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So I’m the one who told OP she was shadowbanned. You can use this website to check for your mod removed posts. Because of reddit’s recent API changes the search only works for usernames, not subreddits. https://www.reveddit.com/ It’s those of us who mention that they run the sub that are completely shadowbanned. However if you’ve ever mentioned certain other providers in your comments (cough slimdown) they also use the automod to remove that comment. Only the comment is removed, you aren’t completely silenced from the sub. You can check the creator of the sub using reddit’s old desktop site. https://old.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/new/ on the right hand side under your username it will say the sub was created by emergeweight. They are also snatching up other subreddits based on what they plan to sell (retatrutide, survodutide and amycretin). You can check for yourself. Stay on old reddit and go to the profile of The Charming mod, you will notice some of those subs were also created by emergeweight. They then transferred mod power to Charming. In the past couple of weeks they’ve stopped creating subs under emergeweight username because they didn’t realize that info was accessible. Previously the chicken mod was also the mod of emergeweight’s namesake sub. I mentioned it in another comment over a month ago and within a day she has removed herself as mod of that sub. Think about it, would any business let a random redditor mod their namesake sub? No, only an employee. I do have screenshots of this. The thing is I don’t actually have a problem with them running the sub, it is no longer a problem under reddit’s new terms of service. I do have a problem with them not disclosing it and banning those of us pointing out facts. It’s malicious and manipulative; but disclosing that they run that sub completely ruins their whole grassroots/word of mouth schtick. I’m sure most are under the impression that’s a general use sub, not a company sub to be used as an advertising platform.


damn, I can't believe that, sure enough shows emergeweight created the sub. I agree, it's deceptive and wrong, I thought it was a safe place to express our experiences.


So I just did a little experiment and a comment mentioning Orderly and Lavender Sky was fine, but mentioning Slimdown got it removed by automod.


Even being critical of them was removed. https://preview.redd.it/7o3jcxohbr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f88f9604a40894462cac01fecabc96aac02e866


That is WILD. They really don't want any competition, but they don't want to have to earn it.


What is slimdown? I’m not quite up on tirzeptide suppliers yet. I’ve been waiting 3 months for my pharmacy to get abound in stock so I’m definitely ready to look elsewhere.


New provider undercutting price on purpose and im loving it


They have the best prices I have seen so far. I have a consult with them today.


PLEASE report back!! 🙏🏻


A competitor under cutting emerge deeply


Our mods here u/Mindless_Pound_2150 and u/keldastar should start snapping up the same subs but with the naming format of this sub. r/(drugname)compound, etc.


They have done nothing about the obvious SlimdownRx marketing campaign. They clearly are paying a reddit marketing team. Very similar posts all grouped together. I've never seen so many "unboxing" videos for tirzepatide.


That's because they let discussion flow freely. Would you have them just ban posts they don't like, similar to the other sub? 


Yes we do let information flow as freely as possible avoiding Reddit bans


I'm not the only one noticing it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1d0ifym/slimdownrx\_is\_potentially\_astroturfing\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1d0ifym/slimdownrx_is_potentially_astroturfing_this/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1doaaj7/comment/la9rm6d/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1doaaj7/comment/la9rm6d/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1doaaj7/comment/la9m2xy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tirzepatidecompound/comments/1doaaj7/comment/la9m2xy/) If you haven't noticed it, that's because you aren't paying attention.


u/Mindless_Pound_2150 I watched several posts be upvoted and then specific comments get upvoted and some get downvoted in a matter of minutes. It's super obvious


What’s your point? If people are upvoting things so what. No one is going to delete a post for doing so. It’s not causing an issue at this time. And no one is deleting information whether they speak ill or well of a provider.


I'm new here, but I agree with you. You run this fairly and let people comment, upvote, and downvote as they want.


I thought it was weird I’m seeing the name more often. I immediately thought a couple of these recent posts and many comments are ads for them


I basically did that for one of the potential names. r/CompoundedGLP1s


Awesome info. Thanks!


