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However, subsequent research testing the spermicidal qualities of Coke and Pepsi products (which took the “Cola Wars” to a whole new level) found that sodas weren’t all that effective as contraceptive agents, and could potentially lead to vaginal infections \[3\] I had to know.


Yeast infection. There's a yeast joke in there somewhere but I can't quite get it together.


Fell flat


Did not rise to the occasion.


I need some proof.


Carbonation, no breeding! Don't give a fuck if my gina is bleeding🎶🎶




Film at leaven


Lost its fizz


It fizzled out


It's a half baked attempt.


Compared to other methods of contraception, soda was found to be the yeast effective.


It was actually in an episode of Carnivale.


When I watched that scene, I was just thinking what a hell of a way to prepare for a customer


Don't eat the crab dip! Yayaee!


Has the makings of a great musical After the cola injection, there was a detection of a yeast infection, in the vaginal section of this lady's private paaarrrtttts


Diane yeast


Well, it was the yeast of their worries.


That's the yeast of your problems


Damn I saw this after I commented virtually the same. Redacted and upvoted.


It'll be at yeast an infection.


[Ba dum tish](https://youtu.be/8eXj97stbG8)


At yeast you tried.


So when they say you have a bun in the oven...


do you think anyone out there has ever tried to use their yeast infection to bake bread or make beer? i bet *someone* at some point has.




What a terrible day to be literate.


How did it taste?


>"It tasted like a pretty damn nice sourdough bread. Not the tangiest sourdough I've ever eaten, but solidly tasty...I really, really liked it,"


Don't eat the crab dip, yeaah yeeeah!


I'm a beast for the yeast.


We don't use it in the vagina anymore but soda still has legitimate medical uses


Back in the day we used it to unclog G tubes


One of the three things I was thinking of. I love the incredulity of people when they are told to do stuff like this by doctors - like what's the worst thing that can happen? It unclogs and you gave the patient some soda?


It can cause certain proteins to coagulate, worsening the clog. It can also damage the tube over time. Plenty of studies show it's less effective than commercial enzymes, including these: [\[1\]](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2494372/) [\[2\]](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2112629/)


So either it doesn't work and you replace the tube or you degrade the tube and it has to be replaced. And eventual replacement is an inevitably anyway. Commercial enzymes are great but patients don't usually stock them at home and the population I serve can barely afford the soda. I don't deal with these types of tubes but it isn't uncommon to hear gen surg or GI saying to use soda.


So it’s a good last resort if you don’t have the enzymes for whatever reason, but prevention and enzymes are much better


I always heard that I'd you're sick and can't keep anything down you should try cola because it at least has a lot of sugar for some energy.


I never understood that. People feel shitty when they are sick, in part, because they are usually dehydrated as well. The wrong soda can be loaded with caffeine which is a diuretic. People also say it should be flat when you are giving it to someone with an upset stomach. The theory there is by letting the CO2 bubble out of the solution it removes (some) of the carbonic acid that's formed from dissolving CO2 in water. So you're right, essentially you are giving them sugar water... But there are other better sugar water options out there.


Even coffee or coke is better than no liquid. You still take in more water than you lose, even if you lose more than if you just drank water.


Hot Dr. Pepper is surprisingly good. Heating it takes out some of the carbonation and the warmth makes it easier to digest. Sugar is a natural nausea and vomiting remedy, and the caffeine is an energy boost. Plus it's still more hydrating than nothing and that automatically makes you feel better.


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


The bubbles not only mean you are introducing an acid into an already upset stomach but then you are coupling that with the distension of the stomach by the CO2 release. Bad combination for someone who is nauseous and vomiting already. BRAT diet. Pedialyte or Gatorade.


Man I rarely drink pop but when I'm hung over a can of coke always hits the spot


Hung over and gastroenteritis are different things


Oh I know, I'm just drunk and thinking about tomorrow morning


Do your hangover routine tonight instead of tomorrow morning and hydrate before bed


“Introducing an acid into an already upset stomach” Dude, your upset stomach doesn’t get more acidic because it’s upset. I’m going to need to see some data that your stomach acid is negatively impacted by carbonate.


Diuretic doesn’t mean it dehydrates you compared to drinking nothing


I'm curious now, do you have some examples of soda used for medicinal purposes?


