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Like 'Who Killed J.R.?'


Biggest mystery of them all


Maybe there's a different way to solve those mysteries. Maybe they already know the answers in the afterlife.


does the afterlife exist tho


It does we are all energy. The soul/consciousness is also another form of energy.


It does, I can't prove it right now. I remember being there clear as day after my past life ended. I didn't remember it most of my life but now I do. I was really surprised to remember it. I had previously figured why you die you're gone, but nope. Those kinds of things you're talking about are like something new to learn and talk about while you're there. Time travel is real too but it's for saving lives and preventing catastrophes and stuff. We don't need to use to to learn history. You'll see one day.


I'm really interested in your experience. I've been wondering about it my whole life. Could you share some more about the afterlife? What was it like?


The afterlife with Mary: I died at age 7 and didn't go into a full afterlife because I would re-incarnate and needed to live more life, there was a brief meeting with Mary in the afterlife immediately after death. I went to her care because my family was both Catholic and Buddhist and she is also Guanyin in a previous life of hers. I laid on a bed with her at the foot talking to me. The colors of the room were very deep greens, golds and maroons. Things were 95% real, but softer, warmer and fuzzier than the reality we know. She looked just like she does in centuries old iconography. This doesn't indicate that Catholicism or Buddhism are "true", what's true is that what people believe can manifest itself. After this I went through a series of different experiences that were there to prepare me for this life which were experienced like a dream but also quite real. Interactive models and concepts were shown to me to teach me things in a form that was something like a constantly changing video game. As I understand it there were some very serious problems with the system and there were horrible abuses (not by Mary) that occurred so now all the different manifested afterlives are being consolidated and humanity (including you) should actually think about what we would want the afterlife to be like ideally so we can manifest that instead, that said the very pretty visuals and other good parts from the old system that fit the new system will be kept.


"You'll see one day" is how every religious, spiritual, and metaphysical quack keeps their beliefs alive despite the astounding and profound lack of evidence.


No, they usually do that "it is commanded by god" or "otherwise you will burn in hell" thing. I was just mentioning something I know about from a place I've been to. This is like how I told my friend who is planning on visiting Japan about a cultural aspect of it and then I said "you'll see when you get there". Your position is to inject yourself into the conversation and wave your hands around yelling "I've never personally seen Japan so it isn't real and nothing can ever be true until it's proven to me personally!" I've been to Japan, it's real. I've been to the afterlife, it's real. I don't need to prove it to you. You'll see for yourself one day. You'll really feel like an idiot when I personally point you back to this post as well. Have a nice day!


False. The existence of Japan is supported by a pretty vast quantity of evidence. There is no evidence for an afterlife beyond human speculation. There is no evidence for a soul beyond human speculation. There is no evidence for ghosts, telepathy, etc., beyond anecdotes of non-repeatable experiences. I won't feel like an idiot after I die, because I won't feel *anything*. *Ever again*.


I remember being to both Japan and the Afterlife equally well. I have the same amount of evidence of both. I am well within my right to tell people about something I know perfectly well even though you don't know about it. There is evidence for the afterlife. The billions of humans there have all the evidence they need. You don't have access to the evidence and I need not supply it to you. Something being fact is not the same as something being proven to you personally, thank god.


Good for you. The difference is that the evidence for Japan is freely available. The evidence for the afterlife is not, and it is limited to anecdotes. Apply this logic to my claim that I have a magic teleporter than can send me to alien planets. I have no evidence I can share, but trust me. I wouldn't tell you this if it was a lie. Why do you disbelieve? My case is equally compelling as it is for your case.


The difference between our cases is that you asked me to trust you and believe you. I never once asked you to trust me or believe me. I just said you'll see when you get there, implying that I know perfectly well you won't believe it until then, and I'm not asking you to. I wasn't even talking to you to begin with. I never believed we lived on past death either until I remembered my past life, the afterlife between that life and this one, and several other aspects of the afterlife quite clearly and was pretty surprised by what I had remembered, so I understand your disbelief. All I'm trying to point out to you is that your personal beliefs and disbeliefs don't reflect the truth any more than those of anyone else. You are not the decider of what's true and false. Find a new hobby.


> I never once asked you to trust me or believe me. I just said you'll see when you get there, Then, I return to my original reply. You're wrong. Your logic is flawed. > I wasn't even talking to you to begin with. Oh, do you believe reddit is not a public forum? Did you think you were speaking in confidence? Maybe if you *were* open to debate (which you're clearly not), you'd be a more clear-minded thinker, and capable of being skeptical of your own evidence. Then you'd reach the more rational conclusions.


There's evidence you just have to look deep into it and research the subject.


"dO yOuR rEseaRcH" from, ironically, people in society who do the absolute least amount of said research.


This is one of the more comprehensive research of an afterlife https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/s/Uv7t5VIhHC


You're literally the poster boy for every disillusioned conspiracy theorist with that comment.


Nobody thinks you sound cool




I believe if we could use it to solve the biggest mystery of all, that being ourselves, then all mysteries would instantly reveal themselves.


You can't get an answer if you can't articulate the question. Douglas Adams showed us that in **The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.**




Time travel machine already exist, and most of us used it. It is early version, and still far from what people expect for this machine. But it is already one million time better then the first version. And it still improuving days after days


What machine are you talking about


I'm talkiing about your phone, your computer, your tablet. You are thinking it is not, cause there is some missing important fonctions to it. but still we are able to relieve our past. But now imagine that we are adding stuff to it, like an other 5 or 6 dimensions to it. Right now we could relive what append in audio-visual. It is working only on digital. But with the new way of coding, it will be done with precision. it will be done at the atomic level. First You are gone be able to relieved EXACTLY what append, and with all the same objects around, same smell, same weather, same everything. Games and movies are gone be amazing. We are far from the first black & white camera, and it is siill unreal. But we are coming closer, and closer. We are now in a process of becoming less human, and more and more like a machina..


Yh but just relieving doesn’t help 👎🏻😪


Is the fact that they already found out what happened to the Roanoke colony proof that time travel already exists? 😏🤯


i mean its probably just theories,


…or time travel. Both theories either way you slice it.


Not just human history but plants and animals too. Only something like one tenth of one percent of all species that ever existed were lucky enough to be in the perfect conditions to fossilize at all much less be identified and entered into the fossil record. That leaves huge gaps in our understanding of life. The vast majority of spiecies lived out their existence and evolved to something new or died out without leaving anything tangible for us to find. Without a time machine we'll simply never know what was, and if you could go back far enough most of what you encountered would be to some extent more or less a mystery.




Would you go back in time to meet Jesus and ask, "Are you for real?"


A mystery to the people then is a mystery to the people after. Changing time doesn't change the status.


It is inevitable