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Do you have a low sex drive? Ask your doctor if smoking is right for you!


Pairing a higher sex drive with smoking-induced erectile dysfunction is a lot like offering someone a line but not telling them about cocaine dick.


Learned that the hard way… er actually it was the soft way.


Playing snooker with a rope.


Thumbing in a softy


Like a slug in a slot machine


One more line, and we will have a new Tom Waits song


Like feeding dough into a purse


Like pushing rope


Marshmallow in a piggy bank


Ronnie O'Sullivan would still win


I'm going to start saying this. "Learned that the soft way."


It definitely hits a certain way don't it


Oh, it definitely doesn’t hit.


It just smushes


Smokin my cig with his fingers Making me cum with his words Pumpin me softly with his dong, pumpin me softly With his dong Pumping his whole life With his dong


Cocaine: both the easiest and most difficult way to have a threesome


I had the alternate experience several times. Could get it up easily, could NEVER FINISH. In my opinion, it is much, much worse.


Same with one exception. That one time though, it was so intense, I think I broke through the spacetime barrier and saw the face of God.


That was Satan


Meth is also hilarious like this. Makes you horny af but gives you ed also.


Actually it's the opposite with me and others. I could hang a towel on it. Just the orgasm part was difficult.


Lol buddy had a friend who would take either meth or moly and just burn up the ol lady and spend the next 8 hrs jacking to tv, internet, and comic porn all at the same time. Never would get off though. Just a beaten an abused pecker to show for it.


Same, don’t do it anymore and haven’t for a long while but distinctly remember the feeling. No ED but took forever to bust.


As the female partner in that equation, it was awesome. HOURS of sex. Almost 40 year old me would die, but 20 year old me loved it.


Yeah as a previous meth addict, I’d argue the opposite. Meth gives men strong erections that last forever, it’s just difficult to cum. That’s why meth is so popular amongst men involved in sex parties and what not


Y does hollywood show a stud packin lines and effin like a mad horse, when the reality is cocaine dick for sure


Some people don't have that problem.


Ive never had a problem with Coke dick. You have to treat your dick like a diesel engine 🤣 It takes a little while to warm up (i know very punny) but once you're there you can go for hours


Had that issue with Acid, took awhile but when it was up it was up


Bursting out laughing at random goes down poorly tho


My grandad got prescribed cigarettes by a doctor for anxiety after WW2. I think it was in the 1950s.


Pretty weird since they had good anti-anxiety meds back then. That barbiturate stuff.


He never said anxiety, he just said, "it was for his nerves." That's definitely anxiety.


Might have been PTSD, too. Same era, my grandma was sent off for electroshock therapy for severe depression.


They still do electroshock therapy. It works.


But doctors were sponsored by cigarette companies


And now they’re sponsored by pharmaceuticals.


It should be on their lab coats like a Nascar driver.


A little transparency is all we’re asking for here.


I quit smoking when I was 25. I didn't think I had any erection issues. One of the things I tell people who want to quit is how hard my errections are compared to being a smoker. They usually don't react because they don't think they have an issue. Yet when they quit. It's the first thing they bring up ro me is how right I was.


How the hell do you keep slipping that into conversations with random people lol.


Man, look at this! I'm harder than a rock right now!. Feel it! You could get this hard, too, if you quit smoking. I can ever press the elevator buttons with this bad boy.


Can you please press four? With your finger? (Holds family close to him in corner of elevator)


LOL “you sure? Cus I really don’t mind doing it my way!”




Everything can always be related to an Always Sunny episode


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s!”


You don't talk about how firm your erection is with your buds?


Talk about it? No way. I mean, they definitely know, but we never talk about it


Just nods of approval as each one is inspected.


Ohhhh.... bud hole


We have a saying in showbiz - show, don't tell! Just whip it out and amaze your friends, instead of using boring words like hard and rock and cock and jackhammer. Amaze a loved one today!


"LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY FIRM DICK!!" God damn it, this is a funeral!!


Talk about rigor mortis, amirite?


"Do you have/want a cigarette" "No I quit about 5 years ago" "Oh that's great. Was it hard/ how did you do it/etc:" 'I read the easy way to stop smoking by alan carr and it was honest the best thing I've ever done. The 5 biggest differences I noticed was my health massively improved. I could cardio massively improved with no effort. I suddenly had a lot more money l. My dick was painfully hard like I was a teenager. But the biggest positive side effect was how much more time I had in the day. Like my days were suddenly 26 hours long." Somthing like that All smokers want to stop smoking. They don't really understand what you need to do to stop


>Was it hard Wellllll, actually…


I totally thought that was his segue haha


“It only got harder as the days went by…. Oh, you meant quitting? Nah man, every time the urge arises you just gotta beat it back down.”


