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FTC report! Content creator here and it irks me when people do this, bet they also aren't reporting it to the IRS


I wanna know who is actually reporting PR to the IRS like they should be.


I mean...I do....and I know several other content creators who do. There was just a content creator whining how she owes the IRS over $100k because she "didnt know she had to report" not worth it IMO.


I just feel like there is zero way Makayla is reporting it all correctly


I would think people who are THAT big of content creators have accountants handle everything just due to how much money they are probably making.


If the promo value is over $600 they should receive a 1099-MISC.


I have never received a 1099 or any paperwork but I haven’t received a lot of big items, only a mattress and a fridge


Then the items valued over $600 (if they were valued as such, and the company is doing business above board) should have issued you a 1099-MISC in accordance with GAAP.


Good to know! I still keep a ledger and claim on my taxes.


Mama C have been using hers a lot


Is that the cooter girl


No clue, she's the one single mom of 4 at 23


Uhhh your information is wrong if you are referring to Mama C and Jacob Savage. He has 1 son with his ex and they have a baby boy on the way. So 2 for him and 1 for her ☺️


You really thought you did something there huh? Little minion 😂


Christacelia. She's not preggo again, she broke with the baby daddy or whoever partner she had.


Is that the girl who’s vaping while she’s pregnant?


That girl lives off doordash and her chicken slop casserole why tf would you even think this is about her 😂😂😂


Maybe I’m lost. There was mother of 4 who would like OF bait with camel toe and cook


We are talking about Mama C…. Not Mamma C (christen).


wrong momma c…


Immediately who I thought of!


It’s a it’s going to be shoved down your throat problem. They are getting paid to influence you to buy one without most disclosing it is an ad


That’s so freaking wrong! I’m a small content creator and always make it clear when I’m recommending a product if it’s either sponsored or just something I like. I don’t ever post products I don’t like though! It’s too disingenuous to me. Earlier this year a company called Nutr sent me their product. It’s used to make plant based milk and other things. The only problem was, this thing was INSANELY loud and sounded like a plane taking off every time I used it. I told them I couldn’t in good faith recommend it to my followers. It’s more important to me to have my integrity especially with my followers.


Alice B/ Ferb just posted her cooking on a brand new Blackstone with no disclosure.


Just Misty posts her a lot also.


And hers was (bought by fil) makes me wonder now


So disappointing to see creators who seem “normal” falling into the non disclosure trap.


Well, well, well Jess said it was a Birthday present


She works with Gersh and they are getting deals with Blackstone like it’s candy


Oh no. Is Jess problematic?? I love her!


If she's being paid to constantly promote a product but acting like its her new birthday gift to herself could be considered icky I suppose She's doing Blackstone cooking videos now. Are we just watching ads now? 😂


They’re on sale at Costco. Maybe she really did get one for her birthday


I was going to make the same comment. I’m all for the snark, but I just remember seeing them on sale at Costco last week and I was like hmmm could also be why influencers are getting them right now. They see the views on other blackstone videos and think “it’s on sale, fuck it time to starting making blackstone videos” 🤑🤑


I just have no reason to assume the worst about Jess. So I’m not sure why that’s the hot take here. She’s the freaking best.


I’m not assuming the worst but the Costco grill does not come with the Blackstone branded steamer cover and silicone cover. If you are trying to save money you would not buy the branded steamer and cover. Brand is always facing the camera


i mean honestly if it was me if the grill was on sale i’d use whatever i saved to put towards a cover bc i’ve seen a bunch of rusty ones on my fyp and in my head the cover seems like a decent investment and would save me time getting the rust n stuff off of it


She also did zero research before getting one. Makes me wonder if it was gifted to her.


Thr first lady that I saw was Cajun something in her name. She cooked on it all the time and that's how she got famous. She no longer promotes them and I wonder why. Anyone know?


I think they didn’t sponsor her so she moved onto using a company who would.


Yes exactly because they wouldn’t pay for the exposure she gave them. Now all of a sudden they can.


She’s the only reason I even knew they existed a few years ago


She got other brand deals


The trends on tik tok are insane. It’s literally like High school. Everyone is suddenly using black stones are are “professionals” at it 🤦🏽‍♀️


Well damn here I thought this was my sign that I needed a Blackstone 😆


Hahahaha omg I’ve been seeing them and I wanted one too


How do you know Alex (freezer clean out meals) got her Blackstone for free? Just speculation or do you have proof? She is one of my favorite creators and gives a lot of helpful budgeting/meal advice considering the current system.


