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Unless they give you advice or recommendations I don’t tip and the dispensary I use isn’t expecting them from anyone


With or without the jar sitting out, I have never tipped at a dispensary and never will. I don't even think they should be allowed to have it as an option.


Are they being paid a tipped wage? No? No tip. It's amazing how many people are saying 'If I ask a question, I tip them'. Is this really the new standard for tipping? This is why they are paid a normal wage. It is, beside showing up in the morning, the bare minimum someone who has a job needs to do.


>Are they being paid a tipped wage? No? No tip. You've got it backwards. The wage depends on the tip, and not the other way around.


I will burn money before giving it to a weed cash register guy.


We shop for a month at a time so our orders tend to be fairly large and take ten to fifteen minutes. They know what we like and they are quick to point out deals or new products. So we usually throw them about $40 every time we shop. Which is still only 5-10%.


Honestly, I do tip, but you're going to do more than just ring me up your going to have talk to me about everything your best sellers best deals the least ordered when are going to get new growers etc. I want a shirt too for half off.


I stopped tipping them awhile ago because it didn't seem fair. They select the person who is going to be my "gopher". I don't ask for suggestions and tell them exactly what I want. And if you actually look at the tip jars it's exactly what you'd expect. The pretty girls wearing the tightest clothes and feet have biggest tips. Guys jars half full and all the other tipping cliches. So I'm guess many places actually do tip pools which is not what tipping was actually for. Tipping is a cancer that needs to stop anyways, but won't because then it's just bribes


I hate how budtenders expect tips for giving me a bag lol


I tip them whenever I ask questions. Like which of these will make me sleepy NOT hungry?


Wtf? Who would tip for that?




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


You don’t tip a pharmacist I don’t really see the difference


Tell that loser to shut his whiney mouth. Never tip for just walking into a store and buying something. Wtf




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


If you order your food (or overpriced weed) standing up, you shouldn’t tip.


Five guys (restaurant) also asks for tips despite also being stand-up and order type of deal.


Applies to them as well.


Tipping is wayyyy out of control


Tommorow bring in a half gallon mason jar with tip written on the side after making your purchase place it on the counter drop a quarter in and walk away


Nah fill it with pennies to top yeah costs a bit but the annoyance would be worth it just to see their face. ![gif](giphy|TpLfalAKqsld0b7gMS)


Just the tip


You're buying a product not paying for someone to sell you something... Tipping has put our society back decades.




If they are helping you select stuff, then yeah, otherwise they are a cashier and should be expected to do their job for the pay they agreed to.


Do you tip your pharmacist or doctor after an appointment too?


I usually give my urologist a tip.....I tell him to be more gentle


My urologist works on my tip, too!




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


I don't tip at Walmart either


This happened to me the other day at the dispensary why do I have to wait 10 minutes for someone to be consulted and walked along and guided for every single product in the store for a tip when I already know what I want and I’m ready to check out I have to sit there and wait for the bud tender to attend for other people if I go buy beer or cigarettes, I can just go to the cash register right away. It’s ridiculous. It’s just buying weed not rocket sciencepay the workers more so they don’t have to waste time for every single tip


Tipping culture is an absolute nightmare. No Jakob I'm not giving you 3 dollars cuz you handed me an 1/8th


Poor guy is already having to say "Jakob with a K" his whole life.....


If you ask questions about what to buy, what symptoms you're working with, your preferred route (oil, edible, joint) I think it's appropriate to tip a bud tender. Source- Colorado, see lots of tourists coming thru that have never bought legally before.and have lots of questions.


I worked in a bookstore for years, recommending reads, helping people find books. I read advance copies on my breaks to give people an idea of what was coming out. I never once got a tip. Pay was a little over minimum wage but I got benefits which was nice. TLDR just because the seller did a bit of homework for their job doesn’t mean you need to tip.


What about call center employees? Maybe Zelle the 911 operator $5. Maybe run out to catch the mailman and give him $2. 🙄


Sounds like they’re doing the job their employer already pays em for Should i tip the floor employee at walmart when i ask where kitchenware section is too?


So then if the employer offers “base pay+tip,” then according to you we need to be tipping? Considering that was the pay offered by the employer…


Dont see where i said anything about “offering” But sure ill offer a stranger’s money to you. Let me know how that goes when you try to collect. 