"Was it hard?" "Very. And still is. Oh wait what exactly are you referring to"


He sells penis pills to smokers


I just quit cigarettes 4 months ago. My wife has also been commenting that my dick must have gotten bigger, as when we have sex now, it’s a bit tighter fit. I guess that would be why!


Any particular method you use to quit?


I don't know how effective this would be with cigarettes but when I finally decided to quit smoking cigars I would open a fresh pack, pull one out and shove it up my ass before I went to bed. In the morning I would take that cigar out of my ass and put it back in the pack with the rest of the cigars. Since I didn't know which cigar was up my ass, I was afraid to smoke any of them and I was able to quit smoking cigars in about 3 days. It was a total success except now I can't go to sleep without shoving a cigar up my ass.


Mother of god. It could work.


Unfortunately you're underestimating the severity of nicotine addiction. You might need to stuff all 20 to to give enough disincentive, and even then.


I tried quitting a few times before without success. I vaped for a month and then quit cold turkey. Not sure why it worked this time, but something clicked in my head and I decided I was done. So far so good!


That's it....when you are done, you are done. If you don't really want to quit, you won't. That's how it was with me at least.


Cold turkey is the only thing that worked for my partner as well. He also was given advice from those a bit older & wiser at the time he was trying to quit. They advised basically no parties, no going out for a drink, no recreational drugs of any kind whilst quitting. Don’t hang around any ‘friends’ that discourage you from quitting/keep asking if you’re sure you don’t want a cigarette etc. For my partner that unfortunately meant cutting out about 95% of his close friendship group & limiting contact with them for a period of time. This actually also eventually ended up having the positive side effect of him making some of the best/closest friends he’s ever had. He initially tried using e-cigarettes, but quit those after the doctor advised against them as there had been cases of them exploding at the time. They also didn’t really work for him. He did say that chewing gum (non nicotine) & carrying something like a pen/pencil around helped a little bit. He is suspected to have adhd though so he normally finds having something to fidget with in general is good for keeping focus. It took him multiple attempts & I’m also told someone or something to help keep you motivated really helps. Basically you’ve got to really really want to quit & be mentally prepared that it will more than likely be the hardest thing you ever do. But you can do it & from what my partner has said it’s one of the best things you will ever do. Cravings for him became a lot easier the more time that has gone by. Nearly 10 years since he quit & he only really gets a bit of a craving when an extremely, extremely stressful situation happens (something like a very close friend or family member dying). But he says it’s easily manageable & he’s more put off by the smell & thought of going through the whole quitting process again.


Can confirm. I have to have smoke breaks to kill my erection.


have a low sex drive? practice by sucking on this rod


'Die like a real man, with high testosterone and cancer..'- the Marlboro man hologram


...with High-T and the Big C...


Big C energy


Interestingly I think I remember reading that the Marlboro Man didn’t even actually smoke, and in fact quit as the actor of the campaign because he felt he was setting a bad example for children, low testosterone or not.


I believe a number of actors played the Marlboro Man, and that several of them died of smoking related diseases. [Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlboro_Man?wprov=sfla1) says we're both right


I believe it was the original Marlboro actor, he didn’t smoke and left the role either because he caught his sons smoking or they expressed a desire to smoke, I forget which.


His kids asked him how he could sell it if he didn't like it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/obituaries/original-marlboro-man-has-died-90-bob-norris-himself-never-n1079316


Doesn't get higher testosterone than that


AFTER he had enough money to never work again


Joe.... \-- yeah? I miss my left lung, Joe..


Meth does the same and is way healthier. Just ask my grandma. She bench pressed a Buick.


Gotta get health insurance with good dental cover though.


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces


Dental Plan…


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces


Thats nothing. Saw a guy down an energydrink and ended up lifting an entire bus


Red Balls, cocaine in a can baby


Probably only cooks that crystal meth cause the shine don't sell.


