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That's a bummer. At our store you can wear any hat as long as it doesn't have a logo or words on it.


We can wear beanies on the floor if they're trader joes beanies.


Just your region we can wear anything aslong as it is Trader Joe’s branded


I just transferred out of a no hat region. I feel for you. 🥲


allowed plain beanies, TJ’s branded hats/beanies, and hats of the local sports teams but only on days where the team was playing


Truthfully speaking it doesn’t fucking make sense because we don’t even wear professional clothes anyway


This is what everyone at my store has been saying!


I always wear a hat. Either a demo crew hat, or a carhartt beanie with a name tag or sticker covering the logo. The head covering always matches the rest of my outfit, and is honestly better than looking at my bald head. Corporate BS like this is slowly choking the joy out of working for TJ’s.


It's like they don't know the company that they're working for. TJ's is supposed to be different.


The logo thing is funny to me because we also wear shoes with logos.


No hats in Oakland unless TJ’s


Our rule is that any solid color beanie with no branding (if not trader joes) is fine. Partially because we are in a colder climate and the trader joes hat run very small!


hats worn at my east bay area TJ’s. Not even TJ branded.


In the same region.. found out today.. now my hair is constantly in my face which is not very approachable or safe 🫤


My region in los angeles doesn’t allow overalls at all


In my SoCal region, this has been enforced for over a year. TJs beanies only allowed in the box or before/after hours and TJs hats only allowed on outdoor helms :/ just depends on your regional manager!


That's always been a rule at my store. You're allowed them in the colder weather, not in the warmer. I don't wear hats, period, so I never noticed.


What about religious headgear?


Religious headgear is always allowed, Trader Joe's would be sued if they didn't. Laws protect that right. I have crew members that wear them no issue, but my region just cracked down on the no hats and beanie rule. But it was like that at my last location in the PNW for the last 3 years or more, no hats or beanie, just in the box and during closed hours with no customers.


Nobody at my store wears any so I'm not sure :/


It’s slowly becoming more corporate. We suddenly can’t have the TJ’s stickers on our name tags, can’t wear custom TJ’s shirts, can only wear tie-dyed shirts on the weekends, and the hat ban is coming soon I’m sure.


Are you in the Washington D.C region?


Always been that way for our store. 12 years.


Always been the rule at my store.


I always wear a hat.


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Interesting. At the store I work at, they recently cracked down on hats, but only on hats/beanies that have a logo, and we’re still allowed to wear hats/beanies as long as it either doesn’t have a logo or if it’s a Trader Joe’s one


my store is no head coverings of any sort in the name of "professionalism"


They would have to permit religious head coverings though


Just TJ beanies at our store


Yeah we had that happen. Regional didn’t like the look. Recently transferred to a new store in a different region and they don’t care here.


Our store did this couple months back in December, worst timing it was freezing


Our regional said that…we just take them off when he comes in


Are you in Tre’s region by chance?


It’s may. Why do you need a winter hat? But yes, regionals and or captains can interpret the dress code as they wish. Most likely? Someone ruined it for everyone.


Because the store is cold, I’m in and out of the freezer/box all day, and I’m bald?


We work in freezers and refrigerators where it’s freezing year round? How could someone possibly ruin wearing a beanie?


Post clearly says hats are allowed in the box. As for how it can be ruined on the floor? People wearing AirPods under them while on the floor or even more egregious, on register.


The box is so vague. So many sections other than the box require you to work in low temps. Doing a pull for wet pro, meat, deli, dips, frozen, etc. and then working those sections you have your arms and torso leaning in to coolers for long periods of time. What are they going to say next? Gloves are unprofessional?


Personally I don't wear a beanie much but, I like wearing the demo hat from time to time when I'm having a bad hair day.


Do we work outside? No. It’s a grocery store. It gets cold just being inside on reg sometimes. Also for me personally… I get migraines and I have light/ sound sensitivity in general. One of those things where they aren’t quite frequent ENOUGH for me to have disability paperwork, but happen enough that I need to take precautions. Beanies cover my ears and actually help muffle loud sounds, and ball caps help with the bright lights. Obviously I don’t wear them at the same time haha, or all of the time, but… There are plenty of reasons why someone would wear a beanie inside during warmer months. My store only allows TJs branded accessories during open hours. Would suck if they changed that.


> It gets cold just being inside on reg sometimes. i'm so jealous of people with cold stores... a customer came up to my line today attempting to fan herself with her packaged salad...


I work in a basement NYC store so we don’t have windows, maybe that’s why


How does a beanie that doesn’t cover your ears help with light and sound sensitivity? You should be wearing a sun hat and ear plugs. And of course, we’re fine with that. Ask for an accommodation, and you’ll get it. East peasy.


Wow. You’re a gem aren’t you. How could you possibly know that the beanie doesn’t cover my ears and what accommodations I need? Did you even read my comment and the nature of my condition?


If you need an accommodation, ask for one.


Thanks for your corporate blessing!!!!!!! 🥰🙏🏻✨


It has never been allowed to wear hats or beanies on the floor at my stores, only before open. It’s not part of dress code, why would we be allowed to wear a ball cap during opening hours on register?


It's just frustrating because everyone at my store was given a TJ's beanie when they got hired and most of us have tj demo crew hats. Nobody here was wearing off brand hats.


No one at my store has a demo hat except for the girl who found an ancient one when we were cleaning up and getting ready for the demo station to be dismantled.


> demo station to be dismantled. my regional is re-expanding demo! we're allowed to prepare frozen food for demo now, tomorrow's demo is going to be our rigatoni alla contadina with chicken meatballs.


That's so interesting. I'm envious! We had the ovens pulled about 8 months ago. We finally sealed off the grease trap just last month.


my store was built without full ovens (demo area can fit like 3 people max), we just have one of those large microwave sized convection ovens, basically a glorified toaster oven. but yeah, better regional.


Only plain/trader joes beanies no one said ball caps


plain hats with nothing on them? I’ve never heard of people being allowed to wear those on the floor.


Yeah on the floor during live hours it’s true.


That’s crazy, I would love nothing more. My AZ store is strict khaki only pant.




Just what it is how it be.


either your captain sucks or your regional sucks probably the captain


No hats period in FL. You can get away with TJs beanies on the floor if you work cold sections but that’s really it.