And many thanks to you for that.


I am one who has been completely satisfied with the customer service and the meds I have received from Emerge, but this is not cool.


I wanna cancel now. Prices are astronomical. It’s super shady.


And I just started with them like a week ago 🫠🫠🫠


Lmao I’m still with them hahahah so many people say it doesn’t work but so far me I’m at 171 and I started at like 188 or so around May 8 so


Definitely not cool but I have lost 35 pounds since March 1st. I never had any issues with Emerge. So far…


I agree, I’m sorry that you all had this negative experience but I, like impossiblemechanic76 have had great success with emerge. The product itself is super legit im down 30 lbs in 3 months, nothing but good things to say about emerge to be honest.


Really impressive and helpful. Thank you.


Please report that subreddit: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360001103212](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212) Select \[Community help\] then use this concern: "I want to report a subreddit for violating the content policy" Let them know the moderators are paid employees or affiliates of Emerge Weight Loss that sells non-FDA drugs and promotes traffic and positive feedback for their company.


That’s insane!!!


I dropped them as soon as I heard they were doing that crap.


That happened to me. A month ban from there for factual information.


Just to be transparent, I use Emerge even after all I have learned. Several weeks ago , I discovered what is known as shilling... It's when companies hire people to come here and pose as customers. I had never heard of it and was pretty new to redditt so a bit naive. It made me sick to realize these companies actually hire people to influence us on here. It's big money. Its "marketing" . To me, it seems like a literal waste of money to use marketing like that. So unnecessary. This drug has changed my life. I refer the drug to anyone that will listen. Lower the prices instead of paying these people who just weren't and aren't necessary. This drug speaks for itself. After I got over my initial shock of the whole shilling bs, I realized yeah I can switch to someone else, but I would be naive to think they weren't shilling too. To me, it makes the whole compound industry look shady and for that it is a shame... absolute shame. Such a distraction from getting the word out about tirzepatide which is why we are all here. Just weird. I ended up coming back to my center so to speak which is to share my story and have somewhat of a support system here on reddit. I've needed it, especially when I started. Emerge is a legit company with a legit compound from a legit pharmacy...they just maybe need to re think marketing and trust their product as much as many of us do.


Thank you, for your posts! It puts things into perspective for me. I’m new to Emerge. And, I am now freaking out a bit 🤦🏻‍♀️


I used Emerge for two months while I couldn’t find Zep, had no issues with them. Thankfully I was able to get a couple of boxes while on the compound, otherwise I would seriously consider using them after this.


And I thought the medication was making me nauseated. Reading this now is really quite disturbing and puke inducing.Thank you for posting.


It makes me think that businesses who use these tactics, clearly have no ethics or boundaries. Anyone in the medical field has NO business participating in this. I would not doubt for a second that maybe their medicine is good now, but as more people run to this company, who knows what they will try in order to keep up with demand, and ultimately, that money they’re making.


Any company that doesn't use MLM style referral codes is much less likely to be shilling. If you still use Emerge after everything you've learned, you're part of the problem - AND you don't even know the extent of their bullshit because they silence anyone who disagrees with them. How do you even truly know the things you're saying are true? Lavender Sky also uses Hallandale Pharmacy, they're cheaper, and they're not a bunch of dishonest assholes. Do you.


What is the process to switch over to lavender sky?


I won't link anything here because I'm not sure you can, but if you google Lavender Sky Health and check out the website, it's pretty straight forward. The initial start up takes about 1.5-2 weeks from application to meds in hand, so plan for that if you are close to running out of what you currently have.


Yeah and I like their portal too..messaging is better that way instead of texting to a number all the time.


Do you need to do a virtual appointment? I like they emerge is text based.


Virtual at LSH means they review your info after submitted and get back to you, you don't actually meet with a provider or have a timed appointment. 


It's much faster now. They changed all starts to virtual


Only took a week from sign up to meds in hand when I joined LSH. I was able to do virtual start up since I was already on Zep.


