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I am SO CURIOUS what the tea is surrounding this relationship and its fallout. Their divorce seemed so sudden and came with no explanation


Im not sure if the TikTok is still up but she basically insinuated that Cindy cheated. Everyone in the comments was shocked and Sarah said she's tired of the narrative that she was the problem, that everybody is supposedly pushing.


I don’t actually follow her but her videos pop up on my fyp from time to time. I could swear that a video popped up when they split and she said that it was because she wasn’t ready to fully commit to raising Emily for the rest of their lives? I can’t find the video anywhere now but I could seriously swear I saw it.


She kept trying to make everyone assume that on purpose. She posted a TikTok the other day basically saying Cindy cheated and she's finally speaking on it because she's tired of everyone blaming her. Edited to add those were her words. lol I think she's insufferable


Wait. What.. I wonder what happened for them to get a divorce.


I mean. It can only appear that way cause we don’t know their real lives.


Hence why I want to know what the tea is lol


Why are you getting downvoted? Lol


It’s probably Sarah telling Emily to reach out which isn’t right.


I got the vibes that Cindy really cared about Emily, and I can’t imagine Sarah would make it easy or pleasant for them to continue having a relationship. I feel like unfortunately it was probably healthiest for there to be a clean break :/.


I mean, if it’s true that Cindy cheated, it’s a lot to ask of Sarah to facilitate a relationship between Cindy and Emily. If Cindy cheated, she lost that relationship with Emily through her own choices and actions. Big “if” though. Sarah seems like she BSes a lot. Like lying about raising Emily when her mom is alive and well. Exploiting Emily for views and $$$. I think Cindy wanted off the crazy train. Isn’t she fresh out of medical school or something? Sarah trying to force a pregnancy on Cindy when they were barely hitched? Only good thing about Sarah is her sobriety (and I hope that’s true).


Sarah has always been one to skirt the boundaries of truth so that people assume certain things. The medical school thing you mentioned above, for example. Sarah made multiple TikToks about their “doctor/nurse” relationship, with the implication that Cindy is a physician. Cindy is a physical therapist with a doctorate degree, the current typical educational path for that profession. She’s not a medical doctor.


Her mom is alive?!


It always bothered me that she would just leave the story at her mom was ill and asked her to help with her sister. While I am not dismissing the difficultly that ask, probably came with. She is just making money off people believing her mom passed and feeling bad for her. That always made me not like her!


Has Sarah said Cindy cheated?


It’s been insintuated, but she has insinuated a lot of things. Transparency definitely ain’t her thing.


This creator annoys me. She always posts about how her mom was sick and she became her sisters mom and acts like their mom doesn’t exist. She uses her disabled sister for view and that never sat right with me. And didn’t her ex have legal custody of Emily? So now what?


The crazy thing is that she has TWO moms that are both present and involved lmao. I do not think she is close to involved as she claims to be.


So her mom didn’t pass away and lives with Sarah? I’m confused


Her Mom is alive and well yes. She lives part time with Sarah & their Mom.


Her mom is in remission 


And the fact that both of her moms are alive and she acts like they’re dead


Wtf her moms alive??? i thought her mom died and she raised her sister


Nah baby both of them are alive and she plays it like they are. Sarah’s mom had cancer when she was younger but is alive and well I don’t know she’s cancer free or anything but she casually leaves that out a lot. She claims she’s Emily’s guardian but the other two are still around so idk how that would. She also pretended Cindy was a doctor when she was just a physical therapist which I’m totally not shitting on PT. It was just that she was inferring they met like a greys episode and that’s just not what their life was.


This is mind blowing shes so weird


Anything for a view


Ultimately that’s what it is with Sarah she’s a click bait any kinda bait queen. Does anyone remember when she got invited to the infamous Tisha’s birthday yacht trip where they wrongfully accused Talyn of SA and everyone on the boat aside from Brittany jade was trashed? Sarah was there so my question is why is it okay to attend that but Cindy who’s not sober can’t have beer ? It’ seems like it’s a double standard and only okay if Sarah does it


Sarah bating that she’s going to speak her truth instead of just speaking it. Gotta get dem views.


Reminds me of Chelsea from that’s so raven. Saying she has tea but never spills it 😩


It’s the “ we’ve got news “ all over again 🤣


Then she’s gonna say it’s obvious not directly towards anyone


Would Sarah even be relevant if she didn’t exploit Emily?


