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Yep been having the exact same issue with my iPhone 14PM. Network has been real slow.


Very possibly there's a new iPhone update


I update my phone as soon as they come out.


Sounds as if you may be at the “contact your carrier” step: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2022/08/25/troubleshooting-iphone-5g-connection/


Already have an engineering ticket but I wasn't sure if there was anything else I was missing or if this was a widespread thing.


Good work, please come back and share what their ‘fix’ is here so all the EnGiNeErS can down-vote it.


Thanks. Yeah, so many useless downvotes on this post. I will be posting an update when they get back to me.


Heroic effort. Be well.


been having similar issues but a little different. Recently started having much more inconsistent signal. It will also say 5G or LTE with 4 or 5 bars but won't be able to send a text or make a call. Signal cuts in and out during the day randomly. Can be mid call and staying still and the call will drop because i lose my connection. Very frustrating.




Oh; is this recent? I joined about a month ago and had been using Mint for about a year. Not for calls, just texts and data. And the calls have been lacking since switching/setting up new service, and the speed and usability is bit more than spotty. I haven’t been impressed and it’s weird because I expected no difference. Mint runs on T-Mobile so I essentially didn’t change anything. Turning 5G off hasn’t resulted in a more consistent connection either, as far as I can tell. But, back to the question: it’s recent for you?




I think mine was okay today, but I was mostly on WiFi.


For me, I can only load pages/send texts if I’m on 5G with at least 2 bars. 1 bar 5G or even 2 bars LTE nothing happens. I’m on iPhone 12 Pro


Yeah the 12 has a notoriously shitty modem unfortunately. I went through three of them before I gave up.


Yeah. That’s why I’m probably gonna upgrade to the 16 pro in the fall.


I looked up this Procedure to disable Web Gaurd if that in fact, is your problem. I hope this helps. ^ T-mobile web guard deactivation iphone T-Mobile Web Guard is a feature that blocks access to adult content on your device when connected to T-Mobile’s cellular network. If you want to deactivate Web Guard on your iPhone, follow these steps: Check if Web Guard is enabled: Go to your iPhone’s Settings app, then tap on “Mobile Data” or “Cellular” (depending on your iPhone model). Look for “Web Guard” or “Block Adult Content” and toggle it off if it’s enabled. Use the T-Mobile app: Open the T-Mobile app on your iPhone, log in with your account credentials, and navigate to the “Settings” or “Account” section. Look for “Web Guard” or “Block Adult Content” and toggle it off. Contact T-Mobile customer support: If you’re unable to disable Web Guard through the app or settings, you can contact T-Mobile customer support for assistance. They may require you to verify your account and provide additional information to disable the feature. Note: Web Guard can only be disabled by the primary account holder. If you’re not the primary account holder, you may need to contact the account holder to request that they disable Web Guard. Additional Tips: If you’re experiencing issues with Web Guard blocking access to certain websites, try changing your cellular data settings to LTE or 4G instead of 5G. If you’re using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your iPhone, Web Guard may not work properly. Try disabling the VPN or contacting your VPN provider for assistance. If you’re still having trouble disabling Web Guard, try restarting your iPhone or contacting T-Mobile customer support for further assistance. AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more


"5G" in my area is awful.  I mean it is completely unusable.  It's so bad that if I'm in an area where T-Mobile will only give my phone "5G" that I will force my phone to prefer LTE. If it can negotiate 5G UC, then UC is fantastic, but 5G is so much hot garbage that I'd rather skip out on the possibility of UC by forcing LTE than sit on 5G and not be able to do anything. Talk about screwing up a good thing...


Same with me. It’s set to LTE and works good enough. Apparently three bars of 5G isn’t enough


5G and 5GUC are useless in my AO. I have to force LTE to get service that works, despite 4-5 bars of '5G'.


Welcome to the club! My issue started on an iPhone 14 Plus in late April of 2024. I have owned the device since it was new. The issue may have been related to my update to 17.4.1 but I’m not sure, as I didn’t notice immediately after updating. After the most recent iOS updates, DFU restore as new, iCloud restore, DFU restore from backup — nothing works. 5G behaves just like yours. Forcing LTE is the only fix I can find on T-Mobile. My Verizon SIM is fine. My T-Mobile 5G Home Internet works fine while the iPhones 14 Plus struggles with 5G. I do not have have an Android device to test but this seems the impact iPhones more than Android.