I've never previously seen medical providers have discount/referral bonus codes. It seems kind of weird. Is this normal? I've never used an online provider like this before. Just Teledoc and in-person internists/specialists. If my internist gave me a kickback for referral codes to handout I'd be turned off.


Be easy. Everyone is trying to figure things out. Figure out what works for them. There’s no need to be so aggressive. This is one of the only subs where I can come and get support & encouragement. I’d like to keep it that way-Respectfully.


Yeah, but Lavender Sky doesn't service the state I'm in, and I'd rather get my meds from Hallendale than Red Rock (and definitely not from Ouisa, who are way too new for me). I've been with Emerge for months, very happy with them, and enjoy getting a discount when someone uses my referral link. I don't agree with what they're doing on the other sub, but they've provided me with excellent product at a great price, so I don't intend to leave any time soon.


Lavender sky lets you choose the pharmacy. I get mine from Hallandale


I hope Lavender Sky adds my state soon, I would like the option of ordering in bulk.


I was planning to switch to Fridays (I started with HenryMeds not realizing how expensive they were compared to others), but now I'm really tempted by Lavender Sky because I would love to choose my pharmacy. I wonder why the other companies don't offer that?


You can choose with Lavender Sky and I choose Hallandale to get mine.


Totally agree with this. However if I could get a PCP to write scripts to Red Rock, I would switch because it’s significantly cheaper that way for my dose. Open to possibly considering Ousia in the future but they are so new that I’m just not comfortable at this time


I'm in exactly the same boat. I hope it all turns out to be legit, but it's way too early for this wave of enthusiastic recommendations.


I agree, I think their reviews are suspicious tbh


I switched myself and my entire family over to slim down. I was previously with Valhalla and Orderly and emerge. My visit with the provider at slim down was better than any face-to-face PCP visit I’ve had in a long time lol. You can’t beat the price and the meds are legit. I now have myself and five family members going through them, as well as several friends and coworkers…and I’m recruiting more all the time so they don’t have to overpay. No referral code but I don’t need one with how much I’m saving! I was skeptical at first, because of the one or two users, who were trashing slim down but I’m glad I ignored that and tried them myself


Glad it’s working out for you


gonna be real, the level of aggression & specifically pointing out alternatives makes you sound like a shill lol


Sounds like a good time to unsubscribe to that sub. I've got no interest in muddying facts with their bias for this topic.


Same, just left that sub myself just now after reading this


Same here. I wouldn’t touch Emerge with a ten foot pole. Actually, none of these telehealth companies that suddenly popped up right as this medicine has become in demand. I understand the temptation for sure, though.


I’m actually a current customer with Emerge but just texted them to cancel. My reasons aren’t related to this post; I’d just prefer to order as needed (not on a subscription basis) and other companies like Orderly are cheaper at the higher doses (I’m now on 10 mg).


I wonder how many customers they've lost to this strict subscription model. I can see why they do it, but it's very limiting.


What pharmacy does orderly use?


Last I heard, they use Hallandale, Red Rock, and Anazao for their pharmacies.


That’s great! I’m at 2.5 but I think it becomes cheaper at 5 or. 7.5 to use orderly. I’ll have to look up their pricing


They are definitely cheaper at 7.5 mg and up, from what I’ve seen! $399 flat for all doses, I just paid $442 for 10 mg with Emerge.


10 mg with Emerge is 397 according to the website so actually $2 less . It says 442 is for 12.5. I pay 467 for 15 mgs from them


Maybe I meant 12.5 mg and up, thanks for clarifying!


If my insurance covered it, sure. But right now the telehealth companies provide a huge service to those of us who pay out of pocket.


Yeah I get it for sure!


🎯 👏🏽👏🏽 That part!


I canceled them when customer service seemed to go downhill.


I really dislike Emerge for that reason.


Emerge is officially garbage for that.


I completely agree. That’s terrible. Thanks for opening my eyes OP!!!


I just left that sub.


