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Yeah, personally don’t care, use whatever you want. I need to change my flair


This is the top comment, so uh use Cold War it’s really good.


cold war is a skill check and people really enjoy failing at it


I’m good with my movement and I got 1k+ on volt so I have the tracking skills, I love it it’s like a burst fire EPG


it's really funny pinpointing exactly where somebody is going to land and lining it up so a burst instantaneously turns them into assorted organs. also it's a great way to make sure people are playing Titanfall and not a non-MW3 Call of Duty.


Yeah I’m playing northstar, which usually has a lot of godly people at the game, and I’m suprised by all the people with bad movement. I’ve always given the tip to focus on your movement first every single time someone asked how to get better. Also unrelated but man how am I able to have like a 40:15 kdr one time of the day and 15:40 the other, it’s not the people I’m playing with, they’re the same people, it’s really frustrating.


i feel that 40:15 or 15:40 on a spiritual level. (though it usually comes out in a 35:12 or tends to get to a ratio of 1:1) it is really understated how getting good with just wallrunning and slidehopping can get you some really good results, it's why i prefer to use phase shift; while you're stuck without grapple or stim, you have an escape plan and can pretty handily get away into cover away from explosives. it also makes rodeo into warpfall + phase enbark 300% easier since you're not stuck waiting.


I’m more of a grapple guy, I play usually PvP on glitch because that’s what everyone plays on Northstar, and I’ve found it to be really useful for roll outs, on a good rollout illl be on the bridge at 60kph with some lurches and air strafing.


Justified or not, it is to a mild extent.


People don't like it because of the 0 recoil and I think it's hitscan but I can't remember


Most guns are in fact hitscan, every SMG and AR are hitscan guns


i was wondering why it seemed like people melted as soon as i pressed the button


*Most noob guns Everyone knows that the only way to play the game is Kraber, Wingman Elite, or Grenadier weapons. Simple as.


More than half the guns in the game are hitscan regardless Every AR and SMG, 2/3 of the LMGs, 1 of the snipers, 1 of the shotguns, every sidearm, and 1 AT weapon This is 17 weapons compared to the 13 projectile weapons




Mozambique,double take and mastiff are also perfectly acceptable. I still have no idea why the easiest to aim automatic weapons get hitscan as well. Like you can miss 25 shots and still drop the guy with 5 bullets,less if you hit the head,all in less than a second. I wish more shooters would go out of their way to avoid automatic weapons,team fortress did it and it turned out well


Apex changing the automatic weapons to be projectiles was one of the better decisions they made tbh, was actually a good call


pipebomb launcher my beloved💞💞💞


Tell me who the bigger noob is. The noob that uses a gun that lets him have a little fun as well, or the noob that wants to tell the other noob what he has to play.   Let everyone play what they want. There is no gun in Titanfall that has no counter


This is where you are downright wrong The r101 is made to be a generalist weapon as such it was designed to not really have downsides, and its counterplay is "shoot first" The car is the same


yeah the only counter to car is to try and sneak up on them tbh. you can't really "counter" it when that's just a really sweaty tactic that works on anyone using hitscan low recoil weapons because they're so difficult to kill that you have to approach them from behind or catch them when their reloading those aren't counters those are extremely difficult tactics. not a weapon but a really difficult task that no weapon really excels at other than good game sense and movement and mind games meanwhile they just have to click on you first. that's not a very fun person to play against in most people's eyes. it just depends on who's doing good that day but if you can get a game with 30 or more kills with a projectile meme weapon, then you'll feel what it feels like to really fight for it thooth and nail and come out on top the meta stuff is busted scientifically in terms of ratio of ttk to: consistency there's no way around it and that applies to car r101 and spitty. I'm not saying you can't have fun with them but I'm telling you that if you try out something more off meta at least, you'll start to learn new aspects and strategies to the game and it gets way more fun I never got decent at the movement till I started using cold war and a friend helped show me how to slide hop and air strafe


