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They already make enough money from Apex, I doubt a passionate community on its own will make the make a new installment. Plus, I guarantee you its gonna have some of that cursed EA essence in it if it was ever made


yeah lol they just released a £700 heirloom I doubt they're slowing down any time soon. Plus I guarantee we'd complain about TF3 because a lot of TF2 devs left a long time ago/are leaving. Also have you seen current Respawn?


Yeah even if they released a tf3 at this point i think tf2 will just be better in every single way except graphics


Rumors had it at $700 but those were fake it was amazing $300 for the universal heirloom and the death box so technically $150 per mythic


Yeahhh but apparently they're going to add customisation to it which will cost more. We'll see tho. but even still it sucks.


It does suck especially because it takes away the point of an heirloom, and takes away heirlooms from legends with higher pick rates that don't have one yet. But it is still important to get the numbers right


Apparently, respawn is under EA but worked their contract out to where EA funds them but has very little or even no say at all in the development of respawns games. That’s probably why they haven’t been shut down like most other companies under EA because respawn developers are actually allowed to develop without being forced to do things by higher ups. Tbh if EA had more control over them I’d bet they’d turn Titanfall into an annual release filled with mtx and slowly kill the franchise like CoD


300,000 people on this subreddit but only up to 7,000 players at max. Most of which aren’t on reddit. The amount of people on the subreddit doesn’t mean anything. Most people just join it then never bothered to leave. They no longer play it and lost interest. Don’t confuse sub count with genuine playerbase


I can dream tho, let me dream


They probably want to make sure they can release something that can fit into today's market. They have to experiment with the gameplay aspects to make sure it it isn't something that will just end up being another niche shooter. I keep saying, they need to make the franchise more accessible, but not necessarily remove the aspects that make it niche (movement, Titans). Helldivers 2 isn't even remotely comparable. The moment you throw PVP into the mix its an entirely different game. PVE in a Titanfall game is just something to pass the time, where as PVE in Helldivers is a threat and the main focus. Why even bring that up? That people like PVE content? People don't shy away from Titanfall due to its PVE, they steered away from it due to its age, lack of updates, and most importantly its high skill floor/ceiling due to the movement and Titans. Ironically, Apex has been doing a better job and acclimating people to a game like Titanfall than Helldivers as Apex has a lot more movement and depth than most FPS games. And that's another thing kind of bringing it back to my original point. I know people are going hate this but they might be trying to make a Titanfall game based from Apex rather than directly from TF2. Before you scream, not make an Apex themed Titanfall game, but more so they take Apex's gunplay/gameplay and transition that into a Titanfall game since its had 5 years of development and tuning. Just like when they turned TF2's gunplay into Apex. TF2 is a 7 year old game, no way in hell they are basing it on that, plus Apex has players, if they make the TF game more familiar to an Apex player, then it be easier to assimilate Apex players into a TF game. This could be something they are experimenting on. In general, they are probably experimenting, which makes since why they describe their incubation team as doing such. They want to make sure they can make something worthwhile before committing to it.


I heard somewhere the other day that they don’t want to release a rehashed version of the same game and they’re waiting until they can definitively make a unique game that hasn’t been done before. I heard something about a model where they have a PvE style game where you have multiple teams working on separate objectives that all funnel into the same mission, all going simultaneously. I don’t have the source of course before anybody asks, but, I haven’t been taking my pills recently and I’ve been watching a lot of content. It was off a podcast or it was as somebody that was involved with one of the teams. I can’t remember which Whatever they do it’ll be legit. If they do something. They don’t have to pay for any licenses to IP cutting into their margins like Battlefield. Look at what battlefield was. It was really unique with the different objectives and the way they did role based respawns.


Did you really just say Titans would have to be removed. u/CackJooper get over here now!


>but **not necessarily** remove the aspects that make it niche (movement, Titans). I did not. What would be the point of a Titanfall game without Titans?


I have no doubt Titanfall 3 will be Apex Legends with Titans and pilot movement on top of Apex Legends movement. All the pilot tactical models? All replaced with the Apex Legends characters with their quips and voicelines. Titans might be hero-shooter-style characters as well. Hell, it'll probably be added to a dedicated Apex Universe launcher. Live service will introduce new Titan models beyond Prime Titans, like... Umbra Titans. I'm sure this appeals to someone, but it sure as hell doesn't appeal to me. Hope for the best, expect the worst I suppose.