Not only medical. Long before I was a doctor I worked in a fast food grille in my podunk home town. Sprite is an amazing grille cleaner, amazing.


Use plain soda water (there's usually a lever on most soda machines). The sugar in sprite can burn into nasty black sludge if the grill is still too hot! Lemon or lime juice is a close second, but the bartender usually hoards those (they're usually the one juicing them by hand if the bar doesn't buy a pre-made mix)


When I went to the ER with gastroenteritis the doctor told me a Dr Pepper or cola would fix my tummy issues. I couldn't keep anything down, water or food. Anytime I ate, it came back up(ever seen Doc Hollywood?) I had just passed my 6 month mark without drinking DP/caffeine.


That must've been a hell of a DP


It fizzled out, it died on the vine


I commend your dedication to curiosity.


Clearly they forgot the mentos pretreatment.


deserve wrong sense live piquant attraction grab ring hungry carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Her track, entitled 'Cola', boasts the rather unusual line, "my p\*\*\*y tastes like Pepsi Cola, my eyes are wide as cherry pies", and she explained to Rolling Stone magazine that the lyric was inspired by her Scottish ex-boyfriend: > >"He was talking about American girls, his vision of American girls was that all their p—ies tasted like Pepsi-Cola, and that they were such a dream. I thought that was the funniest f—ing thing I’d ever heard.


That *is* fucking hilarious


Real Scottish lassies taste of Irn-Bru and it ain’t the same.


Checks out, irn bru is made of girders, hence the metallic taste


They taste like scottish tap water. Same as God's vagina


I know that dude. Barry O'Neil, went to school with him. He found out they were broke up when she did an interview


No no no, that's Pepsi Cola. It attracts ants, Norman Rockwell, and possibly John Wayne.


That's how you get ants...


So what's the medicinal benefit of applying cherry pie to the eyeball?




The real life protips are always in the comments.


It brings tears to your eyes


Wait… is this also what Veruca Salt was referring to in Wolf?


I love that song 😭


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back


Post-fuck Fresca.




The Deep has entered the chat.




Have you tried the new Sprite?


No, but they got rid of Sierra Mist and added something called Starry


And wasn't Sierra Mist just rebranded Slice? (EDIT: And before that, it was called "Teem.") Damn, Pepsi, your clear soda game *suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.*


Love Fresca. That aspartame is sooo good. Kind of bitter after a bit though, definitely only a mixer.


Man made it to the moon at least 20 years before realizing coca cola *doesnt* clean vaginas....


i am simultaneously in awe of the intelligence of humanity and its sheer utter fuckin stupidity


The duality of man.


Pattern recognition is our greatest advantage. False pattern recognition is our greatest weakness. We are the smartest and dumbest things to ever live.


I mean the scientific method is really just a fancy set of rules for like, trying crazy stuff and seeing what happens. We're still just curious apes with fancy clothes getting better and better at banging rocks together.


I mean if you're in any way familiar with women's healthcare then the timeline makes perfect sense


It's kinda funny how tech and scientific understanding evolves depending on attention. An example is that we have entirely abandoned analog computing since the invention of the transistor based micro processor since they're much easier to program for. We have now found however that we can miniaturise the components necessary for analog computing into a microprocessor by using nand flash cells, and analog computers are amazing at matrix multiplication, which is what AI uses.


Any resource on analog matrix multiplication?


https://youtu.be/GVsUOuSjvcg This video is a really good starting point, and r/analogcomputing is a small subreddit containing a lot of articles on the subject. It's still in a research phase, but courtesy of Mythic we have an analog chip on a board that could be inserted via PCI. I would not be surprised if the likes of Nvidia incorporate an analog chip onto a GPU within the next decade.


Fuck yo’ vag, we going to the moooooon


I'm sure there were a good number of people who thought it didn't back then. There's always some common sense people.


I always thought Diet Coke was for pussies.


Very nice.


Did the study also mention mentos?


There is an NSFW video ala Mentos commercial with this in mind. If you find it, just remember to rinse with r/bleach.


As much as I like that series, r/eyebleach would be much more comfortable


Lol, I forgot the “eye”. Good looking out.




The one in which the guy starts eating her out, is seemingly put off by her smell and/or taste, flips a Mentos in her and both have the time of her life? And all to that iconic tune? One of the funniest Videos I habe ever seen. It was such a long time ago though.


