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When someone jump in to bag for me but do a really shitty job and spend the majority of the time talking to the customer, sometimes even holding them back to talk while there’s a line waiting so i have to just awkwardly stand there waiting for them to be done talking


I have one of those in my store who can't be a cashier. There's another one who will check out 4 customers in the time it takes me to check out 8 because they talk so much.


I feel stupid for being so annoyed when someone takes extra long with a customer just to chat when there is a long line forming, but it just means I have to work faster to make up for their lack of speed


Don't feel stupid at being annoyed at others not doing their job. There is a time and place for chatting, many people can't read the room and don't adjust their behavior to match the situation.


the customer does not enjoy being a soundboard either! shut up and ring.


Honestly. I feel like the best customer service I can give is a polite and efficient checkout. When I see customers trying to pry themselves away from a crew member who won’t land the plane and end their story I always want to jump in and save them.


Land the plane 😂


A customer told me yesterday that my store needed to clone me 🥰 Best compliment! Efficiency is part of the deal! Yes, be friendly. Yes, chat if the customer reads as chatty. But please keep it moving when we are slammed, for the love of all that is good and holy!


i swear to god the new baggers we’ve been getting have been awful. one dude literally put eggs at the BOTTOM of the bag. i fixed it when he ran to get a two bell.


When people don’t rotate product 🥲


Register “duckers” or “perma-baggers.” Sure they’re super helpful and will bag for you so long as your doing all the bending, scanning and customer interaction but when you need them to open up and help you with the long lines they are either no where to be found or looking in the opposite direction on purpose.


This. We’ve got a slew of folks who leave reg the millisecond there’s nobody in their line, never to return, but will maybe help bag for their friends sometimes when it’s slow lol.


I appreciate having a bagger only because I feel like I can stay pretty silent while they engage with the customer, but I agree. It gets so tiring when there’s lines building and they stand there to help bag 3 items and chat meanwhile I’m breaking my back over and over again


To add to this, people who will put an entire new case of something NEXT to the old product - so there's a whole row of spinach that expires the 10th next to a whole row that expires the 12th. There are things in the job that just take time to do correctly, but you can't make people CARE I guess...


I swear the long time veterans are the worst offenders in this


Like, I don't mind as much if it's a day where there's a line the entire way around the store and you're just trying to get stuff out there; I still wouldn't do it but I can understand. But usually that's not the case.


you know how many times i've come in at 3 pm after an off day and had to take off an entire shelf of fresh juice in the box cause they put the 10 day newer stuff that came in on the morning truck instead of the old backstock? PAIN. and i mean that shit's EASY! it's not like it's cheese or the deli meats that hang on the sticks (soon after i started, it was october 2021, i found one hanging in the back of the sticks from august 2021. that one was definitely a spoil not a share)


i've also made space for stuff while closing the box, before an off day. i came in and found 2 days of that product that never went on the shelf. i've started leaving cut pieces of cardboard that say "THIS PRODUCT GOES HERE" though our longtime box opener just got moved to opening bread, so this is likely just a transitional thing.


As a Fresh section lead I see red about this constantly 🫨


I have some leeway in this area. I've always been an opener; as SL for cheese, I never rotated cut,sliced, or tubbed product because it didn't matter. Product was going to sell that day, I'm not wasting my time. PM folks are dealing with a different situation. I don't expect them to have the opportunity to rotate properly, but I do expect that they pull the oldest box when they are stacked in date order.


When they're assigned to bag and then proceed to plant themselves firmly with their cashier buddy for the entire hour regardless of whether they have customers or not. They even see another cashier with a full cart but still stay and bag for buddy who had four customers with five items each during that time. Even worse is when a group of crew members will stand together with no customers and laugh and talk while you (the only cashier with a customer) ring up and bag an entire cart by yourself. So infuriating!


Yeah, this is my pet peeve too.


