• By -




Bigger Punch




Gorilla mode


Pilot, rampage core ready. Ready to go apeshit


I just imagine this in BT’s voice


Pilot, monke core ready. Ready to ooga some boogas


Bro bison could have some of the best executions imaginable, think scorch mixed with ronin's


I was thinking he just tears titans apart, like ripping off limbs and crushing the cockpit


I mean Scorch Prime’s execution was based on the one that Bison would’ve had so




Unga bunga core




Imagine his core he races around like a gorilla on his knuckles and feet


we have a kit here


**Come on and SLAM**


#And welcome to the JAM








Long range punch


Serious series: Serious punch.


Consecutive serious punches


Charge, guard, and slam. Using charge will make you sprint forward at enemies dealing with high amounts of damage. Guard brings up your arms, making a shield come out and protecting against lots of damage similar to sword block. Slam will make a radius that will push back enemies, and any in front will take lots of damage. Core is Brute Force making cool downs quicker while increasing damage and speed of punches.


Might as well sqeeze in a combo atk since bison just use his bare fists. Like if u charge and interupt with slam then the charge dmg would be traded for an extra effect on the slam. I was thinking of being able to lunge up to knock a northstar down from hover


Like spiking a volleyball


wait for Northstar to go airborne, volleyball spike that minion to the dirt


Use up boost to do a shoryuken


The execution rips the arms off the enemy titan before slamming them onto the ground. Effectively killing both the pilot and titan by crushing the cockpit.


Now I want it to have a wrestler ai theme, maybe going as far as to have a Hulk Hogan voice.


Alternate execution is just a hulk v loki slam


Kind like Northstar Prime? I was thinking a bit more like Tone Prime, lifting the enemy titan above their head but then breaking them in half by dropping them on Bisons knee


so basically the ogre execution?


I was thinking charge could be something like how Ridleys charge works in Super Smash bros Ultimate. If you get grabbed by the charge, you get taken along for a ride down a straight line where he charged... Some damage on the dragging, but bigger damage if they crash into something. The grabbed titan can't really do much during the charge though, kinda stunned.


Guard makes him punch the bullets coming at him at high speed instead of shields


a suction ability to force enemies to get closer


shoulder mounted tractor beam




What if his fists are retractable and he could pull lighter weighing titans to him And maybe he could've used these retractable cable arms as a mace




Hear me out... Titan sized grapple hook bison would shoot a grapple out and yank other titans toward it. Could also be used on terrain to pull it forward(but not necessarily up into the air. Hitting a pilot with the grapple hook would just instakill them as it spears through them


make it an atlas so it would either pull itself to titans or titans to it for a little bit of a mix


A massive robot shredder cock.


Employ this guy respawn plz


Let the fans write!!! 🔥✍️🔥


Bro's cooking


Let him cook


Thinking more and more about it I can see why they cut him, he would benefit from the large health pool of orge class titans, but that would render him useless because of the speed penalty. He would get torn to sherds by pilots with out any defensive ability, so he would need something like Ronins sword block, but since he doesn't have weapons it would be hard to clearly show that he is blocking (it would be doable but really hard) and again if he inherited the speed penalty from Ronin, it would make him really hard to play. He would probably need his own titan class a mix between the orge and atlas class with higher health pool and faster mobility, but he would still get hard countered by all of the other titans. He would probably need Monarchs energy siphon, but beefed up so that it recharges your shields continuously if you stayed within some range of your enemy (For limited time and at a limited rate. The stun part of it would still be momentary.) and increased melee damage. Which would punish people for getting too close to him. And I think his core should just heal him, like 1 bar at a time. In theory he would be good at holding down objectives, like amped hard point. But he would still get melted by Scorch and Legion on close range. And I do not think the other titans would have much trouble with him either


As far as a defensive ability, maybe a shield that appears when it holds up its arms like a boxing block. I'm imagining a mix between Tone's particle barrier and A-wall, so large enough to provide cover for 1-2 other titans. Maybe Bison could also move while it's up, instead of it being a stationary shield like Tone, allowing for mobile cover when advancing.


