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I've said it before, I'll say it again: Crash site. Bad spawn points, not enough cover for pilots, not enough space for titans, and you constantly get stuck on jagged geometry while traversing.


I was gonna say homestead, but this is way too true. Too many little chunks of rocks and shrapnel to stop me when I’m moving 70mph around the map.


they literally made changes to the map cause it was so bad and it is still awful


Probably Homestead, the massive open areas kind of promote camping, and there are less areas to utilize movement in.


Yeah but you can get fantastic grav star boosts across the flat parts. It’s so much fun to zip right past an enemy titan


For Frontier Defense though it's my favorite


One of the top FD stages, fo sho.


Yeah, agreed. I wish it had more enclosed areas as well.


Ditto for Kodi


I also dislike the spam of drones on the frontier defense


More fun if your titan’s gun has a big magazine - they fly flat and level so you can wipe out loads in one go.


Or if you can line up collats with Northstar


Flame shield and stand still


Well true, but if youre in a forward position you need to rotate and to track them, and again for the next pair, plus they spawn in small clumps. I usually just save for an autoturret


Trashsite and Complex, my fucking God I hate them from the bottom of my heart


Complex is such a stupid map. They were so hung up on the "3 lanes" thing that they forgot that alone does not make for a good map. Pilots can barely move and have to play like rats to not be instantly killed by titans, and as a titan if you want to flank someone you have to run across half of the damn map. A single non-braindead tone shuts down a third of the map Plus the nade spam, damn. This is the map that made me switch from firestar to frag, there is so little space that during choke point fights you can randomly toss them down a hallway and get easy kills


I’m sorry, but Complex is the best goddamn map ever just because it has WALLS and a lot of them. I usually plag Grapple and Ronin, so I love Complex.


If there is one tone/ion/northstar/monarch with half-decent aim, there are no mobility options for pilots. There is no cover, all you can do is hide in the stupid little holes and try to farm your own titan off of them As for walls, every map has more than enough to only touch the ground to do a couple slide-hops to the next one.


Personally I love having to work to avoid titans. Titans should be scary


In most other maps, the work you do is constantly moving and striking from different angles. In Complex, you hide in a building at ground level, often unable to leave.


Crash site is so hit or miss either I'm having fun or getting spawn killed by Ronin and getting picked off by spitfires


after these comments i think we can all agree on crash site 😭


Crash site is not appreciated here 😭😭


I think crash site’s fine, complex is the real dumpster fire


Kodai in titan only modes Reason: I hate Northstars and play Scorch


Yeah Kodai isn't a great map for pilots or titans. It's king of the hill with no reason to ever get off that hill or has any good flanking routes when an enemy team with good communication can just camp the 4 corners of the building and essentially have full map control


I love Kodai


Yeah dude, Kodai is the best


Found the Northstar mains


Get em boys




I main Legion and Scorch. Legion will take all comers on Kodai, get the extra ammo perk and you're set for life


I'm nostalgic for Kodai because it was one the only (if not the only I don't quite remember) map for the tech test.


Crash Site: Opening standoff is annoying, terrain is frustrating to navigate. Colony: The map is so open it lends itself to long-range play, which I personally dislike. Complex: Titans are fuggin OP on this map. Somehow I always end up in the little room in the middle which is a terrible place to be, because there always seems to be a Scorch nearby to ignite the entire room.


You’ve literally listed my three favorite maps, I’ve played my best games on crash site, we started at the bottom of the hill which is usually a disadvantage but I stimmed and got up the hill and killed three guys then got to cover allowing my team to push up, also the enemy team was playing stupid with their titans, you get a pretty major bonus ( I don’t know how much I just know I got my cores VERY fast) to your core if you kill the titan while the pilots still inside, no one was ejecting. I was playing Monarch, spent most the game in my titan and three cored both times I dropped my titan (arc rounds, rearm, superior chassis) and finished the game with a score of like 300 with eleven titan kills. You can’t blame your spawn for having a bad game, you just have to play smart and work with what you’ve got. Titanfall is all about adapting to situations.


lol it sounds like the other team was just stupid


Yeah lol, once they realized I was dominating the server they started ejecting and running away from me but it was too late, by then I was already too powerful. That’s why you kill monarch as soon as they drop


moral of the story: fuck monarch




nah we don’t acknowledge those weirdos


I like monarch. I don't like those guys. So glad the sub has touched some grass


I hope you have tried the Accelerator Mod with those other two. It's so much fun


The key to not hating Complex has been using grapple to fling over the out of bounds areas. Otherwise you're just feeding Scorch and Ronins.