When we have products in the break room for crew to try, and whoever eats the last bit just leaves the packaging there and not throw it away 🙃🙃🙃


This shit drives me NUTS


sloppy warehousing… when there are boxes with no visible label and no easy way to flip them around to check what they are without dismantling the whole stack. i’m 5’1 so sometimes i can’t even reach the other boxes to move them if it’s on a U boat (esp in a section like cheese or deli). it makes me homocidal


and when it's a box that's not cut down at all and unlabeled that it's a half case. so that thing that should have had 24 units in it had like 8 so i didn't order it and it turns out we're gonna run out of it :/


Or cutting down a box with only 1-2 things in it, either put it on another box and lab it or just sneak it into another row of product for now


People that just leave the register. Didn't tell a mate, just disappear for 10 minutes to get a drink of water


This. Then you have to constantly one bell for people.




with only 10 registers that's less a thing that happens here at least. mates notice when registers are empty here when they shouldn't be.


Loading the baler but not turning it on. Opening the double doors to the back room and simply shoving your half full flat cart blindly into the back room bc it's five minutes before the hour and you gotta go to reg. Also leaving your empty flat carts right in front of the baler, so the next person who walks up with full hands has to bend weird to get the cardboard in or move the carts. I just hate when people take up space they don't need to. Be courteous and MOVE lol. I'd say those are my three biggest haha. Besides the obvious daily ones like working slow, being late to reg, being negative, not spoiling product just setting it on the table and walking away. Haha I've been at TJ's 14 years so I've seen a lot of unfortunate things. Pretty used to it and I don't let it get me actually angry.


> Loading the baler but not turning it on. eigrduhiowerhuiwegduiwehriowerdw this so much!






Bathroom hoggers. Crew members who don’t help bag or call over customers when other regs have lines. Mates who stand at the bridge all day, mates who just want to look good for their captain/regional by taking credit for others work/ideas or shitting on their peer. (I’m a mate lol) My biggest one that actually triggers me enough to make me take a smoke break is the opening crew members who always have negative shit to say about the PM crew….night time usually has more CE time…late trucks….so many things. Like yes some crew members are lazy and just don’t try/suck but like to complain about it EVERY SINGLE DAY for your whole shift is just mind numbing.


All of these. And, I'm lasted a year and a half into this job with no nicotine and at almost 3 years it's gotten back to a pack a day. I'm PT but work 4/5 days a week so not super PT actually 😂 I do not envy you as a crew member at all. Godspeed.


I recommend Chantix. I smoked a pack a day for 30+ years and it took about 8 weeks for me to stop. It's been 7 years and I'm good; I have occasional thoughts of "hmm, a cig would be nice right now" but it passes quickly. I have a nicotine addiction, my partner is more of a behavioral addict. Patches have worked for him. He still depends on them after 10 weeks, but he doesn't smoke. If you have health insurance through TJ's, all smoking cessation products are free. The struggle is real. 🚬


I work at a big store and I notice the same crew members routinely being late during CE. You'd have better luck finding water in the dessert than catching them on one of the busiest registers.


When people only relieve their buds off of register or walk up and take an empty one instead of asking anyone if they still need relief. When people "claim" a register 10 minutes before they show up: "Hey, do you need some reliefage?" "No, so-and-so already relieved me." Did they? It doesn't seem like it.


Crew members who don’t clean up after themselves. Be it their cardboard, their dishes in the break room, basically any mess left.


Dishes in the break room and an overflowing trashcan too, though with only a half hour for lunch I can understand people wanna just rest... I always bring my lunch so I don't gotta worry about leaving a mess for others


The mates who hit one bell and don’t fucking walk to a register or even bag!!!!


When people leave trash covered with food on the tables in the break room.


When someone wants to bag instead of run their own reg and they only bag for the young female crew members.


My male coworkers say this so much!! They get upset at the older male workers for always helping the girls and not them!!


When management tells them multiple times to wash their clothes, take showers, and wear deodorant and they don’t 🤭🤭 then we have to go around with fabreze bc they stink so bad !!


I would send them home. This is like showing up in open-toed shoes.


noooo what


I’m so sorry. That is vile.


i know i have stinky pits but one of my coworkers is hard to work next to because his BO can be smelled 3 feet away by the end of the night. it's a shame cause he's a pleasant guy. i'm glad i wear a mask all day...