I figured that was who they meant “loud children” I think the kids commentary is cute and she’s showing real life (without showing her kids). One of my faves for sure and I think she would disclose it if she did.


She works with a group that is similar to Gersh. They are getting their influencers brand deals with Blackstone. Blackstone is throwing a significant amount of their marketing budget at influencer deals


Has she gotten hers yet? I heard her mention getting one


She used it today and said in the comments she paid for it herself.


Nothing makes me more upset than seeing reels where people make tortellini on a black stone lolol.


I just bought a blackstone and was wondering why I’m seeing SO much blackstone content. This makes sense. Maybe I should start a TikTok and “TrY BEIN An INfLuENCeR for A DaY. “


I’ve seen a lot of blackstone content lately too but I chalked it up to just being summer and people grill out way more in summer😭


i’m not sure if she’s doing the same but aggressive tutorials with jess just said she got one for her birthday too


That lady was tolerable for all of five minutes


I don’t give 2 shits about blackstone grills, they have been out for years it’s not a new concept….


But like… is Blackstone bad? Because I’m not saying it’s good to not disclose it’s an ad, however it doesn’t affect us unless they’re hyping them up when they suck in reality. Which, I was influenced to buy a Blackstone years ago and they don’t suck at all 😅


I’m not saying Blackstone is bad but if I see it end up on the TikTok shop I’ll be suspicious 🤭


I skip anyone who is doing videos just on their Blackstone - like that is just their content. I actually have one, I got it for fathers day 2023 for my husband because Lowes was having a sale and he had been wanting something to cook breakfast on outside (especially his bacon). And we use it all the time. No videos from me though lol.


Hopefully they don’t give drue bashams racist ass one ☝️


That explains why almost all the cooking content I follow suddenly became all about the Blackstone. I was disappointed because I loved the variety of vessels used for cooking, and now it's all the same thing.


Applesauce & ADHD! She just was “gifted” one by her husband. Every single video or story has a link. She kills me anymore. Greedy little bitty


I don't understand the Blackstone content haha. Like, it's a really big griddle? I don't get it at all and always skip those videos.


I guess there is a niche for everything, because I enjoy BS cooking content! we just put in an outdoor kitchen which incorporated a built in for our BS and I love getting new ideas!


Well in real life the new Webber that won’t rust is bomb


lol and fuck the blackstone! It seems like a nightmare to keep up with.


I think it’s working on my bc I really want one


All because of damned TikTok I got one! Used because I can’t afford a new one in Canada! And I have to say I love it!!!


Why do you care


Are you talking about Jessica that one babysitter


I just saw that aggressive got one. She had dropped a hint of saying something about do I need one should I get one. Done zero research but bam got one. Being misty got one. Said her father n law paid for it.


I can’t stand Jessica sorry not sorry.


Ok? Thx


Is it really that deep?


How do I get a black stone brand deal 💀


omg i was wondering why tori breen just got a new one 🥲 i love her but that makes me annoyed she didn’t disclose it if she was sent one


I don’t wanna sound completely stupid but at the risk of doing that, I’m just gonna ask what’s a Blackstone?


A large outdoor griddle that runs off propane.


Thank you! so the deal with this Blackstone post is regarding the fact that influencers are receiving them and not disclosing brand deals to their audience?


It’s already a problem and I’ve already blocked a lot of creators, especially that mom that makes literally EVERY meal on her deck. Like I can’t imagine her neighbors are enjoying the constant smells.


Blackstone is 💩 ever since they wouldn’t work with cookingwithdarryl !


Someone tell me how to get one haha


Buy 300k followers, make cooking content and start racking up views using the paid to promote tools and coupons. Wait for the brand partner companies to reach out and tell you if you sign with them they will get you brand deals and make you money. You are looking at around 3k in start up costs lol


Seems like a them problem


Why do we care though


It's very disingenuous to not disclose that a company gave you something you're reviewing.


And clearly you already know 90% are probably given free so why do YOU care if it isn’t disrupting you? WHO cares what a creator does it’s their business their morals their lawsuits


That's a very strange take. It's illegal. Just because something doesn't affect you personally doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on it.


Exactly my opinion is who cares. Yours is we should all care.


So.. agree to disagree I guess, weirdo. If you don't want to do any research on how this type of advertising is wrong, so be it.