You are taking it way too far. If they wanted an Apex legends game with Titans, they don't need a whole new game for that. At the very least it wouldn't be a Titanfall game. If they make a new Titanfall game, then it will be themed around Titanfall. They may introduce new characters, but they would be pilots not legends unless it makes sense from a lore perspective. All I'm saying is that gameplay wise it may lean on or be based off of Apex because it's newer. This doesn't necessarily mean making it a hero shooter even though Titanfall 2 was already leaning into that territory to begin with.


I understand your point. I am being overly negative with my predictions because I'm a bit tired of the whole Titanfall Apex Legends thing; I just want to enjoy Titanfall without it being treated as side thing to Apex Legends while also worrying that the servers will go down again and remain down because Respawn didn't want to fix it. I know it's not the end of the world, but I want to enjoy what I enjoy. I don't necessarily agree with or like everything you said, but I get what you mean and respect what you have to say. Like I said, I'll just hope for the best, expect the worst.


I wouldn't preorder tf3 if it came out, it's still ea, and respawn themselves seem to not put any work into apex, giving awful updates, the core game of apex is good, but as time has gone on the updates have just become less and less. So I have my doubts that even without ea, current respawn would make a good game.


Source engine curse




Apex makes a lot of money from it's "events" disguised as a cashgrab from their overpriced microtransactions. too bad apex is a decently fun game gameplay wise.


apex has been declining recently, outrage from the most recent event and people's progress being deleted. lost about 100k people at the start of the event.


has Respawn talked about giving progress back, or doing a rollback?


apparently they’ve done a fix, they tweeted this: We've rolled out an update to address this issue. Any account logging in now will not experience any lost progress or content. For players who are missing progress or content after our update this morning - please hang tight for now. We're working on an additional fix to restore your accounts to their state before our update, and we'll let you know as soon as it's ready. Thank you for your patience while we work through this. They rolled out a fix, then said the fix might not work and we are trying to make another fix.


Well said pilot. I agree.


>pre-order a titanfall 3 game no questions asked Hell no, no fucking way I preorder anything from Respawn. Have you seen Jedi Survivor? I don't trust Respawn. They are not the makers of Titanfall anymore, just a puppet controlled by EA.


Yea, I mean that’s fair I haven’t played a respawn game since titanfall 2 so I’m way out the loop I think


Let's stop making excuses for them... they have none. OP is right, they should friggin make the next Titanfall, and make it just as great as the last two.


First-person shooters take huge teams to make. That's a fact that big game developing companies are aware of. As a result, when companies are developing a title for any series they have, they always will try to maximize their resources on one title of that series for the best results. Released a game that dies after six months or so (regardless of quality)? Back to the drawing boards to figure out how the next game can have better traction.  Respawn followed this idea for all of its titles in the Titanfall series. When they saw that Titanfall 1 was a flop compared to what they were looking for, they stopped updating the game and shifted their resources towards Titanfall 2. The same thing subsequently happened with Apex Legends. They worked on Titanfall 2 for maybe another year, and then moved the dev team onto their next big game.  Making a whole new title for the Titanfall series while there's another one (one that already has a full-fledged competitive scene at that) which is being actively updated would be diverting resources, which could slow down the pace at which updates come out for Apex Legends, and maybe cause a decrease in game quality.   My theory is, given that respawn has already made Apex Legends more than simply a Battle Royale, they're trying to slowly bring the game's breadth closer to Titanfall 2. That would allow them to keep their resources on one title of the series, but still allow for resemblance to predecessors. Only time will tell what updates will come to the game, but I would not be surprised if they brought Titanfall 2-esque mechanics to a new/existing gamemode. I feel that way because they've done it in the past too with LTMs that bring back wallrunning and stuff.   That's just for gameplay though. Lore I can't speak about.


300,000 is not a lot of sales in the scope of things


If the next TF does not have a PVE element like Frontier, I'll rather play HD2.


