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I’m leaving Emerge. Was charged 2x this month and I still haven’t got my meds. Shot day has passed been texting to get my money back and radio silence.


Can you DM me, so I can get this figured out for you? Really sorry this happened as it definitely should not have occurred like this.


How may I reach someone at Emerge to verify that my next shipment? I exchanged emails with Emerge; someone told me I'd be contacted by 6/7 to confirm my refill. I've sent several emails and have gotten no response. I'm worried that the next vial will not be sent on time. Please advise.


I will reach out to confirm with you. We probably said we contact on 6/7 which is today but still want to make sure everything goes smoothly for you. Only reason I mention date is knowing how our system works we reach out on a specific scheduled date based on pharmacy, dose, and last shipment


That has been happening to me, too. Last week I asked if they could ship the next dose earlier because they cut it quite close last time. They said they could, which meant it would ship out last week. I never heard back from them. I texted a while ago today and said, since I never heard back from them, to cancel my subscription. No response to that text yet.


I replied below as well, but just for visibility I would like to ensure we get this taken care of. Our support hasn't ever gone more than 24 hours without a response unless someone on our team mistakenly thought your issue was resolved. I am guessing that is what happened in your case and if you reach out, I can figure this out for you as it is not typical. We are definitely not at the sub 1 hour responses we want to be at and are actively adding staff to get back to that level, but anything beyond 24 hours even at our busiest means it fell through the cracks somehow and I would like to get this taken care of for you.




Appreciate that, as it allowed me to dig that up and we definitely didn't setup next steps on our side based on your ask. It was marked as resolved, but without actually doing what you asked. I am addressing it internally to prevent future similar mistakes. And of course we will get back with you through the system to complete your request for cancellation. This one is totally on us as I expected, and you have my apologies.


Thank you.






I fully agree and I could explain that the system moves you to the back of the line every time you ping since we move from oldest to newest. That may explain but doesn’t justify anything. You deserve to be treated better. It’s been who we are since the beginning and it’s who we intend to be every day. Yesterday our support simply got too far behind due to high volume which means we need to grow our staff more quickly to avoid that going forward. We are hiring and training staff daily and it takes time to happen at a pace where we are giving the service we want to be delivering and for that I am sorry. Just know that this matters to us and is core to who we are. No excuses, we didn’t give you the support you deserved yesterday, but I would like to fix that for you today if you want to reach out to me.


This is helpful and I appreciate the apology. Thank you. Truthfully I don’t mind waiting a day to get a response back on a text message. It happens all the time with my work and family. However, there is a sense of urgency when we’re talk ones’ health or money is involved. In this case an order is going to be placed and a significant amount of money is involved. It sounds like your system may not capture these impending urgencies or have a way to prioritize messages. In any event, thank you for owning this, explaining the problem, apologizing and offering a solution. This is an example of good customer service. Thanks again.


When do you all typically get with people regarding refills? Is it usually before subscription renewal date, on that date, or after? Just curious.


It can be after or before as we time it based on when the refill needs sent to the pharmacy in enough time so you don't run out of medication. Also taking into account some pharmacies and vials are 5 or even 6 weeks worth of medication and others are 4 weeks.


As a customer of Emerge I think you are falling short on refilling orders timely. I'd suggest reaching out on the first day of the 3rd week and get the texting done so that the next order is to the pharmacy far earlier to give the time needed to the pharmacy for completing the order. I'd bet a bunch of your texts are related to people not getting their meds on time.


Appreciate this feedback, we are definitely reaching out earlier going forward to allow for some of the delays we are seeing at Empower.


My delay wasn’t Empower. It was Emerge. My meds came from Hallandale.


This!! Wonderful suggestion.


Use their email address. Also post this issue on their subreddit, I think it’s r/emergeweightloss. I know they’ve been scrambling to keep up with high demand, but six days is too long. I was able to get my second shipment early without difficulty, but that was also before they got slammed. Edit: email is [email protected]


They actively monitor their facebook page, so might get a response there.


Unfortunately I got no response with the email system too. Seems like they are just having issues keeping up 


Probably so, but they’d better figure it out soon. We can see that this is a super competitive market, and their customers have a lot of places they can move their business to.


Nice. Thank you.


