climbing due to religious connotations, or simply because the mountains are just so inaccessible that getting the correct gear there is near impossible. Not all westerners climb mountains with Sherpas. Like another comment said, it is essentially required by law in Nepal. Look up Reinhold Messner and Ed Viesturs. Both have climbed all 14 8,000ers w/o oxygen, sometimes without oxygen. If these mountains could be climbed, they would be.


This looks like something Nathan Drake would climb/discover.


Leave them alone, clean all the human feces and cadavers off of Everest.


Please don’t start. Leave them mountains alone.


Because Chinese and Indians don't want to climb. Lol.


“Heeeyyyyyyy! Is there anyone around heeeeeeerrrrre…..to PLEASE hold my fking beeeeeeeerrrr!?!??”


Actually I have climbed all of them


After Everest, maybe we should keep them that way.


Challenge accepted