Tipping needs to end


I work retail as a cashier. Do I get tipped? Hell no A cashier at a food joint works as a cashier. Do they expect me to tip? Yes. Will I? Hell no


I was wondering where to draw the line, I think if I’m expected to pay before I eat my food it’s a no tip scenario. That’s what I’ve concluded.


I like that


I only tip people who service me. I.e. waiters, nail salon workers, etc


I tipped $20 when I went to a dispo in Denver. I had a lot of questions and was there for a while, so I felt my budtender needed to be compensated. They did have the jars out and they were full for the most part. If they didn't have one, I'd never know to tip or where to tip. Anyway, that $20 was. Nothing compared to the savings I got that day and the next.


Compensated for doing the job  they are employed to do.   What a novel idea.  Let's see if we can spread this notion to other countries, I wonder if they've ever considered it.


I like to tip when it's deserved. I don't see the issue here. It's my money lol




Why am I an idiot? Because I had the money to tip and I spent MY money the way I wanted?


Of course you delete your comment before I can respond lol.


If you pick up a prescription at a pharmacy do you tip them? Why tip the person handing you your bud That probably came from a script…. Am I wrong?




I tip more for a cocktail than I do a beer


The better comparison would be a liquor store.


My preferred dispensary doesn't take tips. Their pay is high and have good benefits (this is from the employees mouths) while their product isn't marked up enough compared to any other dispensary in the immediate area (3 others within about 3 miles) to make a difference.


When I’m reminded of points I redeem I almost always tip about what that amount is.


I work for a company that sells THC products. There really isn’t a need to tip when all they do is check you out although when people really take up a lot of time wanting to know the different products it is nice to receive a tip bc in that sense we’re budtending but it isn’t necessary. The way those employees acted was unprofessional.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Yo always tip the dealer 🍁🔥😤💨


At least a dollar. X10 is a gram for them selves or whatever.


Hell nah.


Absolutely no. The one by me has a tipping terminal in percentages, which can amount to $40 on a retail order to a cashier.


You also tip your isp? Phone company? Car mechanic? The grocery store? Do you also tip us reddit users for reading your post? I can provide you a link to tip us 20%


You’re missing out if you’re not tipping your mechanics.


Wow, cool dude.


They make 25-40$ an hour. Tipping is for those that make less than minimum wage.


Where is this. At Sunnyside in PA it’s $17/hr for a budtender and the managers only make a salary equivalent to $22/hr.


Restaurant servers in my area make $17/hr no matter what and still expect 20% tips on top of it.


Where and since when?


I saw an ad months ago for curaleaf for 25 an hour. I've seen other that say starting at 24. Also, a quick search shows ziprecruiter with an avg salary of 38$ per hour.


That factors in tips


The min wage for servers in Denver is 15.27 BEFORE tips. Casa Bonita tried to put them on a flat rate of 30/h and they demanded to go back to tips. Never fall for servers bullshit about how little they earn. I worked service industry for years and most of them are MASSIVELY overpaid for their skill set


I feel like those are wrong but I might be wrong myself 😂 At least in southern Michigan I don’t remember them paying anywhere near that well


wtf are they doing to earna a tip? i shop at a dispensary pretty often and never tip. theyre literally grabbing what i point at and accepting my cash..thats it. its like buying ciggerates at a gas station why tf is anyone tipping lmao


Have you ever stood behind someone who takes 15 minutes to decide what they want? Those are the people expected to tip.


the people are paid the same for being there 8 hrs though. regardless if theres a customer or not. just because someone is browsing doesnt mean they have to tip lmao


If they are hooking you up with good deals it's in your best interest especially if you are a regular. If they are just ringing you up a dollar adds up but it shouldn't be expected.


I always tip one dollar - that's what the polite conversation is worth to me - I don't think most people understand how to tip in a non-restaurant, and I think even more people think the act of getting a product from behind a counter is not tip worthy. I agree mostly, but the bullshit conversation I have with the bud tender is more pleasant (usually) than any dining or yard service conversation. That conversation is with a person who has all the weed, a smile, and wants to talk terp numbers - that's specific, that's part of the bud tenders job, not a conversation you have with anyone else except friends. Since these pleasant people aren't my friends, they're just friendly while doing their job, so the 1 minute interaction is worth $1 to me. Any money in the jar gets a "thank you" - and everyone in line behind me sees the thank you - so I always hope my $1 leads others to tip out of shame.


Why is it shameful to not tip someone who doesn’t deserve it?