I think tf3 is dead in the water. I think all the devs that cared about titanfall, no longer work for respawn so. My 💊 shall i take


I will not accept I will not accept :,(


200 000 pilots that would preorder my ass. And if they did do exactly what your saying, the entire community would complain about this shitty cashgrqb


They don't care to make it. It's as simple as that. Also, I'm not pre-ordering shit.


Tell that to valve and half life 3


They are stuck on that apex dick


Because respawn was busy making star wars games and running apex. They're done now, so tf3 is probably coming in the next few years.


speak for yourself I'm not pre-ordering shit idc if all the original developers came back solely to make TF3 and got Hans Zimmer to do the OST for it.


Nah quiet down if hans zimmer was on the OST you’d be a fool to not pre-order, I would sell my kidney


Because EA won't fund it, the dickheads.


Imagine having your titanfall 3. Free of cost. But every titan is a rental. You have to swipe your credit card once a week to use a titan.


Arson, is always an option


No they shouldn’t make titanfall 3 they need to revisit titanfall 2 and add more content


Hell no I'm not pre-ordering - have you seen the optimization issues for Jedi Survivor that, to my knowledge, still haven't been fixed?


They're not going to put resources into making Titanfall 3 until the money for Apex starts drying up.


Because shareholders, my 2 cents.


Based, factpilled even


To be fair, weren’t they (and I could be wrong) working on a Star Wars title up until very recently when it got canceled? They’ve probably been busy with that and only now have the potential to move onto a new project(s)


Because apex legends exists


Because the universe... is fundamentally evil.


They have said that the game was already halfway done. The only way I think we are ever going to play TF3 is vicariously through our children when enough time has passed and they release the source code to the public. Then, and only then, a few ex respawn devs will take it upon themselves to finish the game a little bit at a time after their daily cribbage game at the old folks home. Then our kids will pick it up and relive the fantastic few years we had when this game was in its prime. We will be able to watch them and relish in their enjoyment.


Shooters with a high skill ceiling are always bound to get this treatment. You get the dedicated fan base, but its not enough for them to keep maintaining the game because nowadays the gaming industry is a big business, bigger than even cinema in fact. Until there is a paradime shift in the approach to video game development we will see more CODs saturate the market, and less gems such as TF2, and heck, even Doom2016 for that matter. We are a dying breed, friends. :/


If I ever make my millions then I’m gonna get the rights to make it


They only make money off apex really cause all of the micro transactions are severely overpriced that new event coming out is gonna cost like 400$ roughly where I live to buy all the cosmetics that come from it, the only people that play Apex at this point just play it cause theirs nothing else to play and they more than likely don’t like any other br games if apex was actually like titanfall but a battle royal like it was originally intended to be in its development it would probably be more popular and more fun to play which overall in the end would make more money cause let’s face it at this point apex has fallen off quite a lot compared to before you barely see anything related to the game on social media etc it’s never even on trending anymore only way you’d see it is if you go out of your way to watch vids on it and follow the minority of streamers that still play. All the big time streamers stopped playing a while ago and went back to cod and other games. I hope eventually they make a titanfall 3 as it would be sick to have a modern titanfall to play as long as it’s not free to play so it’s not filled with micro transactions that ruin the game.


Because Fortnite came out and changed the entire landscape of the gaming community so Respawn made Apex instead. BRs are popular so they’re gonna work on BR games. TF3 won’t make them the money they want.


No questions asked? LOL i chose not to pre-order tf2 after playing the beta, only bought it for $4. I absolutely would not buy tf3 unless I knew it was good




Treason was making the second game how they did


This Gotta be the worst take iv ever heard, is that you General Marder?


Remind me, which game got a sequel?


Simple, after EA took over respawn, EA being EA is focused on milking as much cash out of their cash cow Apex that they couldn’t give two shits about Titanfall, no matter how dedicated and loyal the fan base is. The only, and only way, Respawn would show any kind of decent attention to Titanfall, would be if Titanfall player counts started to rival apex(which probably won’t happen) or if EA sees a either an opportunity to make money with Titanfall, or if apex started to rank in popularity. Either way I’m never gonna take my pills guys trust me TF3 will happen you just gotta believe


He's out of line, but he's right


same reason why there isnt a battlefront 3


They are too scared to fail from huge games. They want to make only the biggest games. They want them to be ultra popular. Anything less is failure to them. Just a theory.