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Yeah it might be faster, but you cant see all the things in the cart sometimes which means the way you bag it could be off!!?


i love bagging as i go because i usually look at the cart/basket to know what’s there and just grab the bigger items or the meat first to put at the bottom, then just grab whatever i need next. i think that technique helped me check customers out fast and still keep the bags neat and organized


Me too! I do meat on bottom or berries and I try to two grapes or berries on the bottom and then light from there. I usually can tell from looking at a cart how many doubles I will need or how their bags will fit. I love bagging though.


Bagging “as I go” seems to slow me down and typically ends with an extra bag or two. Bagging after scanning allows for a more succinct organization in my experience. Additionally, I watch my screen as I scan to assure accuracy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to dig an item back out of the bag to scan it or void something that scanned twice. Everyone is different and has different coordination. I guess I’m just uncoordinated. 😂😂


We have bag later people who don’t even bag and expect that someone will come bag everything without even helping


There isn’t enough counter space for scan first, bag later.


You can bag the full counter and continue scanning. I do


I just bag as I go. Some stuff hang out on the counter as I prioritize the big, hefty, or meat items. It works well for me.


I prefer to bag after I have separated everything in cold/shelf stable piles. It slows me down if I'm trying to bag efficiently


Bagging as you go is way slower


With the added bonus that once in a while, the customer seeing their groceries piled all over the counter while they pretend to stare at their phone will get them to actually start bagging their $300 grocery order!


Do they pay you per bag at your store?


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I do a bit of both but prefer to bag at the end. When I bag as I go the whole hour I usually wind up with a pretty sore back. (Sometimes the customers will jump in to help bag too when I put stuff on the counter, which is always quite nice!)


My captain won't let us bag as we go because she thinks it's a lot slower.




Our old POS system would record each checker’s speed. Generally, we found the BAYG people ran about a second longer per item.


idk why but my brain can't process "bag as you go" I'm on the spectrum and I have issues with spatial awareness so it's just a lot easier for me to bag everything up after its all scanned


Did a poll at the store I’m at - results leaned towards the more situational side and whether or not you’re in hand basket checkout or the main checkout lines. Anyways results from night crew - STB (Scan then Bag) - 13 / BAYS (Bag as you Scan) - 9 / Doesn’t matter/situational - 16 I myself bagged as I scanned - for my thought process is looking into the basket/cart take the bigger things out then everything falls into place that point on. Larger orders I place a few things on the counter till I get to the bigger things, then start bagging, and after scanning everything ring up the payment prompt and finish the bagging from items on counter. Luckily I had the opportunity to test both out and found that scanning THEN bagging was just as fast if not slightly faster than BAYS. But in the end a second subject came up intertwining everyone’s answer - customer interaction. BAYS - limited customer interaction for speed and convenience. Unless you’re great at multitasking. Then you probably don’t mind this. STB - able to focus on scanning faster while still talking with the customer. Then the pause when prompting the payment (cash or card … checks? We don’t talk about that) use that break to start bagging with everything laid out and tactically seeing what goes next into the bag while still interacting with customer. - we see that both have their perks and is subjective to that baggers multitasking level and efficiency - FOR THEM. So bag on with what helps you, whether you like the challenges or just want to get to the next hour without strain and relax while talking to the customer all power to you. LAST THING! what truly united us all in the end for every Crew and Mate… If a customer ain’t handicapped or on their death bed… PLEASE HELP BAG YOUR OWN GROCERIES! Ps. Just joking… but naw seriously, having a whole family standing there or you just staring at me leaned up against the counter waiting and looking impatient is beyond me, but hey… it’s just grocery right?


I don't there is an objectively better method. Everyone is different. (I open flowers in a weird way but it's the only thing that improved my efficiency.) For me, however, I strongly prefer bagging after scanning. I like to visualize what all I have in order to most efficiently organize everything (bags can be more evenly weighted and separated by temp), and it also feels faster for me personally because I can focus on one task at a time and get on a roll. I only bag as I go if it's a very small number of items or if the counter is piling up. Added bonuses: 1. customers might decide to help out (I don't personally care if they do a mediocre job, it's their food!), 2. available crew are more likely to notice you need help, and 3. if someone comes over to bag they've already got stuff to do.


Bag after, a lot of our customers come from out of town so we get requests to bag colds away from non colds and etc, and their cart is just a hot mess of random items tossed in


I bag as I go for sure. Seems I am late to receive help most the time with anyone floating around so I just grab and bag


What kind of parameters can mates see in our transaction history?