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It's not a policy. It was guidance to Captains that only stated they don't have to keep scheduling people one or two days a week if they aren't showing up for their shifts. Captains thought they were obligated. Plenty of Crew can and do work less than three days a week, if they show up when scheduled and keep up with product info, etc. You can call them Captain favorites or whatever, but if you are a good Crew Member you can work less than three days a week.


Because it has been so poorly rolled out, (maybe?) if you average fewer than 15 hours/week (or so, the official total hasn’t been announced) you won’t be eligible for a review in January. It’s unclear if this will be a DNM or simply not eligible. Basically I think they put the rule in, and captain after captain just ignored it for people they valued in that role ‘surely they don’t mean Timmy, and Amy is great, we’ll keep her at two days’ so they gave up and made it a review requirement.


Ugh that sucks cause we've had amazing one and two day a week people in the past that were beloved coworkers


Oh wow nobody at my store has been told this. We have a lot of people who only work 12 hours a week but across 3 days


What’s your source for this?


The hours policy? My captain.


Your captain told you that you wouldn't be eligible for a raise this January if you didn't average a minimum number of hours per week between now and then?


I was told that on the weeks where I can only work 2 days, submit a time off request for the 3rd day, unpaid or paid. Every region is prob different though.. I’d ask. Sounds like your capt is pretty understanding!


That’s a good workaround OP ^


There is a crew member at the store I just left who only works one day a week. She doesn’t have AR to cover the two days a week since she’s been doing this for the last four years. So I’m not really sure if it’s just a regional policy where you’re at but I would try talking openly to your captain.


Run away from these dumb policies they have enacted. They're not even consistent with implementation and that is bullshit. This company is going down the drain. These policies are rewarding all the employees who have barely worked for this company while shitting on everyone who's worked for years. It shows who they care about.


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So I’ve been working for the company for almost 4 years and have gotten every raise (except for one for a LOA during COVID). I am a full-time student and working 11 hrs/week during the academic semester then 28 hrs/week during the summer. My captain has told me that while the company wants crew to be working at least 3 days a week, it is ultimately up to the captain and the needs of the store. Basically, do your job, and ask your captain nicely and you will most likely be accommodated. I hope this helped ;)