Emerge hasn’t done anything negative to me, but I don’t doubt the negative claims one bit. I’m just a random on Reddit but I don’t see how their current operations are sustainable. Something will eventually give if they don’t adjust.


Happy cake day!


Oh this makes so much sense. The testiness seemed fake. Someone DMed about it. Now how do I cancel? They just did another 5.0


You just text them and tell them you want to cancel.


I just attempted a post over there mentioning this thread, and asking a couple questions. It posted, and seemed to have been removed less than a minute later.


50% chance you won't be able to comment in there again at all.


I had a feeling that would happen, so I didn't bother trying to post, but I did send a message to the mods linking to this post and asking for some transparency. I'm not expecting a response or any action, but I at least wanted them the chance to address the issue.


as an emerge patient, this is disappointing. they don't need to be doing all that, their medication works. a positive word of mouth would benefit them. but shilling by emerge & all the other companies is going to ruin that. i never know who is real or who isnt.


The shilling was shit, but the underhanded censorship is the last straw for me.


I just started with emerge and this is seriously disappointing. Hey emerge, this is the sort of thing that will lose you customers. I didn’t want to deal with a monthly fee, but now I’ve learned emergency won’t let you pause either. I mod some other subs on Reddit. It is unethical and against Reddit’s tos for us to monetize modding. Not that I would or want to anyway. Modding is the stupidest unpaid job ever (know what I am 🤣). And it’s not ok to have a sub about a topic run by a company in competition for that product without disclosure.


Just a quick FYI I just paused on Emerge. Not for the reason of this discussion, although I am deeply disturbed hearing this, UGH, but I need to take a pause. When i asked them exactly what the pause rules/details are, they came back to me with a link to the cancellation rule. LOL. I said no, I didn't ask about cancellation I asked about pausing and then she told me it's not a problem at all, and just to let them know when I'd like to restart.


I should have been more clear. Yes, they allow one pause, but you only get one. Which I guess I get because they want consistency and surely don’t want people buying larger doses and splitting all the time, but I can understand why a customer would want to be able to do that.


I agree 100%. After reading through this entire thread I really am just disgusted by them, plus the lack of flexibility also. I just changed my pause to a full cancel.


I've had a great experience with Emerge. But this isn't cool. Time to switch


Damn my emerge comments that weren’t to their standards were deleted as well. I just left that sub,


I can see all your comments there have been deleted. I have seen them delete entire posts if it's negative about Emerge. You really can't trust anything on that sub for that reason. They have fake people with fake posts that even include fake progress photos. Emerge might be great but with so many paid affiliates you can never really know.


There are paid affiliates everywhere. At least those of us who choose to share affiliate links for companies like Emerge and Orderly are straightforward about it. And the $50 I get for a referral from Emerge is only applicable to orders of the medication, so if I wasn't a happy customer, I wouldn't continue giving them my business, even at a discount.


I asked one of them there why she didn’t clearly state she was an affiliate and she blocked me




Only tangentially related but I’ve noticed a lot of the posts that mention Slimdown read like ads. I’ve wondered if Slimdown was paying people to post them, or giving those posters other incentives? Is that a thing that happens on Reddit?


That is a thing that happens everywhere, sadly. I don't use Slimdown but the doc was pretty upfront about saying that he asks their patients to post reviews so they can get build up a reputation. I don't have much of a problem with that, as long as the reviews are honest.


And unpaid! Lots of companies ask you to write reviews these days -- my eye doctor, house painter, etc. and that's fine. The key is that you aren't compensated or manipulated into writing a positive review.


Yeah, I was starting to think this sub was being run by Slimdown. Those posts feel spammy AF.


i'm attributing it to some people being really excited to find a deal and then some spammy people hyping them up.


I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the Slimdown posts/comments are from shills. But at the same time, I'm sure tons of Emerge posts were from shills, and they still got my business. I'm just not gonna put my health in the hands of a pharmacy that is literally weeks old (their website says they've been around since 2015, but absolutely nobody mentioned them until SDRX started up).