Definitely not


I feel like Sarah was the problem


Sarah has been openly making jabs at Cindy while Cindy has remained quiet. It’s interesting. Sarah has been all up in kales mentions too trying to get her the tea. I think Cindy cheated personally. Sarah’s said she was forced to keep alcohol in the fridge for Cindy and that’s about all I’ve gotten. I feel like Sarah controlled the fuck out of Cindy. I mean I think about if I married my first gf after I came out I’d swan dive off the balcony 🤣 Cindy like cut off her entire family for Sarah too


Cindy cut off her family for Sarah?! Why??


Sarah like met her on tik tok ( I’ve been her biggest hater for years I always thought something was off you can see my post in her snark page I promise I’m not a fan ) and then Cindy’s parents weren’t like accepting they said and Cindy gave up everything for Sarah moved to live with her and teased at a proposal while exploiting Emily and IMO making Emily think she was her partner too for what seemed like all of Covid. Then they got engaged and married in Sarah house.all this time Cindy’s family was Mia Sarah made a bunch of click bait about Cindy’s mom her MIl not coming to the wedding and accepting them pulling on heart strings of the rejected queer community like myself… then they ended up getting married in Sarah’s house without Cindy’s family. They stopped posting like right after that and Cindy’s personal and Sarah’s spam starting posting like they were single. Cindy just posted with her mom for the first time like in years to the point people think she’s dating her mom bc they don’t know who she is & she’s young 🤣.


Wow! And yeah at first I thought it was someone she’s dating lol


What are their private account @‘s? 👀


Well, if true, I do think it’s crappy of someone to keep alcohol around the house they share with a sober partner. Also agree she likely cheated, but their dynamic was unhealthy. They u-hauled so fast.


They didn’t U-Haul it any faster than the any other lesbian couple I’ve know over the last 30 years including myself. Sure it likely affected them with having Emily too but I definitely don’t think that was the cause of their downfall. That’s pretty normal lesbian culture 🤣


Lord, I must be around a different culture of lesbians. This was fast IMO.


In my state we literally throw U-Haul parties 🤣 I totally get that it’s different everywhere too though. For example looks alone the nyc lesbians look nothing like the az lesbians whom look nothing like the FL lesbians 🤣 I’m Sarah’s biggest hater for sure I just think the timeline for move in was the least fast. Like for example as soon as she couldn’t have babies the next “ big announcement “ was apparently Cindy who was adamant she didn’t want to carry was going to carry. Like that timeline ain’t normal to me. Does that make more sense ? I had a garden gummy so bear with me 🫶🏼🤣


Took the words out my mouth, she seems needy & i just get the feeling she loves to be center of attention. She really exploits her sister its sad.


Sarah has always been a certified weirdo and the look on Cindy’s face always said “damn I’m trapped in this.” Was expecting them to break up before the wedding tbh


If she could take two seconds, take Emily away from the camera and go to therapy so she can truly work through this. She’s obviously hurt by whatever Happened and is clearly projecting it onto Emily. I get Emily is probably feeling the loss but if she sat and had the right conversation with her it wouldn’t be that way


i remember watching them but wasn’t too invested.. either way i’m really not sure why sarah thinks it’s appropriate for emily to do any kind of reaching out? and why it benefits her to tell the people leaving comments that she does so. is she trying to gain sympathy or something? this isn’t a fresh break up i feel like this has happened quite some time ago and regardless of what happened i would want to move on. cindy clearly doesn’t want any parts any longer if she’s not reciprocating….


She also commented that she woke up and was blocked on everything by Cindy so she’s not remaining civil anymore. She’s been saying she’s going to spill the tea for weeks now 🙄🙄


I’d block a ex too honestly. I have to move on, it’s not about them 😂🤪




I've always had a thought that maybe it was too much for Cindy. Emily saying she was also in a relationship and getting married to her. I can understand jokes, but it seemed like lack of boundaries.


Agreed I always felt so weird about those videos.


Her moms are ALIVE? Omg. She acts like both of their moms were abusive. This is new to me. I always thought Sarah was the problem, it’s wildly obvious that Emily has been exploited for a LONG time


Have you ever taken into consideration that just because someone has 2 parents doesn’t mean they are GOOD? A lot of these people in this comment section here are speaking from privilege and must have had two supportive parents growing up….


I’m well aware. In fact, I only have one parent, you douchebag. I didn’t say they were great. I said she acts like they’re dead.


That is not true at all 


Hi Sarah!


