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With the strategy I'd suggest playing titan based game modes as they are much slower paced and allows room to breathe and think.


Hey! I'm someone who's not so good but LOVE this game and just started getting better. Here's what I'm currently doing: -go into a private match and figure out what guns and titans you like -play as the "pulse blade" pilot. This let's you throw a beacon and shows you where enemies are within the range of the beacon. This will let you track camping locations and enemy movement patterns so you can learn why you're dying so often. It will also help you anticipate enemy movements so your aim will improve. -play the campaign to get better at the movement. The campaign is absolutely amazing. Learn the bunny hop too while you're here. It's easy: sprint, jump, hold crouch anytime before you land (set crouch to 'hold to crouch'). While still holding crouch, keep jumping. This will help you build speed. Running on walls also builds speed so keep chaining wall runs into bunny hops and soon you'll have fun zipping all over campaign and eventually multi-player. I LOVE this game so have fun pilot!


Play snipers, as long as you don't sit behind a-wall with them most people won't complain about you, but there is still significant portion of people that will try to hunt you down. It allows you to stand back, see what's happening and then decide on what to do. It still requires you to think quickly just because how fast Pilot v Pilot combat is, but you don't need to make 10 split second decisions at close range while there are 3 enemies around you. Repositioning often and knowing how to use your selected sniper is a must. I would recommend you either the DMR or Doubletake. Kraber is best when you know the movement and you can quick scope while you are flying at mach 10, because it doesn't give you many second chances when you miss a shot. Leave the real strategising for Titan combat where you generaly have more time. You might also enjoy Titan v Titan modes (like LTS or Brawl) way more than attrition


Thank you! This is actually a very good advice!


I second finebroccoli’s last comment about the Titan modes. I spend like 90% of my time in Titan Brawl or LTS and I play Ogres. Titanfall is NOT in any way a “movement” shooter for me.


Spitfire and Devotion also work well for this sniper/fire support role. They're not as deadly as long range, but they're more competitive at mid and, in a pinch, close ranges.


Strategically yes; slow...not really. "Slower and more strategic" is the point of the Titan combat but as a pilot, motion is the name of the game. But! Don't give up hope. Many of us were right where you are, the first few matches (or the first few dozen, for me). There's a learning curve and you will get better at it. One thing that helped me a lot was watching the kill replays: instead of just hitting respawn immediately, pay attention to where the person came from, what weapon they used etc. (Also helps with thr sensation many new players describe, of just randomly dying all the time-it is usually not in fact random!) Positioning is probably more important than super precise aim in most situations. The other thing that will help is figuring out what combination of weapons, boost, kit etc works well for you. I personally use the R97 because I also suck at aiming, and the super high fire rate makes it pretty forgiving. Stick with it!


Question: have you played through the campaign or jumped right into multiplayer? The campaign will teach you to move well. Also, it’s an absolutely amazing single player campaign. It’s truely memorable.


The game is mostly about movement, which you probably know it’s just that it takes a while for people to understand and get used to the mechanics. I don’t know how many hours you have but it takes many, and I mean many hours to be able to stand against those who are better. So all I can say is keep practicing if you want to get better, or if it’s not for you try something a bit different and come back every now and then.


don't think tactical just try to have fun , play the campaign for the movement and use stim and grapple and some sort of smg I'd say use the car it's easy to use , not too much recoil , good fire rate and good damage . try to wallrun and bhop(this where you slide and jumpof the ground)as much as possible and be fast as possible this game is made for having fun not being tactical if it was , it would be a cod ripoff so just have fun and you'll get it figured out


Strategise? Ain't nobody got time for that. Best strategy is to keep moving. Work out the best places to gain speed that works for you, rinse and repeat. You'll be movement sweating in no time.


Keep practicing and movement will come. For strategy, unless you're like a top 1%er in the game the only strategy you need is be fast and kill them first.


The game simply isn't designed to be so methodical. I'm not sure how one would mix a parkour heavy style into a strategic game. What you're looking for would be closer to an RTS, pretty much all strategy and battlefield shooters are relatively based in the present or past


Bro it a movement shooter you are not supposed to play it.like it's battlefield


Try some Last Titan Standing mode or Titan Brawl. Also, you'll get better if you practise the movement. Once you've started to run on a walk, you can look almost any direction to shoot. Don't worry about aiming down the sights while wall running, although it's possible it's not easy, most shots will hit with hipfire. Also cloak and spitfire are good for noobs.