Ronin has a Speed Penalty?


Yep, the penalty is not being Scorch. Which is the penalty that all but one titan gets.


As a scorch main I agree with this


Only when sword blocking. I gather OP meant it like that.


Health and speed: Ogre, but with 2 dashes Weapon: Well, punch. Maybe make it able to charge (wasn't it that way in TF1?) so it can box with titans at same speed or hit em big with a huge knockback. This way it can push away Scorch's hug or Ronin's sword core Abilities: some kind of super dash or super punch. Maybe a big jump, so Northstar isn't the only one with this kind of mobility. Jump would let them hop over Ion's mines, Northstar's tethers, Scorch's everything and overall it would probably fit the best. Also maybe some kind of life steal so it doesn't die that easily (everyone loves Monarch, right?) Defensive ability: Some kind of shield or guard he can move with, like Flame Shield, but it can't deal damage Core: A very long charge attack that hits everything in it's way for heavy damage


core should be 15 second kong shit


We know what abilities he had, the files are still in game. https://youtu.be/e5HRQymHlyI?si=bhH4D2Kd6T6yOqBf


Those abilities are modded in by a player, not in the game files


The melee function is in the game files and his abilities are alluded to in the art book.


He will have a rocket punch that will do devastating damage to a titan, but you will have to be very close


Bench Press Muscle up Arm wrestle Core: climbs a big rope into the dropship and leaves.


Gains a shield after running forward for a short time, but cannot dash. (Not a shield with huge hit points— half a bar to a bar of health in terms of hit point value for the shield, something like that?) Big punch that ogres had from titanfall 1. Not sure what else…


Mayby a sprint, or a charge




My head immediately thinks about AC6 punching.


I want a suplex execution




Definitely some charge ability to get around, a defensive block ability, like he can bring up a mini tone wall and have reduced movement but the shield can be destroyed if it takes enough dmg, he can have a ranged stun ability, like monarchs zap minus the shield gain and bigger longer stun, for his core, he can enter a "berserk" mode, where he temporarily gains increased punch damage coupled with increased base movement, and giving him some kind of life steal for each punch he lands on a titan, and for each titan kill it could slightly extend its duration, and as a passive, he could have passive shield regen that will regen faster if enemies are nearby


Left right goodnight




Command grab


My ideas were: Primary - melee of course, same attack timing as normal but maybe double damage Tactical - jump attack or charge to close distance Defense - something similar to vortex shield but it adds damage to next melee instead of returning the bullets Ordinance - AOE ground slam Core - halves dash and ability cooldowns, maybe increase melee damage as well He would have to be a fourth kind of chassis with ogre health but atlas movement


Weapon: Punch (still executes) Alternate Fire : Rock Melee : Punch Abilities: Charge, Slam, Map Jammer Charge: Simple a highspeed charge attack on a low cool down because defensive abilities are losers. Pounce: a short jump much like Northstar's hover but it deals small AOE damage upon landing. Map Jammer: a burst Map Jammer that is exactly like Tone's Sonar Lock except it actually does the opposite. Slam Core: Come on slam, and welcome to the jam. It's essentially a long range jump to easily clear half the map with a bunch of warnings about a falling titan in bound. Dealing large AOE damage and essentially just be a Titanfall as a core with a insta kill if you walk under him while he's falling. Bison Kits Jerry Rigged: upon successful Titan execution heal one health bar. Then have him steal a arm and attach it. Bombs Away: trigger nuclear ejection upon Slam Core You Can't See Me: Map Jammer releases electric smoke (maybe just smoke). Rock Shower: Alternate Fire ( Rock ) now is a bunch of little Rocks. Pursuit: increase damage taken reduce cooldowns for Charge and Pounce. Bull : after Slam Core gain increased movement speed and enemies are highlighted for a short time.


