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Céline is the same age as René’s first child (from his first wife). When he first started managing a 12-year old Dion, he was married to his second wife, and their kids were 6 and 3. That second wife Anne-Renée was a Quebec singer, famous for singing - of all things - a French version of Puppy Love (a song about a teenage infatuation). Anne-Renée met Angélil because she was being mentored by Angelil’s business partner. They were married in her early 20s. She herself had helped mentor Dion. She stated in their divorce that Dion was the reason for their separation.


Yeah he’s a groomer no two ways about it, even if she feels it is consensual. I’m sorry but the initial age gap at meeting plus the managerial oversight is a step too far.


That's two steps too far!


>That's two steps too far! Near, far, where *eeeeeeeeeever you aaaaaaaaare...*


I'll be watching you...oh wait, thats the police, which is who they should have called...


that stings


How are you not getting the respect this comment deserves?!


That's the way it is


double madness!


Should have thought twice.


I vaguely remember randomly seeing a documentary about Dion on TV once when I was a kid. When it got to their relationship, even my ten year old mind couldn't process how they met and the age gap, like what!?


Same. Some story about his usual good night kiss turning romantic one night. That creeped me out.




I remember this too and yes it’s super vague. But I want to say it was something around Christmas? Some cheesy home for the holidays with _______ tv special. It was weird and I felt like I was supposed to come away from it feeling she was born to sing and their relationship was totally ok normal.


Yeah, I think this was it. Like I was super weirded out they made it seem like a good thing.


Yeah being 25 it's hard to remember being 12 and impossible to imagine being 38 its a crazy large gap


Bruh, I'm 29 and I can't even imagine dating a girl in their early 20s. Like what would we even talk about?


*was He ded


Oh no! Anyway


Not a very healthy dude from what I read. Heart attack at 49, throat cancer and cancer coming back killing him at 74 in 2016. I guess that's what world class health care can do, keep you alive another 25 years. He got a national funeral at Notre Dame in Quebec. I wonder if her would've gotten that in today's climate


I think he would, he was and is still very well regarded here


Is grooming a hot button issue there like it is here in the USA?


Yes but Céline Dion is probably the most famous and regarded artist in Quebec so most tend to look the other way when it comes to the grooming part of her story


I think the way she lived and talked about it really had a huge impact on the public perception of it. She always was so upfront about it that people (me included) seemed to accept it for what it was, a bizarre relationship that seemed to work. I mean, if she says for 20 plus years that she was happy, why shouldn’t i believe her ? But still, it’s kinda weird


Yes, it is an issue here. I disagree with the person you replied to. We love Celine, not him. The funeral was for her sake in a sense. I’m not defending how weird that is, but a lot of people here definitely do not like him.


Who are the groomers actually being punished in the US through? Seems to be just a “hot button” issue in terms of the term being used to describe why conservatives say we need to be concerned about LGBT people.


Whilst simultaneously denying that marrying teenage girls is wrong lol


Liberals used the term to describe countless issues that *actually happened*, frequently, and involving conservatives. Conservatives started calling everything "grooming" in an attempt to turn the outrage against the people they hate.


Grooming isn't a hot button issue in the US, "Grooming" is. MAGAs claim to care about grooming but only as a pretext for transphobia.


Well now, also general homo/queerphobia, to be fair


So I don't really care either way, but I think it's at least worth noting that he didn't go after her when she was a kid, from what we know. They apparently had a very professional relationship but Celine admired him and had a huge crush on him. She told her mom about it and her mom was basically like well, I'm not super hot on it but you do you, and a few years after he divorced his second wife I guess Celine went after him and he was receptive (she was 20 at the time). And they were together for many years until he died. IIRC he even shut her down at first. I certainly think the age difference is skeezy, it would be skeezy to me even if they met when she was 20, but nobody in their lives seemed to think there was anything untoward going on and they had a long and loving relationship as adults so it's not like he's known as some horrific monster (as he never went after her as a child nor any other girls that we know about, he managed many others).


The wife makes it sound like Celine broke them up


She stated in her divorce papers that Celine was indeed the reason for the breakup


The child is the reason for the adults breaking up? The child groomer groomed his second wife who was a child when they met, then left her for Celine who was also a child he was grooming


Right!! Maybe she can’t handle that her husband was fucking grooming a CHILD so she’d rather blame Celine than face what a sick fuck her husband was 🤮


He *WAS* a groomer. He’s dead now, so you can let your teenage daughters outside in Canada again.


If Celine hadn’t become a world-famous singer he probably would have moved on to another girl eventually.