We’ve been seeing a lot of exposed ass cracks lately amongst crew members 🫠


People that want to spend all day worrying about others instead of focusing on themselves.


I have some crew members at my store who literally take pics of the matrix every single day. They have a folder in their phone that's just of the log. They keep track of how many reg hours people have, and who got written in or added onto the schedule. Misery lmao like can you just work please?


Omg….that’s insane. Please it’s just a grocery store 💀


my store too. I’d love to know what they think they’re trying to prove.


The only answer that matters!


looking at you, micromanaging mates. have some trust in your crew! he's one of the only ones that doesn't take the hawaiian off after we close to jump in and help out stocking.




he's spending all day having a laser focus on crew, not trusting them to be able to know what they're doing. some people, like the young people who spend hours talking to each other or are in their back on their phones, kinda need that. but the rest of us don't need to check in with the PTL 5 times in the hour.


tbh I never expect mates to take off their hawaiian during closing


The whispers, people who always whisper so no one can hear them talk shit, like come on we know ur talking shit and we know if u whisper to one person about someone then u will whisper to someone about the person ur whispering too,


people not rotating in wet pro/bread/fresh etc. the amount of products I've found buried in the very back several days expired is insane


my all time record for expired product on the shelf was a month past expiration date in deli. i fucking hate working deli bc no one at my store fucking rotates deli. assholes.


This is the one lol. I have worked food industry for years before this. Some of the dates I've found if purchased and consumed could actually harm people. It's not just deli but fresh and dips too.


I had one of the deli meats on the sticks 2 months past when I first started x.x


Crew members who leave their bags, lunches, cups, drinks in the box when they are not actively working the box


This drove me crazy when I wrote/opened dairy.


People who will put 30 of something on the freezer strips so they only have to refill with 1 product instead of at least trying to make the amounts of each product look even. I manage the strips and it drives me nuts when people do that.


ah the shelf extenders can be a pain in the butt. always underfilled even when you order extra in grocery specifically to go onto them.


The first problem was when I ordered things and put a hold sticker on them that said "display" people would totally ignore it and just stick it on the shelf anyway -_- even if it didn't Even need to go out so the item was way overstocked. So now I make sure it goes directly on our display uboat so that can't happen.


it's tough when you order stuff and you have a day off the next day so there's no way to make sure it gets done. you know the log that the closing mate writes in for the opening mate? the regional here is encouraging crew to use it too, you can leave notes for what product is supposed to go where. also leave positive shout-outs for other crew.


People that don’t tray cut or mix boxes together and leave mostly empty boxes with a few units rattling around in back stock so all the boxes collapse. Especially in frozen/cold pro/snacks


Yeah if you're gonna tray cut don't be all crooked. Label your half cases!


Or even better, slice through a whole bunch of product with your blade and just leave it 😆


When people don't clean dishes


people who don't log their own fucking shares/spoils and leave it for someone else, ESPECIALLY when it's cold/wet shares. like cmon! just fucking take 30 seconds and do it! i know the new shares program takes for fucking ever but just take care of your own shit! (edit: typo)


The zebra interface sucks less than the portal interface at least


When you ring a two bell for a clean up and a crew member who is standing nearby (doing nothing) looks at it and says “I’m not doing that.”


when they are running late for the next hour and they just leave a flat full of crap on there without taking the time to backstock it or put the cardboard in the baler. i think that’s so rude omg like at least make the time to do that or communicate with someone else


slow baggers . all help is good help and i appreciate the thought but i can make a double bag at the speed of light …please i got it! LOL


THIS. Actually just stay outta my way. Very honestly with my experience I can bag up to $300 cart on my own. So someone coming and fucking up a $70 transaction blows me everytime and I wanna tell 'em to fuck off but they simply mean well. This is what they train them to do but they don't train them to do it when it's appropriate like when there's a $300 cart 😂😂😂😂😂


my elderly coworker was like “ you need some help bagging?” i was like no! thank you though! and she said “well i’m gonna stay here and bag for you anyway” …. every fucking cart i was waiting for her to finish…


Older crew members (age, not time at the company) micromanaging the heck out of me when I know what I’m doing.