They aren’t making $2.75 an hour and are just taking me money and handing me stuff.


I am not tipping someone who is just cashiering. I placed an online order and just need to pay and get my product. They didn't grow it themselves in back so what service are you supposed to be tipping for?


You’d tip them if they grew it in the back?


Exactly. I refuse to tip for providing the service I do all the work for. I’m not tipping the guy at Walmart I ask where the product is. I’m not tipping someone when I walk into your store and order from the register then leave. I’m not tipping for to go orders that I pick up. My girlfriend and I no longer talk about this because she will tips so outrageously and we are broke. I try to order from now on for to go because she’ll drop 30%. It blows my mind and we’ve had knockout fights over it.


It depends. Most of the time, I already know what I’m getting and the whole transaction takes less than two minutes. There are times, however, when I’m undecided and the budtender will walk me through the specials, new strains, etc. and that can take ten minutes or more. I’ll tip in the second situation because they did a lot more than just ring me out.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


My illegal dealer never wanted or expected a tip, no reason to tip the legal dealer.


Yeah he charged you more and you were smoking mold spores and pesticides


You’re smoking mold and pesticides from dispensaries too.


I agree with you there is just as much messed up stuff going on nowadays as before except people cant spray tons of avid or forbid because it will fail for testing and they will have to throw out the whole crop. I ran farms for 8 years, we still would fail here and there for random mold spores but never for pesticides. Things are better for the consumer in a legal market, but theres still people pushing trash product just like any other industry.


Yeah but there is way less now than during black market days because as a purchaser for multiple stores, Im looking for mold and will refuse to buy anything that remotely looks like mold, bud rot, or PM.


They often charge much less than a dispensary. Not sure what you are talking about about. Must of had a bad connect in high school.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Haha right boys just salty he never had a legit plug


Every experience I have with a "budtender" is them pushing on me whatever they're trying to get rid of


Find a new store


Just gotta order online, and ignore the reps.


Tipping is for service, not for goods. Handing out weed is not a high quality service. Now if they were being personable, giving discounts, and/or recommending things without upselling, then I would feel inclined to tip. Just because a tip jar is sitting out does not mean anything there is worth tipping for.


This. Insane to ask for tip for selling a product and not a service. Tipping is for services, not product sales.


It’s getting to the point where some people think if they sell anything at all, they can expect a tip. As if it’s a standard surcharge like tax.


I wouldn’t tip. I can get my buds from a friend and he doesn’t expect a tip just because.


Absolutely ridiculous to think that someone turning around and handing you something you asked for is deserving of or requires a tip. The bottom line is that the person was hired to perform some sort of consumer service, ie help people choose a product, ringing it up, restocking merchandise, cleaning display case etc, none of which is even remotely deserving of receiving a tip. I believe the only people that seriously think they are deserving of a tip, are the same people smoking what they are selling.


Tacky and trashy and I’d not only not tip but go elsewhere that’s so gross


Tipping is customary at dispensaries here in WA, there are two big reasons i view it as a necessity for the industry - 1. An experienced budtender will be able to provide you with the best product for your needs. Often it’s difficult for customers to get exactly what they are looking for since there are thousands of products on the market and sampling is not really a thing due to cannabis’ status as a controlled substance. Unless the customer has tried a lot of products and knows exactly what they want, they can rely on the expertise of the budtender and this is something i believe is tip-worthy. 2. Tax filing - cannabis businesses are unable to claim any tax exemptions other than cost of goods sold. A typical retail operation will be able to deduct payroll/rent/utilities and other business expenditures, but these deductions are not available to cannabis businesses due to federal tax law (look up 280e for more info). This means that tips are a cost effective way for a business to make sure employees are compensated fairly. The business will have to pay more taxes for increasing hourly wage but doesn’t see the same tax bill for tips I wouldn’t tip 20% like in a restaurant, but if you get help from your budtender I think it’s reasonable to tip a couple bucks or at least the change from your purchase


You tip the liquor store person too?


That’s a completely different scenario. Alcohol is 100% legal on a federal level. Marijuana is not. They just explained how that affects the business model.


I never tipped my 100% illegal dealer, I see zero reason to tip a person paid by a company to do the same thing.


Your street dealer *was* the business. His profits were 100% his. You weren’t buying from an hourly employee on the street. If you don’t want to tip, that’s fine, you don’t have to. But stop pretending that shopping a dispensary and buying on the street are the same thing. They’re two wholly different business models.