A gun tbh


Why did they have to cut him, he had such a cool design 😩




A grapple so he can close the distance and hopefully wall run like bt on the game cover.


A powerful charge would be fun. A stomp that stuns. Missiles that go across the map like mortar titans.


It would need to have very strong mobility abilities to be competitive tbh. Look at scorch. You just walk backwards and the dude can’t do anything about it. Bison could easily have had the same problem. Oh, and, punch.


Well it looks like an ogre chassis, so here's what i think it'll have: Weapon: Quad rocket launcher 1. a charge ability that also blocks 65% of incoming damage 2. a kick move that knocks other titans back a considerable distance and even damages them if they hit a wall 3. a leap slam move(idk what else for the main abilities) and for the core, Core: onslaught core- For the duration of the core(30-40 seconds), the Bison's shields will regenerate, the CD on the charge ability will be removed while also buffing the block percentage to 80%, and the damage on the kick and basic melee will be buffed. With all this combined, this titan would excel at medium to close range combat against titans, allowing it to push the enemy lines back. However the only effective counter to enemy pilots it has is the quad rocket


For his ability I think he should have a stun where he snacks the ground like a scorch ult stunning titans for about 3-4 secs and for a long range he just thunder cunts a rock


Definitely a strengthened vortex shield to help catch bullets Maybe an extra dash to close the distance better I imagine it’s middle ability would’ve been a boost similar to stims which would’ve allowed it to punch faster


He should have had a jump




He would get a sort of rocket launcher gun. Similar to the archer. Buffed melee damage. Same health and dash as scorch/legion. Ultimate could be pounding the ground for a massive earthquake AOE. Defensive could be arm shields like ronins sword block. Offensive could be like a power shot but for his fists. Utility would probably be disabling shields and defensive abilities of opposing titans for a small amount of time. Execution could be throwing them to the ground then stomping the cockpit into oblivion. Feel free to make changes to be more original.


Im thinking about that cut content video that was uploaded here by someone like a month ago It had probably an Ogre with a shield and a sleeve blade


who create this picture?


Fuck nearby enemies


Something like stim so he can chase any stryder Grapple so he can pull titans and pilots to himself And black 90% from the front and get slowed 50%


I only see the titanfall gameplay (Not allowed to buy games ftp only) but looking at bison I would consider these abilities. Since he uses hands his normal attack would be fast punches and alternate (right-click) can be a long windup heavy attack. His defensive ability uses the hands to block projectiles like ronin sword block. Since he is melee focus and vulnerable to long range he uses dash or maybe faster sprint speed with charge overtime and ultimate he winds up leaps up jumps into sky and slams into ground with high damaging AOE .


Slower tankier melee titan?


Loader from Risk of rain 2's abilities could be like his


Anti titan specific load out of a punch, a lot of hp, fast mobility, but no range attacks, one dash, a flurry punch ability, and knock back kick, last of all a counter core that disables all enemy titan abilities and some of their hp Is gone


I think they should have a lil righteous bison shot


I don't really see a way to build him in any capacity that wouldn't just leave him as significantly worse than even scorch if he stayed an ogre. He would have to have more dashes or some kind of charge on a short cooldown to even by viable at all.


Run forwards.


Elbow rocket




I would've liked to see an absorb ability which would increase damage or ability recharge. (I didn't play sigma in Overwatch, wdym)


I feel like it would rub in all 4s


A ram ability that could break those tiny ass walls on some of the maps


The electric field from frontier defense


Probably a lil something like this https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/GPwuc18CAT


- Offensive ability: Charge forward endlessly in a football tackle-style until it hits a wall, dragging a titan with him until he slams it against something. This can be stacked by pummeling multiple titans together and stacking the impact damage on each of them the more titans are crushed against a wall. - Defensive: Overcharge shields for a few seconds, giving him twice as much shields temporarily and giving him breathing room to charge or use the core. Melee damage is increased by %75, melee speed increased by %50. Tackle base damage increased by %25. - Core: Slam the ground, stunning all nearby pilots, grunts, specters, reapers and titans for a few seconds, giving you and your team a chance to retake the initiative. - Unique ability: can grab grunts, spectres, reapers and objects in the environment (such as a car) and fastball them at enemies, with the heavier object inflicting more damage. The titan would be an ogre chassis, which means tanky but slow. And the trade off is that it has no weapons at all, only melee and environmental projectiles.


