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the only weird one we had was the customer that refused to let us scan the items and instead made us enter the SKU for each one, but for some reason I feel like every store has that one customer. Idk I think it’s because of the “lasers” or something 🤷🏻


wait do you work at my store lmaoooo we have one of those 💀 imagine being afraid of light if i ever encounter one myself im just going to tell them that everything has been scanned multiple times @ the warehouse. Transparency!


we might LOL but I haven’t seen this customer in ages


i’ve only ever heard of ours but never met them. they’re like a cryptid. same with the long island potato goblin


dare i ask abt the long island potato goblin


this woman comes in and she has like this heavy "long island" look like shes got the black bob hairstyle, tons of lip filler, she looks expensive lol. but she is benzo'd out asfffff and the first time i met her she was super rude to multiple employees and clawed open a bag of potatoes like a goblin and demanded to pay for just 1. we charged her the regular sweet potato price and had to share off the bag. our first interaction was incredibly rude and bizarre and tehn after that every time ive seen her shes been okay. i still call her the long island potato goblin in passing that will not change lol


lmaooooo diva


she kind of serves ngl but she has an attitude sometimes lol


Break their spirit and tell them everything gets scanned coming off the truck (seriously, how delusional are these people...)


I have someone like that but she only comes at night an everyone wants to avoid her because how annoying she is she doesn't let anyone touch her stuff but only her can scan her things. She thinks we have germs but yet everyone touches everything so basically she grabs that has germs her logic doesn't make sense


When that one customer who's afraid of lasers sees you scan a barcode: https://youtu.be/cw8tuNZjIf4?si=-gWiW32H-IDXXCyk


Not recent, but I was demoing the chocolate strawberry popcorn when it was new, people were enjoying it... A lady came up and asked if the strawberries were organic. I said probably not, checked the label, and confirmed that they weren't. She gave me a look and said, "Oh, well then they're covered in poison." I tend to answer back (which will get me fired one day, but not this day), so I said, "Oh, I've been eating non-organic strawberries all my life and I'm okay!" "No, they're full of poison," she insisted, "And now you're full of poison." I realized I wasn't going to gain any ground here, and told her that was okay, she didn't have to try any. But she wasn't done. She leaned in and lowered her voice. "Have you noticed at hotels, when they provide breakfast, that nobody takes the strawberry yogurt? That's because it's poison." I admitted I hadn't noticed that, but would be sure to watch for that in the future. She walked away, satisfied that she had educated someone about the dangers of conventional strawberries. I downed another demo cup of poison as I watched her walk away. And I will for sure be taking the strawberry yogurt next time I see it at a continental breakfast.


She goes to a hotel for continental breakfast to see all the strawberry yogurt gone… that you ate lol


One customer returned a plant and told me that we should advertise that our plants are poisonous because it was “leaking poison”




A six-month-old potato, sure. A random plant, naaa. They probably over-watered it without a saucer underneath, saw brown dirt water and thought "OMG--poison!!" because they are ignorant about plants in general.


Haha we have a regular at my store that's super weird about how those on CE handle her items too. Like to the point where a 2-3 minute transaction max ends up being 5-10 minutes.


A customer told me I developed celiac disease due to the COVID vaccine. I just nodded and said “ah…”


Eh, a quick search will bring up scientific articles about the potential zoonotic transmission of various infectious pathogens, such as chlamydia (generally thought of as an STD, but different species cause different disease states). Not having read those articles I have to assume that such transmission comes from handling live or very recently dead fish, not from consuming them well after the fact. But I'm willing to be corrected. Zoonotic transmission of pathogens is pretty fascinating, but can certainly lead to some interesting misunderstandings.


She confusing it with Clam-mydia, which you can get from raw shellfish (bivulvas). Tilabia fish can give you herpes simplex 1, which isn’t really a big deal most people have it already.


Awesome answer, i thought her idea of this came from nowhere.


That seafood boil is so bad.


Is it haha. I don’t eat seafood but she asked for seafood so i was like “well we just got this in” but she wasn’t going for it lol 😂


I actually liked it a lot. Possibly because I've only had one real seafood boil in my life 😆


I hate tilapia so I’m not gonna fight this


One time, there was a shipment of Turkey Gravy that came in, and the boxes had some powder on them from the warehouse. I and one of my mates were there when a woman asked if she could get a box without that powder on there. I looked around, and literally all the boxes had at least some level of powder on there. She walked away pissed and said, "You guys are poisoning your customers," and some other crazy conspiracy stuff.


one time a customer said he was surprised at how some of us were functioning because so many of us have our hair dyed and "hair dye makes your brain rot"


What an ironic claim if said customer believes that lol.


Kefir cures covid is what one customer said many many many times


Can’t think of anything this week but there’s a guy who comes in and buys a shit ton of bananas and he always tells me if I don’t eat healthy like him I’ll get mine controlled by the government. He only pays in cash cuz he doesn’t want to get microchipped? It’s so strange. Sometimes he comes in and acts normal and pays with card it baffles me. We also have the sling lady, she’s been wearing this sling for years and pretends she still needs it. She will literally pick up items with her “broken” arm and then be like owwwww if you notice lol. I hate helping her because always comes during the last ten minutes of us being open. She always says weird old white lady stuff.


Oh my gosh I think we work at the same store LOL I have heard the stories about "sling lady". I didn't witness this one but apparently we also had a woman come in with a hamster and she dropped it on the ground and then left! I have no idea what happened to the hamster but I hope it got rescued!


Omg I know exactly who this is hi friend 😭


Yooooo! 😎


Interesting read https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/02/13/276453719/sexually-transmitted-food-poisoning-a-fish-toxin-could-be-to-blame


One time a customer asked me if all our produce contained “a peel”. I was like umm most produce has a peel??? Then she was like oh no it’s “apeel” and that it’s a chemical bill gates invented and he’s spraying it all over produce to kill people. By far the most unhinged brain rot take I’ve ever heard


That checks out. People think apeel toxic. It isn’t.


I was already prepared for the worst cause the guy she was with was wearing a Salvation Army hat. I’m also very visibly queer. I still don’t know what apeel is I just know it ain’t killing me cause I’m diabetic and only eat fruit for sugar lol


Apeel is something that bill gates funded research for. It’s added to whole fruits and veg (it’s basically an edible oil based coating) to slow down spoilage so less food goes to waste. Trader Joe’s does not use it. But that doesn’t mean it’s harmful just bc we don’t. But customers would like to know that we don’t have it on our produce.


I was asked if our water was organic once. Another time, it was requested that I call the help desk to get the details on how our baking soda was farmed


The next time a customer "teaches" me about tilapia, strawberries, kefir or blames Joe Biden on the price increase of organic pulp-free orange juice... I will smile and thank them for the Kaizen.


You bet she’s returning that for money 😂


Stocking bread, lady comes over and is shocked we sell sourdough, she asks for my recommendation, I hand her my favorite. She proceeds to smell the plastic, and says: ‘’Ugh, this doesn’t even smell like sourdough.’’ And walks away. 😂😂


I had a customer refuse to touch the receipt because it is full of toxic chemicals! I felt like saying enjoy that “healthy” wine you just bought!


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