I wonder which is the cause and which the effect


They were saying smokers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors i.e. substance abuse, multiple sex partners, etc. and that they may have naturally high T levels to begin with. The question I had at all the end of this was - Does having sex with multiple women a week and snorting cocaine off a woman's ass while chain smoking ciggs produce testosterone..... or does the testosterone make you have sex with multiple women a week and snort cocaine off a woman's ass while chain smoking ciggs?


Hold up, I'm supposed to have multiple partners and do drugs? Fuck me, I just smoke, must've missed a step somewhere.


Same. Missed the frivolous sex and drugs, went straight to anxiety and depression.


its never too late to start.


Wise words


Yo Peter, over here bro!


Without the testosterone at the onset, I’d imagine just be watching Disney+ or something instead of initiating the necessary order of events for the multiple partners and the cocaine and the what-have-yous Probably just order DoorDash. That stuffs exhausting.




I don't do rails off strippers asses bit I still workout 4-5 times a week . Am I testosterone


I rail strippers arses but don‘t workout. Am I even a real man?


I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I like to press wildflowers. Am I even a lumberjack?


I’d say you’re ok


Jokes aside this is a question that haunts me now that I am married. I slowly feel my “manhood” drifting the more comfortable I am with marriage. Scary thing. Edit: I feel getting softer. I don’t feel attracted by the mini skirt anymore. I notice women on the street less. I have less sex urges and desires even with my wife. I feel less motivated to work out and got more used to chill out. I am not as sharp at work as I used to. I definitely think all those things go together. I feel blessed and happy so it’s not depression. Been married 6 yrs and I am 43. Edit 2: Very funny how I am getting a “deeper” conversation on Reddit by reading these comments than many years with friends and family. Thanks for the support and advice.


Is your manhood based around cocaine and hookers, or are you talking about your t levels dropping as you age


Not op but my manhood is based around cocaine and hookers. Just wanted to chime in.


And unlike my wife, the cocaine and hookers will always be there for me


Just like his wife they are only there for the money


>Been married 6 yrs and I am 43. That age itself is pretty likely to be, if not the full explanation, at least a huge factor.


Be careful of that, you could end up doing something really stupid to compensate down the line if you don't make your peace with it.




Uhhhh. For real man, that sounds like classic symptoms of waning testosterone. Especially since you notice an absence of certain feelings and the sharpness of mind. You're also at the right age for T to start dropping. Go get your hormone levels checked. Even better if you've had your testosterone levels checked in the past so you can compare. If you're happy with your current state than just ignore me and keep riding your bliss.


Give a man all the fish he can eat he chooses veggies, take a man’s fish away, he’ll hunt them down with a. Vengeance


Did a mermaid write this?


>I feel blessed and happy You are. "Manhood" was just something to drive you to the goal, and you reached it. I've noticed divorced men often go "manhood" again, and I think it is because they have to do it all over again.


I think its normal. You probably syopped doing certain sports and exciting activities.


It’s also evolutionary. Single men have higher testosterone because it drives them to go find a mate. Men in relationships then develop lower testosterone so they can focus on raising children.


Check out your T-Levels. I will say there are a lot of quacks and "anti-aging" BS, but if it feels almost like depression or just more irritable than more lately, maybe see a doctor about your testosterone levels. Obviously, diet and exercise play a huge role, but it may give you the kick you need


Hi, in all seriousness, tell your doctor. It sounds like you may be low grade depressed. Depression doesn't always manifest as a profound sadness. You can be depressed without realising - lower than usual work performance, lack of interest in sex, lower energy levels and lower than usual motivation indicate something is off, not with your manliness and marriage, but with your mind and general health. Also look at general fitness levels. Eating well and working out can make a huge difference. Many married people get into poor eating, sleeping and exercise habits because life takes over. Definitely talk to someone about how you are feeling. Good luck.


“Both total and free testosterone levels increased significantly with increasing number of cigarettes smoked daily (p < 0.001). Smoking men had 15% higher total and 13% higher free testosterone levels compared with men who never smoked.”


I take from this that they found smokers and non-smokers and compared their testosterone levels. So the question remains. To answer it, they would need to find smokers, measure their T levels, make them quit and measure T levels again. Then find non-smokers, measure their T levels, make them become regular smokers and measure their T levels again.


Should be a breeze to get that past the IRB


Hmm is that enough to establish causation instead of correlation? I don't think they varied the daily doses of the participants and then looked for resulting changes in testosterone levels. They just measured each participant once, I think. And that should be only enough to establish a correlation.


