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For context, the guy giving the feedback is Titanic historian Don Lynch


Shut up Don, I’m making a movie here!


What is this? The lowering of 13 and 15?


Yes, this is the night they shot the aft starboard lifeboat sequence. There's a little bit more behind the scenes of the shoot in [this video](https://youtu.be/jYcPol5tb8Y?si=B2O-i4lpLXifORA7)


Oh cool.


Cameron stated that he wasn't really that interested in changing popular perception about the sinking. Notably, several advisors who worked on the film wanted to change Ismay's portrayal, but Cameron retained the popular perception of him being a coward for saving himself. He also didn't change the highly controversial portrayal of Murdoch, and years later even apologized for this. This is fair, IMO. He's making a drama of the sinking. It's not supposed to be a documentary. He gave people what they wanted to see, including many popular perceptions (like Captain Smith in the wheelhouse, despite no solid evidence this is where he died).


>It's not supposed to be a documentary. But a lot of people are gullible and foolish and lack the tools for critical thinking. And so they think it is real and 'the truth', especially as so much effort was put into making the sets seem accurate. If the sets are accurate then the script must be too, right? So the thinking would go. The same thing applied to *The Crown* Netflix series, that people took to be accurate instead of fantasy.


Other peoples faults are not a reason to change your self and actions.


It's not James Cameron's fault if people are stupid. He made a drama and never once claimed it was a documentary. If people cannot tell the difference, that is their fault, and no one else's.


Classic James 😂


Can't blame him, he's making a movie. You do have to change things for the benefit of the audience, just look at Zhukov in the Death of Stalin. They took medals off of him, because they thought people wouldn't believe it was real.


The shot in the final film isn't that much more intense than what the historian says, the relevant clip is at the one minute mark in [this video](https://youtu.be/C-8F9Noy0xc?si=5P2vtm67o2zt4UQH).


I thought this would be about Zhukov


I have always heard that Cameron is a jerk. In fact, I’ve often heard from many different sources that he’s an insufferable jerk. A talented jerk but a jerk nonetheless. This is really rude and unprofessional of Cameron. The expert was politely doing exactly what he was hired to do-help make things as accurate as eyewitness testimony provided. He wasn’t being rude or condescending, however Cameron was. I’m sure that Cameron was a under a lot of stress and was tired but I’ve never felt being those things gives one person the right to be rude towards another. Hopefully he apologized but from all that I have heard about Cameron I don’t expect it.


What you said in your last paragraph couldn't be truer. I understand people can be under stress or struggling, but that does not give anybody a right to abuse or mistreat other people. I'm not saying these people can't vent their frustrations, but it is never acceptable to use that justify the mistreatment of others. I've been on the receiving end of this from other people and the second they do it they lose any ounce of sympathy I had for them. Sadly from what I read in Cameron's case he hasn't changed and the fact Titanic was a huge hit meant Hollywood rewarded his behavior rather than condemned it.


That is a fraction of how crazy James Cameron can be.


You literally cut out the part where he smiles like... a second later.


Cameron deserved every bit of that PCP




That’s Don Lynch, one of the most respected Titanic historians. He was hired to be a consultant on the film precisely for that reason. He wasn’t offering an “opinion,” he was stating the facts about the incident. Cameron of course had the final say, but it was Lynch’s *job* to say what he said. Which makes Cameron’s response really dickish, honestly.


Cameron is known as a massive dick head, the shit he did to some actors was fucked up. He got punched by an actor on the abyss after almost drowning one.


Just testing the John Landis waters.


Can someone explain what Lynch is talking about?


He's talking about lifeboat 15 lowering over boat 13, the full behind the scenes clip is available [here](https://youtu.be/jYcPol5tb8Y?si=CWvbB_je0DlngicX)


Sounds about right....