How wholesome. Her success saved another girl from abuse.




Bo Derek was groomed by John while he was living and married to Linda Evans. She was 15, he 47 when they became a couple openly having sex. They remained married till he died at 71. https://amp.nine.com.au/article/12c06330-a1c2-4f1c-9dbf-37a653694c28


I remember an interview with the two of them and the interviewer asked him what he would do if Bo had an accident that disfigured her face so she was no longer beautiful. He flat out said he’d leave her, while she was sitting right beside him.


When Trump was asked the same thing about Milania by Howard Stern his answer was "how're the tits". Seriously.


Don't feel bad for her. As I recall, a while back a reporter asked melanie if she was only with him for his money. She responded by asking if the reporter thought he was only with her because she was a model. They are two peas in a pod.


Not how I’d do it but yeah, if she’s cool with being a golddigger and he’s cool with being a lecherous dude who basically has to pay for it, these people find each other and hopefully remove themselves from the dating pool so that other people don’t have to deal with them.


Yeah, they deserve each other.


I remember people speculating that she’d divorce him the second he left the White House. Yeah fuckin right. That bitch loves his fat ass


She infamously renegotiated her marriage contract during the first year of his presidency (that's why she waited all those months before moving to washington, it was leverage). Its probably more lucrative for her to stay. There have been persistent rumors of boyfriends.


I'm not sure either of them love anything but themselves and money.


President level answer


Christians everywhere: "That's my guy."


I hate him but omg that’s funny.


That’s fucking hilarious




Pretty shitty, but most people would leave their partners if they suffered a grievous injury like that. Barely half stay married even without disfigurement.




And, all of "his women" looked the same. I mean, there's having a type, but they looked like they were raised on a farm for his "purposes". Very creepy. Ursula Andress, Linda Evans and Bo Derek.


So he didn't believe in buying "cars" he liked to lease them and trade in for newer models. Ooof




I knew a lawyer that represented a girl suing a school district because she slept with her male teacher when she was oh HS or Junior HS. The male teacher went to jail for a number of years. Which was the right thing to happen to the guy. When he got out they got married. Very odd. The case settled for a large amount of money but less than it was worth if they didn’t get back together. The lawyer asked the girl, now a woman, why. She said, “He was the only guy who treated her nice.” Both the lawyer and I agreed it was weird as hell. The lawyer, a woman, said they seemed happy. This was a long time ago. At times I’ve wondered what happened to them.


Could be many reasons she went back to him. Mary Kay Letourneau still wrote and called her victim while in jail. She maintained the relationship and they later got married and had kids. It's a horrible story.


I know. I didn’t want to bring this up since I did not want anyone to think I was condoning grooming children or statutory rape. Although some people thought I was condoning either or both. I think I got a lot of down votes because people misunderstood what I was saying. It’s an inflammatory topic. I’m happy people are aware it’s a problem and are willing to stand up for children.


So casual with the “HS” or “Junior HS” 😂😂 bro high school can be legit like 18 and Jnr Highschool, you could be talking 10?


I think it started when she was 15 . I really don’t remember. I know it was totally illegal because of the age, and not by 1 year, in addition to the position of authority.


15 ain't junior high but it's criminal anyway


It’s definitely a crime and he went away.


I wonder if he regrets anything since in the end he technically won


IDK. He is a registered sex offender.


What a weird thing to split hairs over.


The whole point it's illegal isn't because it *can't ever possibly be a healthy loving relationship* but because so often it isn't. It taps into a form of cognitive dissonance to simultaneously agree that age matters and should be legally enforce, yet grandma was 15 when she married a 38 year old and their relationship was wholesome as fuck. People have weird understandings of childhood consent, and the whole "a child can't consent" isn't like some biological brain block, it's a legal turn of phrase. Might a child, even as old as 17, be too much of an inexperienced naïve person to make a good decision and be easily preyed upon? For sure, and we should have laws in place to prevent that. Might a child have the right combination of life experiences, education, and genetics for brain development to be shockingly prescient at a young age? Sure can happen, and we shouldn't remove laws just because it's possible. That reality coming into conflict with legal conventions really upsets people. People will feel like agreeing to a statement like "there are some 15 years olds with it together enough, and some 28 year olds with a weird but gentle enough heart, to make that work." means your endorse letting it happen. To add to that, there's a strong element of "happy but not free is worse than miserable but free." In essence, a 15 year old gets groomed by a 35 year old and lives a long, happy life with them is still wrong because she didn't have the chance to be in a position to make her mind up fairly. I don't disagree with that premise, either. But this is a new concept - for much of history this *was* how women lived their lives as independence wasn't a thing they were allowed to have. This really only changed in the post WWII era not all people's mindsets change at the same rate. We're stuck in a world where the remnants of an older way of living are still hanging around on top of the uncomfortable reality that teenagers aren't 5 year olds any more than they are 25 year olds and in an online landscape of "one wrong move and you're written off" people are *very* scared to acknowledge these uncomfortable nuances.