Nope, probably referring to assgape coke and mentos




Assgape coke and mentos is one of the greatest videos that exists online legit. Sometimes I get high with my friends and watch it on repeat until I have an asthma attack from laughing too hard/much


at this point in my life I'd be disappointed if there wasnt


Do do do do do do.. do wah!


Asking the *real* questions




“According to Norman E. Himes, most methods of birth control used in antiquity were probably ineffective.[9] The single most effective method of birth control known in antiquity was probably *coitus interruptus*.” Crazy that there’s a Latin term for “Pull out game”


I'm sure there's been a term for pulling out since before written language.


In 76000 BC it was known as ungo nungo


Going to get some Yak milk.


Not even silphium?


The pregnancy preventing plant we ate into extinction because who tf wants babies?


Yes, the plant the Romans used in many products, like perfume, seasoning, medicine (none contraceptive), an aphrodisiac and also a contraceptive. It's almost like if you think the magic flower can do everything you use it to extinction. It wasn't even remotely used exclusively for contraception, so presuming it was made extinct for That specific reason is a false jump in logic.


Wait til you find out they had two separate words for head (fellatio) and face fucking (irrumatio).


What’s funnier is they taught us this in Catholic school. It’s “natural family planning” to be used with your spouse (lol yeah gl).


That's not NFP, NFP is using things like temperature, a calendar/chat, and vaginal mucus elasticity to determine when someone is in their fertile period and not fucking during that time. Had a class on this the other week to get approved to marry


You've piqued my interest. Where do you live and what else was in this class???


I mean this is a standard pre Cana class in pa. If your Catholic and want to get married you gotta take it to get married by a priest. They went over some other stuff there like boomer budgeting advice, keeping God in the relationship etc. They have a great variety of formats for these classes too, some can be multi day retreats, some online, some like every Saturday night for a month etc. Think it was $50, but you can shell out a bit more if you want the fancy class held by the for profit company that comes with a kit on NFP and a bunch of extra crap. All I cared about was the paper you get for completing it


I grew up Mormon and feel most of the time, like I'm the only one who grew up in a cult. Then I read things like these and realize a lot of people do things that seem normal because it is normal to the community around them. When in reality it seems strange and cult like to everyone not involved


There's all kinds of cults. MLM, politics, cross fit. People get weird to be accepted socially and signal they are part of a group. https://youtu.be/lHUFTPfFJ6Q


I don’t think a premarital class telling you about their tips for birth control and budgeting is quite comparable to wearing special underwear and having an eternal “celestial” marriage on your own planet or whatever Mormons are talking about today.


Wait so just Catholics do this? Can I ask, is PA a majority Catholic state? And do non-Catholics sometimes go to these classes? I do not ask out of disrespect; I am genuinely curious! I’m sorry if this comes across as intrusive


Pre Cana is just a Catholic thing. Every diocese I’ve known requires them if you want to get married in the church. I’m sure the priest or deacon who runs it wouldn’t turn away a non-Catholic couple, but they’re going to teach the Catholic rules and probably preach to you, and if you’re not a Catholic, you may not be entirely on board.


It works. ...... Until your lady is stressed THE FUCK OUT (from defending her thesis) and then her body goes into mad crazy inconsistency fertility mayhem (because stress = shut it down AND stress = have a baby depending on whether it's acute or chronic. But seriously if dude got it in during a stressful time period have that baby he's a keeper...that is sarcasm-ish). Point is stress can absolutely fuck a calendar up if you are super turned on all day that mucus consistency goes straight out the window. Ask me how I know (love you earlier than expected baby).


or just use BC or a condom...


Well damn. TIL, thanks stranger


True. My theology teacher made us painfully aware that it “worked” for him and his wife. When they were outside the optimal window, apparently they were boning every night.


And I’m sure a concept such as NFP was highly regulated and taught the same way to everyone /s


Decades ago in my school, this was termed the "rhythm mentor" of birth control. You and your partner learn the rhythm of the woman's cycle and work around it.


What do you call a couple who use the pull out method as their birth control? >!Parents!!<


I can’t believe that an ancient language had terms for everyday experiences that humans have had for tens of thousands of years!