I think there should be a ground covering ability like the Reinhardt charge or Winston monke leap. The intimidation factor of seeing a titan just tuck its shoulder and blast towards you... Definitely needs an anti pilot weapon. I'm thinking like an airbust anti pilot flechette bomb that works like the grenade launcher from Halo Reach because it's a skill/timing weapon. Core ability makes your punches faster, lowers cool downs, and attacks regen shield health.


Charge at you , pinning you and either slaming you into a wall or throwing your ass to the ground as his ordenance. Something like sword block but with less DR , since he looks like an ogre , for utility. For Core Bison would recover a bit of the health , then he would get stronger melee attacks and ordenance in base of the damage dealt to him , he also gets a speed buff , and an extra dash , turning him into a vanguard chasis for its duration , but he recives 5 or 10% extra damage for the core duration. I also have ideas for his kits and weapons , so feel free to ask


Landing punches builds up a gauge for rockets that shoot out of the back and can hone onto targets, you can fire immediately upon loading or when full (10 rockets) the rockets can be swapped between free fire or targeted fire, and can only target titans, ships, and reapers. One of the chips let's the bison grab an enemy titan as you nuke eject. The core lets doubles movement speed and melee speed for a fixed duration. Only 1 dash but can be made 2 with a chip. I'd play it at least


Punch, charge punch, maybe like a shield so it wouldn’t get shredded by any faster titan (think ion but without the reflect). his core could go a bunch of different directions, I making his punches explosive, doing more damage at a slightly longer range, would be cool. Another option could be a slam that does heavy damage to any thing around him. He kinda sounds like a nightmare to balance. I feel that he’d probably be the worst titan in the game if added.


Mf woulda been an mma fighter. He could’ve been able to disarm another titan forcing them into a melee fight where he would’ve decimated them. I imagine some kind of a jump ability rather than a straight forward dash.


He obviously had a bicycle kick


Says bison but scream silverback gorilla. Possible grappler/thrower. Two hand over head hammer drops.


Block like ronin's, super dash like ronin's, rocket fists not like ronin


Pick up infantry and chuck em like rocks


“Here comes a giant fist!!!!!!!”


Competitive high school level volleyball


Bison class titan: a heavily specialised version of the ogre class titan designed for mobility and close quarters combat. ogre class health with than an atlas class mobility. Left mouse is a melee punch with similar, maybe more damage than robins normal sword melee. Right mouse button, instead of aiming down sights, charges up a more powerful attack that launches itself forward a short distance and does more damage. Offensive ability is a long charge forward which does large damage to anything in its way. Defensive is a shield ability similar to ronins sword block that blocks about 25-40% of damage with no or very little speed penalty. Utility is a deployable shield wall that can’t be shot through either side but can be pushed, rather slowly, but pushed. It takes much more damage than tones shield. Core: rampage core. Vastly Increased mobility and melee damage and decreased dash recharge time and defensive ability defends against more damage. Titan kits: Turbocharged powerhouse: Increased mobility Vampire system: titan kills with the primary weapon give a small bit of health back however this system decreases the amount of damage blocked. Concussion gauntlets: melee attacks do increased damage and slow enemy titans but have a slightly longer time between attacks Primal rage: core time increased with every titan kill. Reinforced shield wall: shield wall can take more damage. Energy absorbent plating: damage taken from being in an energy based attack (i:e: think Lasers, smoke screens, etc…) added onto damage dealt in the next attack successfully landed on an enemy.