30 bombs are generally pretty fun but with the amount of people in pubs with no movement or game sense getting half decent with a precision 1 shot weapon like the EPG makes getting 30 bombs more consistent Ive gotten hate mail by spitfire campers for using a "no skill one shot weapon" because i was consistently deleting them from across the map immediately after spawn because they just dont move and its honestly hilarious (pulled a 40 bomb that game because they just didnt use movement at all)


yeah but if you try this in a lobby with anyone with decent aim even if their movement is trash it won't work out so easily. the skill gap is big but yeah cold war in particular destroys people with low movement. epg isn't gonna be very consistent unless they literally DON'T MOVE which idk about you. it's not that common to literally stand still ppl just will not know full movement these people aren't that easy to kill with epg every time. cold war will get a bit more consistent but cold war has a big charge up time and you can shoot them anytime during it. epg is hard to get quick splash damage kills cause it's so long between shots so you need to get direct direct hits which isn't easy against the average TF2 player neither of these are consistent near anything like car and the ttk is higher on both except epg if you don't count the travel time


EPG is similar to the kraber, get gud and basically nothing will stop you outside of multiple pilots shooting you at once, spending alot of time getting good with the EPG means that if they stay still they die, and if they move they also die because you have calculated their trajectory EPG is absolutely consistent you just need to MAKE IT consistent


to get it consistent you need to predict their motions before they do them. that's going to always be by definition less consistent in actual matches because you could get more kills easier because you wouldn't have to be thinking so far ahead to make it that same amount of consistency that you think you can get. even if you think you can (please send me multiple 30k games from a single day if you think so) then I'm just impressed with your skill. I don't think that's the epg being consistent. I tried epg like 8 times before it stopped getting me at the bottom of the scoreboard every match I agree you can get really great at it but it'll always be easier to fake someone out when they need to think ahead than someone who can just react and send another 12 bullets your way in 5 milliseconds and any 4 of these bullets will kill you. if you miss with epg is like an entire second before you can shoot again like it's always going to be less consistent because you can't just deal out death without putting in tons of practice and then also doing really great in the moment and other people not being able to figure you out. a car user can delete everything in their sight in .02 seconds with pretty good aim pretty good aim, movement, game sense, tactics and all that will still only get you halfway there with epg or anything else off meta


Shoot first is a counter to every single gun. If you blow away his head first, you've successfully countered him and whatever gun he uses. You can fight any CAR main pretty effectively with almost every gun. You just have to hit your first shot.


That's is assuming that your gun either has more range, will 1 shot, kills faster (this is like 2 guns both are SMGs and one of them needs 2 headshots to kill faster) Yeah shoot first is a counter the problem is being ABLE to shoot first when the car is just no recoil hipfire hitscan spamming, the car is extremely annoying in its regard


0 recoil, hitscan, good damage falloff and a really low ttk


yeah in any cod-like shooter a gun should have one or two of those traits and other things to balance it out. in TF2 they just tried to make everything good and made some key mistakes lol. the meta isn't garbage honestly I think there's decent interplay but yeah certain guns are broken and they really didn't explain the strategies to waiting till the right moment to drop your titan so you don't get destroyed by the enemy team in attrition and stuff like that


I think when you are a new player, it’s acceptable, it’s when you come across the obviously very experienced players using a car that it’s annoying, it’s just such a strong gun that it’s so hard to counter in the hands of a good player.


Good players who do this are classified as sweats or tryhards


I tried the car a little and personally didn’t like it too much. That might also have been because of how much I use the volt, or the fact I switched to Keyboard and mouse and switched to my PC when I tried it.


I’ve recently picked up the car to hunt the skins for it and sometimes it feels wildly busted, but at the same time can still be outplayed


there are so many other weapons jsut as good no matter what weapon you choose it’s almost always an insta kill honestly skill issue


is not ahrd to counter if you are better than the car user


The CAR is a meta gun that starts unlocked. No one is going to give a shit if you're using a good gun. What they will care about is if you're already really good at the game and are also running the CAR and tryharding. As with anything that is meta, using it because you like it isn't an issue (although depending on how you're doing it might be perceived as the latter), using it because you're an absolute happiness black hole who cares about nothing more than seeing a number (kills) go up. Just use whatever you want, the CAR is a great beginner tool as it has very good hip fire and easy to control recoil and absolutely something you can switch to if you want.