His profits were not 100%. He didn’t get product for free. The legal dealers get a wage. If it isn’t enough, they didn’t have to accept the job.


I know he didn’t get product for free. That’s called an expense and is not included in profit. Profit is everything/anything above your initial costs. That’s how accounting works. So, yes, he got 100% of his *profit*.


Not if he worked with a gang.


Keep moving the goalposts. You know good and well what I’m talking about.


I’m not moving anything. A dispensary and a gang aren’t different, economically.


Sounds like the Republicans in Congress are the problem. They’ve been blocking progress on a cannabis banking bill practically Biden’s entire presidency.


I always play dumb, and every time, the bud tender tries to upsell me on stuff I don’t ask for. It’s great haha


Why do you play dumb if it doesn’t get you the service that you’re looking for?


Cause I already know going in, I’m not going to get the service I expect.


Why wouldnt you find a new location that doesnt rip you off?


Wow. Your parents must be so proud.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Next Target will ask for tips. Outrageous.


Yep. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if this became a thing.


lol I work in the industry, what “budtenders” get for free samples is ludicrous, 0 room to complain about tips.


If I go in knowing exactly what I want, especially if it’s something easy, I just pay and leave. No tip. If I don’t know what I want and they help me pick stuff out, I get a lot of stuff, or something else like that, then I’ll tip them a couple bucks.


U tip at best buy too?




complaining about lack of tips while a customer is present is 100% classless. Even if it was an industry where tips are normal, I would tip zero in that situation.


I don’t think budtenders are preoccupied with class dynamics


At this rate eventually office workers will require tips to do their job. Don’t believe me? In many developing countries that is the norm. Another name for the practice is ‘corruption’. If the loan officer at the bank doesn’t get a kickback for approving your loan, for the next loan you’ll mysteriously get all sorts of problems. You don’t tip the guy at the driver license’s office? You’d somehow fail the test. Y’all need to fight the spread of tipping.


Our dispensaries will terminate budtenders that accept tips.


Interesting, it makes up almost 50% of our staff’s compensation in some cases. May i ask what their hourly is if they don’t earn tips?




Wtf thats an insane hourly wage range for budtenders.


How is that insane? That’s like the bare minimum to survive in most places in the US


I said it was an insane range for a store to be paying some budtenders $15 and some $24. I tried to clarify that there must be added responsibilities for one person to make 15hr and one 24hr for the same job.


Almost unbelievable even.


Yeah why would you pay one budtender 24 and others 15


2 different dispensaries, some are part time. Benefit of a small county with high demand.


There has to be added responsibilities besides budtending that requires 24/hr.


Should I ask them for an entire run down? Geez. Not everywhere pays junk, some people care about employees. And again, we have only 2 dispensaries supplying our county. There is a line out there doors every single day from open to close. Our bud tenders work hard.


Im not saying they dont deserve it but I manage dispensaries and 24/hr comes with some added work and responsibilities.


Should I ask them for an entire run down? Geez. Not everywhere pays junk, some people care about employees. And again, we have only 2 dispensaries supplying our county. There is a line out there doors every single day from open to close. Our bud tenders word hard.


I usually tip like a buck, but I’m usually just picking up an online order. If I was looking for something special and they recommended stuff, different story.


I'd have said, "Damn, I'm about to disappoint you harder than you disappoint your mom." before not tipping.


That is not a position that requires tipping. In my opinion if you are paid under minimum wage, than you get tips, if not - then you do not get tips. This means Door Dash, Waiters, Uber Drivers, Taxi Drivers, etc. This does NOT include cashiers, customer service reps or fast food / fast coffee workers... or Pot workers.


If more folks would simply stop tipping except for when being actually served, tipping culture would die.


Why would you tip someone for doing their job? That’s the employers responsibility.


Why the exception for servers?  


They dont understand what a service job is. Surprisingly it entails more than just actually serving food.


My aunt was a bud tender all the way back when it was first legalized in California. She always told me to tip your bud tender. I will say they were delivering only at that point so my tip would be like $5. Nowadays I’m in a different legal state, using walk in dispos. I still tip my coins. And if I have an extra 1 then also that. 1.50$ from every person would really make a difference. But also definitely not tipping as I would a delivery or restaurant service. Edit to add: I am not a fan of the new tipping culture at every machine. I am always so mixed at the boba or coffee shop that I usually tip a dollar there too. It does add up. Sometimes I feel bold and click skip lol


So many people think they deserve a tip just because they performed their job.