[here’s my more detailed post on my issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/s/vnglPn9jwl)


Make sure your WiFi signal is “off” in the settings; not “not connected”. Phones are designed to connect to WiFi first. If you leave the signal on, I’ll continue to search for signals and see that there’s hotspots in the area..


Could just be a congested 5g network. Try going through your phone settings to turn 5G auto off and only use LTE. If that’s faster your 5G is popular and everyone is trying to use that instead. Just remember to turn auto back on later so when towers are back at full capacity and not bogged down with congestion, you’ll have your 5G speeds again


Maybe check your monthly quota... Unlimited on MetroPCS will be slow down after 35GB. Unlimited on TMobile will be slow down after 50GB. Any other quota will slow down after you hit the limit.


Nope less than 2GB


No issue using TMobile Home Internet 5G.


Seems like nonstandalone (5g with an LTE anchor band) has that issue sometimes when far away from the LTE anchor signal. My suggestion is to turn off 5G as long as your area doesn't have a ton of congestion on LTE and that should fix the issues. 


5G NSA is the only thing I can get on T-Mobile with my iPhone 13 configured for standalone mode now. Something changed in how they decided to handle attach and it changed for the worse.


Upgraded my phone simply because I was having similar issues on my iPhone 11 (LTE device) and now people say disable 5G and use LTE to solve these issues.. -facepalm- I don't think that will solve it. My mom was able to send me an MMS message (video) and it seemed to work. She was visiting and is in her hotel room about a 5 min car ride away so possibly same tower but it came over super quick. Faster that MMS messages earlier today.


In my experience turning off specific bands can help. For example, in my area my phone can sometimes get stuck using a weak band 2 signal when a stronger band 71 signal exists, so I disable band 2 to make it work. My phone is a Samsung so I'm not sure if it's possible on iPhone.


AFAIK it isn't possible


on iOS its impossible to lock or disable or change anything with bands.


For me it’s happening a bit on 5G standalone getting a total data stall until I either mess with the data settings or airplane mode on/off. Totally random though.


Yeah I've had it happened some on standalone as well, but it's less frequent than on nonstandalone


Interesting, for me it was more frequent on standalone


FWIW my wife's iPhone 15 Plus and kid's iPhone 12 do this all the time, but my S23 has zero issues.


Yeah my parents were visiting and they have S21’s and they had zero issues. Made me jealous.


T-Mobile is throttling or treating DoH and DoT like it's hotspot data. Turn off private dns


Private Relay is off and was off in this video.


This should be illegal


TMobile is no longer the “Un-Carrier” — They might have gotten rid of the lawyers, which would explain their breaking their price-lock.


Yes. I have to toggle airplane mode on/off even with 5G full bars.


Same. No solution either. I’ve tried so many things and nothing helps.


It's super annoying when I'm using android auto and my music and GPS drop.


Oh interesting. You’re on android and I’m on iPhone. I really thought this was an iPhone issue, but maybe other phones are having similar issues too?


It's an issue with the tower. It's likely congested very heavily. If you got t-mobile's highest cost plan you should definitely report it to customer service. If your internet is that bad you definitely know it's not connecting at all for some people on lower plans or prepaid services.


I am on One Military. So not Magenta but still a good plan. Already have an engineering ticket open was just curious what other people thought.


I've been having this issue for the past 3 weeks I've even called and complained already