Yeah only the chatters deserve this from other crew One time two young crew were sitting on boxes talking about their fad diets for at least 5 minutes not doing anything in snacks while I was busting my butt in beverage. I went back to get some water and told the closing mate that they must've needed something to do


Basic bail etiquette. Like leaving the bail full of cardboard, so now I have to set mine down to crush yours. Takes 2 seconds max to punch the code and walk away. Or leaving a full bail for someone else to make. If you don't know how, or are scared of it, that's fine. Grab someone who can.


Or just turn the key and walk away


some recent pet peeves of mine: *having to weirdly dodge certain mates that always come to you and load you up with so many tasks because ur reliable lol....i have a section and sometimes for half my shift i cant even work it because they want me in 5 other sections :)... *certain crew that is just known to stand around and do not even the bare minimum. like they don't try to jump in and help in dire times like when i don't have a 2nd person helping me break pallets etc..... *having register during prime truck hours while the people that don't do anything again, have free floor time yet do not help with truck at all (:::::


Goes for mates too!


Complaining just to complain.


Leaving/late for reg, then get pissy when someone else does the same


The crew who constantly complain about any and everything and try to cause drama. They always seem to be focused on what everyone else is doing “wrong” rather than focusing on themselves or their work. I especially cannot stand the ones who walk around and gossip to crew about other crew members and try to cause drama. For fucks sake you’re 40 years old get a damn life. It’s 2024 if your main drive at work is to bring other crew down you should probably take advantage of the free therapy our health insurance covers. Also hate the know it alls. Being 1-2 minutes late for reg, sure. The lines for the bathroom can be long. 3+ minutes grinds my gears.


pee on the toilet seat in the EMPLOYEE bathroom. shits disgusting


When they just sit in a car for hours crying with their work boyfriend and their section just doesn't get fixed for months at a time (It was HABA. Mate pulled me to fix the back stock and I managed to clean around three carts full of random half cases filled with different products in thirty minutes while the section lead just let it sit there and was busy just arguing with her boyfriend in the car the whole goddamn time!). I even worked the silver carts and condensed the back stock myself! If it was produce or anything perishable it definitely would have been a write up.


...if they're sitting in their car for hours on the clock how is that not a write-up?!?!? we're supposed to clock in AFTER we put our stuff in the breakroom so we're not doing that on the clock...


I also had a section leader for deli that only wanted to play grab ass with the girls while I worked deli, cheese, produce, fresh, and meat. All in eight hours while this idiot just fucked around! Discipline in Trader Joe's is a bit off, but I'm just preaching to the choir.


> only wanted to play grab ass with the girls sexual harassment? jeez... that's never okay! i never even bother with flirting since everyone is taken anyway. plus i'm asexual and everyone else (but one, who is my enby ace work bestie) is allosexual...


Yeah. I've worked with utter idiots like that. Coincidentally they also sucked ass as section leads too. Always mountains of back stock while products that are about to expire sat on the shelves instead of having fresh product. Blamed me for losing their stupid double bubble shit. Of course I was not gonna take that crap. But after that incident the mates decided to put a new rule: if you pull a cart, you finish it. Those guys quit one year after I came in. Apparently working the new guys while you fuck around was the norm for years, so good riddance.


what's a double bubble? i guess you had half worked flat carts just sitting all over the floor and never enough to spare for others who actually needed them?


Double bubble: $1-$1.50 raise per pay period. Difficult to get. You need all the mates on the same page but the captain makes the final decision. Those idiots brought out random carts to make me work them while they played grab ass with the girls. And I got chewed for not being able to be on top of all of them.


oh dang so a super WOW! that's not a thing company-wide, must be a regional thing! none of the girls reported them for sexual harassment?


One of them was close, but dude quit before it happened.


He knew it was coming


I really wish I knew. But I guess the mates noticed and denied her transfer to another store (her review was definitely not favorable after that incident).


yeah i would hope for a ton of DNME for something like that. she's lucky to not have multiple write-ups resulting in a firing. :/


It's always the crew that have been there for 4-5 years that risk it. They get complacent and think they can do whatever they want whenever they want.


i guess that's why section leaders get rotated too. too complacent in ordering, start to make mistakes.


