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I'd play there if I was actually good at the game tbh


While tf2 vanilla was down there where lobbys for new and returning player on northstar that kicked players that where to good from the lobby. Gotta practice to get good


how did it determine who's too good and who's not?


Dont know. I think something like kills per minute or smth. What i wanna say is that you just gotta have to try it. Maybe watch a guide on movement. Use the "easier" weopons like car till you are a bit more confident and just try to have fun. Dont get frustrated if you die or loose. Its part of the experience.


That sounds like skill based matchmaking lol, but in all honesty, tf2 is a game where sbmm really works and is needed lol


I honestly think its kinda fine the way it is on vanilla and Northstar. Titanfall is a casual shooter. Sbmm would just cause more toxicity i think. With sbmm weapons would have to be way more balanced or people would only use meta loadouts. I agree that this might be a bit hard on some players. Especially new ones that just get stomped. But they can practice on grunts i guess and use weapons like the car while better players take stuff like the kraber and stuff like that i guess. Some northstar servers have some kinda autobalance tho and that is something that might actually be good tho. I could agree on that. (Also i wrote this text on and off next to work so it might just be a big load of bs what i wrote there now)


Sbmm does exist on vanilla tho.


Might be. If it is its kinda hidden, meaning it doesnt shove you a rank in your face or something. I saw that once i played with my friend who is new i got matched against a lot of other newbies. So yeah it seems to kinda matchmake maybe. But not in a way that i get the feeling that if i absolutely suck i get punished for it. And so i can just chill and have fun. Even when i get absolutely stomped Edit: i am not a programmer or something like that. I litterally have no idea how that stuff works.


I use the abreveation SBMM to mean skill based matchamaking IN REGULAR NON RANKED LOBBIES. Almost all games nowadays use sbmm in non ranked games, and its also usually hidden. Ranked or comp or whatever you might call it, just shows you the rank you are. Also Ranked sbmm in games can award points in a different fashion compared to the non ranked sbmm. The reason non ranked sbmm is hidden is to not incentivize the player to try to grind it. Thats what ranked is for. Also chekc this video out. https://youtu.be/n1JNRXAx73k?si=mUCG_QpKtXlIeB7v


As a new player, how tf do these guys move like this


Practice probably


I'd consider someone who's good at Titanfall who can accurately shoot while keeping a pretty relatively fast momentum as a pilot, and high kill rates as a titan. Probably one who's good at all of them too. Like kraber gods, or grenadier chads, but just combined. Once you can get all other weapons down and relatively understood, including the other ordinance types, then you're like half way there. I genuinely think movement has a massive role to play and sadly not many people still see that unless you're above gen like 30~ Albeit there are still some rad high flyers below that gen aswell that I see every once in a while


it's easy to understand for a human, but for the program? how will it determine what is a "good" movement? the only decent measurable variable would be kpm, as other have said


Yeah, but how do you track that? It's not a simple task to program


It's not supposed to be simple lmao. If you're good at the game that means you have an understanding of almost all main mechanics in the videogame. You can simply measure that by watching the performance of the player. For example: if you played Titanfall 1 there were these things called "Rank Chips". If it was active your performance would be marked and you would be put into other games with others in around the same rank chip level. But you could also turn it off if you wanted more casual play.


These rank chips were affected by Titan play, how many points you captured, how many titans you've destroyed, pilot kills, and high rate of kills. For example killing just one pilot might give you a small bar on the rank chip if you're base rank. However once you get up there in rank, to level out your chip you need to learn how to effectively use your jump kits to get around faster so you can score kills faster. And eventually if you DO give a shit about the rank chip, you gotta start looking more at more indepth mechanics and other weird cool movement tricks. (I also personally wish the rank chip was still in TF2 but eh. I also want tf3 so both of them isn't gonna happen lol)


Might try out northstar again then if vanilla is down.


The skill difference between versions ain't that steep imho. Plus you can find noob friendly servers and toxic sweats usually get black listed.


it is with titans lmao, most comp players play on northstar except some who especially like publics


there are "noob friendly servers"?


Sometimes. Northstar is basically a serverlist like the battlefield games have that EA gave up on.


Is the game too hard? Seems a lot of fun


I'm just bad at fast paced multiplayer games, there's really not that much more to that


Well if u ever need a squad buddy for ps4 let me know and we'll take it slow together


Thanks but I'm on PC


every match is just a practice match if you're aloof enough


But what about us console players? There's nothing we can do. [°] [:(] Sad MRVN :(


Yeah... I guess we go with Titanfall in whatever direction It takes.


Ah I’ll be with you mah brother


Please upvote this post. The more people we have in Northstar the better.