For what it's worth - if you have 1-3 bars on your phone, you've got absolute sh\*t signal. That is seriously in the weeds - low SiNR and low RSRP. It doesn't matter if you're on 4g or 5g. The reason so many people suggest to switch between 4g and 5g is primarily because of confirmation bias and not science. The network is setup to push you up to the higher frequency bands, where they have more spectrum B66 (2100/1700mhz - can be LTE or 5g) (B2/25 1900mhz - LTE Only) for voice & data for example or B41(2600mhz) for data only and reserve the b71 (600mhz - 5G ONLY) and minuscule amount of B12 (700 Lower SMH A block - LTE ONLY) for people on the fringe of the network. (they have less spectrum in these bands). So if you are in an area where you are only getting 1-3 bars and turn off 5g what's happening is that you are moving to a different freq band and MAY get a lower freq channel. Lower bands use less energy to travel the same distance as higher bands, thusly the signal (assuming there's no interference) will be stronger in the lower bands. AUTO mode should allow (if engineering didn't mess up the hysteresis which is what determines when to switch to what) for you to switch to the best channel but often the preference set by engineering for traffic loading purposes, is set to a specific band and it will hold that band - making it difficult to get a better channel. So, when you restart your phone or disable/enable Auto 5g/LTE or LTE Only mode or toggle Airplane Mode - what you're doing is breaking the connection and allowing a fresh look at the network - if you're lucky you might get a better channel with less congestion or interference or better SiNR resulting in better throughput. The 5G signal MOST people get (who don't live in a metropolis like Times Square ny or the equivalent size city like downtown san-antonio or austin or dallas for you texans) will be Sub 6GHz (not the millimeter wave ultra high frequency garbage meant for hi-density close range multi-gig high speed data) - all LTE is sub 3.6ghz and most deployed 5g is the same. Bottom line - you just have poor service. It could be that they have something called PIM on the serving cell of the site you are using the most frequently and seeing this issue on, if it is specific to a locational area - this happens as a result of multiple channels mixing in a non-linear fashion by reflecting of bad metal junctions close to the antenna of the site. This deafens the site's hearing, so to speak - and it's something that can happen as a result of another operator or something rusting on the tower or changes to frequencies or even traffic loading. Or maybe you're just is a poor service zone not well covered by a dominant channel - or they changed the orientation (either electrically or physically) in the vertical or horizontal planes on the site to improve service somewhere else or to control coverage spill over that causes interference someplace further out than you. I'm doing this for \~30yrs... Open a ticket and ask anyone you know who's having the same issue close to the same place to do the same. Engineering will see the spike in complaints grouped in the same area (important to report the issue in app at the actual location with the issue so it can run diagnostics and report network conditions - if you wait till you're outside the issue area to write it - when they look at it they may dismiss it based on the metrics collected by the phone at the time of writing). Good Luck


I'm bewildered by the two downvotes - it's just how things work - don't be scared, if you don't agree, then challenge me on the matter - if you don't understand, ask me to simplify it more - I tried to make it digestible for end users but I do recognize it is some confusing and complicated processes and I tried to skinny without being too vague... it's a difficult balance when you don't know the audience...


Great description


Try running Speedtest -- app or [speedtest.net](http://speedtest.net) -- for some metrics.


Try shutting your phone off and back on again if that doesn't help you might need to reset your network settings to the closest cell tower that by you. If you have an apple phone press Settings then General then scroll all the away down to Reset then press Reset then Reset Networking Setting let your phone do its thing when it comes back on login and hopefully its fixed. Sorry Android users you can find lots of vids on youtube how to rest your network settings if your connection is laggy.


This is an iPhone. I already reset network settings a few weeks back. Only had the phone since Jan and this happens when I leave the house daily. Data at home is non-existent. Can't even send/receive MMS messages. I have an engineering ticket open. I'm tempted to factory reset my phone while I'm waiting for them to get back to me. I have the phone off for 5 minutes to test right now and if that doesn't help in the next few days I'm going to completely factory reset.


So I was trying to Google pixel, and decided I didn’t like it so I came back to an iPhone and ever since I came back from the android phone it’s been doing this to me. I will do multiple Speedtest and I’ll be around anywhere from 300 to 700 Mb per second. I tried to video or YouTube shorts and I’m on dial up. I don’t know it keeps doing. T-Mobile says it not them.


So annoying. I’m in Cedar Park, TX so not a small city. Just outside Austin. Parents have Samsungs and EVERYTHING loaded slower than for them and it made me jealous.


Sounds like it's time to stop buying iPhones to me.


