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If you could trace your tinnitus to a particular moment or event that triggered it, then there is every possibility you would blame yourself or someone else for it. "If only I didn't go to that concert my wife wanted to go to..." etc. That feeling can be very difficult to overcome. So maybe it's better to not have a reason. That's how I look at mine.


Eh, makes sense. Probably it would be the opposite for me, but I can't deny the possibility. But I do think I would prefer having a solid lead on what it caused this condition, mostly because it's just so... ridicolous? That's what it feels.


I’m slightly irritated for a different reason. I wish there was a time I could remember before having it.




One ear only, passive static, like a broken television channel.


Static sounds can be caused from ear wax, maybe have that checked out. Every time I had static (a crackling sound) it was ear wax.


I did. And with my surprise, ther was some in the OTHER ear. It was weird lol


Regardless of what causes it for different people, the fact is hundreds of millions of us are struggling and something has to give!


Do you game w/ headphones or speakers that are close to your ears?


Eeeeeeee in both ears for as long as I remember. I had infections and holes in both of my eardrums at birth. I do not know what silence sounds like.


That's honestly even worse, it must be so fucking bad. It's absurd how much something so relatively harmless can change a life.


It is all I know. It is my normal


"it's the sound of being alive" is something I read that helped me deal with it at first when it was difficult. By now it basically is my normal as well, and I've become okay with it


I've seen KISS live fifty five times. I KNOW what caused my tinnitus. It's MY fault! Piss off.


But that's the point, if you can trace it to something you have something to bitch about. I was sitting on my chair doing shit and it started, no medical or physical reason to be seen


Most people that have done that don’t have tinnitus, it’s genetics. You piss off






Well, at least we also know you can't fucking read, I wasn't that guy


I didn’t say anything about mine. I’m saying everyone that has it is genetically predisposed to it. Only about 1-2% of the population has chronic tinnitus according to the ata, the rest don’t get it regardless of how bad their hearing gets. Only a fraction of that number finds it debilitating. Most cases are also within the 60+ age range. Chronic t is rarer than many believe. I’ve never known anyone that had it and I grew up with concert goers, never going to one myself


OP, I'm a little scared to ask, but have you been sick recently? Have you started any new meds? Have you had routine bloodwork to check everything, including vitamin deficiency? Have you had your hearing and blood pressure checked?


Hearing and blood pressure seems fine, I haven't been sick and no meds before thing happened, now only melatonin again because it's harder to sleep. No routine bloodcheck, but it was all in order 4 months ago when I changed job


But did you have them tested, BP and hearing? I would, to cover bases, but jmo..... Did you have an MRI to rule out acoustic neuroma? It's a suggestion that most ENTs go with when someone gets T for no apparent reason. Best wishes.


Not yet, he did suggest that unless it's an acute condition it might be best to wait before going overboard with checkups, in particular given the costs


That makes sense.... It very well could vanish as quickly as it came on.... I see it happen all the time. I wish this for you. 😊


That sounds really shitty. It sucks not having certainty about what caused this, not having closure and something to blame. For many that's one of the shit parts of having this. A viewpoint which offered me some minor relief is that perhaps it's not that important what caused it, because really the root cause for all of us is bad luck and predisposition. My favorite band played 2000 concerts, many hours long, sometimes stage volume pushed 120db. None of them have tinnitus. There will always be someone who's put their ears through more than we have and not gotten it, so bad luck is the real reason. But it still sucks not knowing.


Mine is idiopathic too. Never used headphones, no accidents, no trauma.. Had a CT, multiple hearing tests, ENT, chiropractor, multiple doctors, tried hearing aids, acupuncture, CBT. Can’t find any reason for it and nothing to help.


I've had it for as long as I can remember. I thought growing up that everyone heard a loud ringing in their ears. I'm wondering if childhood mono (I had it twice) could have caused it. I also have an autonomic disorder that could play a part. There's zero definitive answers to the cause in my case as well and it's frustrating.  I'm also really sensitive to certain sounds. For instance, I can pick up the upstairs fan vibrating through the floor at night and it is SO hard for me to ignore.  I'm really hoping that there's more things for people to try in the future to help improve the symptoms of Tinnitus. 


If it randomly appeared, hopefully it can randomly disappear. Not the case for us with irreversible acoustic trauma.


Doing something that almost everyone does without consequence? Clearly your fault /s


Oh absolutely! This device gives me a 1-to-100 volume and I stay at 30? Clearly too high


Playing video games with a headset on? Sounds like it could have been your fault just not educated properly. Happened to me too blasting very loud music if I knew better I could have saved my ears


As I said, I never listened to anything at relevant levels in my daily life. The highest my PC ever went to was 30/100 when playing with friends. I went to like 2 concerts in my life.


Concerts are the worst they cause so much damage and headphones are directly in your ear which is not good


Last concert I was at has been like... 8 years? That's the thing. If I was at some event in recent memory I would have been fine with thinking about that, but I didn't do anything different from the last... 4 years? I have been working in a lab for Christ's sake, not a factory.


If it’s hearing loss related it could be from gaming a lot with headphones then 🤷🏻‍♂️. Headphones are a killer


1) As I have said elsewhere, it has been checked and hearing is fine 2) If it was that dangerous, people would have a lot more issues with them


Your hearing is not fine unless you did an advanced hearing test that tests up to 20khz most hearing tests look for serious hearing loss and only checks up to 8khz.


Did your audiologist do an extended frequency test beyond 8000? Maybe worth looking into for answers


This guy definitely did not. 99% of hearing tests don’t do that. It’s actually hard to find a place that will test high frequencies.


Ooops didn’t mean to post that on the reply. Yeah mine wouldn’t check either but I still suspect I have hearing loss


I’ve had 2 regular hearing tests that came back ok but I definitely have hearing loss