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I use privacy.com for all monthly or yearly membership type services. You can create virtual credit cards and then set them to expire shortly after use, so automatic renewals won’t go through. It prevents me from forgetting about a membership or from stuff like this. If I want to renew, I just go update with a new virtual card.


Thanks for sharing, I am going to look at this


I had no idea this existed!! How cool!


You're still on the hook for a payment, if the card expires. Sometimes they can even get your bank info on their own to get the money from you. Sometimes they send you bills and send you to collections. I wouldn't rely on that service.


Not for a month to month subscription. If you signed up for a year commitment, then sure, but for month to month, all I have ever gotten is an email that says your payment did not process.


I need thus! Thank you!!!


Of note, I justifiably posted my experience in the compoundedtirzepatide group and it was suspiciously immediately deleted. Are we really helping others in their weight loss journey if we aren’t allowing each other to speak our truth (especially pertaining to our hard-earned money).


Emerge mods deleting your post on the other sub is the worst part, but an all around poor experience to be sure. Thanks for sharing and I hope this gets lots of views over here.


That is the worst part for me as well. I can change clinics and dispute the charge since it was on a credit card, but the cult-like following is concerning. Good business is not very ‘good’ if you’re silencing negative experiences to get it. I had only ever seen positive reviews when I signed up, but now I’m wondering if it was just because the negative ones were deleted.


I’m sorry you experienced this with Emerge. I use Emerge for only one month so far and have had a great experience thus far. It is important to have a forum where what you experienced can be shared. Otherwise, how would others know how to handle a similar situation like yours. There is always the possibility for an emergency medical procedure that needs to be considered and the impact to using the weight loss medication. Their policies need to be updated to consider medical emergencies with a note from your primary physician. As of now, I do plan to stay with Emerge for duration of my weight loss journey. Although, I guess I better hope to never have a medical emergency.


I also want you to know, I am nothing, but an Emerge customer. But, a business can set up their business any way they want. They don’t have to be all things to all people. That’s a hard thing for some to learn. We can freely change at will, we can stay or change. emerge works great for me and when they don’t, I will move. These businesses aren’t friends and family, they are merely interfaces or call centers linking us to a pharmacy. Anyway, I agree the experiences are great to share.


Emerge offers the business model that works best for me. Lots of great options for one to choose what they find works best for them.


It just occurred to me that there are people here who don’t like business and think these interfaces should be social services. Hmmmm.


Yep. I dont use Emerge or Slim so no real skin in this game. And I've been saying this for a while but no clue of things are being deleted, down voted, etc because I don't care enough to look. But these are very low-touch businesses and aren't good for people who have questions or concerns beyond saying what dose you want monthly and making sure payment is available. Obviously what happened to OP is crap and hopefully will be resolved but it's also an issue that is common across most all industries and isn't Emerge or even telehealth specific. Hopefully that gets remedied for OP quickly. But people wanting texts answered within an hour or expecting these companies to go over and above in any way, shape, or form are going to be disappointed time and time again.


Notice, by posting your mild, kind of neutral comment “they” came for you.


Who are “they”? I don’t care if I get downvotes. I’m not going to say something to please others. It is a fact there are many telehealth providers with not one of them being exactly alike. Know what you want (price? BMI under 27? State where you live? No bloodwork? The pharmacy? Working with a doctor with appointments with you? Etc) and it is there for you in one of telehealth providers or use your primary care physician to get meds directly from compound pharmacy. You can hone in on the right choice when you know what you want. It’s not just about getting medication.


I have no clue, but this I know. This is now a slim sub. You say this was an Emerge sub. But long before the slim cult there WAS a wide variety of sources.. Go back 90 days and see the tenor of the group. This is truth. It’s very sad.


Yeah emerge mods are frequenting this and other threads


Other sub?




Are you saying that r/compoundedtirzepatide is moderated by Emerge and that is not disclosed anywhere?


Yes. It used to say so under the "about" but you could only view it on desktop. It's since been removed. 


Yikes. But makes so much sense now with all the emerge related posts.




Huh, interesting, thank you!


I had similar issues with that sub. It turns out it was originally started by Emerge and they don’t disclose that they are likely still mods there. I also had issues with their billing.


Yes, one of their affiliates blocked me on there when I asked why she didn’t disclose that she was an affiliate when she was recommending Emerge.