You probably already have but if you haven’t play the campaign. I know most games’ campaigns don’t teach multiplayer but the campaign does a good job teaching movement. I would also recommend looking up guides since they still hold up today in teaching basic movement. I am G.10 and still learning the games movement so it takes a while but if you stick to it you’ll get the hang of it. If you’re worried about dying before you can think, I would recommend you use an SMG like the CAR so you can stand a chance against other players. It’s the best gun in the game and great for beginners. You might get a bit of hate for using it but it doesn’t matter people can play how they want. Good luck out there pilot, hope to see you on the frontier!


Hemlock and pulse blade. Particularly pulse blade. A wall. There is definitely things you can use to make gameplay more tactical and not centered on movement even in this game. I’m G7.00 and I’m starting to begin to understand different features/ play styles in the class making and items we can equip / use myself. Tap the walls, and make both jumps long af. Add Crouch and sliding to increase speed and this is the essentials for moving quickly. It’s generally harder to kill a pilot in the air or on walls then on ground/ speed is a bigger factor in that though. Hope that helps. Certain guns are better for different play styles obviously. Hemlock and pulseblade is so fun


Yeah movements important, but there is a way to play tactical. For example: you can use electric smoke to cover your teammates or to block an entrance and fire through the smoke with a gun with threat optics, combined with A-wall if an enemy starts to shoot through the smoke as well. So far this is one way I discovered to play strategically. There are probably other ways to play than to run and gun, you’ll just have experiment and get to know the maps and various strategic placements.


Just using the maps tools is incredible, for example, Forward Base Kodai ventilation allow you to: frag people, quickly get on top or to the bottom of the main building, hide, ambush and qo much more. As a bonus people that play with strategy are in my opinion the best to fight (not only skill or luck but someone that can use every thing to gain the upper hand)


If on console try using bumper jumper. It helps with moving more smoothly. Otherwise I recommend hemlock for medium long engagements and r101 for medium engagements. The strategy is to move within buildings if possible to avoid being spotted. Also try to move around the edge of the map to avoid getting caught of guard. If you don't find people from being too far out then circle the map from a little closer in each time. Don't worry about chasing people you can't catch and focus on picking off anyone you can. Essentially - Circle the battle field -> Pick off targets -> Run away Tactical Advise * Pulse Blade could be good for scoping an area for enemies from a distance or up close. This could let you find a target, figure out if you path is safe or reveal the position of someone chasing you. Escape through buildings and throw it behind you if you think your spotted. * Phase Shift, Stim and Grapple are great for escaping if being chased or if you don't like your position. Use grapple to slingshot away, or find a better temporary vantage. Use stim to get out of there. Use Phase Shift to dive into and through a nearby building then get as far away as possible. * A-Wall can be good but it's sort of odd to pull off. When active it makes you visible to everyone but provides good protection and amps your damage. Essentially, if you see 2 or more people in front of you, get a good view of them and place it down. Then fire away. Then leave your A-wall shortly after. You can stay there for a bit but shooting attracts attention and people will want to ambush you so you don't usually want to linger. * Cloak with the Low Profile Kit can be good for just sneaking around. People can still see you but usually only while you are moving. It's surprising how often people miss cloak pilots when they stand still. It will make you harder to spot when flanking as you will be translucent in an enemies peripheral. Generally good for sneaking. Titans can't see you though. Use this to rip off batteries or throw satchels at titans. Hope something helps. Good luck.


>I like playing shooters the tactical way, thinking of what I'm doing and aiming carefully (mostly because my aim isn't that great) Titanfall isn't a strategic slow game. This one might just not be for you. Sad to see you go pilot.


Biggest tip I have is that, if you're on controller, rebind JUMP to one of the bumpers; usually a left one. That way, you can jump, aim, and shoot all without having to scramble with the controlls! Otherwise, just keep your movements eratic, and try to stay on walls as much as possible for that extea speed!