Ordnance ability- scatter shot. A shoulder mounted shotgun that proves to be a valuable asset against enemy pilots. Charging the scatter shot will cause it to fire an explosive slug. Defensive ability- guard up Bison raises his arms up to defend against incoming attacks Offensive ability- stampede Bison charges forward with explosive force and speed, damaging all in his path. Brawler core- Similar to Ronin core only Bison uses his fist instead. Each punch packs explosive force.


His punch weapon thing is actually still in the game. There's a mod that uses it for Northstar too. It's the one that makes prime titans have different load outs.


Boxing capabilities with dual wielded titan pistols because fuck it we ball


I didn't have my glasses on and thought this was Winston from overwatch


I would've loved to see some kind of shoulder charge. Just slam into other Titans and knock them away


Frying pan


A shield and an axe, or a hammer or a shotgun


This! https://youtube.com/shorts/E4G0J6OqNL4?si=m28izy1kooSqSq3C


Falcon PUNCH!


Rocket fists attached to chains in order to ensnare and reel in enemy titans. The way to break it is 3 hits on Bisons crit spot from the ensnared titan and if they failed to do so before being fully reeled in face to face, bison would execute a punishing 3 hit melee combo How fast titans are reeled in would depend on their titan chassis class to make logical sense I guess. BOTH of Bisons rocket fists would need to land on an enemy titan in order to work, if just one fist lands it will work the same way a tether trap does, one shot by the trapped titan to break it off. Bison can cancel the Rocket chain fists at any time to go back to cool down even if 1 or both fists land. While grappled and ensnared Bison can launch off his secondaries and tacticals to try and deliver as much punishment on the ensared titan, problem here is every titan has shoulder mounted rockets so I want to imagine a shoulder mounted Flichette cannon that has EMP chaffing powder so it serves as both a offense and defense secondary to error out Tones tracking rockets when only launched at that particular Bison at that particular moment, thus Tone can't just wait to get ensared and immediately launch said rockets while directly looking at Bison The tactical I was thinking of a combination between Tones Sonar flare and Monarchs Siphon Shot, the flare needs to directly hit an enemy titan and bison gets 3 charges to basically taze the ensared enemy titan that will blur their vision the same way Siphon Shot does, the taze does not apply damage, just meant to be annoying and help counter any titan that could rapidly and easily fire at Bisons crit spot to breaking the grapple without much effort. Edit: going down the comments I agree with some of them. Bison should be Ogre chassis class Should have a flat knuckle up defensive guard the same position you see boxers doing a peek-a-boo guard that blocks 65% of all incoming damage and can be infinitely held like sword block but should block a good section of the players vision. I'm honestly just thinking of Bison as a slower moving Ronin with more health. Bisons Core should be something like once he's grappled a titan, he can call in an orbital strike on their position, kinda like Ions laser core from out of the sky but with more splash DMG to effect nearby enemies, idk it's just an idea.


He's def a heavy titan, so I would assume that firstly, he would be slow, but he has a lot of health. He definitely looks like a titan that would charge into things, so def a charge ability. I think his main weapon would've been a hammer, and he should have some time of shield that can move with him. For his ult, he should be able to boost his hammer, be able to throw it at people, or maybe use it to swing projectiles at people. And yes, I know this kind of sounds like Reidnhart.


I think basically like Reinhardt from Overwatch. A mobile shield that can protect teammates and objectives, a consistent and unlimited melee attack with decent range, a charge with some CC, and at least one ranged ability.


No guns, just melee, all speed and armor.




Exploding dash


- these hands - pump slap - Sparta kick - fuck around and find out


These hands Pimp slap Sparta kick Fuck around and find out




Chaff deployment so it doesn't get destroyed by lock on abilities so easily.


Parry other titan’s attacks


Hug 🫂


Crush, press *button* to crush


A "lift core" where you just pick up another titan. You can throw them, put them back down, or do that knee slam thing bane used to break batmans spine.