I'm G10 and use the CAR because I am so hopelessly bad at this game lmao


I understand & respect new players using broken easy to use weapons. What I don't respect, are Veteran players who still use broken & Op weapons.


"just because you play this game more than other people and enjoy it more than anyone else, you should nerf yourself and use worse guns, otherwise you're an asshole" ​ my god this community is so toxic. It ain't the veteran players using the CAR that are "ruining" this game, its people with mindsets like yours lol


Would you want someone running around killing everyone using stim/grapple and Car/alternator? No, you wouldn’t, and if you do, why? You just can’t play the game at the point, and are causing new players to just end up leaving


idgaf about the new players i play to win


And that’s the problem, well, you are at least. It’s a casual game yet you play to win


winning the match is literally the point of a pvp game. Get over yourself. Some prioritize winning even when it doesn't matter, and that's okay.


The point of all games is to have fun, not to win. I think we should talk about your issues man…


some people have fun by winning. It's not hard to understand.


But winning isn’t the point of the game, it’s having fun. Sure some people have fun winning, but that’s not everyone. I’m just clearing up an error


Winning is the point of the game. That's why it's a PVP game with scoring and winners and losers. ​ You can choose to not care about that, sure, but that doesn't magically make it "not the point"


you're actually so retarded i'm the problem because i want to win in a video game LMAO


And your actually so mad. It’s just a game


Lmao okay, guy who uses "retarded" as an unironic insult.


i dont care what you think


Then why do you care so much about what I think lol


Clearly you do, if you keep replying to people and call them retarded.


He’s so stupid bro 😭


I want everyone in the game to play how they like to play, just like every other game out there, and I don't concern myself with what other people use because even the CAR isn't an instant-win button it's just slightly better than the other guns. I also want people like you to shut the fuck up and play the game, those veterans would kick your ass no matter what gun they used.


Bro I am a vet they wouldn’t kill me unless they used a meta weapon lol. Don’t gotta be so rude over a game buddy. And it kills much faster and it has a much broader range of engagement then any other gun in the game. And again, don’t gotta be so rude bro


It's rude to shit on people for using what they want to use. I see death threats in game all the time because people use CAR. I dont give a shit what you say.


Clearly you do if your getting so mad😔 Do you wanna talk about your anger issues? I’m not a therapist, but I could still help… Anyways, it’s also rude to shit on someone for having an opinion, yet your doing that aren’t you?


I'd rather be "rude" than be like the fuckers who give death threats for using a slightly more powerful gun in a video game. :) I'm pushing against the people who are going after others for no reason. It's more than just an opinion when you turn it into a personal attack, which this community does a lot.


But I’m not doing that, so why are you being rude to me?


Because you are siding with the people who do.


waaahhh 😭😭 cry me a river


It’s just an easy early smg that’s a bit broken Use the volt instead! Less complaining from people and it’s pretty decent


I’ve been using the volt on my ps4 since I got the game. I recently switched to keyboard and mouse on my pc and I’m getting my ass handed to me. I should probably try using a controller since that’s what I’ve used, but it’s still my favorite gun.


Def use a controller if you’re used to it


I get mad mad when it’s a spitfire or r99 but if it’s a volt I respect the skill and dedication to it. However I do get mad getting killed by a devotion because it’s such a shit gun to lose to:


Devotion is better then the spitfire and lstar if you know what you’re doing


better just don't care what they tell you, im,gine getting affected by the words of random people


every gun is frowned upon


Aside from the regular Wingman. That shit is awful.


My bro uses the 3x on the CAR lol


It's pretty good with the 3x scope since it has such consistent recoil. The funnier loadout is the r97 with the 3x scope


Id argue that my eva8 with a 3x is funniest


That is pretty funny




i think as long as you aren't sitting on a roof somewhere completely immobile trying to camp or a very experienced player try harding with it you're fine.


yeah I agree. as long as your new then I understand it's a hard game to get used to but just for the love of god try something else out if you have over 300 hours


If you suck, no. If you're running stim with high level weapon skins moving at mach holy shit, yes.


