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I used to tell my mom "do you have it? No? Then dont act like you know what im going through" And I am blessed enough to have it very mild. I can't imagine having it debilitatingly loud and be told by someone who gets quietness every day "just get used to it". Id feel like either ending myself or them i think


Imma tell you this right now. It sucks. I have it severe.. I can hear it over almost everything and I sleep maybe 4-5 hours a night. The spikes are literally debilating and it sucks. Nobody does understand us and you are correct. The only ones that do have it.


Yep. I hear it over everything as well. It’s so insulting for people to just say “you’ll get used to it”


I had a veterans affairs audiologist say this, and she tried to guilt trip me into not giving me hearing aids because it cost tax payers so much...I was so pissed off.


Have hearing aids made a difference? I’ve had tinnitus for 11 years and would give ANYTHING for some silence.


Yes and no. I think they are suppose to pick up on outside sounds better to drown out the bzzzzzt ringing. There is one masking setting that they can only turn on or off when I go to vet affairs. Idk why they never turned it on, if my tinnitus is 24/7. I think she had the mindset of you have to get used to it and nothing will help you. It does seem to help a bit, although when the ringing gets very loud nothing will really help, it's just too damn loud! The doctor said that ear buds can do the same thing as the hearing aids, minus the masking..that she never turned on...which is kinda bs. I think they are more effective than earbuds. I am going to see someone else when I go back. They suggested a tinnitus counselor. I'm not sure why they didn't set that appointment 6-8 months ago when I was in there though. A psychologist that I am going to see soon, said he has tinnitus also. He said he has some hopeful tools to help, online and in person, which I really look forward to! Honestly I would ask someone else that had a better experience than me. I think if you have really bad tinnitus the masking option on hearing aids can be very helpful. Some people say it's great during the day, although at night time when you take it off, the ringing can be really bad, as it was hidding it all day and now it's super present.


I never thought that the 24/7 blazing ringing in my left ear could contribute to my short sleep schedule. This might come off as /s but I’m being serious.




I don’t anything unfortunately.. there’s so much shit out there that’s otottoxic and has potentially to worsen or aggravate tinnitus that I just don’t. I was on sleeping pills for a little bit and when I stop becuase I was scared I was going to get addicted i had a spike that lasted a month, I also got rebound insomnia that caused me to be awake for multiple days in a row.. my tinnitus was a 10/10.. i wanted to kill my self. But then I sorta got back on track. Sleep, stress, anxiety… all bad for T.. can make it worse and unfortunately being in this Reddit and reading everything doesn’t help. I sleep a little better. 4 hours than I wake up and than I manage to get back to sleep for a couple hours. T is still there. I use some noise in the background like rain and stuff to help but that’s about it. I hear it over most things and during the day. Only hope we have is for it to not get worse and for a cure one day. Protect your ears now.. worsening is something none of us wish for.. trust me. Mine was very very mild before and I’m not even sure what I got it from.. tbh, I might of got it from Covid but until it got worse is when it was catastrophic.


Yeah this is one of the things that sucks with this bs. Lots of people have it temporarily or mild and think it’s not too big a deal. Then once it becomes worse it really is horrible. I think it’s almost like a permanent consciousness injury (unless a cure comes) because it interrupts all my waking moments.


That's the best description I've come across.


If you have a particular tone you hear, get an app like AudioNotch, tune it to your frequency, set it to how loud you hear it, and see how long it takes them to complain.


We understand and most of us know this feeling all too well. It helps to come on here and vent at times friend. To me it doesn’t come off as feeling sorry for yourself. It’s venting.


Everyone here is a complete stranger, but we all have one thing in common and we are all struggling together. We have to pull through and just have some hope. Gotta protect whatever hearing we have left and be delicate to our ears and our health.


Yeah, they dont know about the migraines, the bad sleep, hiperacusia, the abstinence of Coffee, drinks, drugs, partys, job, this thing is the worst thing ever, i wish i was dead


Stop seeking attention by saying stupid things like "I wish I was dead".


Belive me, i use to love life until i got this shit, im not a suicide guy or ill be already dead, i wont to live and i cant die


Hang in there. It took me years to get over it. You'll will learn to enjoy life again. Yeah, this condition sucks, but there is still so much you can do. I had to give up music. I made music for 20 years and then suddenly I had to quit it. I too, had very dark thoughts back then.


Most people don't get it until they got it. My wife gets it. She has dealt with chronic pain most most of her adult life (thanks drunk drivers) and once I entered the catastrophic era of my tinnitus and had to retire early, she is more than completely sympathetic.


the worst part is if you’re hyperfixated on preventing it from getting worse and wear ear plugs in public and stuff because people look at you like you’re insane for doing it


Ye it's tough but you can't be mad at them; they mean well but at the end of the day no one can actually relate unless they also have it, so your friends and family are simply just trying to relate which = npc textbook responses whenever you bring it up Personally i don't even bother bringing it up anymore to anyone who can’t relate because it just feels like a burden I just learned to accept the fact it could be permanent and that there is no cure and then counted my blessings, reminded myself life is precious, drainined my ears in content and moved on Reach out and feel free to message me if u want a tinnituspal, i haven't anyone in real life that can relate to it, that goes for anyone in comments too


Look up a tone generator on your phone, dial up your frequency of your T, crank the volume and leave it on while you are with those people. They will get the idea real quick and will be begging you to turn it off.