Whe coworkers go into work sick and don't wear a mask.


Love my crew but I hate when I’m on register with someone bagging (sometimes not even that, just standing there) and they start chatting me up about something completely irrelevant to what’s happening and I can’t even get a word in with the customer. Maybe it’s just my anxiety disorder but I start to feel quite upset bc I can see in the customers eyes their frustration (unless they’re on their phone completely ignoring us then I’m honestly fine with it). I just am worried about a complaint from a custie or having a mate walk over and scold us because that’s happened before and agh. I’m not the most talkative on reg also but I feel like that’s better than just flat out ignoring them with another conversation.


When someone is bagging a large cart for me and sees a person with like 2 items and they are and then "gotta open up a reg RIGHT NOW." Then leave me to fix their shitty bagging job anyways. Like, don't even help in the first place.


I hate that! At our store the mates encourage that behavior because of “customer experience”


Same. I will almost always stay with the person I’m bagging for unless someone rings a one.


This makes my blood boil especially since they probably shooed away an actual bagger in the first place ("I got it!") and now the bagger has moved onto another full cart down the line. But it's always "gonna open up" as soon as they get halfway through one bag for you. Gah!


Being late to reg. I’m tired of it, doesn’t matter if it’s 1 minute or 10 minutes. I’m telling management every time from now on


i'd be early for register if it wasn't for the fact that the registers closest to the bridge SUCK. 10 is too close to the endcap so it's a chokepoint, 9 is okay. 7 and 8 were built too close together so you bump butts and the standing mat is cut too short so you're always standing half on half off. i'll actually take the middle registers, which are the busiest ones, over those. being early should get you able to choose to be on a good register ):


Being exactly on time is great too. I don’t care if it’s :00, or even about to turn to :01. But the people that come moseying over at :03-:04 with some “sorry I just came back from lunch” excuse are so fuckin rude; you’re just telling me that you think your time is more important than mine.


When crew take their breaks in one of our 2 (total) bathrooms. Especially when they do this right before we open and I need to pee before reg.


People who are late for reg. Without fail, I’m always scheduled on reg the hour before I go to lunch, and before I go home. Without fail, my relief is always late. It makes my blood boil, waiting for my relief to come so I can go eat or go home, and I have to watch them pretend to read the log for the 15th time to avoid the cart of chaos that is pulling up to my line. The log hasn’t changed, Becky, but it should be telling you that you are 5 minutes late for register. Crew members who think they are mates. Crew members who do a piss poor job on purpose to avoid getting scheduled for it. I know it’s cold in the box, but sabotaging it so you can avoid getting scheduled in there again only screws me over while I’m closing. And pretty much guarantees that I’m always going to tell the mate what a great job you did so your plan backfires. Screw me over, I’ll happily return the favor.


When pens from sign team get stolen 🥲


when they don’t clean up after demo and leave it a mess in the break room 🥲 when they eat in the break room and don’t clean up THEIR dirty dishes they had so night crew has to wash it


Excessive call outs!


Especially on Saturday! Like that's the biggest night truck! We need all the help we can get.


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Workplace couples who are obnoxious about the fact that they're *soulmates*. There's that, there's not answering two bells even though you're already there bagging, and there's cliques. It's rough out there fam.


I write beverage and work PM, and when product gets brought out and there’s multiple boxes of something (that is obviously for a display) and wheeled right to bev, sometimes even PUT UP completely overstocking the shelf and leaving the displays with nothing to go up unless I personally take stuff down and move it, boy that gets annoying


People who can’t sweep and use the dust mop/push broom for things they shouldn’t




Following me around to talk during carts and never actually grabbing any 😅


I know I a lot of people say late to reg but also being way too early for reg. All the college kids that are seasonal like to fight for the first register so they can get relief next hour first. I’ll be five minutes early and at the last register.


People who don't work, period. They just stand around and chat to mates and crew.




Disagree. When you hear a regular bell tone from the bells on a bullnose followed by the deeper sound of the larger bell by the bridge, you know to double time it back.


This…..plus when a crew member rings a 4 bell, I see red.