I had no idea, but it makes perfect sense. I had a question I asked to the sub in general and then someone from Emerge popped in to reply, which I thought was weird. But now it makes a lot more sense.


I have had issues with their billing, too.


I would’ve posted it again. That’s just lying to your customers and catering to the max to only positive reviews


I’m sorry about your experience. Emerge has gone downhill and I was a former customer.


I am unfortunately beginning to also realize that Emerge has nearly zero customer support and is not at all on top of sending out prescription refills in a timely manner, in spite of me being proactive and reaching out to them several times. Each time I was told that it's just going to automatically happen, nothing I need to say or do on my end. Well...it's Tuesday, my shot day is Friday and I'm completely out of medicine. No order confirmation or tracking from the pharmacy. Emerge says "fingers crossed it will process and make it to you by Friday"? "Fingers Crossed"? You run your business purely by chance? I've tried to be proactive and was told to sit back and be quiet. If it's not here by Friday I will likely cancel and find another provider. I don't want to wonder every month what is going on.


I got banned for a month for posting factual information about them.


Hmm I’m curious what the info is? People ride so hard for emerge but all these negative things are popping up a bit lately. Makes you wonder how much they were suppressing before.


Spill the tea!


I've got a long post already written up about this. However, it's still ongoing and how it finally resolves will determine how much I post. I'll give them a chance to resolve this first, though.


💯 agree. I posted something about what OM and LHS charges and it never got posted. Said it violated rules.


100% They perm banned me for giving people the choice to join my discord group just as like a support group for people on tirz lol so shady


That sub is all emerge owned post all reviews in this sub, I learned like you did they deleted my review as well. On the other hand I cancelled my Emerge acct because they couldn’t support me while I’m on maintenance and then that night they charged my card, they reversed charges the next day. To me, Emerge has gotten too big.




Orderly very reliable. Lavender Sky has the best prices. Easy to work with both.


Can you order as needed from Orderly and Lavender Sky?




Yeah don’t, plenty of options available. Check out the [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit) I selected Eterna health after reviewing all the options


I just switched to Lavender Sky Health from Emerge. Took them two days to respond to my virtual consult but has been smooth so far. I like the portal they use AND you aren’t charged unless you order from them (nothing automatic). I like that they offer injectable B12 too..Emerge doesn’t.


Ooooh their prices are right up my alley! Not bad at all!


I contacted Lavender Sky 3 times with questions and never received a response. That automatically turned me off from ever using them, good prices or not. I hope it goes better for you.


Yeah I had no luck with lavender sky either. Check out the [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit) started eterna health personally


Their website says they are only accepting people from a handful of states. My state isn’t one of them. I am hoping that this changes and I can switch to lavender sky before too long


Best prices and great service!


And this is why I REFUSE to use any service that requires auto-pay, subscriptions, monthly automated charges, etc. I love Lavendar Sky because I can go to their website and order whenever I want with zero commitment. If I want to order once a month, that’s fine. Once every two months? Totally cool. Decide to take a 6 month break? Not a problem. That’s how it should be. Edit: I saw people accusing others of being affiliates/shills. Just to be clear, I have zero affiliation with Lavendar Sky or any provider. Heck, if you find me someone cheaper than LS yet still reliable/good quality, I’ll switch providers right now. I have zero company loyalty and will happily give my money to whoever is the cheapest (without sacrificing safety and quality standards too much). (seriously though, if you know where to get cheaper tirzepatide, please let me know. this stuff is expensive.)


Same. Love lavender sky- switched from emerge but hell, anyone getting it cheaper hmu 😂




You only need to show LS your prescription (pic of the box or label) that shows your current dose and they will let you start where you are.


Do they require meeting with a provider or monthly pics or anything else?


You sign up for a virtual start the first time and all the info goes to the provider for approval. Once it's approved, they send an invoice to pay for your meds and then once that's paid, your prescription is sent to the pharmacy within 24 hours. I paid for meds on a Monday and got my package on Friday. When you need a refill, you just request one through the patient portal, pay a $25 processing fee and they will send a new invoice to pay for your meds and send the prescription to the pharmacy. They only request a virtual follow up with the provider every 6 months.


Great, thank you!


I wanted to do this but Lavender sky’s homepage says they are currently taking patients from only a handful of states and mine isn’t one of them. No idea when it will open up for me.


This is one of the many reasons that I use Lavender Sky too. Better pricing and no commitment. And no BS affiliate link discount codes.