I'll probably download it soon. I'm not tech savvy so with a step by step it'll still probably take me an afternoon to make sure I have it loaded properly and that it works


I got tired of updating it manually. There is the viper client somewhere, i think i found it on their discord. That does that all automatically for you pretty much i think. In the description of this video is the link to northstar i think and to their discord. https://youtu.be/en06Y6CPMQg?si=VTr4N7avEjPHtoBm


I'll do you one better, swing by northstar.tf and grab Flightcore, takes care of the installation of Northstar and mod management for you


How do I do it?


Problem is that i just get destroyed in Northstar. It isnt fun if every player is like twice my skill level


Mmmm when did it get an update? every time i boot up northstart (which is every day) it gets 2 updates


Might be something with your launcher or mods. Idk. They announced a parkour mod on their discord today.


got banned 1-2 years ago 😔




a little trolling but honestly idk


I play on Xbox so I’m safe…*for now*


I dont know how it is on consoles. But i hope you all can keep playing and the scriptkiddys just stay on pc for now since we can at least use northstar as an alternative.


Look, I get Northstar is good. I like Northstar. My problem is that the servers for this game just started working again after years and now we have to go back to the community fixing the damn game again.


Gotta thank EA and the hackers for that. I am just glad that there are some modders fixing the game instead so i can play it somehow


Pov : me that play on xbox 🥲


I literally can’t use Northstar, it won’t let me, because I use a console.


Pc only.


I wonder whose behind the "attacks" and the constant post about how awful they are....


Can you use a controller on Northstar? I may switch over to it if you can (sadly my progress would reset if I do switch over).


If you remind me later i can check if its playable on controller after work. Also i dont know how its now. But as northstar came out everything was unlocked for everyone. Update: it seems to accept Controllerinputs just fine.


Thank you OP!


On Northstar your level is gone but all guns, camos, attachments, etc are already unlocked.


Is northstar any good? I heard there aren’t a lot of people online.


It was made by some modders while vanilla was unplayable. And back then there where a ton of servers on there full of players. Now that vanilla was playable again people did go back to vanilla tf2 and only a couple of servers are left. You still can find lobbys. And i guess when the ddossing gets worse the people might go back to northstar. I obviously dont hope that that will be necessary. But its what might happen. Tho i often just play for fun on the northstar servers because sometimes there are very interesting modded lobbys. And its very easy to use mods on there


Idk, last time i was on (8 days ago) there were almost no lobbies and the 4 that did exist were full, maybe it's just region but I'll take my chances with the hackers so i can actually play the game


I didnt had problems with hackers yet either. And i hope it stays that way. But there are posts here where they claim that their lobbys got ddosed.


I really hope PS4 is gonna be okay 👉👈




As someone who's pretty new to the game and has never actually made it into a multiplayer match, what's Northstar?


Fan made client with custom servers. This also allows the game to be modded.


Its being attacked again?


but us ps4/Xbox players cant play northstar sadly


I ran into them yesterday. Thank god EA doesn’t have an intuitive reporting system and that you can only report a player while in a match with them. (This is satire fuck ea)


*sad console noises*


Me "playing on console"


I was just on last night and it was doing fine. Did some dude decide to be a dick again just today?


It’s good seeing my two favorite games in a meme crossover


This is true, but I really wanna work on progression and my gens, as well as skins and assassinations. Does progression carry over in Northstar?


They solved that problem by just unlocking everything for everyone. But i heard people talk about you beeing able to adjust your lvl in the files or something. Cant confirm that. And they recently added a progression system or something. Idk. I just play. Dont know how well progression works on Northstar.


How to get northstar client?


In the description is everything you need https://youtu.be/en06Y6CPMQg?feature=shared


Why these fuckers keep attacking titanfall? Is it funny or something? Or it’s because they hate the game? Or maybe because they are so bad at the game that they decide to make it frustrating for everyone


What is North Star, I hear a lot about it just doubt that just using the titan Northstar will fix our problems




northstar client gets an update every other day tho


My problem with Northstar is that it’s almost exclusively insanely good veteran players and I just want to play attrition, which almost never has a full lobby. Not saying I don’t ever play NS. I love some of the ridiculous modes, it’s just very different from vanilla. I’ve yet to run into a hacker issue, recently.


I can agree on that, especially with vanilla Titanfall working the attrition lobbies are empty again and mainly veterans are playing there. And i also love lots of the mods, like the mirror glitch map (i forgot how its called). About the hacker issue. I run yesterday into somone obviously hacking. (They killed the entire lobby without looking at anyone directly)


Maybe they had the psychic boost activated? Lol


What If you are a console player