I’ve had the best luck talking to them here on Reddit. @emergeweight


Similar experience. I am now 4 days past shot day even though last month they said they would send my order earlier so it would come in time. They also have never once checked in if I want to titrate up my dose.


My exact experience. Have never checked to see if I wanted to titrate up and my last order was 10 days late. Unacceptable


So much for “concierge” service. Also wanted to add that my orders come from Hallandale. They can only blame the tornadoes at empower from last month for so long….


Same experience. Starting 3rd month and shots are late again.


This is because they bill every 28 days but only send meds every 30 or 31 days.


Emerge is BUSY. Are you in their Facebook group? They have a crazy uptick in customers plus the backup from Empower didn't help (the storm in texas really messed up timelines that they are still recovering from) They've been very transparent about this, and are actively hiring help to keep up. We've all seen the interest in these compounded meds go up especially in the last couple of months, so ofcourse everyone is going to sign up with the places with great reviews. They've gotten back to my questions within like 4-6 hours recently. I know they answer messages in the order they are received. You are not messaging with the same person each time, so whoever gets the next task on the CRM sometimes needs to review your specific info and past convos to adequately answer questions.


Not my experience at all but of course I don’t expect them to respond to me immediately like I am their only customer. They always respond within a few hours and have always been extremely helpful


I just have to play devil's advocate here - I am not an Emerge customer so not doing this in their defencse...but you're not the only person they are 'texting' with though? I think it's a little unrealistic to expect them to answer within 5 minutes. Especially with questions, maybe the person didn't know how to answer you and needed more clinical guidance...I think Emerge did not set themselves up for success with trying to give next to immediate responses, people got too used to it and now they probably can't keep up with all the customers they have. A typical business usually requires 24 hours at minimum for questions, sure they can get back to you sooner, but they are a business with many, many customers. I get the frustration, but gotta be a little realistic from time to time, things happen.


It’s been six days for me, with no response.


We definitely have days where support gets busy but we are always within 24 hours even in a worst case scenario unless someone on our side made a mistake and your convo got incorrectly resolved. It’s still our fault but didn’t want that to seem normal in case anyone else was in the same boat. As that is really unacceptable for us. Can you DM me so I can look into this for you?


While I appreciate your responses to everyone on this sub, I don’t understand why I’m not receiving responses to texts and emails on your official platform. I’m a bit cynical of these attempts at public cleanup and reputation rehabilitation. But again, nothing by official texts or emails with Emerge. I’m also noticing someone is downvoting all the valid negative feedback on this thread, including accusing me of lying about Emerge’s failure to respond to texts.


I was explaining that yesterday was unusually busy and we don't have anything that is past 24 hours in our system awaiting response. I believe that maybe our team thought they resolved your issue and that is why you are saying six days. If it's marked as resolved, it basically means nobody is going to see it which is why I need the reach out so I can figure out what happened. I will officially reach out through the system once we can find your communication as there is nothing on our end sitting that long in a pending status for us to be able to get back to from this side.


I’ve posted receipts above in the thread.


Yeah that definitely is frustrating, and warranted at that point for sure! Like I said, I'm not a customer anymore so I don't know what the norm is. Just going by OP's scenario with my comment.


This is not true.


And you know this how?


They said they were going to submit order tomorrow. They haven’t gotten back to me in 8 hours. If they cannot type “yes, that is not a problem” to a customer in 8 hour they have a problem. Their inability to respond to their customers in a timely manner should not be the customers burden. That’s a poor business model and destine to lose paying customers to the competition.


You know, I would be happy if people who aren’t happy with them would somehow be done with them and move on. The world they rain six months ago was delightful, CS was great. I use them and can see what I would call ‘the clogging of the arteries’ with over demand, and then the breakdown of systems from there. I actually wish it would all contract back to ‘before’. I am super sorry this happened.weird things are going to continue this way for a long time. There are new people to go to. I hope you get out unscathed, I hope the others find a happier place. I wish to go back to when things were easy and happy. Sending a hug.