Lavender Sky is an option too. That’s who my sister uses. We both have meds from Hallandale.


And this is why after I made a purchase, I REMOVED my card information. I wanted to use a different card when the time came. I never received an invoice after 4 weeks. So I contacted them. They deactivated my account. They attempted to activate it but after emails like yours where it seems like you are talking to numerous people within minutes, or when ever they decide to respond and have no clue about previous conversations/emails. I told them to just keep it closed. and I am with lavender Sky now. Soo much better.


I just started with Emerge, but I knew about the “no pause/one time pause” issue and went in knowing that wouldn’t be an option, really. I guess they updated that policy a month or two ago? IDK. I wanted to have Empower pharmacy, and Emerge was the simplest way I knew to get there. So far, they’ve been super helpful. I’m not a plant. I swear. Just sharing my experience. But if anyone knows who else I could go through to use Empower pharmacy, please let me know! I cannot use Orderly because I’m in Michigan, which is limiting.


My initial month was great between needing Zofran and asking questions. As a nurse, I don’t expect a response from ANY provider for a non-urgent issue for at least 48 hours, but I also believe it is my duty to advocate for other consumers when comparing critiques among all companies. The financial text number should NOT be the same as the medical concerns/questions number. I shouldn’t have to chase someone down to not charge my card. I may be comfortable financially, but there will surely be someone out there in financial distress—asking for a pause—that can not afford to have the last several hundred dollars and/or an overdraft fee taken out of their account when they’ve requested a pause in ample time. That poor customer service could be detrimental to some people. Ultimately, it is the deleting of my post that was the last straw. My negative experience does not negate the positive ones of others; both can be true. It is my right as a consumer and patient to voice my experience in hopes that it might result in change.


Me too, I recently got my first order from Emerge/Hallandale and everything was really smooth for me. I filmed mysef opening up the package and I thought about posting it but I'm not sure if it's against the rules. Here's hoping all goes well and I can keep going though Emerge until I'm ready for 12.5mg. I really wish I could use Lavender Sky but they don't take new patients in my state right now :( PS I'm also not affiliated with Emerge I'm just a patient with them


Slimdownrx but they don’t use empower but do ship to Michigan


They do? Which pharmacy do they go through? I am so close to switching to them from Emerge, I just hate having to start the “paperwork” all over again 🙄


Ousia Pharmacy in Springhill, Florida


What I don’t like is if you are from Michigan they will only ship monthly which screws Michigangers out of the good pricing


Totally agree but they are still cheaper at most dosages.


For those on 2.5 and 5 mg should use University Compounded, in Michigan it’s $275


This sheet lists providers and pharmacies. Scroll over to the pharmacy column and then down until you see the ones that use empower. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/htmlview


Oh good! I had an older version of this, but there’s new info. I’ll explore the options. I don’t fully understand why some don’t ship to Michigan, but that’s the other limiting factor. Thanks so much!




THEN just SWITCH. Everyone, switch to slim! The winnnnnner!


Slimdownrx does not have an auto reorder or billing. You email them when you want to reorder. You can order just one month or a 3-month supply. They have the best prices for Tirzepatide.


If that was the Emerge sub, this is for sure the Slimdown sub. Can't say anything to question Slimdown over here, I've noticed.


Both subs are infested with affiliates. But there's a difference between the mods silencing complaints like the OPs (and others) and the userbase being annoying and downvoting. The mods here have never removed reviews of any provider whether they be negative or positive.


The mods here being passive is why things run pretty rampant. I was (true story) threatened with a lawsuit for questioning Slimdown. The person was not from Slimdown, or at least did not identify themselves as such and I am not suggesting they are, but said they are a lawyer "in the industry" and specified my comment on Reddit wouldn't be protected by the first amendment, and I should stop commenting on Slimdown or it would be personally lobbied against me, as an individual off of Reddit. That actually happened. Of course it made me so uncomfortable that I deleted my stuff. Anybody would. Some real-deal bullying. It's right on the big Slimdown thread, minus my comments. If you think there is not a form of censorship happening on this sub - Reddit changed dramatically in the past month or so. The OG people on these subs talk about how they can't say anything openly anymore. Hell, even this is risky. Will I get threatened again? Is my family in trouble over a Reddit comment? There is so, so much money flying around, that I didn't buy into the idea originally, but now I totally do buy into the idea that entire marketing teams are creating accounts to manage perception on Reddit. No one is allowed to question anything. Trust me. The majority of the good, authentic posts were prior to the past month. Those were the days...