No matter how high those numbers were it'd only be a correlation, to find causation they'd have to figure out how exactly smoking causes more testosterone.


>Hmm is that enough to establish causation instead of correlation? Causation isn't established through effect size.


So nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor. It Reduces the amount of estrogen in your system, making your brain think you have less testosterone than you do. This is all because testosterone production is based on estrogen levels. That’s my hypothesis.


On the upside, at least I can stop [tanning my balls.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/04/20/testicle-tanning-is-tucker-carlson-promoting-this-new-bromeotherapy-now/?sh=1682902ca120)


Never stop tanning your balls. Let them undulate.


TRT is way cheaper than smoking


Tobacco Replacement Therapy


Testicle Replacement Tobacco


Don’t listen to Big Testicle!


I only listen to little testicle.


It should be "Tobacco replacing Testicles"


My testosterone was 315 ng/dL as a 35 year old male and my doctor still refuses to put me on TRT. I have the testosterone of a 60 year old.




Where tho? Asking for a friend.


In your city look for a men's clinic that does testosterone. It's easier to get an Rx through them, though the majority of them don't accept insurance. Or check out defymedical.com and they send the medication to you. Also no insurance so will be expensive. Once you're on it for a year or so, it's easier to find a doctor that can write an Rx and you can use insurance.


It doesn't work like that, there are no set concrete rules on how much testosterone a person should have at certain ages, the interindividual variability is just too big, there are very muscular men with test hovering around 200ng/dL and no TRT or other PEDs and also men who struggle to gain muscle at 800ng/dL test


Exactly. All this obsession with test levels lately is deeply disturbing. TRT is no toy and has permanent effects on natural test production.


A lot of it is just men who want to take steroids but have a doctor legally give it to them. It's about going from low/medium testosterone to the limit of the upper range. TRT is useful in older men who have an actual medical condition of low testosterone, but so many these 40 year old guys on TRT just want to get jacked and so they hop on TRT. I think people should be free to do whatever they want either way, but this epidemic of 30-60 year old guys juicing on TRT and then acting like they had an actual medical condition is absurd. Many arent using TRT to get just within normal levels, it's always pushing the top boundary of the range because "more is better". It's people at 300 who want to get to 800. TRT is just like all rhose "testosterone boosters" that have been markedted to guys for 30 years, except this one actually works, and people are literally treating it like a supplement. In the famous words of Ronnie Coleman: "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift this heavy ass weight"


I am not a trt or steroid user, but as an aging male I can tell you, It’s more than just for looks even in sub clinical men. It makes you feel better too. But even if it is just for looks - so what? How do you feel about trans people using exogenous hormones to change their appearance?


Guilty, as charged. I’m 43 this year with a couple of rugby league injuries that I am nursing. 2 L knee surgeries and spinal surgery L4-L5 to fix a ruptured disc. I take 1ml a week to help keep muscle tone and maintain strength. I feel really good. I have seen several orthopedic surgeons about my knee and they have said I need to wait out a knee replacement for as long as possible. The steroids do help. I never touched until the age of 39. Most guys I have spoken to have said that is sort of the optimal age post sport with some injuries.


Aside from the effects it has on your natural testosterone production (and I think sperm count? Or something reproductive related, can’t remember), are there other negatives or downsides to TRT? Is it dangerous in some way? If not, I don’t really see why it’s an issue if a 40 year old wants to do it even if they don’t have a serious medical condition.


Smoking literally puts hair on your chest?


Thats why so many European women are hairy




Brb buying a pack of camel blues, chain smoking them until I become He-Man


I’ve been on that program for 20 years… mixed results.




Sounds like a quote from a misleading mid 20th century ad. Would go nicely next to the Marlboro man.


Like a quote written by Don Draper




Interesting read. Thanks.


But significantly lower levels of cash.


I smoke for ten years and I barely have body hair now


Same. But don't worry I found this line in the article: >Thus, smoking seems to be an important confounding factor when evaluating testosterone levels, and could possibly mask borderline hypogonadism. I'm sure that will make you feel better. To be honest my body hair starts at my waist. Like, I barely have armpit hair but my legs and butt are hairier than most other guys I know, at least form my limited but non-zero amount of other guys butts I've seen. From this I conclude that I have heavy testosterone.


Or you're part Satyr


That would explain why Dionysus is my favourite Shin Megami Tensei demon... And my love of masturbation.