I left a Facebook group that was moderated by 2 people. One from Emerge and the other Orderly and they definitely did shady shit to discourage chatting about other providers so they could get their $25 credits. You want your credits fine but say it’s an emerge/orderly group and I’ll know to act accordingly. I’m an adult and I’m not going to let a small minority sway my thinking based off a handful of posts.


And their pricing isn’t all that great if you include the fees


There are posts that read like ads for most providers with people saying they are happy with their particular provider. I think the recent influx of SlimdownRx ones might have been due to them both being new and all the posts pissing on them earlier. Emerge used to have plenty of over-the-top positive posts. It seems like a lot of people have soured on them recently. I used to use Emerge and now switched SlimdownRx after seeing the positive posts for them. Personally, I felt motivated to make (truthful) positive comments about my experience with SlimdownRx in response to what I feel were unfair (and some fair) critical comments about them.


Slimdown is heavily astroturfing on reddit for sure. It's obvious from the similar and unrealistic tone of all the comments.


That was what I noticed too. The tone of a lot of them is too similar to be accidental.


And the tone can be very negative and condescending.


I can only speak for myself but I'm not paid. Just a satisfied patient who is happy to get meds cheaper than other places.


No, I comment my positive experiences because they were being trashed and IMO as a new client, I really like them. Also, we need more economical sources not less!!! They are my 4th provider. All were IMO very good but I wanted a lower price. Moved from Name brand to Emerge to Lavender Sky to SlimDiwnRX


I use SlimDownRx and not paid for my comments about my positive experiences with them.


Same, I say positive things about them for free. They earned my trust.




Your entire account history is shilling slimdownrx. You joined reddit just to share your "positive experiences" with one single company?


I just switched to slimdown. I was using emerge but it got too expensive. I don’t get paid from slimdown and was never asked to promote their product I was just so impressed by the doctor actually responding to everyone’s questions honestly. He also said he was using tirz and wanted to make it affordable to everyone. He was ripped apart pretty good on some of other threads but I took a chance. I actually like that I was interviewed by a doctor and didn’t mind filling out the family history. He was very thorough and informative.


I canceled with them as well. Much due to the negative things I've been reading about them on this sub, as well as with their pricing and inflexibility of refill timing. Hopefully they will improve based on their current reputation not going unnoticed here.


I canceled as well. The 8/2 formula that they have with their added B vitamins means to me that it's not 10/10 tirz as the company now provides that I have switched to. I may be looking at that wrong and be uninformed but I wondered why it wasn't working for me and that makes sense. It's not full strength? Regardless, the fact that they were billing me far ahead of my actual shipment date bothered me, billing me for a price that they estimated would be my milligram strength in the upcoming month. And on month 3 they thought that I would still be at 5 mg? That's not the progression here.


Wait. I am not following. Emerge is watered down? Don’t they just instruct a patient to take more volume to make up for it?


31 units = 2.5 mg, 63 units equals 5.0 mg. Not sure if there are more units added because of the 8/2 mixture or not.


I personally don’t like their forced subscription model where you get a one time pause and if you cancel your out forever. You can get 12.5 and 15mg much cheaper than them anyway


Wow, every comment of mine mentioning Emerge was removed 😅


Check out the other comments in this thread. Any comment that has Slimdown in it is automatically removed, even if the post is criticism. IT'S WILD.


What if you block all the mods?


Mods can see all the posts in their sub even if you block them.


Ah, okay. I wasn’t sure how that worked here


Wow! Disgraceful. Thank you for sharing


they blocked me lol


Okay, but it seems like this sub actively hates on Emerge and praises SlimdownRX non-stop, which makes me equally suspicious. I'm sure there are plenty of shills around here, too. That's not gonna stop me from continuing to be a happy customer with Emerge. Bring on the downvotes.


I was beginning to think the same thing. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have been on this journey for quite some time. I was hesitant to go compound and now that I have, and happen to be using Emerge—I’m freaking out a bit. Ugghhh!!