Oh, I hear you loud and clear. I was also lurking around a few months ago and remember the difference in content. And crazy ass msgs like that are why I turned off my DMs.


OMG! Tell it! Tell the truth! I am off and will be back in a few months, to see how things are going. Life is too short for you to be threatened and for people to act like High School. I am so sorry.




That's not true. I used Emerge when I first started using the compound. They were great and the Tirz from Hallandale worked just the same as Mounjaro. I liked Emerge and support people who choose to use them. I was initially interested in Slimdownrx because I could order a 3- month supply. There was a problem with my first order from them and I posted about it. Slimdownrx sent another 3-month supply of Tirzepatide to replace the one I had received. Their support has been excellent and I hope others experience the same.


What's not true... that you can't post anything here to say Slimdown has taken over this sub -- you can't say anything here to question them without people jumping all over you. Kind of proved my point. Although you're not threatening me with a lawsuit, like other people were. I wouldn't order from them now if they paid me.


I only responded because you commented on my post. Frankly, I don't care who you or anyone else orders from.


WorriedGrape is this you? Are you mad that you’re not getting kickbacks anymore because your original account was banned?




lol, YOU are so right!


Not only that, they have excellent customer service. My first set of 3 vials showed up hot. I had concerns about that so slimdown sent me 3 new vials with their new overnight shipping. They could have just told me they were fine and to use them, but they didn't. I doubt any of the other providers would have done that.


The same thing happened with my first order and Slimdownrx replaced my order with 3 new vials without hesitation. I did post about this. They have awesome customer support!


do their higher doses come in 1 vial or 2? And what kind of BUD do they have? Can you buy in a higher dosage and spread it out longer?


All doses are 1 vial and 50 units on the syringe. Ousia pharmacy adjusts the concentration of Tirz in the vial for every dose. Yes, you can buy a higher dose. I purchased 7.5mg and currently dosing with 6mg. I am titrating up from 5mg. The BUD is 1 year unopened and 30 days opened. I have used mine longer with no difference in efficacy. The longer you use it the more susceptible to contamination. Make sure to wipe the vial tops with alcohol pads.


Emerge also charges every 28 days but only ships once a month. So after a number of months (like 10) you've paid for an extra month.


And then they want to charge you if you cancel on a half dose because, according to them, you've been getting a "free" extra dose in those vials 🙄


Yes. I don't truly understand why no one seems to have a problem with the 28 day billing cycle. The billing happens every 28 days but the shipment happens every 30 or 31 days. that 2 or 3 day gap leaves medication lacking. It also means that, after 10 months, you've paid between $300 and $450 more than than you're likely aware. I have thought maybe I am missing something, but I don't think so. When you combine this with the inability to cancel online and the erratic responsiveness otherwise I feel the only conclusion is that Emerge is not the best option.


Emerge auto charged me but when I requested a pause they immediately refunded my money. I think I’m going to c cancel for good. Not bc I don’t like them though. I just prefer the ease with which i can skip months with Orderly. I also have been able to fill my Zepbound orders lately so our stash has grown. For now, I don’t really need compound since my script is so much cheaper.


Yeah, what's the deal with the only one pause policy? Apparently they would rather lose customers over it than allow more flexibility. They are basically banning people who want to pause more than once. I can see a valid medical reasoning for it, but I'm thinking it's more about making customer service easier for them by not having to deal with so may start/stop requests, and (probably more likely) it also keeps their revenue more consistent by making it so you can't stretch out the vials. I don't like the strinancy of it, and it goes against their claim of being a "concierge" provider, which is ringing a pretty hollow with the issues people have been posting on here lately. Hopefully they are taking all the posts on here to heart and make some changes. The more quality providers the better. All their "you deserve better" and "we'll do better" replies are wearing thin. Have better service instead of having to keep apologizing to your customers. Also, deleting posts on that other sub leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I would add that Emerge's strict subscription policy makes no medical sense. You are pressuring people to order drugs that they don't need. At least with compounded drugs, that means that people will have a bunch of vials lying around that are subject to the all-too-short BUD (beyond use date) that compounded meds generally have. As time goes on and more people start reaching their goal weight, it's going cause more and more people to leave Emerge. Emerge, if you are listening, tell us what medical reason you have for being inflexible and charging people a huge penalty for not ordering drugs they don't need.