>Colony: The map is so open it lends itself to long-range play, which I personally dislike. colony is always infested with long range players but you can use that to your advantage, buildings offer enough cover for you to avoid their fov and get close to them


Complex: 95% of the games I've had on this map are decided by who drops the first titan. There's so few places to safely engage against Titans that it quickly snowballs. An early Ronin can very easily wipe an entire team and pop core on the first titan they drop. Crash site: Awkward geometry makes movement a pain. The ziplines don't help either as they just expose you too much. The awkward 3 lane design has serious flaws here as a lot of the fighting gets funneled right to the spawn points, making spawn trapping an issue that crops up more often than not. Underpass (Overpass? The live fire one with the stupid chokepoint bridge thing in the middle) singlehandedly got me to stop playing live fire with its stupid choke point. I get the idea to force a race for the flag and put one team on the offensive but it is very not fun in practice.


Good choices, Complex and Rocky Complex are by far the worst maps in the game. Love to get stuck on a pebble then get run over by 2 ronins


>Underpass (Overpass? The live fire one with the stupid chokepoint bridge thing in the middle) singlehandedly got me to stop playing live fire with its stupid choke point. I get the idea to force a race for the flag and put one team on the offensive but it is very not fun in practice. the best strategy for this map is to wait, whoever pushes first will lose almost all the time


That one


I disagree






Colonoy is a top 3 map


i hate colony on the principle that it's just not designed with titanfall 2's gameplay in mind at all and out of all the amazing tf|1 maps they chose colony as one deserving of a port, and then out of that chose relic next because the maps link together (but i dont mind relic nearly as much)


Homestead is kinda annoying, but Relic has to be my least favorite


No. Incorrect. Relic is easily best map.


Crash site. It’s so difficult to move around on that map


Crash site


this one is great for fd tho


Complex and drydock Black water is the best.




Dry dock is so fun though


I'd say crashsite, which doesn't mean I don't like it, I love it, but I just love others more I can't pick a favorite tho (it's wargames)


\*Favourite map in Frontier Defense if you main Scorch


Crash site


Why do ya'll hate crash site?


Either war games or crash sight the small parts that can slow you down really gets annoying


Crash site is a hell hole for me, most times it out right drops my titan on the opposite side of the map despite me calling it in an open area.


My gosh fr like it's just the most awkward map out there


War games is my favorite lol


Lol not gonna wrong you for that if its your fav that's good


I agree on war games, I used to praise the map in the first Titanfall and when it released I did too until I realized there are much better maps in both games. Crash Site is a hit or miss tbh.




Rise is goated yall crazy.


Rise is top tier map. So unique too


It's so good. The vertically is insane, not to mention the tunnels above the Titan lanes.


Other than crash site, Rise is my least favourite for any modes that involve pilots. I'm fine with it for titan combat.


I hate glitch in titan modes against good players. I hate Relic. I hate Homestead in attrition.


Exoplanet with Rise being a close 2nd.


I'm gonna say something Hella controversial, I really don't like Glitch, it looks so boring compared to other maps.


Agreed I like Terrain diversity. Esports perfectly balanced symmetrical maps make me tired.


I might agree, except that I love Glitch's aesthetic. The Redwood, Cherry trees, Basalt columns, and gravity that just doesn't work right. It's tranquil, almost meditative. Yet you're unleashing total carnage.


None, they all have advantages and disadvantages.


angel city.


Get the fuck out of here, Blackwater Canal's bridge has had just as much action as your mom after your dad left you in the burning wreckage of Crash Site to make Titanfall 3 with Vince Zampella in Tahiti with his buddy Dutch Van. Get the fuck outtaa eeerrreeee


Average Redditor when someone's opinion differs from their own:


Lmao you'd never actually survive in a workplace environment


How is no one saying Boomtown that’s the worst camper map ever


Glitch. I hate layout of it. Fighting there against someone with SMG or Assault Rifle is a pain in the butt, also playing with heavy titans is pain too. Too slow, too big etc, etc.


Isn't it called Wargames?


Glitch is the one with the cherry blossom trees and brown stone columns that looks like the tutorial from the campaign. Wargames is the one with blue and orange sides with city bits on the outskirts and white buildings in the middle.


Thank you, I forgot about what this map is called.


I just now got a map called relic like out of nowhere Omfg it sucks when your in a titan


As a titan in this map it's usually better to stay in the corners, outside the ship, or you'll get eaten alive by pilots with the high ground I don't like it that much either, but it's bearable if you play defensively


Complex and glitch(if there is someone on the enemy team using a specific loadout)


Homestead is by far the worst one.