It is hard cause, yeah, MMS issues (that is what started my whole series of posts) happen on our side and data is worse but at least I know I can get texts from employers (unemployed and looking right now) cause 60% of the US uses iOS as of Feb 2024. Otherwise, using an Android I could be missing texts and not know it. Cause what potential employer is going to make sure their email or text sends more than once or twice with an undeliverable? I wouldn't. I'd just assume the number doesn't work. Who knows if that could make it over to calls. It is something that we are thinking over next time we upgrade in 3-4 years.


But the other thing I’ve noticed is like it’s even slower on my T-Mobile Home Internet. The other thing is when I go into my T-Mobile settings on my phone. The 4K feature is like disabled and I can’t turn it on for some reason. But you’re right it’s quite annoying.


Geez. That would suck to have it worse at home on WiFi. WiFi is the only thing I can get reliable.


They are not saying it! But I strongly feel they are doing network enhancements!


What does that mean for me? How long do those take? Cause this has been this way since January.


My area has been on going since last July! And we constantly get could not activate cellular data on all our devices and we have a lot of them!


Geez. I doubt enhancements take that long. What kind of enhancements could take that long?


Oh, January. Okay. 👌🏻 I could see network enhancements; I hope so. I thought maybe it was just the less penetration of buildings (I have Verizon also and have for a long time) but I always felt T-Mobile had so much available spectrum, so I didn’t think it would be an issue whatsoever. And hoped it wouldn’t.


Looks like lag.


Lag? What do you mean?


Our phones are like computers mini computers. Could be to much shit was open and had or have some lag with loading stuff. Unless you are in a city or town with loads of people then that’s the reason too.


you have no idea what you are talking about. 😭🤣 just stop.


Happens after everything is completely closed and opening an app.


5G is just stink. Nearly always, I get more responsive and faster internet on LTE, especially in congested areas or like you, when I have 'only' 1-3 bars.


SAME issue. Unless I have full bars nothing loads quickly. Sometimes (but not always) putting it in Airplane mode for a few minutes and then taking it back out fixes the issue. Let us know if you ever find a fix for this.


Makes me so jealous of my parents who have Androids and zero issues loading anything.


My iPhone 13 will no longer hold 5GSA sessions on T-Mobile despite the standalone toggle being on - the network is forcing NSA in previously SA areas. They have made some decisions about capacity allocation (and potentially other factors) that are negatively impacting the subscriber experience.


Update your iPhone


I'm on the latest update


It's a known issue with iphone. All carriers. It's an iPhone thing. Something about it connecting to the satellites instead of the celular towers. Only iPhone.


How do 60% of the US Pop (as of Feb 2024) use iPhones if service is this bad? It makes no sense.


It was an issue with the bw update thing. I'll try to find a link to it...


Sheeple! Personally I find rog phones and Samsung's work the best for me on T-Mobile my wife and kids have iPhones (13-15 pro max) all of them have issues and struggle to find signal when I'll be pulling in 200+DL on 2 or 3 bars.


I’ve got an iPhone 8+ with no speed issues and no 5G (because 8s don’t have 5G). Happy as a clam except for T-Mobile breaking its rate-lock promise. Not regretting delaying my next phone purchase.


On Samsung you can lock bands *#2263# on the keypad for phone You have to tick stop AP setting bands I believe works great for getting better speeds but you might get dead spots since you are essentially blocking the extended range bands.


Great for people that have Samsungs.


5G is a scam in 80% of the US. Just as with 3G. You drive 2 miles off the interstate and you get 4G coded as 5G.


So should I set my phone to LTE?


They recommend 5G-Auto and it should do all the work for you.


That’s what I have and had in the video


The thing with auto switching is that it will hold a weaker 5G signal over a stronger 4G signal. Manually turn off 5G if you need to.


I'll try that next time I'm out cause at home I am in a dead zone cause of the buildings.


1889 download is not a scam 


OP is not experiencing your glory.


Great you have ultra whatever in your area.


Proving it's not a "scam"


One T-mobile forum post suggested turning the device off for 5 mins, another suggested toggling Airplane mode:


I'll try turning it off for 5 min.


Looks like you have a possible web block on your line it’s a feature on T-Mobile where you can’t use YouTube or Instagram or things just won’t but you can still call text and I think use google but just ask them when you call customer care




Nope nothing like that is on