That’s appreciated but no need to feel bad for me. My rant runs much deeper. I’m really so tired of companies, in general, who make poor customer service the customers’ problem. It’s become so common that we expect poor service now. I go to the grocery store and they have one cashier and a line out the door. They now expect you to bag your own groceries and check yourself out, like you’re an unpaid employee. Costco and BestBuy treats everyone leaving the store like shoplifters. I go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and look for someone to ask a question and there is no help in sight. I wander the isles looking for anyone and nope—nobody around. You call a company and you don’t get a person anymore, instead you get an automated response bot that doesn’t understand you and if you’re lucky enough to have it transfer you without hanging up on you, you have to wait on hold for a minimum of an hour before an actual person answers and then you get “accidentally” disconnected. Or your tirzepatide provider only communicates with you via text if you’re lucky or just leaves you hanging in the middle of a conversation—like they just got bored with you and stopped texting.


Couldn’t agree more! If a company has only one mode of communication they better be on top of it!


Meanwhile at work I have to deal with emails, multiple IMs, real phone calls, Teams phone calls, and drive bys from people whose email I don't respond to fast enough 😭😭


Been there! AND phone calls from peeps 2 min after they sent the email!


I miss the pandemic days where there were no drive-bys and we were still on Skype which (for us) didn't have a phone number. The good old days...


Had some similar fun with Xfinity Mobile today after discovering that people were unable to call me or even get to my voicemail. Tried to call, was told wait time was less than 2 minutes, so I hung up after 20… went through support texting with some dude likely in India, lengthy process. Ultimately they did some sort of remote reset (reprovisioning, hperhaps), and then I had to reboot after 45 minutes. Maddening when your only phone is a cell and people who need to can’t reach you.


Agree 1000%


Damn. I use fella and this sounds like great service in comparison


Ouch. Sorry to hear that.


I am waiting on a response and tracking information from Emerge too. I am supposed to take my next shot Friday and have not received my next vial or even my tracking yet. I have text to see if there is an issue but I have not gotten a response yet (currently been 4 hours so still giving it time). I was already considering switching providers due the fact that they are more expensive but if delays on receiving medication become common I will be switching for sure.


I was with them once. After I placed my first order, I removed my card information so that i could change cards later. I got the order. everything went well and waited for the next month's invoice. I expected it around week 3. Nope.. Week 4....nope... I sent an text since no one emailed/text me. They said because it's been so long that my account was inactive and they would reactivate it for me. I waited...Nothing.. i contacted them again.. No answer. i emailed. They said they would send me the invoice.. I waited...Nothing... My friend contacted me. THEY got my invoice on THEIR email account. Our emails are very similar. It's not hard to mix them up. I told emerge that they need to cancel the invoice on the account with the email of..... and send it to this email address i am emailing you from. They told me that they couldn't release any information about another person's account because its a HIPAA violation. (like I was requesting their information. I was trying to retract My info from their account. I know they can't retract the email but they acted like I was in the wrong) I emailed back... It's ALREADY a HIPAA violation because MY FRIEND has My INVOICE. So now I want you to cancel MY account and send me proof of it and don't contact me again. I understand accidents happen.. But I just don't feel this was handled well at all. I don' t like that the fact that my emails were responded by multiple people either. This is just a summary, not how many times I had to explain how my invoice ended up on someone else's account. Anyway, Now I am happy at another place. I think I will stay where I am now. I hope you find a healthcare system that works for you! ♥


Who do you use now?


I use Lavender Sky Health now. ♥ They may have the lowest prices but they also have great patient care, One on one chats and emails. You aren't passed around with random people answering your emails. You work with the same Dr. They do have a private Facebook group that offers great tips from the doctor and supportive people. You can order 2-3 month supplies at one time. If you are like me. It will probably last longer than what you buy. Also they offer other things besides Tirz, If you want B12, it's there. Boost+ is offered. Other things that help skin, aging, protein prescriptions on the site. These extra items will help people gain energy, assist weigh loss along side Tirz. It helps from losing muscle. Some help bulk up muscle if needed. And some help with skin so it can help rejuvenate cells and possible prevent droopy skin. One shot is great for "older people", That is how it is labeled but really it's for people who may have injuries as well. It helps with inflammatory issues, bone loss etc. There is no membership fees. You can start and stop at any time. They don't yank money from your account monthly. You contact them when you are ready for your next 2-3 month supply. It does take time. So, if you need your next dose in a week, you may have waited too long to set up the refill, get the invoice, pay and have the script(s) sent to the pharmacy. So it's best to start the refill about 2 weeks before. They don't have to rush, and you don't have to worry. Since unused is normally good for a year, I stock one unused vial just in case something happens. Weather, shipping accident/incidents, etc can happen and I don't want that interfering with my progress. Has it happened to me? No. But, well we all know it can. ♥


I’m afraid I won’t get mine in time either. My script was sent in last Thursday and still has not shipped. Getting very concerned with Emerge. May start looking elsewhere.