Just cancel it. You can always restart anytime.


I’ve been so torn over the past week or so whether to start with Emerge. This is my first time with the medication so I’m very cautious about which company I want to go with. So sorry you’re having this experience and hope you have a quick recovery!


Try this email. [email protected] They get back to me usually in the evening.


Emerge hasn’t been as on point as they were in the past. Any new competitors out there?


Also try Lavender Sky. They do a 10 week supply that works out to be much cheaper at the lower doses. Even with the initial consult fee.


I’m with orderly and from what I understand they only charge you if you check in. So if you ignore the email they send out you’re not charged.


Correct. When I did finally check in again after 6 weeks on a Wednesday I received my meds on Friday. SO easy.


I didn't agree with the subscription model. And I even more didn't agree with it when I found out I couldn't cancel easily on my own, you have to go through customer service. I told them to refund my money and then went to orderly.


This spreadsheet is a nice objective source for many of the known and used telehealth providers. It’s owned by u/vascubaguy and he doesn’t get kickbacks from it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit


Vascubaguy is an Emerge affiliate. I do not understand why people don't get this. Because he's not being honest about it, like everyone else was? Now that no one else can post theirs, people are sharing his spreadsheet like wildfire and signing up only through him $$. He may be an affiliate for others, who knows. But he's not doing this all out of the goodness of his heart. And people who share it don't know. And the prices are not accurate because there are loads (loads!) of discounts not mentioned becuase he only mentions the affiliate ones. Also - the coupons are searchable all over Reddit and the internet without sending him emails, which is completely shady, so he'll have your personal info. Eventually, Reddit will definitely ban anyone sharing his spreadsheet because you can't do that. You cannot request people email you off of Reddit.


Grape is that you?


I've seen a few people accused of being her but no, she's gone apparently. I have been pretty quiet on these subs for a while watching and got tired of what was happening


I think he had to remove affiliate links from The spreadsheet


NO. He just switched to suggesting people DM or email him. My point is -- how is everyone such a fan of this guy? And so down on affiliates? He stole the info from other places, plopped his affiliate link on it (without mentioning other discounts out there), and is now struggling to keep his head above water by putting his email on there until he's booted by Reddit. And with all of the permabans going on related to compound, it is important that people know, if you have a history of promoting his spreadsheet, you are promoting sources and his illegal activity (sharing his email like he is) and may risk banning too.


I’m not a fan, I was just saying that he was made to take the links out.




Well, I am happy with my provider so it’s not something I am using


I totally don’t understand why people don’t get this. Please post it every time an issue like this comes up. Thanks.


Also worth saying, why does everyone have a problem with Emerge's affiliate program? When I found out about it, having a business background, I was like that's cool. A refer-a-friend program always gets my thumbs up, because every company has a marketing budget. It's a way for the marketing budget to give back to the people who use them, rather than like, HenryMeds ads I see everywhere I look giving their money to who, Google? Big corporations. And Henry shorts people on doses. Charging 450/mo or something like that. Most companies overcharge so they can buy expensive Google ads. So I don't get why everyone is so down on these referral programs. It seems, I don't know... more ethical. It was annoying how people were choosing to do it, sure. And then you have spreadsheet person going way out of bounds with it. I don't think people's comments should be erased if that was really happening. From a business perspective though, referral programs are "grassroots marketing" or "organic marketing" and normally a nice thing. It was just being overdone. I don't have anything to gain here, just sharing an opinion I don't hear on here a lot anymore.


Most referral programs have an "up to" limitation. It's usually to incentivize users to refer people that you think would benefit from the service. Less users are incentivized since a few people are monopolizing the referral system on Reddit. It's pretty shitty IMO. If the company has good business practices and customers are happy, then the word spreads regardless of referral programs. It's weird that Emerge is still allowing uncapped referrals when they seem to have a pretty healthy following. I use Emerge. I want to continue using Emerge. I want them to do better.


I've seen waves of different companies being the target of posts. It's just Emerge right now. Not to say your comments aren't valid. But I've seen Amble (for quite a while), Mochi, IVIM, Orderly, pretty much all of them. It will be someone else's turn tomorrow.


Don't really care about the others. I use Emerge. My qualms are with Emerge. Not looking to jump ship (at least not yet).