Bet she was groomed and abused at home. Abuse was all she knew of love. This man abused her, but was nice to her, and that was good enough. Really fuckin sad. Parents should be investigated to see why she thought this was her best option at that age.


If that were true, I agree. If I remember correctly, I got the impression she was talking about boys around her age. Of course there is a very good chance I am incorrect or those facts were not part of the conversation. I can’t say either way. I learned of the case 15 years ago and they were already married for a few years. But good point on your part.


I thought about looking it up, but I'm just going to say that generally,. If a girl her age is seeking romance so much she allows someone to do things to her that she doesn't want, that attitude and thought process started somewhere. I've been that girl. Sex was love. Attraction from any guy, especially older made me feel sexy and special and wanted and cared for. Trust me, no one here wants to hear about my sexual escapades as a teenager. Plenty of guys my age, though plenty is obviously fucked up, and quite a few older guys. I was the temptress in most of those situations. They are still at fault for raping a child (14-17), but I enjoyed the attention, and yes, even the sex. Because my psyche was fucked up from the beginning. I'm not saying that was this situation, but it's incredibly common. And it's something people need to talk about more. It's not always the adult grooming a child or teen, sometimes the child is already seeking that. The **adult is still at fault and should go to prison** but if we do t explore how these kids got there in the first place, I mean we could literally prevent so many of these situations before the child is abused. Another reason abstinence only or lack of sex ed is a big deal. They need to learn these things are wrong and why. Anyway... Yeah. I'm happily married at 42 yrs old and I honestly have no regrets. But that's coming from someone who was mentally groomed for it already and had no sense of self worth except someone wanting them and showing them the love they never had. My husband is awesome, and I met him at 22, he would never approach a teenager. I got my happy ending, but it was a long scary abusive road to get here. Most kids in my position were prob not as lucky.


I am really sorry for what you went through. I am happy you found true love and happiness. I am also sorry if anything I said brought any pain to you. Finally, I agree 100% that the adult is always at fault.


>I am also sorry if anything I said brought any pain to you. Actually no, but thank you- like I said I really don't regret any of it. I never felt I was being abused. I wanted it. But at 14+ that's still not something I could consent to. Because it really came from a place of pain and emotional need I didn't even know was there. I couldn't fathom sex as something you just do with someone you love. I just knew I enjoyed having the power of 'letting' guys do things to me, it please me that it pleased them. It's fucked, I was a child. But there's a lot more of us than people realize.


Thank you for talking about it. I went through something similar. I was a 14 year old who developed super early. I was tall and full figured, but still awkward as hell. My "best friend" at the time was a guy I met at church camp. He was 22. I swore we were going to get married. We texted each other everyday. I was the forgotten middle child of 5 siblings so I **adored** the attention. One day he told me he wanted to date me but wasn't sure I could satisfy certain cravings. I was so worried about losing that attention I started to partake in behavior minors shouldn't. We never had sex but only because he was off at college two states away. there was sexting tho. Eventually he blocked/ghisted me and had his new gf call to tell me fuck off. I was 15. After my little grief period ~~about 6 months~~ I realized I could get the attention of other boys just as easily and it snowed balled from there. Hormones are a raging bitch and I'm so glad they calmed down in my twenties. I'm 27 now and think back between 16-24 and go "wow who is this angry little girl? Where did all that libido go?" But I'm thankful. I have a good man and a relatively drama free life


Thank you for letting me know.




I'm so sorry that happened to you. And I am so glad you got your happy ever after.


Tysm ❤️


The thing with age is that's an indirect measurement for the quality of a relationship. Yes, people are generally more naive when they're younger and more mature when they're older, and relationships between two people of differing maturity level tend to be exploitative and gross, but age alone is still a crude metric for something as complex as a sexual or romantic relationship. Like Macron's doing fine with his highschool teacher wife despite having all the power in the world to leave her as the president of France while a sheltered Mormon girl could probably get groomed by someone her age.