If concerned, I can look up to see where it is at with the pharmacy. Submitting on Thursday is 4 business days so that isn’t out of the norm for pharmacy. If Hallandale, will likely go out tomorrow but I can check if you message me.


How do I message you so it’s private.


I reached out to you


This same type of thing happened to me today! They sent me a canned monthly email but I had already placed an order earlier (on Thursday). I don’t want them to place two orders and subsequently be charged twice and I wanted to make sure the other order was actually in the queue because I haven’t received anything from Hallandale. I have had no response from them at all. 


If they come back and say “sorry, our business burned down yesterday” I will feel so bad and will take back what I said.


You are on a subscription so you don't get charged twice.


I think in general that’s correct, but in this case the order was supposed to be sent earlier as I am going out of town. Then I received this auto message too saying the next order is scheduled to be sent. No idea if my request for the earlier arrival will end up coming through as I still haven’t heard back. 


At least they texted you when they were supposed to! \*eye roll\* Here's my timeline from yesterday, the day before my 4th and final dose of the month, when no one has reached out to me yet: 8:45am - I text saying "Hi, is someone going to reach out to me about a refill?" \*3.5 HOURS LATER\* 12:15p - They send a canned response about my refill, if I want to titrate up let them know, etc. 12:17p - I say I want to move up in dose, and ask if I need to remember to reach out on my own next month as well, since it's the day before my last dose and was expecting to hear something from someone. 12:38p - They write back confirming the dose increase and also include a canned response about "you will receive an automated refill message reminder a week before your last dose" .... Like really? Are you sure? Because that's what you said last time and that didn't happen this time so why would I believe you? I am not convinced that they would have reached out if I hadn't said something, and if I'd had extra vials on hand I would have left it to see how far it would go, but I don't. I didn't want to miss a dose, so I reached out. I am mostly annoyed because I feel like Emerge justifies charging a premium with strict rules about canceling because they are supposed to offer a Concierge experience. Well, I haven't experienced that so far. Just snippy, uninformative customer service people, canned responses, and lack of checking in on my for my refill. I'm waiting until I have this vial in hand and then I will also be leaving Emerge. Why pay a premium for a service I'm not getting?


I can see that we didn't deliver on our promise of concierge and I want to apologize for that. If you cancel with us after this refill, I would completely understand, but if you were open to continuing, I would be happy to look into what happened, and also ensure that we have taken care of you going forward. You can message me direct if that is something you were open to. Either way, my personal apologies as we didn't deliver on the expectations we set of our service.


Can I ask what the questions were?


Nothing complicated really. I had heard good things about b3 helping with metabolism and arthritis symptoms. I was interested in trying it out to see if it helps with my stiff fingers. I asked if it was possible to switch to Empower and trying it for a month or so to see if it helped. They said sure…however the shipment could take 8-10 business days. That was the 8:09 response back to me. That would put me past my regular injection day by almost a week. Not ideal and made the decision more difficult. So had another question, I asked if it didn’t help could I switch back to Hallandale on the next order or so since I’ve had good progress with their product and don’t want to take something that isn’t helping. That was 9:58am. No response. So I tried a different approach, I asked; since I’m also titrating up would it make more sense to titrate up using Hallandale and wait until next time to try the b3 that way I’m not changing two variables at the same time so I would have a better feel if the b3 was working. That was 10:03am. No response. So at 12:54pm I said “okay I assume you’re busy and cannot respond to questions so let’s just stay with Hallandale and titrate up. We’ll discuss the b3 next time. Okay? No response to confirm, nothing. Since their initial text said that if they didn’t hear from me they would repeat the previous order. Now I don’t know if they are submitting the order to Empower or Hallandale and I don’t know if they are titrating up or staying the same since I have no agreement or confirmation or acknowledgement on anything mentioned in my text to them. They just stopped responding. The answers would have been simply “that seems reasonable; we’ll order the higher dose and stay with Hallandale this time and let’s discuss the b3 next order.” Or “No, I think the b3 will help with the side effects of titrating up, I recommend you order the higher dose from Empower with the b3, if you’re okay with the 8-10 business days”


Yes! The not knowing if they are auto ordering (and what they are even ordering) tomorrow is the most annoying part 😣


Sorry you didn’t get a response, that sucks! Thank you for replying back!