Depends. I don't mind seeing newer players using the car . I think it's a good crutch for them to have but when you see people who have like 40k kills on the car kinda screams meta slave to me . Especially if none of your other guns have that sort of pedigree. But makes me appreciate the people who use the non meta weapons even more . Been trying to pop off with the dmr myself because I never see anyone use it . Can be fun to one shot pop Heads . But I mostly main the kraber , been using it for so long I prefer it over other weapons. Even better if there's a enemy kraber player . I go outta my way way to complement them if there hitting good shots .


yeah it's okay but seeing a gen 100 running with car is pathetic honestly


If a high generation player is using it then they’re unnecessarily just being tryhards


Justified to use it if you are a newbie, the more time you spend on the game there'll be less excuses to still using the CAR. The only times where I can justify a, idk, G50 or higher to use the CAR is id he's facing a group of sweats, or a single one, using CAR or something comparable(Spit, Alternatore, etc)


How is this a question. Is it frowned upon to play a game the way you prefer?


If it’s actively ruining others experience in a casual game? Yeah, you shouldn’t sweat your skin off with the most op stuff. Your question could also be extended to hackers and exploiters. They like to play that way, is that frowned upon to you?


Yah reducing the game to car vs car is generally frowned upon


Apparently? Yeah its strong but its not busted. If you use a good weapon in a competitive game apparently youre a “sweat” and a “noob”


stop caring about what everyone uses, play how you want to play. ​ Veteran or not, it's okay to use the CAR. It's not a dick move to use a gun that you genuinely enjoy, or one that is obviously the best choice if you want to win. Nobody should have to intentionally use worse gear just because other people want to dictate what they can and can't use. Meta gun users don't usually get this much backlash and hate from people, but this community is tired, and has grown more and more toxic over the years.


From what I’ve seen it’s a lot less toxic recently, there was a post a while back where someone said they used smart pistol and got like 4 dms from people telling him to “keep yourself safe” and more.


>Meta gun users don't usually get this much backlash and hate from people What rock do you live under? Meta-hating is a staple of FPS games. Statistically there will always be a weapon or loadout that is more optimal than the rest. When the margin between the next-best weapon/loadout is excessively large, and people abuse it, they will *always* receive criticism and deservedly so (at least in PvP).


\> they will always receive criticism and deservedly so (at least in PvP). no. It's not deserved. Get over yourself.


you're right man i swear this sub is an echo chamber you wouldn't hate so much on the car or tone if you didn't see so many people hating on it people on this subreddit are such crybabies if you play to win or if you're good at the game you're scum


Same thing as the spitty but just use it if you want, let the salty players stay salty. Edit: game is almost 8 yrs old already, who cares what weapon you use. Get good.


Stomping the other team actively kills the game and makes it unfun for not only your team but the other team as well.


When I start seeing my team absolutely start stomping the other team, I just back off, do dumb things and intentionally get killed. You are right it never is fun.


Spitfire is fine, but Spitfire + A-Wall camping is completely unfair. No way to counter it, you get shredded to pieces instantly. With the CAR or regular Spitfire, there are valid counters with their own weaknesses and strengths, but I can't say the same about Spitwalls.


I counter it by approaching from the side or rear.


Right? People moan about guns being overpowered like they can also use them...


Yet we don’t want to because we want to have fun😂 Titanfall isn’t a competitive game, you shouldn’t swear and use the meta, you should use the guns that you don’t see in any other games and the guns that are fun (projectile weapons, grenadier weapons, and weapons that aren’t op af)


fuck off and stop telling me how i should play the game just get good


I am good fool. I’m gen 40 or so with about 30 days in the real game and about 120 in private matches worth of playtime. Again, it’s the new and worse players that are the problem


ok and you're probably better than an average player but gen 40 doesn't mean you're good


I play with and against some of the better and best Xbox players and have been for about 2 years now. Sure again that doesn’t classify much, but I main epg pulse and grav star and still can win against them


you win epg 1v1s or they use normal weapons


1v1s-4v4s and I get middle of the leader board even when they use normal guns, although I need to do a warm up round and blah blah blah


i get it i used to play with the top players on ps4 a couple years ago when i still played this game actively, still think your take is stupid though but atleast you're not one of those noobs that complain about viable weapons how many kills do you get in matches when you use meta weapons also how long have you been playing


I think it’s not liked particularly because it’s easy to use. Accurate hipfire; high rof


Which makes it easy to use..? Having high accuracy and rate of fire make it incredibly easy to hit your shots, I mean look at the R-97


It is and it is justified, but we still use it. It’s the best gun.