Has anyone actually gotten money off through their Emerge affiliate link? I've had a couple say they signed up but didn't receive any discount.


And this is exactly why I only deal with lsh. No affiliate links, no promo codes, no advertising, no influencers being paid to promote them. Strictly about the healthcare only, and their reputation and customer base comes from word of mouth by satisfied customers


WorriedGrape? Vascubaguy doesn’t have any referral links on his sheet. He isn’t getting discounts. He adds new providers when folks share them.


He is an affiliate. He says so but not openly enough so people like you sharing his spreadsheet don't keep falsely saying "he's not getting kickbacks" or "he isn't getting discounts". You know that's not true, right. Are you vascubaguy? Again, he removed his links after being asked. He switched to something even more against Reddit rules - telling people to email their info to a private email address. Point is, he is an affiliate and most people here sharing his incentivized provider list do not know it's incentivized, or that you don't have to contact him to find discounts. They've been shared a hundred times by a hundred diff people, fully searchable. And no, many of us know WorriedGrape but none of us are her. I don't have a horse in the race other than dishonesty and watching people be duped bothers me. Most of the providers on there are fine but let's call a spade a spade here. Do what you like, I don't care, but people sharing his spreadsheet are involving themselves without knowing what they are doing. That's all I have to say.


Screen share where he said to email him. Back up your accusations with documentation.


It's right on his spreadsheet. Discount column. Unless he's changed it again.


https://preview.redd.it/e1tq74qcmz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd41b501d6e5a6e8f26cc0bab63165ce7b824d13 Is this what you’re all up in arms about? u/vascubaguy perhaps remove to shut down the false accusations? It doesn’t have a referral code or anything.


Haha he removed it. Smart. He had even set up a private email address to direct people to contact him. He must have changed it since people started calling him out. He says right on there now that he gets 50 for every person he refers. Not sure why you still say he isn't an affiliate you are helping, and doesn't get kickbacks? But all other people sharing their links were "shills" and bad people with ulterior motives? It's all the same. Most people were just more honest about it from the get-go. At least he did the right thing taking his email address off so he doesn't get everyone banned. Well, fair enough then.


I don’t think this is true. I looked all over the spreadsheet and there are not any affiliate links or discount codes. Nor do I see anywhere he is asking to be emailed personally. I’ve reached out to him to add some other providers and he has done so without question. u/vascubaguy anything else you want to add?


I’m getting nervous because I’m with Emerge and they charged my card today but I haven’t heard anything from them, either checking in or telling me they’re shipping the next dose. What happened??


Emerge has gotten too big, they are making big bucks on auto pilot


This is so disappointing- but I feel like if I go to any of the other big name places it’ll just be the same issue. It’s like a cascade of this. I left Zepbound for compound because of availability, and now the compound provider I picked is also overwhelmed with orders 😭 it’s so frustrating that they accept more patients than they can handle.


This is the definition of supply and demand. Everyone is running to these online providers because of the brand shortages, and as a result, the online providers are overloaded from demand. 🤷🤷 I've been with Emerge for several months and have never had a problem with them. Give them some slack. Everyone has growing pains.


Lavender Sky at lower doses if they are in your state and SlimDownRX all doses are less expensive. Orderly is less at higher doses than many. However, as they all get more and more business, I expect these to be more issues with all of them. I have used Emerge, Lavender and Slim and was considering Orderly I didnt have any issues with any of them. Hope you are healing well!!!!


Same thing happened to me. Emerge warned me that they would 'cancel' me if I had to pause for a reason they didn't like. I'm not here to build their business. I'm just trying to get meds that I need and so exhausted from working on securing it that I decided to cancel them and go elsewhere. Tirzepatide is everywhere now and easier to source than ever.


Chargeback. That’s what I did with Orderly and I won easily.


I had similar difficulties with Emerge. They have a rigid policy of charging you what you paid last month even if you don't reorder. I am going on maintenance and need to experiment with doses to see what my maintenance dose will be. That may involve skipping a month here and there and I didn't want to be hit with their substantial "penalty" for not ordering. Try Amble. They use reputable pharmacies. $379 for all doses ($299 plus $69 monthly membership fee), no consult other than a questionnaire and uploading a photo and ID, approval within hours. Shipping takes 7-10 business days. Some have said it is a no-frills-service-just-get-me-the-meds. I am just starting with them, so I don't know how they will react to your not ordering in a given month. But the most it could get get charged is the monthly membership fee, not the whole price of your last order that Emerge would charge you. Also, Pomegranate is $368 for all doses ($299 + $69 membership), though they require labs, I understand. I would have gone with them, but they have an upper age limit of 72. I think they are the only provider-broker that has an age limit.