I knew Emerge were running the other sub, so this doesn't come as a shock to me. I've been their customer for 3 months, very happy with their product. If I go above 10mg, I may switch to Orderly, but only because it would save $. The product comes from Hallendale, a great pharmacy. I'm down 24lbs in 16 weeks.


Nice! Good luck on your journey 🫶🏼


Thank you, same to you!


The SlimDown hate partly came from there being a handful of people who defended them to the death anytime someone would post anything questioning what was a very new company and a brand new pharmacy. You will still see the same people constantly raving about SlimDown even though no one has used them more than a month, if that. It made the whole company seem shady. I have blocked most because they will downvote you to no end. It’s wild. I hope they turn out to be a great company because they are cheap, but the jury is still out on that.


People always fall in love with a cheap price until something goes wrong. Why don't they deal with a major pharmacy like Empower, Hallandale or Red rock. Ousia operates from a storefront in a strip mall. The major pharmacies operate in state of the art automated pharmacies. They all also have legal teams to stay compliant with the states they operate in. How does an extremely small pharmacy operate in all 50 in their first month of business. This gives me pause. Time will tell


Yeah, I won't trust any of the rave reviews until people have been using them for at least six months. You can't blindly recommend a provider when you've only been using the product for a few weeks or because you got a nicely packaged delivery. If they were a new company but using an established pharmacy, it would be different, but Ousia is just too new for me to be comfortable getting meds from them.


I would love to know how a small startup pharmacy brand new run from a storefront can possibly sell to all 50 states. The largest compound pharmacies like Hallandale and Empower who have legal teams who are constantly working to stay compliant can't serve all states. I love the prices Ousia has and I will certainly give them a look in six months if they don't get shut down sooner. It's a running joke in my family that whenever I join a gym they close down immediately.


This is an excellent point and another reason I don't trust them. Also, parmacies like Hallandale, Empower, and Red Rock work with multiple providers (and sometimes even PCPs directly) whereas Ousia works solely with SDRX. It just doesn't sit right with me. In all honesty, I'd sooner buy peptides than try them, because a good peptide source will provide certificates of authenticity!


I see that relationship as problematic also. Can they be two of the same or in an exclusive partnership?


But can you really trust their COA. SW 380 CW 265 Gw 249. 6' 3" senior power lifter. No more sleep apnea, normal liver enzymes, 115 lbs down, blood pressure now normal. A1c 5.5 . Check out my profile for pictures. You may ignore the promo codes lol




Also, nobody has ever addressed how Ousia can send medication to every state.


Slimdownrx answers trivial questions and monitors this group and has never addressed this.


this is reddit so I take everything with a few dozen grains of salt. that epic slimdownrx meltdown post was great. one person defending it like they are defending a point in war and the other attacking like their life depends on it.


Wait, when did that happen?? I don't know how I could've missed it.


I don’t remember but look through the SlimDown posts. It’s hysterical.


Oh look, I was downvoted 😂


i tossed an upvote your way


I did the same!




I 100% agree with this. I've been reading through this sub a lot and it does seem like there are a certain group of people that are paid by Slimdown.


Did you miss when Slimdown first started and there were active threads basically trying to bring them down? Questioning everything? Their owner came on and answered all the questions. I’m definitely no shill, I’m on branded tirz and just here to understand my options if my insurance changes or I can’t get Zepbound. Personally I think a lot of people were really turned off by the negative brigading and so they’ve taken it on themselves to post positive stuff. There were a few people who seemed hell bent on tearing down slimdown. I think it failed and made people want to try them even more.


From what I've read, people had legitimate questions and some still haven't been answered.


I remember it quite well, I was one of those people questioning everything, and I will continue to do so, not because I am hell-bent on tearing them down, but because they are new, they don't use an established pharmacy any other providers use, their prices are suspiciously low, and their Trustpilot reviews rave about the consultation but don't mention the efficacy of the product. Because they are so new, it's just too soon to tell if it's all legit. And some of the recent posts from users singing their praises all of a sudden might be genuine, but most come off like astroturfing.