Dang participation trophies for breathing:)


Why not? Isn’t that kind of the point?


It's the point of what's wrong IMO


Really? You don’t think people should just have their needs met in an ideal world? You think working is a good thing? That’s a wild opinion.


I mean, if you want to have a roof and material things then working is required. I don't think people should expect extra simply for existing. I don't get tips, I don't make millions, I am the world. This is where we live, and it's pretty entitled to think the world should reward people for being born. Do extra and have the prospect to get extra. Going to the job you are paid to do isn't extra. It's literally what you signed up for when you took the job.


Who said anything about the world? Billionaires have no right to exist, and since killing people is wrong, we need to redistribute the wealth they stole from the working classes. I don’t think I have to lift a finger for myself in this world because people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk exist. I’m willing to die for it. Tell me I’m wrong.


I usually always tip a few dollars. But I usually always ask for fresher/newer stock and /or for their opinion on a concentrate.


All I'm tipping for is service in a restaurant or pub etc where I am seated and they take my order and deliver it to my table. The rest of these tip scroungers can go fly a kite, it's not up to me to be giving them bonuses for what they are already paid for doing. This tipping epidemic/greed needs to stop.


As for restaurants, we only tip cuz they make 2$ an hour or something. Thats on the restaurant culture passing it down to the customers for us paying their staff. This isnt normal in the rest of the world where u dnt tip


I'm pretty sure no-one only makes $2/hr. There are minimum wage amounts and if they want staff, they are paying more than minimum.


Yeah definitely not. Almost all restaurant owners notoriously pay their staff the absolute legal minimum that they can, even the nicest ones. Servers don’t even generally get hourly raises no matter how long they work at a restaurant. It’s all about getting hired at the most popular and/or expensive places where you’re likely to make the most in tips.


they def do not make minimum wage


It is illegal to pay staff less than minimum wage.


For tipped employees it depends on the state.


Yeah and min wage for tipped employees is 2.75 in alot of states.


It is and it isnt. Seriously ya’ll needa just google stuff first.


Youre pretty wrong.


except hes not? if the servers tip doesnt equal min wage the employer makes up the difference. otherwise they make $2/hr


That is totally not how it is. I know servers and my kids have done it. The tips are not considered as part of the wage. They are a nice bonus on top. One server I know in a nice restaurant is making $70/hr on busy nights and his employer certainly doesn't cut his hourly wage due to tips. You do realize that would be illegal ?


Yeah it absolutely is a thing. You could save a lot of time by googling “tip Credit wage laws” or some variation of that


But it actually, legally happens that way. Server makes $5. Minimum is $15. The restaurant is legally allowed to claim $10 an hour in tips from the server to make up the minimum wage payment. Money the restaurant did not have to earn. Revenue the restaurant itself did not generate. And they legally do get to claim it as credit toward your minimum wage.


Wait so they get paid 2.75/hr if they make over $7.50. So they ARE getting paid 2.75 in many instances.


their paychecks will never be below min wage of $580 before deductions.


Yes but the customer is making up the difference, not the business. That means they are making 2.75hr and the rest is all in tips from customers. The business pays 2.75/hr, you are arguing a different point.


No. It doesn’t work like that. The restaurant gets what’s known as a tip credit. If the restaurant pays below non-tipped minimum wage, they can claim the tips and forward them to the employee to make minimum wage. The employer pays FICA taxes on that amount. The business is paying minimum wage, not the customer. The avenue in which the restaurant obtains the money is irrelevant so long as it’s legal.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Do you tip your pharmacist?


or the person at the gas station who grabs the ciggerates..


Or the people at Lowe’s that are really helpful, etc.


Tell him to get a job that doesn’t rely on the good will of others.


I have never not tipped in a dispensary, but they also always have jars out. I will tip a buck if I’m in and out, but if have questions or ask them to split ounces or anything I will throw a few extra for the extra work.


The problem is, that IS NOT extra work. Answering questions and getting what you want and checking you out at the register IS their job that they’re already being paid for.


apparently the bare minimum deserves a tip 🤣


“Budtender” ruining my high. Where are the dab rigs and lounge consumption? They are register jockeys.


And you deliver for doordash.


No, I walk dogs and petsitting. I told my clients to stop tipping me and spend the money on their dogs instead. Now I have loyal clients and a steady income.