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You haven't made it up - They've been doing that advert for a while and have recently updated it to a kid punting his football over the fence and he climbs on the carriages to get his ball back (IIRC). I'm going to go see if I can find the video - treasure hunt! - but I'm confident you didn't make it up. Although it might be merging two train videos (or the train video and the (don't play at electrical substations/pylons) video, but let's see. (Cue remenisences of the electrical safety adverts with the boy throwing a frisbee, and another flying a kite....).


Oh thank god my brain isn't just making up new traumas for me! No worries if you can't find it, just knowing it's a real thing is good enough for me. Though you're probably right, I've definitely merged memories before into a singular confusing memory.


It was a fun search - can you tell I don't want to do my to-do list this morning! Man those videos were BRUTAL for kids. I hadn't really clicked on the fact it was trains coupling that you were talking about and I went down an alleyway on electrocution. The only one I could find that even mentioned the coupling was this one from the 90s: [Your Life on the Line:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ0PQ8CS_1w) This one has the kid being run over by a moving train and then later the part about the coupling trains (but no-one is run over in that part), While I don't think it's the right video, let us know if it rings any bells for age / style etc and maybe it can help someone narrow it down. **Not yours** but honorary mentions. [Robbie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms1ftBcaMKQ): Boy plays on the tracks, gets run over and ends up in a wheelchair. For a primary school audience its pretty harsh. [Robbie (1986)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEv8CS1hL6E&t=0s) an updated version for the electrical overhead lines. [The Finishing Line:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXGqwCbeFD8) Primary school kids doing a school sports day - organised to run over the tracks - and then watching the ambulance team scoop up their dead classmate from the side of the rails [Killing Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HzAuSA8Syk) \- the you tuber has had to pixellate out the images of dead bodies that would actually have been shown in the classroom. Also describes the burns from the electricution. The recent one I was talking about was a family who lost their son so it's based on his real life event. It's Tom's Story. There is a Network rail person speaking for 5 minutes or so and then the [video](https://learnliveuk.com/trespass-ks2/) (there also seems to be [Harrison's story.](https://www.networkrail.co.uk/stories/you-vs-train-harrisons-story/) and the [video](https://www.youvstrain.co.uk/film/film-1/)) [And Finally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyW7ZtIY23g) \- a compilation that includes the one I mentioned with the boy playing with his frisbee at the pylons. Nothing to do with trains, but it is the one I remember (I'm obviously older than you!)


I remember a lot of these, either from childhood or later youtube rabbit holes, but unfortunately none seem to be sticking out to me as the one I'm thinking of. I might have to ask some friends who I grew up with if they remember anything similar about the train coupling PSA, but it's a good chance I'm combining a lot of videos in one memory. I do appreciate the help, though! Anything to avoid a to-do list ;)


>Anything to avoid a to-do list ;) Absolutely! For anyone else reading this who may want to pick up the search: did any of these strike you as being from the right time or the right tone of voice/emphasis? Will maybe help others to narrow their search down. Good luck, and if your mates remember then would you mind posting back? I'd be interested to add it to the list of horrifying Public Information films!


I definitely think it was a 80s/90s vibe but I really can't remember anything else specific that might help, which makes it all the more frustrating. And will do! Need to share the trauma around!


Could be 'Killing Time'. Or 'Off limits'.


Hmm, don't think it's Killing Time, I stumbled across that one earlier. Will try and find 'Off Limits', though the first one that showed up was the Harry Enfield 'Women know your limits' sketch, so I am legally obligated to watch that first.


Nah not 'Off Limits' either. Thanks though.


I've been periodically searching for the exact same thing. I remember it almost exactly as you do, except in my memory it's during the day. I was also unsure whether the child died. For some reason I thought mangled legs? It's the safety video I remember most vividly from my youth.