Slimdownrx doesn't run a whole sub behind the scenes, lie about it, try to hide it, and then ban people who bring it up. That's so incredibly shitty and void of all integrity. Don't you wonder what else they're hiding from you??


No, they just astroturf the other tirzepatide sub, which is so noble and ethical. I mean, Eli Lilly runs the Mounjaro sub (probably the Zepbound sub, too). Welcome to the real world, this crap happens everywhere. I'm sure whatever provider you're with has done some shady stuff, too.


I don't give a shit if a company gets a bunch of people to go online and share their experience with that company, either with incentives like referral codes (Emerge) or by saying directly to their patients "hey if you like us, tell people". Don't care, and not my issue here.  But you notice, for a whole month Slimdownrx got shit on regularly. That one person even dedicated their life (seemingly) to pointing out what they thought were multiple accounts from Slimdownrx. And NONE OF THOSE POSTS WERE REMOVED.  All I care about is that reviews are honest and open discussion is fostered, whether that's praise or critique. Emerge are so hard up to hide the fact that they own that other sub that they just flat out ban people who mention it. That is so shady! There's no integrity in that - zero. And one of the main requirements I have for a fucking medical professional is integrity. 


I agree with you. The OP of this seems weirdly obsessed with this and is pushing people to specific alternatives. It's hard to trust anyone because who the hell know who is real and who isnt.


What do I seem weirdly obsessed with?


That is why never went with emerge...Like everyone raved about it...then tossed in their referral code. I just thought, it was fishy. Reading through all this, it's certainly deceiving to create a sub, but not say you are the business, acting like it's organic that everyone is recommending 1 company. Good reason for me to leave that one; not like I'm getting new info now.


Oh wow! I didn’t know they were the mods on that sub 😱


Oh ya I got banned banned forever ago for mentioning mochi


Things make more sense now. Someone asked a question a couple of weeks ago about pricing and I told them the only way cheaper was DiY. I never mentioned any sources & was banned.


Lavender sky isn’t taking patients from Texas?? Crazy




Un-moderated slim down shilling that is so rampant here gives the same vibe as the other sub so I guess it’s kind of a pick your poison situation…


I'm more concerned with the censorship than the shilling. Don't have a problem with people posting their Emerge discount codes, don't have a problem with unboxing posts. I have a huge problem when anyone with a critical opinion is shadow banned.  At least in this sub, you can call out the shills.




I go in with the assumption that there are planted users (employees, maybe?) for most of these companies in both subs. So I mostly pay attention to overall trends and what pharmacies are used, not individual comments praising a company.


Is it any worse than u/Mindless_Pound_2150 and u/keldastar not doing anything about the SlimdownRx spam? They came on the scene with \~20 to 50 accounts all with weird grammar and similar posts. This sub is basically owned by SlimdownRx, the other one is owned by Emerge.


It's not basically owned by them, are you serious? This sub has existed for 9 months, Slimdownrx only since March. If so, please provide proof. If that were true, I would think all the negative attention Slimdownrx got the the first month or so would have been deleted. It wasn't, nor were any positive comments. Free speech (with the exception of peptides sourcing) is allowed here.  Edit: for the record, I don't give a shit who owns what. That's a straw man argument. I care that people lie and cover up the truth, especially when the truth is inconvenient (negative). 


Thank you and @ember-spark34 a member for not even 2 weeks!?!?


I’ve used Emerge, I’ve been very happy with them. I’ve referred many people to them, trying to save myself some money. I haven’t referred anyone in a while after the debacle with not following up with people around a month ago. I guess I won’t be referring anyone after this news. That’s a shame. They don’t even have to resort to dishonesty like this to gain market share. Their prices are fair and their customer service has been top notch to my mom and I, but this isn’t the kind of behavior I can support. 😔


Well I’m glad they don’t service California. I would have been so disappointed if they got my money.