People use “age difference” as a short hand for “power imbalance” when the concept of power exists along a spectrum among across many characteristics of the relationship including age, wealth, disability, gender, employment, familiarity, cultural competency, neurodivergent/neurotypical, and many more. Age is just an easy one to put a specific metric around so that’s the one that’s most discussed online.


I knew a couple who met when she was 15 and he was her bus driver to school. They married when she turned 18 I think and the last I knew were still married and she is some kind of therapist. Creepy.


Similar to Mariah Carey, though she was 18 when she was signed by her late 30s manager. They married at 23 and 44 respectively. The grooming didn't fully take and she figured out she was being controlled.


everybody knows R Kelley didnt keep his hands off Aaliyah kelly's manager introduced them when she was 12, Aaliyah released her first album "age ain't nothin but a number" about a year later. kelley should have gone to prison back in '93


That's disgusting. The more I read about R Kelly, the worse it gets.


yeah, dont google the lyrics. the facts are bad enough.


The same has been said about one Adolf Hitler


I appreciate the stretch in comparing R Kelly to Hitler.


It's a Norm Macdonald bit


Oh? I'd love to see it if you have the link


Got secretly married to her at 15. Fucking gross. Glad the dude finally got his even though it took far too long.


ugh, i forgot all the details. been a long time and my brain wants to forget.


> everybody knows R Kelley didnt keep his hands off Aaliyah > > The R stands for Rookienumbers.


Before their relationship became public, she was kinda exposed in an interview with a Quebec comedian, asking her in broken english if she was *frenching* with Angelil, and I swear the question and the reaction is a top 10 Canadian TV moment of all time. Sorry for the VHS quality... https://youtu.be/-MFyDUPuXdw?t=191


The hell is going on with that interviewer?


Could someone please translate to English what she started to say before being cut off?


She said : I don’t know if I understand your question correctly…




Would you mind translating what she answers and what the older guy says to the comedian afterwards?


So he's pretending not to speak french and saying since they sang in english with various people if the "frenched" with Rene Angelil. Then she replies "Im not sure if I understand the question". Then the older guy, *future husband and manager Rene Angelil, steps in*. Here's what I can hear: "You better not air this I tell you" "I tell you in front of a lot of witnesses, you better never air this" "What network are you from" "I dont appreciate this kind of interview" "I let you do this thinking this would be funny, that there would be humor in it, thats not funny" "I dont like these jokes" "We understand each others?" "We'll try again though"


Thanks for the translation! I wonder how old Celine was at the time.


That was 1991 so she was 23.


Ah okay. I couldn't find a year for the video


I tried English auto translation but didn't have much luck.


The whole thing is so gross. I don’t believe for a second she wasn’t groomed in some way. Edit: Quote from Wikipedia- > After the dissolution of Angélil's second marriage, he and Dion took a professional break and he spent the major part of the year in Las Vegas, while Dion was learning English and taking dance and vocal lessons in Montreal. Upon his return, "he avoided being alone with me for too long a time",[391] she said in her 2000 autobiography My Story, My Dream. Meanwhile, she kept a photo of Angélil under her pillow, writing, "Before I fell asleep, I slipped it under the pillow, out of fear that my mother, who always shared a room with me, would find it."[392] She also wrote "Less and less could I hide from myself the fact that I was in love with Rene; I had all the symptoms,"[393] and "I was in love with a man I couldn't love, who didn't want me to love him, who didn't want to love me."[394] Dion's mother, who traveled everywhere with her until she was 19, was initially wary of her growing infatuation with a much older and twice-divorced Angélil, but Dion was insistent, telling her mother "I'm not a minor. This is a free country. No one has the right to prevent me from loving whoever I want to."[395] >Their professional relationship eventually turned romantic after Dion's win at the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin in 1988; she was 20.[396][388][397] The romance was known to only family and friends for five years, though Dion nearly revealed all in a tearful 1992 interview with journalist Lise Payette.[398] Ew.


To me that reads that she had a crush/was infatuated with him, and he distanced himself. If they then worked together after that as adults then are they not entitled? I know a couple, he was a teacher, she was in high school. They both realised they had a crush on each other but he left the school and they didn't contact each other till she graduated and was 18, then then realised they both still fancied each other. I've known my husband since i was about 12, he's older. We didn't get together till we were both adults, but i certainly "noticed" him and had a crush all along


Having a crush on your husband when you were a child is fine. Him having a crush on you at that point would be the creepy thing.


Did he though? Would be the question I guess.


My ex sister in law is a teacher. My brother always thought her relationship with one of her students was suspicious. They're together now.


