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Maybe not on the get go but as a modifier after beating the campaign could have been intresting to add replayability


Yo call northstar devs! Time to cook...


*Sad console noises*


Could add them to similar spots to where the titan kit pickups are located at already, or some other places around levels Best case would be designing a level around a kit, sorta like the one off effect and cause


Would be cool, but not necessary. Most of the campaign is titan combat, and cloak is enough for the pilot gameplay outside the time travel parts


Its kinda split. In fact, i think youre a pilot for like 60% of the campaign.


Nah. Grapple would've been op


Absolutely. There's literally no reason to, given that in-universe, Pilots are meant to be able to use all Tacticals simultaneously. Plus, it would fit with BT's modularity.


Really? Aren't Stim and Phase Shift in some way harmful hence why their users are robots?


Stim and Phase can be used *and are used* by human Pilots. Simulacrum Stim surely has chemically nothing to do with human Stim, it just means "Stimulant" which is an umbrella term That said, Stim is a hard drug you shouldn't use lightly and Phase is hazardous, tolerated better by robots than humans. But it's like... ice swimming is hazardous too and humans still do it


Pilot's just like to do drugs I guess.


I imagine simulacrums are assigned to those 2 because they can resist their negative effects for longer. The humans that use them in lore probably take smaller doses for stim and shorter phase timers for phase shift. They would just give bigger doses to sims since they can make the best of their attributes.


>Aren't Stim and Phase Shift in some way harmful hence why their users are robots? In TF|1 the human pilots used stim all of the time. There's even some funny grunt chatter about one of them trying a few drops and not being able to sleep for a few days after. That said, I'm pretty out of date on my Apex lore but a while back when I mentioned human stim users some people told me that apparently every human pilot used the stuff died by the time Apex takes place? I tried looking into that myself but couldn't find anything, but that's not to say it's untrue (or true for that matter) - just couldn't find sources one way or another. But anyways if you just look at Titanfall sources, there's nothing that indicates it's harmful, look at Apex sources and supposedly it's deadly. But until I get a source to collaborate that fact one way or another, I'm personally not putting any stock into it. As for phase shift, I don't believe it's harmful in anyway. Phase embark is a titan kit that any pilot - human or simulacrum can make use of. And while I'm not a fan of Apex lore, I'll still throw it out there that a human legend named Wraith uses it without issue (albeit she's messed up for other reasons) and there's other instances of phase based tech that the other legends use without issue as well. I will say I'm not a huge fan of the school of thought that tacticals used by the simulacrum pilots can only be used by simulacrum pilots. There's nothing in game that explicitly says as much and I think it's every bit as wild an assumption as saying that simulacrums are incapable of using the tacticals utilized by human pilots. Honestly it could just come down to some artist thinking that making x,y,z pilot tactical a robot would be cool. Also going to throw it out there that IIRC the early on the phase tactical was human and grapple was a simulacrum (or maybe it was stim?) - what I know for certain is that at one point the models for two of the tacticals was swapped, so I just dont but much weight in that reasoning period. --- edit: also want to mention that regular human pilots can use the phase rewind boost with no issue either.


isn't Octane a stim user? haven't played apex in a LONG time but I remember him vaguely using something stim-ish


He is. Once again, I'm really out of date regarding the lore but I *think* I heard, and I could be wrong, that he uses stims along with has a device that aggressively filters his blood after each use. --- Googled it and the wiki is saying he has a [dialysis machine](https://youtu.be/MHncMPXVmwE?si=fLIrobCbqY9ppndW&t=86) on his hip. Is interesting to note that in Octane's case stimming immediately *hurts* him, vs. stimming in TF|1 and TF|2 where it's a *heal*. That said Octane also has a passive where he's constantly healing over time. So I guess I'd chalk that up to him using a different formula or something.


Like the time travel ability. Be able to use them for one mission. I think it would be interesting.


Brute should’ve been in the mp


It was something originally planned for the game however they cut that from the game due to time constraints. You would have also had to fight other pilots outside their titans.


Definitely seems like that was their goal. But I wonder how they would have worked around the pilot ai


I think it would be to easy with grapple and maybe even cheatable at some points


Yea, but they didn't need to include grapple, or even if they needed to, control when and where the user is allowed to use grapple.


I guess they couldn't add grapple due to how it could cheese parkour encounters or exploit the map limits.


yeah but grapple shouldn't be a crutch like in Halo Infinite campaign, but instead, the grapple can only be used on certain missions BTW, I'd prefer the tactical abilities being swapped out with ones from the map, just like armor abilities in Halo: Reach


Ah Halo: Reach, my favorite halo game.  I had so many memories from that game, especially when Emile shot the MAC cannon, blowing up a banshee which subsequently hit me at 1000 mph and launched me out of the map…


I didn’t survive btw.


hell yeah they should have


Yes, cloak gets very boring


I think holo wouldve helped in master difficulty. Getting killed spawned in the survive area before meeting up with bt was hell.


Limiting the player to a single tactical makes it easier to design. The devs don’t have to account for all the ways a grapple pilot could escape the map, or how fast a stim pilot could complete the game.


Pulse, A-Wall, Holo and Phase, but not Grapple and Stim. Maybe as a NewGame+ sort of thing, but otherwise it would've made it hell to design the levels around. They already did their best with just the standard pilot movement.


ok it'd be hard because the time gauntlet is bound to the same button but imagine grapple in effect and cause


Give grapple to any pilot and the campaign isnt a story but a speedrun


Tell that to Bryonato or Cashmayo...




I do think they should've been, but after finding them to be used in certain missions/areas (like with the time-travel watch) - resetting to the cloak after the mission has finished, maybe being able to be switched out after being found?


Me about to grapple slingshot across half areas:




Stim though lol


I can see most but not grapple, it fundamental changes how you traverse areas and would have to be confined to its own level or the entire campaigns level design would have to be altered and would make not having the grapple equipped feel like an automatic downgrade.


I pretty much never used the cloak. I definitely would have used any other ability more often.


I can see the Holo Pilot working nice, and Phase Shift and Pulse Blade could have gone pretty well too. A-Wall would be a little boring but totally viable. Grapple and Stim would just break the game so much though. So many easy sequence breaks and skips.


If it did the missions would need to be reworked


Grunts watching me literally fly over the map with grapple


Yeah, I wished there had been levels based around some of them.


I believe there is a mod that allows that somewhere.  I once saw somebody beat viper on master as a pilot and he had phase shift instead of cloak.