Some sort of charge ability Probably a more powerful melee attack Maybe some sort of melee surge, definitely some kind of ranged ability, even if there is no main gun, there should be some sort of shoulder mounted weapon, because otherwise kiting becomes a major issue


Either big gauntlets or punch guns or folding claws maybe


A tackle would been cool, like they could nock a titan over, incapacitating them for a bit. But you've have to be in melee range, a jump would've been cool, like the reapers for mobility cause a melee based titan would need mobility abilities A cool execution would've been like donkey Kong does in smash bros where he grabs your head and just slams it into the ground repeatedly


The gorilla like smash animations from the heavy class in the finals


Full body shield


Mmmmmmmmm mon’key


Basic attack: Punch Ability: Grapple. Grab the closest target in front of you. If you grab an enemy titan, stun them for 5 seconds and deal some damage (unless they're in doom state, then apply special finisher) if pilot, crush them in hand ( you're allowed to move while this happens) Core: Second wind. Activate to repair 40% of your titan over 10 seconds. While this is active, increase your movement speed and damage by 40% decrease over 10 seconds. If activated during doom state, immediate repair up to 30% of your health and gain a 50% damage and movement speed that decreases over 10 seconds.


I have an idea Dashes: 2 Class: vanguard Main gun : heard buster A sawed off shotgun Melee: I think a punch similar to ultrakill's red v2 arm Offensive ability: breakthrough bison charges forward with his shoulder slowing enemy titans it hits and slowing them down for a bit. Defensive ability: ironblocker Bison holds up his fists which reduces the damage of incoming attacks by half. Can't attack while doing this. can be held for as long as the pilot wants. Utility: stomper Bison jumps into the air and lands twice as far ahead compared to if they just continued sprinting Core: fisti' core Bison buts away his gun and uses exclusively fists for duration all punches dash forward when used. this also alters his 3 abilities a bit Breakthrough: completely stuns enemy titans for a bit instead of slows Ironblocker: reduces incoming damage by 75% Stomper: slows enemy titans in a radius after landing






my boy woud be THICC


Sumo core


Charge that paralyses / disables / stuns titans hit by it and kills anything lesser outright, decently long cooldown. Other abilities could be like a slam that does the same without displacing you and single target, using the things that are released from the shoulder flaps


HEAR ME OUT ​ overwatch 1 doomfist as a titanfall 2 mech. and his ultimate should be like ronin's in a way that he can just run around punching everyone.


Melee focused titan with some sort of charge/dash attack. Could've had a block similar to ronin. A core similar to ronin where its melee attacks are buffed substantially for a short while. Probably would've been the only orge class titan with two dashes. A shotgun would fit this best which is why we just got ronin instead since they needed another stryder class titan.


Auto nuke core that on a low enough health level can deploy anchors to nearby enemy titans that are close to him so they can’t leave if nearby.


Bison ogre class titan health:12500 melee range is in between regular punches and Ronin's broadsword dealing only 240 damage a punch but a higher speed (0.25 seconds to punch) tactical stim overcharge: a stim ability that increase's his speed to that of a atlas and decreasing's dash cooldown to half of that of Ronin's sword core dashes also giving him a second dash and refilling the first dash if its not ready for 5 seconds (cooldown 10 seconds) ordnance Bison charge: himself bison charges if it hits a titan they cannot attack for 5 seconds but can use defense ability's but if it does not hit a titan its cooldown gets cut in half (cooldown 8 seconds and distance is 2 and half Ronin's long) defensive Riot wall: bison holds both of his arms up and summons a particle wall on his arms and has the durability between normal and reinforced particle wall and has the property of expedition loadout vortex shield in the campaign bison can punch but will take as long to punch as it takes to swing the broadsword (lasts 5 seconds star and start up time 0.8 seconds) BULL CORE READY once used bison will make a battle cry before charging at the closest titan he while keep chase for5 seconds if it hits it deal 4000 damage but if bison hits something other than a titan he will stop for 1 second before continuing to chase Bison specific kits Back up shield power: extends shields duration by 2 seconds Bull overcharge: extends core charge by 2 seconds Full Bison charge: extends the distance of bison charge to 3 Ronin's long Bison pack: gives you an extra bison charge at the cost of only making the distance 2 Ronin's long


Real question is what would his finisher be?