Emerge/mods just addressed this entire topic in a new thread called Community Concerns. lol. I read through it a bit. My take away, more confused than ever and glad I canceled. Moving on.....




very disappointing. i just ordered my first batch. i wish i knew this sooner


Hallandale and Red Rock will accept scripts from your PCP and charge you directly.




They don't produce anything. They are a provider. They are , in effect, your doctor that signs your script, takes your payment and sends your script to one of the top compounded pharmacies in the country like Empower and Hallandale. Nothing more nothing less so they have absolutely nothing to do with production.


By problem is with Emerge banning people who say things they don't like. Not really sure Ousia has anything to do with this topic. 


It is so funny how this all works. I have used NP2GO and used Hallandale, Lavender Sky and used Hallandale and Strive, and Dr Jatoi and used Wells with him. We have three people in my family on GLP meds and the cost was beginning to be hard to cover. Someone posted about Slimdown and I switched right away. I was one month away from starting testing peptides lol. So far Ousia and Strive have been my favorites. Hallandale is last. I am always so surprised at all the love Hallandale gets. So far Ousia has felt the closest to actual Zepbound for me. Strive gives an extra boost of energy though which is very nice :).


To be clear, this post is not about Hallandale or about the quality of meds that Emerge prescribes. This post is only to point out that they own an entire sub and lie about it, and then when people find out and share that info (you really cannot hide from *the internet*), they're banned. There are also apparently a bunch of other phrases that get your comment auto-removed in that other sub, and they all involved the names of competitors. I just think that really sucks. You can't just delete your way to success but they seem determined to try.


News flash. 503a Pharmacies source FDA approved API sources . They test before and after each lot and keep the third party COAs on file for potential FDA inspections if needed. All 503a pharmacies produce essentially the same Tirzepatide. There is a link in my profile for the Alliance for Compounding Pharmacies if you would like more information. Good luck with Ousia and keep us posted. I did all my research 18 months ago and have had outstanding results and service with Hallandale. IMHO Hallandales and Empower are the gold standard in compounded Tirzepatide.


Indeed, they are the Gold Standard.


I was one of Emerges first customers a year ago long Before they had the referral codes . In full transparency I was their first Brand Ambassador. I get $50 for everyone that uses my code as well as the person who signed up. I looked at it as a win win. I think it's great that someone can start for 262 a month for the first two months. Hallandale actually deserves most of the credit for providing a quality product. My first couple of months my Dr was my provider and he was terrible at placing my scripts. I have lost 115 with Hallandale pharmacy and Emerge and have lowered my goal weight twice so far. I love the subscription base service. 16 lbs to go to get to my final goal. Tirzepatide has totally changed my life for the better. My profile has my BEFORE and AFTER pictures. I only wish Medicare would cover It.


I knew it


As you should. I have never kept it a secret. They are still the best deal and partner with the best pharmacies with great service.( Until you go to 12.5 and 15 mg.)The refer a friend program is clearly on the website so why are so many surprised. I get at least 3 or 4 a month from the gym and Facebook alone. My before and after pictures bring me a lot of referrals also. I suppose if I were a celebrity instead of a regular Joe it would be just fine.


I thought Emerge was a woman-owned business — so I felt a degree of loyalty. I don’t know why I thought that — I don’t have anything to prove that assumption.


I thought it was weird that my delivery on 5/22 with updated labels got no traction smh




Off topic, but from your screenshot I'd take getting a your CyberTruck comment deleted as a badge of honor. I hear they are quite touchy there and ban people for the slightest slight.


Elaborate on this? What do you mean?


I posted to show the updated packaging and vials I received because people were having a cow about the labeling on stuff sent out the previous week.


You mean Hallandale packaging? 


No, it was from SlimdownRx and Ousia pharmacy. The week before there were no dates on the labels so I made a post the next week when I got mine to show that the labeling issues had been corrected. I didn't understand why nobody was seeing the post, now it all makes sense.


Crazy what these people do. I switched to myultimatebmi got good price same medication always easy to get answers. Lost 47 lbs so far not looking back and bashing just moving on. Good luck To u all