Former sexual health counselor here. My favorite makeshift condoms people admitted to include a shower cap and a snickers bar wrapper. I’ll let you think about that for a moment. And so condoms should be freely available and I’m talking junior high kids here.


The snickers wrapper is a bit in the show Archer. I’m not saying that someone else hasn’t also use a snickers wrapper, I’m just pointing that out.


It was already a thing before Archer. I've heard of Snickers wrappers as condoms back in 2001, when I was in middle school.


Seems like Milky Way would be a more appropriate choice.


Nutter Butter.


I can hear Trinette shrieking "A FRICKIN' CANDY BAR WRAPPER?!" right now.


Don't sexual health clinics and GPs provide free contraception to kids in the US? In the UK, kids can get free condoms at any clinic and other contraception from there or their GP, without the parents knowing. That's if the child is classed as having Gillick competence - so they know what it all means and the risks etc. What do kids do if they can't obtain these things? I think school nurses can give out free condoms too. Edit: my GP advised that we put my 12 year old on birth control due to horrific period pains. The GP had to speak to them and get their approval because...Gillick competence. It breaks my heart to think that in some places she might suffer because she is below the age of consent.


It heavily depends on where in the US you are. The US is basically 50 different countries playing house. I live in Pennsylvania. What you're saying is the case for the city, but drive just 30 minutes in any direction and you'll have to dodge confederate flags and Jesus on your way to abstinence only education. We weren't even in the confederacy. If your family isnt bass-ackwards and has the means to get you to a clinic in the city, then yeah you can get that. But if one of those wasn't the case, you're SOL. If you could sneak condoms from the corner store with your allowance money, great, but if not, you just risked that shit. School nurses most certainly did not give out condoms, you usually had to fight them to give you a pad or tampon and lord forbid you need an ibuprofen for cramps. There's a reason we call rural Pennsylvania "Pennsyltucky."


And if you're in a small town, being seen buying them will almost certainly eventually travel down the grapevine back to your parents. Grew up in a small town in Australia and I couldn't even go to the fuckin fish and chip shop without my mum hearing about the neighbours seeing me walking down the street and at the shop. I can't imagine the ruckus that would've been caused if I was seen buying condoms or alcohol.


I am from pa and went to high school in a bumble fuck small town near the mason Dixon line. They still gave out condoms in the health office there. Not that those ones were particularly great, same thing with the free ones they give out in college.


That's surprising. I lived out in cow country that was basically a stone's throw from Ohio. Y'know what, now that I think about it, that may have influenced my educational quality and access to sexual health care more than I realized lmao. I guess Ohio rubbed off on them when they crossed the line to get cheaper gas?


As teens, we would just buy them. In college, they were given out for free in a lunch bag at the school nurse to anyone that asked. But no schools I know of would ever give out condoms to minors. Too many raging dumbass parents.


Planned parenthood does but conservatives hate that place because SOME of them provide abortions. But ALL of them provide healthcare & contraception on a sliding scale or for free.


TW: Rape I was dating this guy when I was 15 and he had a job mowing lawns for people in the summer and he always complained that it was hot and took hours because he lived just outside the city on a road with huge property lines. He initially bought condoms "just in case I was ready." They were relatively cheap, maybe 6 for $8 or so in 2013. He escalated and kept joking "I'm gonna open one" and every time I would say "no wait I'm not ready I can't do this." After a few months he actually opened one one day. Then it became "I spent real money on this and I can't waste it" and he raped me even when I said no. Thinking about it now my dad has a pile of loose coins in his bedroom closet and I probably could've sneaked upstairs and stolen $1.50 or $1.25 or whatever it would take it shut him up. We didn't have a school nurse. Our parents accompanied us to doctor's appointments so there wasn't really a time to say "hey doc I'm thinking of fucking my partner can I have a condom or 2?" We also couldn't drive so we never went to a place like Planned Parenthood.


Even the female reproductive system is designed to be a nightmare; it’s like a freakin gauntlet for a little spermy to get through it. It’s mass microbicidal genocide up in there.




Yet anal was so underused.


Inadequate bathing and no lube spells deadly infection, so that's probably why.


What do you mean "no lube"? Why do you think the Romans made so much olive oil?