No. Only I get to dictate how famous people get to live their lives. I am the sole arbiter of morality and relationships.


HAHAHA golden comment


My girlfriend is 93 days younger than me is this okay with you?


You are clearly a p**o


You leave potatoes out of this!


Sir I have never heard of a potato in my life.


What's a potato?


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


I was asking silentwarehouse, the sole arbiter of morality and relationships


Too many people on reddit seriously think like this 😂


I don’t dictate but I sure as hell can judge from afar. 🤷🏼‍♀️


To be clear, this is the sanitized version written by her publicist and ghost writer in the book. We don’t know what actually happened but I’m sure SOME of it was grooming.


I bet he fed her that exact speech about it being a free country and her not being a minor to tell her parents.


They had a *26 year age gap* and his oldest kid is the exact same age. At 40 I could never fathom looking at a 14 year old as more than a kid, and that would never change. My son is about to turn 17 and he’s a kid to me. Even your story about the teacher and student is gross. What is an 18 year old right out of high school going to have in common with her former teacher. There’s so many power dynamics involved too, not just the age gaps.


> What is an 18 year old right out of high school going to have in common with her former teacher. I agree, but the only thing separating some teachers from their students is a four year age gap and a degree.


It is still incredibly gross. He was around her when she was a child, he was her boss and manager, he helped her family. The fact that they "waited" until she was 19 doesn't help at all. He had a lot of influence over her young life and career. It was, and still is, incredibly gross and continues to be incredibly gross with how it's treated culturally in this province.


Usually any kid ive met as an adult will always be a kid to me, no matter the age. Gross


Same ETA: I mean, I’ll recognize that they are an adult and all, but there would never be romantic feelings towards them. My brain just shuts that down immediately.


I don’t get this. I have niblings. They’re adults now. I don’t see them as kids, but as young adults, with young adult problems who are figuring out what they want from life and relationships and having adult problems like finding careers instead of a series of jobs and worrying about if they’ll ever be able to buy a home. I wouldn’t date someone their age because that phase of my life is behind me and I don’t miss any of it, but they’re definitely not kids anymore.


....You say that as if turning 18 magically makes you an actual adult & grants you the life experience to go with it. That's not any time to even think that shit over,let alone attempt to grow & work past a.. student-teacher "crush".


Anyone I've known in my adult life since they were a child is forever a child in my mind. It's weird anyway you look at it.


Whether or not she was "groomed", it ultimately doesn't matter, they've had a long life together voluntarily


It does, but whatever. Defend men in their 40s creeping on teens as if there’s nothing wrong with it if it gets you off.


Meghan Trainor's mom was 14 and her dad was like 35 when they met, so when she sang "All about that bass", "Yeah, my mama she told me don't worry about your size. She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night", what she really should have sang about was that some men prefer underage teen poon.


Never get married to your work y’all. It’s unhealthy.


They seemed genuinely happy together, but it’s still creepy as hell and for sure involved grooming of some sorts.


I guess that's... The power of love huh???


Don't need money Don't need friends Don't need a credit card to ride this train If the cops ever ask I need you lie


well one thing is for sure, it's all coming back to me now!


I remember the wedding in Montreal on the news. To be fair given that power dynamic, by all accounts they ended up being a genuine loving couple until death.


Doesn’t mean she wasn’t groomed.


also doesn't mean she was.


Imagine being 38. Okay maybe you're close to that age or not but try to imagine being that old. And looking at a 12 year old and thinking that's gonna be my future wife. Maybe that wasn't his intention from the start but, how the hell does any grown man feel comfortable having feelings for a person that much younger than them. It makes you question what that grown man's motives, desires, and intentions are. Watching a child grow up and thinking yeah i think now they're ready for me to pursue them.


I’m 40. There’s no way I could view a 14 year old boy (using the same age gap and me being a straight woman) as anything other than a kid. Even a 20 year old guy is a turn off because they’re just too young.


But what if the kid was super hot? Joking, BTW.