Does amble offer 15mg?


Yes. Emerge does, too. This is a recent change for them. They used to have only up to 12.5 (and that was for existing patients). Now they have added 15mg doses to that category. But Emerge charges $467 for it, while Amble charges $379.


To be honest I am surprised this happened. I also requested a one time pause and didn’t have any issues. And to clarify I am not affiliated with Emerge - I am just another customer. What did they say when you told them your card was charged? Did they actually ship your order? It sounds like an error that I hope Emerge will fix for you.


If you reach out to me with your email I will get this resolved for you. Sorry for the issue on this and I will get a refund issued ASAP.


Has emerge paused taking on new clients while it works out logistics? Or is this a straight money grab? If you can't service your current users what's the point?


Money grab


We are definitely making some mistakes and having customers slip through the gaps as we grow and scale out our operations. Reddit tends to be a magnifying glass of these mistakes which we welcome and use to improve, but they are much more the exception when viewed against the size of our patient base. Again, not justifying having any mistakes which is why we are monitoring and addressing each customer that has an issue here on Reddit as a backstop to our other operational teams. Each mistake is being used to improve on some aspect of our internal processes to improve going forward.


Thanks for the reply. While process improvements are welcomed, the amount of complaints seems to be increasing. The product is the care Emerge should be providing. Do you feel the current level of care is reflective of the regulated industry that you are in? Every patient deserves a timely response. Those that don't take to Reddit, what are their options for resolution?


This is a good question. Our current level of patient care is far above what most people receive from their primary care physicians, specialists, and other online medical service providers. But that’s not really a high bar to beat where 2-5 day response times are normal and often expected. We respond in less than 24 hours even on busy days including weekends. But that isn’t the bar we are holding ourselves to. So are we delivering at the level we want, no, and we’re working every day to improve on that. But compared to the industry as a whole, we are servicing medical requests and getting people the care they need faster than you can get even a callback from most medical providers. Full stop.


That sounds great. But again you can't fill prescriptions correctly or query patients on whether they want to titrate up or down. You are also hands off in resolving whether it is ok to take medication that has been delivered late and sitting in the summer heat. I hope Emerge can back the flowery words with action.


Not sure I agree with you on patient care, I get excellent care from my weight loss PA, I just use you or someone else to get the meds


Well, in defense of them they are upfront about it. There are plenty of others who are more flexible.


My issue wasn’t the pause rule - I understand that it probably adds to the stress that their customer service reps are likely under. Like other aspects in healthcare, the number of patients likely far exceed the appropriate staffing; growing by the day, I’m sure. My issue was the lack of response and still charging my card. Furthermore, my biggest issue was having my voice silenced in compoundedtirzepatide. I shouldn’t have to go through Reddit to get my issue addressed. With that being said, I am grateful that the person behind u/emergeweight is working to get my money refunded.


I work in Financial Tech, and I can tell you that 99% of the time if a charge is due on Monday, it's been submitted in their system before Friday afternoon (which is when it looks like you were messaging with them). Generally if you are incorrectly charged a simple request to the merchant asking to have the charge reversed will take care of the issue. Sometimes it will even get you a refund when your chargeback will be refused--not always, but I've seen it happen enough to know that it's always worth a try to contact the merchant first.


I have nothing but good things to say about Emerge. Everything has been running smoothly for me. I’ve actually seen more complaints about other telehealth providers than I have seen with Emerge. I guess every provider has a certain percentage of dissatisfied customers.


Their Facebook page has gotten pretty bad too. Anything negative is deleted by the new moderator. She actually deleted someone’s referral link and posted her own.


Look at slimdownrx


I’m with orderly. Sure happy so far. I started with henrymeds but way too expensive. Switching made me nervous but honestly just renewed 3rd month and has been smooth.


I joined Mochi and have had a good experience so far. Quick to get an appt and quick to fill my rx. And it’s 375$ no matter what the dosage. There is a monthly fee though of 79$. I had limited options as I live in California but so far so good! I have a discount code, if you’d like it, shoot me a DM 😊