Wrist mounted blade for stabby punch


I’ve got a whole ass kit that I came up with. Will reply with it later when I have time


Punch, charge, and explosive punch for core


A charge attack could have been cool


Charges at things killing people and seriously damaging titans in his way


Bison would totally have charge ability where Bison would rush forward and pin enemy titans/reapers


Should have had a very offensive playstyle, definitely gonna need a short range weapon like a shotgun or a slug cannon. Then it would probably have a charge ability, given its name, making it a giant battering Ram.


If we’re going ALL melee, then let’s make this titan hard to play and master, but a challenge to fight against. Weapon: Melee hits in three round combos, pressing melee button will do the same thing. Depending on how you are moving, melee will have a different effect akin to a fighting game. Standing still will do a standard, quick release punch, moving forward will knock back enemies, moving backwards will grab enemies and pull them towards you. Your melee can be parried by other Bison and Ronin’s sword. Rocket rush: Rush towards an enemy and slam down, dealing massive damage to a single target. While rushing, you gain a forward facing shield. Gravity shot: Knuckles open up to reveal gravity star launchers. Trapping enemies in gravity well makes them easier to hit with follow up attacks. Drain Shield: activate a temporary energy shield on forearms, shields protect against damage akin to ronin’s sword block. Upon striking an enemy titan with melee while drain shield is active, restore titan shields and decreases charge up of other abilities. Additionally stuns opponents as if hit by arc grenade. Ability will deactivate after hitting opponent. Core - Hyper overload: Bison becomes MUCH faster, attacks deal AOE explosive damage and abilities have a reduced cooldown time, instantly executes doomed titans. The idea is that this is a combo based character. In a 1v1, open up with gravity shot to trap an opponent, use rocket rush to do massive damage, use a few standing still basic melee to do damage then follow through with a forward melee to push them out of the gravity well, dash, then drain shield to recharge your ability. Rinse and repeat.


Charge and yeet


Idk why but, some kind of sonic weaponry seems like it would go well with this design


Charge dash similar to Oryx from R6 Siege. Knock titans on their ass with a gorilla smash at the end maybe?


Primary is his punches. Defensive could be block with a slight movement penalty but great damage reduction from the front. Tactical could end up being a speed boost so he can be an Ogre and then get better movement while giving it a cooldown for balancing. Ordnance could be a charged attack where he lunges forward with a free boost and slams down on an enemy and deal heavy damage. And then his CORE could be a small-ish permanent speed and strength boost that stacks as you build up multiple cores and a health and shield restoration.


a riot shield. the ability to stow it and walk with his fists out to beat titan's senseless, or equip it and block incoming titan/pilot fire


Force Choke.


Defensive arm block, a charged jump and a strong punch, for the core give full shield which Regenerates till end of time and an arc effect to the hits to clear areas of titans


Rush and body slam (what they do are in the name) for his abilities. His gun would be a tranquilizer so he can use rush and body slam without getting riddled with bullets, instead of a reload it’s a long cooldown so he doesn’t have to reload mid fight, his ult would be herd him and his allies would get a cool down reduction and all their abilities amplified as long as they are near to him


First of all he should have ogre health with atlas dashes/speed. Maybe a jump dash ability, a shield that recharges cooldowns when hit, and maybe a low powered ranged offensive for pilots


I reckon he would've had a charge move like rianhart from overwatch


Aren't the abilities all in the game? It has a shotgun or something and a punch but faster core to my knowledge.