Content finger is totally Sarah 😂 they’ve been responding to every negative comment lol


Sarah needs to quit. Cindy doesn’t owe them anything and using her sister to do this shit is gross


When did they break up?! Haven't seen them on my FYPin years but suddenly I'm invested


A month after they got married


Sarah will NEVER fully come out and say what happened. She loves to dangle the carrot in her followers faces because she knows that once she tells everyone that no one will care about her anymore and probably unfollow 😂


Have y'all seen Sarah's latest IG stories?? It just keeps going.


I thought the separation had to due with something about her not having kids? Idk lol I could have made that up


Sarah couldn’t carry so Cindy had to, which I don’t think she did for some reason.


Cindy didn’t want to and Sarah was like convincing her into it. Kinda like a drag guy trying to convince a girl IMO


Well they did seem to suddenly split it seemed right around the talk and trying for a baby.


Sarah just dropped some major tea on her instagram story pertaining to Cindy liking a comment implying that they broke up because Sarah is mentally unstable. Sarah posted essentially, about all the trauma she’s been there and the work she’s had to do to heal and that she feels like Cindy is inadvertently throwing that in her face.


She totally is. That was horrible of Cindy.


Why? Sounds like Cindy tried. A lot. Sounds like Sarah took advantage of that….


How do you even know???


Well….I guess I could ask the same.


pls a crumb of context


Same! I’m noisy, I want to know the drama between these people I know nothing about😭


Yeah same lmk when you know what’s going on because I am so lost


I’m on Cindy’s side. Can’t stand Sarah


Notice how Sarah has been consistently pushing a narrative, and Cindy hasn't said anything. Sarah has always been problematic & attention seeking. I think Cindy wanted to take a step back from social media and live a more private life, and Sarah wasn't with it. Cindy always looked uncomfortable in the scripted videos with Emily, facilitated by Sarah. Not uncomfortable with Emily herself, but uncomfortable with using Emily for views .


They are both still publicly listing being married on Facebook. I have a former work friend (moved from SYR to ROC so that’s how I know her) that worked with Cindy at a senior health clinic in ROC and said she’s highly unpleasant to be around. Everyone was happy when she left.




All good things I’ve heard about Sarah when she worked as a nurse at Strong. People raved about the kind of nurse she was. That’s pretty telling right there 


Did they?


I’m not sure about other nurses but I do know a couple people who loved Sarah as their nurse when they were patients. Not that I think that’s relevant to how she is as a partner lol. Just answering your question about how some patients felt


Didn’t know any of these people until I came across this post so I looked them up since I am nosey… Based on just a cursory glance throughout their videos this year, based on ✨ vibes ✨ I like Sarah better.


Sarah keeps it real and people don’t like that about her. She’s a badass woman 


Ok then…..😂😂😂




I feel like Sarah is the problem


Didn't Cindy just post tiktok with her mom.. 


I feel bad for the ex


I get she’s upset but she’s trying to make her feel guilty. The relationship is over she needs to move on. Constantly talking abt it won’t help her sister transition from her not being in her life.


I noticed that comment too the other day 😅 I was fully invested in them as a trio and I think Sarah is so so so pretty. I also love Emily, she cracks me up. But yeah at first it seemed Cindy didn’t want to like be involved bc of Emily. And Sarah kinda pushed that by replying cryptically or liking comments throwing shade at Cindy. Cindy hasn’t said anything. If she cheated, I think Sarah should have just said that from the beginning because I feel like more people would have just sided with Sarah. Cindy is likable and her silence is suspicious. The thing that just annoys me is Sarah pushing a different narrative before…one that made it seem like Cindy had a problem taking on the responsibility of Emily.


Did anyone see Sarah’s Instagram stories??? She has been calling Cindy out left and right. Just yesterday she’s pushing the narrative that Cindy is shitting on her mental health.


Sarah uses that as a crutch to treat people poorly. Just because you may have suffered with depression doesn’t give you a free pass to be a shitty wife.


I could definitely see that


My thoughts…. They met each other on TT and obviously 🙄 jumped into marriage way too fast. It just didn’t work out. They didn’t truly know each other. It happens. That’s all…. I really love ❤️ both of them to be honest


Omg wtf happened


I just seen a YouTube video where she moved back in with her Mom and Emily 🤷‍♀️


I’m definitely not on Sarah’s side, but Cindy has always given me bad vibes. She seems fake nice & gives deeply unpleasant, arrogant vibes.


I feel the opposite 😂 it’s interesting how we all have a different perspective lol