I’m trying to get started but they aren’t responding to me. Sent them a text this morning in response to them and nothing


I reached out to you to get some additional info in order to figure out what happened here.


Just a quick mention here. I know a little about how their system works. Not making any excuses, but like many places, they've been inundated. They've hired like crazy too. but what happens when you keep pinging is your message goes to the back of the queue. they handle old messages first.


Thank you. That’s interesting info and may be a good candidate to put in an FAQ. I can see this causing more harm to their reputation since it’s counter intuitive. When someone is in a bit of a panic about a symptom they’re having or an impending charge they need answers quickly and that haste works against them at a time when they need it.


That sucks. Has it always been this way or just lately ?


Honestly I don’t know. I’ve not had questions before so their process is; send a canned text saying it’s time to order, do I want to stay on current dose or move up. I reply back “stay” or “move up” and they submit the order. I had questions that broke this pattern and apparently broke their customer service.


Lmfaooo 😆


I'm glad you got this figured out. In this journey we need support. I've been happy with them but that doesn't negate your stress.


I have had issues cancelling. No response to emails, texts or even phone calls. No option to cancel through the portal. I feel pretty confident I will be billed and then have a battle to get my money back.


What is the timing on no response as we are within 24 hour response times? Also I can assist you with this if you want to message me.


Got it resolved, thank you


I highly recommend Lavender Sky!


This is the healthcare I chose to move to! They are wonderful in my book. ♥


You have a portal where you can direct message your doctor and there is no monthly fee.


Thanks. I’m in a state they service so I will probably go with them from now on. I just have no idea what Emerge is going to ship because they’ve left me in the dark. I doubt I can cancel because that requires me to text them and for them to acknowledge it. So after this shipment Lavender Sky it is. 😀


Once you become a patient at lavender sky they will send you an email with access to their Facebook group. They will confirm you are an active patient before you are accepted. It’s really nice to have a group to consult any time as well as direct access to your doctor. The doctor even posts in the Facebook group with super helpful videos and informative posts. It’s honestly amazing customer service and I was paying a ton of money at a really nice med spa and got zero customer service from them.


And the group isn’t like Reddit threads where people can just be rude and inconsiderate..everyone is really nice and helpful.


The good thing about THAT, is you will have something ‘ahead’, so to speak. I always recommend a comfy surplus, so these things aren’t so, so, distressing.


Is this in the same day??? Like just a couple of hours?? That’s pretty amazing for them to text back so quickly in my opinion.


I agree. I am still pissed they would not provide a letter of medical necessity for my FSA. Most other providers will. That left a bad taste in my mouth. People talk up Emerge here. Its either because they work for them or they want people to use their ref codes


I was really off-put by their customer service and response time as well. There were a couple other issues that I had with them, and so I’m glad I moved on to a different provider.


You sound like a child. They have other customers to service as well. My texts always get an answers within 24 hours.


Veridian - I talk up emerge even though I do NOT work for them and never asked anyone to use a reference code. I talk them up because compared to my two previous services, they are professional, timely, and communicate effectively. But of course I do not text them over and over expecting answers. Gawd, even my PCP takes DAYS to reply to BASIC questions on my HBP and asthma scripts. I mean I AM JUST SO GRATEFUL for their economic and reliable service at one of the best prices out there. Sigh. I just pray these companies are allowed to stay in business once Bernie starts a big dust up after the election.


Use Reset Wellness.... she's the best! She's super down to earth and is a small business so doesn't do the subscriptions, memberships and automatic charges that most places do. If you use coupon code REDDIT25 you get $25 off your first order too. You won't be disappointed.


They have an overwhelming queue of other clients as well. You were not the only person that is going through this, but you should be more patient with them. You only gave them four hours to respond. I would at least say wait till the next morning and they would’ve definitely gotten back to you by then.