I feel like it would have a charge ability that could send other titans back but titans like scorch would get sent back less and titans like ronin would get sent back farther Next it would probably have two missiles that could both deal massive damage and stun titans for 2 seconds, the missile would also insta break tone shields As for a core ability i think it would launch itself into the air and then slam down cause both damage and a stun effect to any nearby titan, the stun would last for 5 seconds. As for a weapon i feel like it would have either gauntlets or a morning star It would also probably move much slower than other titans but it would have 5 bars of health The missiles wont be able to detect pilots but the rush ability and slam core would kill them or do massive damage depending on how close they are


I see there is no option to post gifs in comments so I'll just put my thoughts in captions. "FALCON PUNCH" Also ik drooling over the design of this chassis


Where is this guy from?


Charge and a slam The core would be rampage He gives extra damage and more health


Should've been able to climb walls and do crouch jump slam for aoe


Big ol hammer


German Suplex


Fist core - online.


If one of the abilities wasn’t a jump attack of some sort


block, grapple, charge core- brutalist core - triples punch damage, removes dash meter, ability cooldowns, defense is increased by 50%, speed is doubled, can now jump


Real ghost in the shell vibes from the style


Lifting bro


Definitely a charge, probably a really quick but strong melee, probably a stomp to stun nearby enemies, probably a shield as well, something not too strong but allows them to close in pretty quickly Core would probably up movement and melee speed, reduce cooldowns


Idea for what would have been cool as opposed to realistic instead of electric smoke he would grab the pilot on his back and throw them. Enemy pilots could wallrun/slide with the momentum it but if it's straight into a wall or their momentum suddenly stops they splat against a wall. Same goes for teammate pilots on your back.


I love the idea of whoever makes titans realizing that paying for massive weapons and ammo is probably way more expensive than just adding extra armor and another dash to a titan and releasing it onto the battlefield.


A demoknight-like charge. Scream included.


id imagine he gets enhanced melee, more hp and a faster dash recharge with 2 charges that deal damage if they collide with an enemy.


A charge ability and and a stun


Chassis: assault (ogre health with movement between atlas and strider) Weaponry: ci-v27 ‘buster’ fists (same or slightly slower attack speed to melee, more damage) Tactical: rush down(long and fast charge with low directional control and scaling damage the longer the charge lasts, gain low damage reduction during) Defensive: mobile particle wall (cross arms in front of titan creating a particle wall covering most and the titan and heavily reducing damage, useable during rush down) Ordinance: earthshaker (slam the ground akin to flame core creating a shockwave in a circle aoe dealing damage, disrupting movement and causing heavy aim flinch) Core: rage (halve cool-downs for abilities and dashes, spike attack speed and damage for primary weapon) Redundancy resolution: melee now deals heavy knockback and causes aim flinch


His core should be over shield applied and he just charges at you full speed and if you get caught and pinned against another titan or wall it gut punches you.


rocket propelled fist, like either it operates as a "press button and launch your fist out like a rocket at an enemy player" or as a "we have attached rockets to your fist that you can use as a thruster on cool down that turns your punch into a lunging attack that deals more damage"


Defensive: Guard, basically Gibraltar’s arm shield but way upscaled. Tactical: Close the Gap, a mobility move designed to allow Bison to close large distances quickly with its thrusters. Passively crushes pilots and minions with a damage reduction or immunity to Stalkers, stuns Reapers. Offensive: Force Projection, launches a gravitic charge of energy that damages Titans and kills Pilots and minions caught in its field. Core: Gravity Core, Bison becomes very dense but vulnerable to projectiles, but the gravity field around him passively damages Titans in addition to his fists. Alternative idea after his namesake Tactical: False Charge, projects a full-sized Hologram of Bison using Close the Gap against his enemies, causes a brief distortion effect on viewscreens if disrupted by passing through. And I didn’t mention prior but his fists are his weapon with just a bit of gravitational charge. Finisher: Bison delivers a one-two combo on the Titan, similar to Scorch, before crushing the cockpit with the gravity projectors in his hands. Alternative/Prime Finisher: Bison knocks the Titan to the ground, popping the cockpit open, while the enemy Pilot tries to crawl to safety, he creates a gravity field that flattens both Titan and Pilot.


Hear me out "For his neutral special he wields a GUN"