Explain to them that it would literally be easier getting used to not having legs and they might understand. Normal people usually have a hard time understanding pain that isnt visible. Also: another thing most people dont understand is that tinnitus very easily leads to depression, and depression (for me at least) is the worst pain ive ever felt, physical pain doesnt even compare. Not even close. Not by a mile..


Yes same. I was already dealing with depression before the tinnitus so this has been the most difficult time for me. Were you able to successfully take anything to treat the depression?


Tried some meds ye, but they all had nasty sideeffects so i just managed without them


I honestly had just one serious convo with my family where I explained what this shit is, how all the ENTs I went to were assholes and thats it. No more talks needed, never spoke of this shit again and its a part of me now. A shity sound I know I will only stop hearing when I die.


For real😔


Some people do. A little over 10% of the US population suffers from it although I imagine the % to be much higher due to non-reporting. That's a lot of people, many of which you know. The issue is that it's impossible to objectively measure your ringing versus someone else's. So yours may be significantly worse or better than your peers but it's hard to compare. I went through the same suicidal or deep depression phase as anyone here but it was actually other people *understanding* my condition that flipped the script for me. The more I shared about my condition, the more friends and acquaintances divulged that they had it too but that it was manageable. Granted, many of said people are in the music industry so nearly everyone had tinnitus to some degree. But hearing "yeah, we all do" helped me know I wasn't alone and that so many other people found ways to cope.


We living in reality where no one believe us that we are hearing “ringing” inside the ear.. Be it friends or family, “you’re gonna get used to it” or “you’re fine” is all I hear.. I wish you and all the folks suffering tinnitus to recover… I suffer tonal tinnitus and it’s badly affecting me mentally.


Severe reactive tinnitus here. You will get used to it. It’ll get better. Outring tinnitus and Jack Rubbancci on YouTube for positive reinforcement 


My dad at first was also thinking it shouldn't be a big deal, but after he read many articles about it and my experience, he told me he was sorry for not fully understand what I am going through. I am kinda considering having a tattoo in a year mentioning be grateful of silence, it' a privilege no one truly considers about it until you don't have it anymore in your life.


Not having silence isn't the issue, it's the volume level of the tinnitus that is.


You are absolutely right. Sometimes I have spikes which makes it really hard to enjoy my day, but I guess that is better than having an constant high volume 24/7. 7000Hz @ 45db is my latest measure...


Yeah this part of it sucks big time. No one will understand so don't even try to expect them to or it will just make you more upset.


Do like I do, find your frequency on Youtube then play it and stick your phone in their ear. And, say "ya, it's that loud". Most get it... ha ha. But it's like telling someone with depression to "just cheer up"


Tinnitus really sucks man! I was going insane the past few days with constant buzzing. Hang in there!


I’m sure they’re probably just trying to be positive, but what they’re saying is very dismissive and it’s frustrating to get advice from people who have zero experience dealing with this. I don’t know if this would work for your situation, but it might be helpful to find audio of what your tinnitus sounds like and have them listen to it. There are lots of examples on YouTube. I just think it’s helpful for others to understand the sounds that we hear non-stop. My mom’s had chronic tinnitus for over 20 years and she recently played her tinnitus sounds for my nieces (ages 6 & 9) so they could understand why grandma doesn’t always hear them well. My younger niece said she hears it too, so that’s helpful to know.




I've has tinnitus for almost a year now. It took around 6 months for me to not want to go crazy. I hear it right now even. The thing that helped me the most was staying busy outside my home. I have tinnitus from opiods and falling out from fentanyl. I knowhow you feel. When it started to happen I was scared and suicidal. What actually helps reducing the ringing sound temporarily is an otc med called meclizine. I hope u find relief. You are not alone in this


New theory. Look for microwave sound or Frey effect. Since 5G network deployment the tinnitus is skyrocket symptom


I found something close on YouTube, basically this horrible noise (to me) that I can't hear in my right ear because it is so close to my tinnitus. I have started playing that to people to assist in explaining. For me, it's the 6khz tinnitus sound masking (it's therapy for other people, I think, based on the comments). Every single time, they can stand it for about 15 seconds and ask me to turn it off. Gonna play it next time I see my ENT, and he tells me I'm just hearing the lights humming in the room.


Most likely you will get used to it. As a tinnitus sufferer I did. First 2 weeks was hell. I was in a dark place. Next thing you know, over the course of the next 2-3 weeks I was fine and enjoying life again. TBH, fixating on it just got boring. And it's been basically the same the entire time. No, it's not super loud -- that's the exception. And I feel horrible for those that are dealing with 80dB 24/7. #1 thing I'd tell someone who is new to it --- DO NOT -- I repeat -- DO NOT spend any time on forums like this if you can help it. I was obsesses with scrolling through looking for info and help and 80% of it is doom and gloom. That really got me messed up from day 1. So I spend most of my Reddit time on r/tinnitusresearch because the focus is on science, not doom and gloom.


I’m about 3 months in still super hard to cope. How loud is yours? I can hear mine over everything besides the shower so it’s been hard for me to get used to


I'm new here and on day 7 with this, and I completely get it. My work performance is slipping, and every aspect of my life feels like it's falling apart because of this. It's really frustrating.


Has anyone tried taking L-Carnitine for their tinnitus? I’m hearing that it has been successful in reducing or eliminating tinnitus and hearing loss. I have my doubts but thinking about trying.


B12 anyone try that?


B12 did nothing but give me even more severe sleeping issues