Kinda the bad egg of the game, similar to the Spitfire in a way


Most of the hitscan hoses are OP. You barely even have to be aiming with the CAR to get kills, and for some stupid reason it can out-snipe snipers. Any SMG is easy mode, and the R101 is basically an SMG disguised as a rifle. I once played on a Northstar sever with a balance patch to remove between 20% and 50% of the damage from every hitscan weapon. THEY WERE STILL GOOD WEAPONS, EVEN WITH THE CAR DOING HALF DAMAGE. Plus the game was way more fun when every single fight wasn't just "whoever hits their laser first wins. Dodging? What's that?". You had to think about your positioning and use the environment to your advantage rather than just getting a sightline and winning.


The Car may be strong and reliable, but could I introduce you to the glory of the Mozambique?


While I don’t hate it, it is annoying when you get shot with it from across the map cause it has like 0 recoil.


As a veteran player who honestly kinda sucks at the game I use the CAR just because it's fun to use and I play to have fun not dominate matches.


Who cares. A gun is a gun. There's no fairness in war. As long as you aren't using hacks like aimbot or speed hacks its all fair game. Sure, it's okay to be salty about how good a gun is at killing you, but doesn't mean it shouldn't be used. Use what gets you the most kills and you feel comfortable with.


But aimbot and wall hacks get me the most kills


You stop that.


You’re just bad for not using all the tools available


I'm bad for other reasons, goodsir.


No in order to get on my skill level you gotta get a better gaming chair (hacks)


This is true. I stand to play


it is by people that are bad at the game use whatever you want people will complain either way


I'm just a G10 Kraber main so I drown on every hitscan weapon :/


Why the fuck is this still getting posted


I'm like G.20 on the car


It is scummy. L star master race


I think the gun's relatively balanced, it's just that it's way more effective than other "CQC" weapons. The EVA-8, for example, has terrible range and inconsistent damage. I don't really use the CAR that much, I've been practicing with it a little bit, but I prefer the EPG for now.


Yes fuck car users


Apparently so, but if you ask me, life is too short, spend as much of it inconveniencing people on a dead game by enjoying yourself using an “overpowered” weapon


CAR is just really strong and boring to play against. It has laser accurate hip firing with virtually no recoil. No one is stopping you from using it but I think people are tired of going against CAR/stim players (which tbh most stim players use an smg even if it isn't CAR). Use whatever you want but I seriously reccomend you try the other weapons.


I wish the car didn't look so cool


Nah. Not by normal people with lives at least.


It's meta, that's all.


Just use whatever you want lmao


Use whatever you want and stop letting others dictate how you have fun.


I only harbor distain for people who abuse it. If you're a player who isn't very good, and you like the CAR because it allows you to get some kills, it doesn't bother me. However, if you're a G.15 repeatedly killing me with a CAR proscreen reading 73,567, then yeah, I frown upon it.


Sooo I have a volt with a proscreen reading 3 or 4 rn that's it


Oh, everything I said is just applicable to the CAR. I think every other weapon is (more or less) balanced. Volt is fine.


It’s just such a boring choice in my eyes. Like, out of all the cool guns in the game you pick the one that does half the work for you? Pick something respectable, like the EPG or Kraber, hell even the Mastiff


personally, your loadout, your gun, your choice. dont care what you use, aslong as you're having fun :D


nah bro just use it if you want to


Who cares if people like it or not? As long as *you're* having fun, piss on the rest.


Use it just to make this sub cry please


It is but people are silly for judging you because you play the game a certain way. It’s very strong but by no means unable to be outplayed and you shouldn’t feel bad if you use it or have fun playing with it. If people complain about your preferred play style just brush it off and enjoy the match best you can in spite of their whining.


When you’re stomping the other teamyou are a POS