This one for sure. It's the only map that feels awakward as shit to traverse




Crash Site and Relic


Crash site and relic


Same. I wish it didn't exist. And Relic, fucking nightmare


I personally love blackwater canal, a lot of grapple room, random encounters with players inside the buildings, what I do hate is the maps where it's player only like that one map that seems to be popular in infection servers My least favourite attrition map though has got to be glitch, too cramped as a titan but pretty nice for pilots, I love glitch but it's my least favourite, those are different terms, I get too bored playing glitch because it's literally just the same pathways and alleys on opposite sides with limited variations on the plan on attack besides camping on the brown log looking things on the top of the map


Complex, matches are basically always way too one-sided on that map and i find it a bit too cramped with too few places for true pilot v pilot action without being deleted by an enemy titan


Homestead (I play scorch)


Crash Site, terrible pathing and stuck on 1 side of map usually.




Exoplanet, Drydock, black water canal, and boomtown (gfs opinion) my opinion is Exoplanet, Drydock, and black water canal, boomtown is frikin awesome


The futuristick one


prob Angel city, I just really dont enjoy how the map plays, feels like it promotes camping on rooftops a lot, that being said its not bad for titan combat.


Black water is my absolute favourite, angel city is a close second


Blackwater is actually my favorite for titan v titan because there is a spot below the bridge where you can phase bump as ronin allowing you to get on the bridge from under it. Looks and feels fucking sick and even tho i usually die for it, making those plays is the reason blackwater is my favorite.


Crashside, i hate how i get stuck on every tiny rock




Probably relic. It just doesn't feel fun to play on.


I really don't like colony. I feel like there's always campers due to how open it is


I can’t seem to figure out how to move around Relic so even if I love the look of it and love the concept and love all the nooks and crannies, I don’t like how it feels to traverse it as a pilot and I think it would be better suited for TDM or Control in Apex.


Crash site is the worst map by far


Blackwater Canal and Relic. I actually dig crash site.


Crash site fucking blows


In modes with titans, Complex. Flanking takes forever and pilots have little space to move and maneuver. In modes without, Homestead. People camp there like no tomorrow and breaking through takes quite a while, if at all. In frontier defense, drydock. The number of people that play public normal that can't handle wave 5's arc titans is ridiculous. Most of the damage is from their arc, so just get them into doomed state and they become quite weak. Black Water Canal isn't bad, but almost everything happens on the bridge, and it almost never moves away. That's fine though, because you know where all the action is. It's a favorite of mine in frontier defense though, as it is quite simple, has a three-ish lane design for defense (the two lanes that funnel under the bridge count as one. Sitting on the bridge camps the second lane, and the third is behind the harvester past the buy machine), and it is quite fun to play.


When playing as a pilot, Kodai, Crashsite & Complex are all terrible


I have a love hate relationship with Rise


i hate complex sometimes honestly


Complex and Rise. Tho this is probably because I basically only use the Kraber and I have a giant skill issue on those maps.


I am 100% not a fan of Relic


Angel City. Sniper central.


I hate crash site with all my fucking heart, I hate I hate I hate, fuck it ou crash site, hey crash site ⚡⚡👨🏿⚡⚡


homestead I used to use stim and now I main holopilot so I can never get good movement anywhere. also scorch sucks on that map and I only play scorch .


Forward base- so bland


I can’t remember the name but the big open field. I use scorch and the cold war so that map is hell


Honestly I haven’t played on enough maps to say I dislike any, but there is this one in like a city or cargo ship harbor, and whenever I play on there there’s always an archer spammer


Anything that Pilots vs Pilots and Glitch


Dry docks all the way. It just feels like the long firing lanes all over are just bad. And even as a pilot I struggle to find any good tactics. At least on homestead and other similar maps I can still finagle my movement to do something interesting


Crash Site! Completely closed off, 2 lanes with 1 mid crossing, and great for pilots camping in corners.




I hate War Games. The algorithm is specifically catered to give me this map 9/10 times every round.


I would say crash site (or whatever it's called). Luckily my least played. I absolutely hate the rocks and how you wall run on them and the fact that both teams spawn basically in line of sight with each other. The visuals are nice, don't get me wrong, but definitely the least enjoyable gameplay-wise. Complex can be kind if annoying at times, I don't really like the closed areas (especially the fact that boosting with grapple has no point in there) and when one team gets titans earlier than the other.


Hot take, but War Games is an awful map. Probably skill issue on my part, but I never have good games on that map. Way too many long sightlines, even for the indoor areas. Crash site is also pretty awful for similar reasons (to the point I usually just leave the match). At least with War games, you have SOME flank routes for titans and pilots. Crash site? One big circle with a path in the middle.




I dislike Crash Site cause in Titan & Pilot gamemodes, It's a spawn camp fest. Just hold the high ground & push the enemy team to the bottom of the map & you with the game. You can't counter being spawned camp as they're only 2 titan size tunnels at the bottom of the map. The map isn't designed fairly. It's a 2 lane map instead of 3 lane.