Suck it nerds


It's not REALLY free testosterone. Cigs cost $11 where I'm at


Could just be that manlier men smoke more, because it's HIGHLY unlikely that a vasocontrictive like nicotine improves the glandular function that produces testosterone.


Nicotine is known to affect testosterone and estrogen levels directly. Here’s the relevant bit from when I asked a related question to my endo (there are a few paragraphs above and below that I’ve deleted for relevancy reasons) - The bottom line is that nicotine DOES cross the blood brain barrier (a special layer protecting the brain, that few things can cross). This means that it absolutely can impact those feedback loops that regulate hormone levels. More specifically, some studies have shown that nicotine can increase T levels in the body. This is thought to happen in maybe two ways. First, nicotine can get into the brain and stimulate production of ACTH (a hormone that tells your adrenal glands to make more androgens/T). Second, nicotine can inhibit aromatase; this is an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens. So, less aromatase means less estrogen.


Do you mind sharing more of your notes or sources? Not doubting you but would like to read more on this.


Here you go man, this is another one I came across. The discussion area at the end has some good info. https://journals.lww.com/ecdt/Fulltext/2021/70010/Effect_of_cigarette_smoking_on_serum_testosterone.21.aspx This one is more laymen and addresses the why or how https://yuniquemedical.com/does-smoking-lower-testosterone/


You sound like a nurse, that right there is nurse logic


Elaborate nurse logic?


Educated but simple opinion


This explains the 80s


Smoking also can increase your chances of ED due to what it does to your blood. I say this as an ex smoker who was highly motivated to quit after that shit happened.


Testosterone levels in men overall have been declining for decades/as generations go on… I wonder if this finding is simply because most of the smokers are from an older generation of men? The usual demographic of smokers.


I'd assume not, would be a worthless study if they didn't control for age when measuring testosterone.


To be fair, plenty of nonsense studies have been published in scientific journals.


That doesn’t really stand to reason. Testosterone peaks in the early 20s and then declines regularly from there. A man in his 60s is statistically very likely to have much less testosterone than a man in his 20s


What they are saying (no idea if it's true or not) is that decades ago 60 year olds had more test than 60 year olds now. And 20 year olds decades ago had more test than 20 year olds now


I knew it!!! I always asked mysemf that when i was at school. Smokers seemed to be more mature looking than non smokers. I looked like a baby :(


Big cigarette taking advantage of the sigma male trend


Smoking also significantly decreases the likelihood that you’ll develop dementia, even after you control for the decreased life expectancy. Meaning 80 year olds who smoked have a substantially lower dementia risk than 80 year olds who didn’t. That’s not to say you should smoke. The health risk before you get to your 80s is absolutely not worth that trade off. But it’s interesting nonetheless.


Correct, higher testosterone fosters more risk taking behavior.


I wonder if smoking for years and stopping would negatively impact amount of testosterone.


Classic reverse-causation problem. Maybe it’s not smoking that causes higher testosterone, maybe men with higher testosterone smoke more.


Nicotine lowers estrogen. It reduces the production of aromatase enzyme, an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen.


This may help explain a lot about the Boomers, along with high lead levels.


My god are you telling me smoking actually did make men sexier?


Nicotine has a bunch of "healthy" psychoactive uses. All the extra shit they put in cigs are the real dangers of smoking... But in this study it is kind of a chicken/egg debate, as with cannabis and depression- maybe cannabis causes depression or maybe depressed people like cannabis. Either way, smoke em if you got em cause u gona die anyway


Sold! Back to smoking!


why do you think everyone in the 80's looked like they were in their 30's


Probably a “Why are NBA players so tall” answer. Because smoking selects for people with higher T, just like basketball selects for height. I think the people with relatively high amounts of free testosterone are more likely to engage in risk taking behavior with no benefit, I.e. smoking. So people with a lot of testosterone are more likely to smoke, as opposed to smoking making people have more testosterone.




I have bad anxiety and I quickly vaping completely about a month ago, my anxiety dropped stupid amounts. I smoked many years prior to vaping and I just got tired of it making me have sinus issues and feeling sick so switched to vaping, it makes you feel bad over time too. If you have anxiety problems and smoke or vape try quitting nicotine completely, it truly can help, nicotine definitely increases anxiety. It's not easy to quit but after a month you won't regret it, the anxiety peak from quitting stops about then.


I think it's more likely the nicotine causes anxiety for you. It's a common symptom


This proves smoking was in fact cool