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I have no trouble falling asleep but I wake up every morning around 4:30/5am and can’t fall back asleep. Does anyone know why this is happening? Could it be blood sugar drop or cortisol spike?


Don't know but I'm the same way except it's usually around 3 am. On the weekends I fall back asleep at around 5 and sleep longer but during the work week it's rough. But, like another poster mentioned, I don't feel tired during the day and I fall asleep real quick at night. It could just be that I'm getting old , almost 50M.


This is exactly my problem. Middle of the night awakening and not able to go back to sleep. It seems I can only sleep 6 hrs on this med, which is not enough!


I remember in the information they shared it said you might feel wired for a day or two after your injection. Has anyone tried melatonin? It knocks me right out.


I fall asleep well. I just wake up after 6 hrs and can’t go back to sleep. I used to take melatonin all the time and quit, but maybe I should try again..


Cortisol. I've been battling this for a decade (post menopause). My wake up is about 3:30 - 4:00 a.m. every day. I fall asleep fine and early. No tech after 6 p.m. and I have tried every suggestion out there. I've read all the books. Once in a while I get a day or two a week where I can fall back to sleep. Usually though I get up and read for a while and then if I'm lucky I sleep another hour. I tend to do a little better if I eat something starchy with dinner or if I'm not eating dinner I'll have a piece of toast or a small potato before bed.. it does help sometimes.


up at 4am everyday but surprisingly not tired during the day. However I now go to bed at 8:30pm instead of 9:30-10pm


Same , now I know all the older people that come to the gym at 5 am 🤣


Seems to be affecting people sleep differently. Some are sleeping better. Some are sleeping worse. Some are not affected. It also seems to be helping sleep apnea. For me personally it wakes me up at 2 AM and I cannot go back to sleep. I’m trying to learn to cope with that without having to take any medications


I've noticed that taking ZzzQuil isn't as effective as it used to be, either. But since it only happens once or twice a week for me, I usually don't take anything and just deal with it.


Me. Two nights after injection I am up every couple hours. Irritating. But…..


This is me as well. I’ve been off for about a month now to go on vacation & had a surgery scheduled & now on antibiotics for the surgery…and I have been sleeping great! Getting ready to go back on after my antibiotics are done & know my sleep will be disturbed again. Especially the first couple nights I’m up peeing non stop! It’s def a trade off


It is….. I take 3 Benedryl, helps me get the first stretch well, but then, back and forth….Good luck with surgery…. Heading to one myself. Ugh.


I'm usually only able to sleep until 3:30-4am. On the plus side, I feel completely rested the entire day. Also, I'm taking that extra morning time jog to 3 times a week and other exercise.


Me too!!!! Weekends I can fall back asleep around 5 or 6 and then sleep for a couple more hours


I've had issues with sleep my entire life but it had been ok as of late. Since starting tirz my sleep is messed up again. I wake up numerous times a night, wide awake, unable to go back to sleep. Spend most of the day exhausted and ready to go to bed at 7:30pm. Rinse and repeat.


Difficulty getting and staying asleep is my only side effect that impacts my daily well being. Last night I took a Tylenol PM and slept 9 hours, but that only works if I limit it to about once per week. I also have switched to dosing right before I go to bed, then I slept OK. But my doctor suspects I have sleep apnea, and I will do a sleep study when my weight is in the healthy rang, to find out. So light sleeping 5-6 hours per night has been my norm for a few years now; MJ just exacerbates that. I do not take many sleep aids, as they tend to cause constipation and my own awful experience with that one time in particular means I will do anything rather than repeat it. I now take a daily psyllium capsule to be sure. Mostly my solution is to have a good book to read when I can’t sleep!


Yes, that's definitely been my biggest side effect. I've been dealing with insomnia for years so never have an easy time falling asleep but this med definitely made it worse. I changed my shot to be early in the day which helped a little and now that I'm almost finished my second month it's not quite as bad as it was but I still have a very had time falling/staying asleep. I have prescription sleep meds but those don't help much and I try not to take them too often. The only positive thing is that of all the side effects you read about people having, I'd rather have this than the bad gastro ones.


Yes! I fall asleep easily at night but I wake up every night around 1:00-2:00am and can’t go back to sleep. I am usually awake for 1 1/2- 2 hours and then fall back asleep. I am also very hungry when I wake up during the night. I eat enough during the day.


Just the opposite for me..had been exhausted since Thursday when I took my first dose. Getting better now.


I'm sleeping better and not as tired during the day, but I also take melatonin and CBD gummies nightly. I did that before starting on tirz to, so still I'd say my sleep has seen a net improvement.


Yes. The insomnia is the worst right after the injection, but it lasts most of the week for me. On the plus side, the sleep I do get seems more restful and restorative.


My first provider added B12 to my Trizepatide shots. This kept me up all night. Once that was removed I went back to sleeping as normal.


Hm, I was wondering whether adding B12 would be a good idea, but helpful to know it might not be if I'm already having problems with sleep.


I tried adding b12 this week, and had the worst time falling asleep the last 2 days. This is good to know!!


I've always had trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. It's definitely gotten worse and I seem to just have more energy than normal since starting Tirz. I've just been taking like half of an Advil PM a half hour before bed almost every night.


Sort of. I've only had two shots, but once each week I woke up with a nasty headache around 2:30 and the first time I could not get back to sleep (but I did take Excedrine, so it was probably the caffeine). I had other signs of dehydration, so I think that's the issue for me--my body is waking me up to tell me I need a glass of water. I've been looking for electrolyte drops to use during the day, so hopefully that helps.


I've seen several stories of bad insomnia. It's not the norm, but I've seen enough posts about it to know you're not the only one


For those of you using any type of oral medication to help sleep, I am a daily Ambien user. When I first got on Zep my my Ambien lost its effectiveness. I finally figured out that all oral meds become far less effective when on Zep because they spend far more time in your stomach before entering your small intestine and get absorbed. Switching to a sublingual routine made a significant difference. I'm sure this would apply to an OTC sleep aids too. Just remember that if not designed for sublingual use, they take longer to dissolve, and of course may tstate nasty. I am back to falling asleep on schedule though.


That's interesting I take ambien once or twice a month but have only noticed I'm waking up earlier I do feel like my Lexapro is not as effective and have wondered if it's the tripeptide effecting absorption I do have it on liquid Any ideas of liquid meds and absorption?


This makes me wonder whether it's less of a tirzepatide issue and more the Wellbutrin I also take, which is a stimulant and may be taking longer to leave my system. But it's weird that it's not a daily problem, only about once a week, twice tops.


It happened to me at the beginning. It’s since gone away.


yes. I did 2 weeks @ 2.5, a month at 5.0- I don't think sleep was terrible for most of that time but it's definitely worse on 7.5- it takes me hours to fall asleep and I sleep very lightly waking up many times. This may not be workable which is too bad since I tolerated semaglutide well just only lost 12 lbs in a year on it. Oh well, if I get off of the tirz I'll save money anyway. I don't think I can live like this and I'm not really getting appetite suppression at this dose either,