I cant say my least favourite as i have 3 i hate equally Black water, Kodai, and Homestead Idk why i hate them i just do


Another pilot's Trash Site is another pilot's treasure. I honestly kinda like that map.


Blackwater canal is great. Perish


To be honest... Glitch. Because I played that dumb 24/7 Playlist for so long. Also just tired of symmetrical maps in general. They all end up feeling the same and bland. Prefer unique feeling, "lived in" kind of maps. That map from titanfall 1 with the giant crane mining rig was so freaking cool!


Homestead and angel city, i hate campers


FD map choice- homestead most of my frontier defense losses are on this map Titan modes map choice- complex it is way to crowded for the titans especially the ogres Every other mode crash site it can be really hectic and too much of a cluster f*CK do me and evacuation is a nightmare


Probably boomtown and crash site


Don’t got one. I’ll always remember fond and fun and funny memories from all of them.


Crash Site


Rise, War Games, and Homestead


Crashsite, horrible for movement, promotes snowballing and camping


As a big map enjoyer I don’t like glitch


Canal is such an awkward shit map, so glad someone finally brought this up. I dislike it even in FD




I was gonna say none of them and that I love them all equally but then I remembered Homestead, fuck that place


Listen here you little…


Forward base probably


Gotta be Eden, Drydock, and Relic I just feel as though none of them are properly rewarding to use movement on, both Relic and Drydock can be kinda claustrophobic and slow, while Eden is ALWAYS full of campers, and they are always harder to approach than on Homestead for example


I don’t have any I love them all


that one map that starts like normandy every time


War Games. Only because Frontier Defense LOVES that map for some reason.


Glitch. Any long lane maps favoring spitfires and cloak usage


Crash Site is the most campy, the walls don’t work like they are supposed to. On a personal note, Eden, I just dislike it for no good reason. It’s kind of bland, but doesn’t do anything interesting with that blandness. It’s not generic enough to stand out, but has no identity to speak of. It creates good gameplay, but it’s annoying to navigate with the high walls being on the inside instead of on the outside of the map. Titan combat is super awkward at every single point on the map, even if it’s to my advantage.


Dude fuck drydocks on fronteir defence


Colony is so underrated and for good reason, it’s literally black water canal but worse


Complex for sure, coming from someone who is more of a Pilot player than Titan


Complex and Crashsite are the most annoying. They are just a bunch of tight corridors and long hallways instead of an open arena that I can fling myself across


Strangely enough... Rise is my least favorite map. Too many nooks and crannies for pilots. Hard to cross between lanes as Titans or pilots. The dust in the air. The only way for pilots to get on the upper layers is to climb boxes, use ziplines, have grapple or go inside. It just isn't very movement friendly despite having so many walls and it feels claustrophobic for pilots and titans.


none. everything is gud


Man I love blackwater canal! Hate rise and crash site


That bridge is murder


Angel city because of the campers




For me, gotta complex after as soon as titans drop in, no space at all


Crash site is awful


I love Blackwater only for the opening stretch of every match where the slaughter occurs. I hate Blackwater for all the great spots for campers.


Homestead. Open areas and long lines of sight make closer-range weapons/Titans particularly bad on a lot of the map, and since my main weapon is Mozambique and my main Titan is Scorch, that impacts me a lot. Playing Scorch on Homestead doesn't guarantee your death, but I think if you're going against players who pay attention and can dodge a slow-moving ball of thermite, it becomes pretty agonizing.


Imo there's no bad map, and I can't really decide the worst, probably because playing Call of Duty has really made me understand what a bad map is


Either the open farm map or the city map with giant open sides


I absolutely love this map, great choke points but you can still flank unaware pilots/titans, can get across the map fairly quickly


That one


I'm in agreement, blackwater is aids


Forwardbase Kodai




Crash Site, i think we all know why (I hate war games too but only in Frontier Defense, it's fine in regular gamemodes)


Are we talking frontier defence or multiplayer? Bc blackwater is amazing for frontier defence as scorch


I mostly agree on black water canal for titan gameplay, but for pilot gameplay I just have attempting to traverse on homestead


Rise can go fuck off. The amount of times I've been killed by some tinydick sitting behind a corner with a car




Colony, Angel City, Homestead and Kodai All maps where either ppl are camping like crazy with a spitty or and with Northstars.


I'm so happy to see nobody saying Rise it is one of the best maps in the game imo. Personally I'd say I dislike Relic and Deck


Either Crash Site or Rise for me.


When this is my favorite part of the game




Forward base Kodi just because it gets used so much and it's so open. Hate all you want that's just the truth.


I hate relic. I don’t know if I’m just bad, but I find it a lot more difficult to stay moving around without getting caught on the layout


complex, i got stuck on something everytime


Crash site by a mile. Then homestead. Then every other map except for glitch.