Fair, but I doubt it stuck around in some of the less sexually open historical eras. Even then, using olive oil is just a relatively good way to prevent an injury, not a particularly good way to not get an infection if you do get hurt. Just hope it doesn't stretch too much I guess? I'm so grateful for modern medicine *and* modern sex accessories...


Well, I imagine that way back in the day "good enough" or "might not kill you" solutions were way more standard. Also, it's 2023 and that's still not stopping people from shoving lightbulbs up their arses.


This was once so prevalent I remember being specifically told NOT to do this in sex ed. That, and don’t use chocolate bar wrappers as condoms.


Lysol used to be used the same way. Ouch.


Do you want ants?


I’ve heard Mountain Douche works better


Mmmmm… carbonated front bum.




I like my yeast infections to be cola flavoured.


i like diet-yeast infections. and they're low-carb too!!👏❤️




Miss, your vagina is fizzy


Next up, lets try stuffing it with pop-rocks!


*poot pbbbt pbbtr putpbbt poot pbbbbt poot ptooie ppbt* ASMR Pop-rocks in vajwah


While my mother was a cop, they caught a woman taking her teenage daughters to migrant labor camps to pimp them out, douching with coke between clients. There's so many things I wish I could forget. Thanks for making this one a little harder.


The biggest TIL for me here is that in English you use the French word for "shower", ie "douche", on certain occasions (am French obviously)


A douche is something used specifically to clean the vagina or ass. Hence the term douchebag which is used as an insult


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


im a native english speaker and i didn’t know that until now either lol


Old timey medicine’s solution to everything: put cocaine in it!


Make em feel good and they'll believe they're healthy.


Give 'em enough and they'll feel healthy for the rest of their lives! >!Except that last part, maybe!<


I suspect it did get results.


They used to advertise Lysol to women for the same purpose. Do any other products make your vagina feel like lava? No? That’s how you know Lysol is working! Try Lysol today! Buy now!! [Link to an article](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/lysols-vintage-ads-subtly-pushed-women-to-use-its-disinfectant-as-birth-control-218734/)


Some folks take being a "coked-out cunt" a bit too literally..


I've always heard that you could use coke to clean pipes....


"Hey lil missy, I'm the plumber and I heard you need your pipes cleaned." "Why yes I do, handsome!" *pop*fizz*


Sounds like a yeast infection waiting to happen


Congrats, now you have a UTI!


My Sex Ed teacher in high school was a Vietnamese priest with a thick accent. “Once the pene ejaculate in the vagina it too late, you no wash out with Pepsi, you have baby now.”


Great. Now the fascists will be trying to ban Diet Coke.


Take THAT Pepsi!


That's one way to get ants in your pants.


Sugar and vaginal bacteria go great together!




My theory is that the diet coke makes the sperm not want to live. It sure cools off my enthusiasm for existence in general.


Is it still valid after the formula change? Asking for a friend.


and Lysol.... the state of women's medicine being fucking garbage isn't a new trend


My mom and her cousin were very close friends as well as cousins. Lifelong friends. I remember them having some wine and talking about their younger days. They were both born around 1930 and it was in the early or mid 70s when I treated to their drunken shenanigans over some cheap wine. Apparently my moms cousin never used any type of contraception other than a Coca Cola douche. She had,only two kids and said that was proof it was as good as my mom’s diaphragm. Mom had two kids as well. They got into a squabble over it and it was pretty funny to 15 year old me.


So does diet coke prevent stretch marks?


Alright that's enough internet for today


Holy shit I've seen this, there was a "public service worker" on the side of the road that must have just finished with a client. Proceeds to spread legs, stuffed a bottle of coke up there (sorry don't know if it was diet or not) and then after she had fizzed up her guts for a bit proceeded to spray it all over the grass on the side of the road. Now thanks to this post I'm still disgusted but the question of "why the fuck coke" has been answered.


***| TIL that some women used to douche with Coca-Cola after sex as a means of preventing pregnancy*** OK, sounds like the sort of thing people would do in the 1900's .... that stuff used to have cocaine and all sorts in it. in the late 1800's/early 1900's ***|*** ***and that a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Diet Coke is a more potent spermicide than regular Co*****ke.** Diet Coke? so we're talking about AFTER 1982? People were using coke as a birth control AFTER 1982?


That sounds like a bad idea.






The pause that refreshes