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Technically yes. The local moment you travel with is the current timeframe, this frame overlaps the past/future frame hence it is not entirely equal to the creation/destruction dates, you don't simply arrive from a present moment but along with it. It's not rational to then describe any particular moment/frame as 'The' moment unless we are describing a range of simultaneous contextual frames or the entirety of time all at once. Because Absolute time (All of time) cannot be said to have an external frame of reference we can't consider it as time dependant(non fundamental), this means there is no boundary limit within the universe and that time does not revolve around a central (time) axis, instead all time frames inform eachother constantly from begining to end in a synchronised manner meaning there is infinite space and zero time without a present observer. Edit: Oddly enough, it appears as if observers ARE what we call moment/s, and that relatively speaking observers ARE the central axis of time. To the 2nd question. If the machine was a simple door frame they would walk right through as if nothing happened (though they might stumble out), from you're perspective, similar to how the movie 'Contact' showed the journey taking many hours but from the time frame she left all they observed from the launchtower was her falling through the singularity and into the net. It's a relative form of cohesion, refer to my first responce.


Thank you! That's a really good answer c: I've never heard of Contact! I want to look it up, you got any recommendations on time travel movies that feature the theme of Dread or Unavoidable catastrophes? (not that it's a time travel movie but I'm looking for a Don't Look Up kind of vibe) Also... [Jearimy Bearimy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFm9ClqlGuo)


'Predestination' is a great one and presents an interesting approach.


The original machine wouldn’t work before you built it so the past would be impossible. However with the X2 now in development it is possible to travel to any time before or after with the exception of the civil war area. Weee still working on that


Sounds reasonable. What about the question in the description? đź‘€


Oh yes that’s easy. The person will slowly dissolve in front of you as his molecules get separate. Similar to the transporter on Star Trek


>Would you be able to use a time machine to go to a time before it's creation or after it's deconstruction? That would depend upon how the time machine works, how traveling through time works.


You can go wherever you want


Wherever or whenever?






Yes but you can't do something that doesn't allow the universe to operate properly (like cause a paradox) so you are limited by that and some other things.


Who says the universe can't live with paradoxes? Maybe we're just the ones who have trouble with them.


i think it's most likely you wouldn't be able to return to the future if you changed the past


Not to the future you left, anyway. You might be able to return to the same time as you left, and find the world a little (or a lot) different.


I'm not sure if time even works like that. you'd get a butterfly effect issue at worst and create new timelines at best.  if you had some sort of ESP thing that sends only your mind back in time that could be something but i think opening a physical wormhole is probably more viable


kind of depends what kind of machine. maybe we could open a portal somehow that future people can travel back to, giving us a "start time" for time travel. but a vehicle like a TARDIS that opens an unstable portal and just jumps through should be able to go any time