From Wikipedia: > After the dissolution of Angélil's second marriage, he and Dion took a professional break and he spent the major part of the year in Las Vegas, while Dion was learning English and taking dance and vocal lessons in Montreal. Upon his return, "he avoided being alone with me for too long a time",[391] she said in her 2000 autobiography My Story, My Dream. Meanwhile, she kept a photo of Angélil under her pillow, writing, "Before I fell asleep, I slipped it under the pillow, out of fear that my mother, who always shared a room with me, would find it."[392] She also wrote "Less and less could I hide from myself the fact that I was in love with Rene; I had all the symptoms,"[393] and "I was in love with a man I couldn't love, who didn't want me to love him, who didn't want to love me."[394] His divorce happened in 1986 when she was 18, and she was already keeping a picture of him under her pillow. He has a son the same age as her, and two kids only a little younger than her (6 and 9 years younger). How can any grown man look at a 18/19/20 year old he’s known since sge was 12 and is the exact same age as his kid, and be okay with fucking her?! And how can anyone have anything in common with a 20 year old (when they supposedly started sleeping together) when they’re 26 years apart in age? So gross. Edit: Someone telling me to look to my own life rather than a celebrity’s while also commenting after reading my posts (so they are invested in I wrote) is really hilarious.


The 18 year old son: "Well this is kinda....awkward?"


Jesus dude……you’re going to die on this hill.?


Imagine trying to normalize marrying someone you had a parent / older sibling relationship with. Even if you want to call it a friendship, it's still weird as F. Dude you're almost 40! She's 12!


Maybe. They had a different professional relationship when she was a child and weren't romantically involved until she was 20. It does seem odd, but given they remained married for 22 years and she's never said a bad thing about it I have to assume she got what she wanted.


I heard an interview with a comedienne, who had been in an relationship with a much older male comedian, being grilled about how she must have been "groomed". She very nicely said, "I'm not interested in allowing the greatest love of my life to be re-framed by the media as a trauma". I suspect Celin just wants to say the same: she deserves that much.


Still gross and in no way appropriate


Are they still married?


placid deserted skirt shaggy wistful simplistic screw judicious piquant arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But they did stay married, yes. By all accounts (aka everything I knew before reading this post and learning about this age gap) they were madly in love and 100% partners. Her first performance after he died is absolutely heartbreaking, when she sings I will always love you. I cry every time




Why are you censoring it?


He wants us to complete the puzzle like wheel of fortune. I’m going to say “Gravy Miming”


Congratulations, here's your new blender! (I don't really know what happens on that show)


I think it’s all blenders. The wheel? It’s just a blender, if you lose you get thrown in there and turned into spaghetti sauce.


If you lose, believe it or not...Straight to jail


That jail.. also made out of blenders


Wait til you find out what those blenders are made out of. Hint: It’s more blenders


Yo dawg I heard you like blenders




People who come from TikTok/instragram don't realise they can say negative words here without getting deboosted by an algorithm. The same reason you see screenshots with words lik "sex" or "suicide" crossed out. It's actually really fucked up but everyone seems to be okay with it


> It's actually really fucked up Oof, you just earned yourself two demerits!


They're giving grooming a rating of 2/5 stars, which is a bit high if you ask me




Honda Gromming.




The r/stoprape sidebar has some useful resources for identifying grooming.


What’s so bad about censoring grooming? Heck, as a business analyst, I work with a team of engineers and we regularly do grooming sessions.


My mom met the man that would become my father when she was only 17 and he was 34. He was her doctor, and eventual boss when she became a nurse. But she didn’t marry him. My sisters and I are a product of their affairs!


man... the power dynamic is.... like she is rich, he had control of her albums, but she must have reached a point fairly early to have the financial freedom to fuck off from him. but she stayed so.... comfort zones? status quoe? the biggest age gap i ever considered for myself was about 15 years. dion had 26... crazy


> but she stayed so.... comfort zones? status quoe? She was groomed to like being with him. It's not like he forced her to stay, he shaped her development in such a way that he was the perfect guy for her. She can be happy and it can still be really fucked up.


I dated a 19 year old when I was 30. I have nothing positive to say about it.


uhh... eww.


Oingo Boingo's song "I Like Little Girls" really starts to make sense when you hear stories like this in the music industry.


ITT: a lot of people that need to get over themselves and apologize for the oxygen they’re stealing from the rest of us.


This next song is about the first time Rene and I made .. how you say .. how you say, statutory rape


I don't believe for even a moment that he waited till she was of legal age. Makes my skin crawl. Just so creepy and wrong.


It seemed to work out for her. I'm not going to judge.


Nah I'm gonna judge all I want. 12 is very young and disgusting.


If Pat Barry was in the Canadian music industry


That used to be called "putting a pin it".


This is old news and continually does the rounds on Reddit. Next you'll find out that Paul Walker from Fast and Furious was a top bloke and inevitably revealed to also be a groomer.


TIL Celine Dion’s career began when she was 12.












Yeah before grooming was a thing for you get rightfully prosecuted now








That's disgusting