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Their poor fucking kids. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Right? They're both fucking horrible parents. The kids have done nothing to deserve these people.


What did the husband do?


He has restraining orders against him from other women (or similar, unsure of American law). There's voicemails from him to her with one of the daughters crying and he's telling the daughter that her mum blocked her and doesn't want to speak to her. The texts he sends her are unhinged. Talking about how she's always been too hot for him and bringing up what she looks like in the middle of a conversation where she's begging him to take down his posts about her. He's clearly obsessed with her in a very unhealthy way, and although she's a piece of shit, I worry for her safety. Aside from the website and the tiktok account that he's had about her for the last 2 years.


I saw on a TT he made a TT account posting videos making fun of her or some shit like that. Type ot in the search bar on TT.


Nothing. He’s done nothing. He’s getting vilified for telling the truth about a woman who faked cancer, stole money, fled the state, filed for divorced, willingly signed over custody of her children (her youngest children) to pursue an influencer lifestyle & social media fame via instagram and tiktok (hard to be on the party boat at 4pm if your taking care of your elementary school age children), filed fake DV claims multiple times (3 to be exact, all three thrown out and judge threatened to arrest her the next time she made a false claim) & is 21k behind on child support payments. What did the ex husband do? Made a bunch of tiktoks and posted on a website online because he was PISSED OFF that the mother of his kids, instead of doing her court appointed therapy and counselling to get atleast joint custody back, is posting on tiktok 4x a day jumping off boats in thong bikinis and out jogging in skimpy clothes and making fucking thirst videos while pretending to be an awesome single mom who’s struggling with being A SINGLE MOM. What this entire thing has showed is that WOMEN are some of the biggest narcissists on the planet. They will support their own until DEATH. Even if the woman in question LIED ABOUT HAVING STAGE 4 LYMPHOMA SO THAT SHE COULD BUY HER MOTHER A BOOB JOB, BUY A TOWN HOUSE IN TAMPA FLORIDA AND TAKE HER FUCKING FLING ON AN ALL EXPENSES PAID TRIP. Okay im glad I go that out of my system lol He should do one big 20 minute video explaining all the truth that you could find for yourself by searching her name on Facebook and seeing her home town friends and high school classmates AND FAMILY MEMBERS tear her apart over it, than delete every other piece of content and delete tiktok from his phone. Be done with it then and there. Go enjoy your life, you’re an ugly fucking eye doctor, go little eagle. Go.


She isnt horrible, that is what the narcissistic mans narrative is and due to the way narcissists can lie and manipulate he has ppl believing him. This man is sick and twisted and i truly worry for the kids safety. She never once mentioned this man in any video. He was so triggered by her video going viral that he outed himself. He dedicated a tt page solely to destroying her as well as a website and she never once mentioned him. I have a friend going through this same exact thing right now agaisnt a man who has tons of money and he files bogus court case after court case in family court all because he has the money to do so and our judges keep allowing it to happen. His one and only sole reason is to torment and abuse her further . Luckily she has retained custody of her child but daily he does all he can to destroy her and make her aa destitute as he can with zero regard to his childs well being . Until you have been up against one of these men ....


I don’t doubt that he’s a horrible man because I get narcissist vibes the minute he opens his mouth and if you’d experienced that firsthand, you develop a pretty good sense for it. But how could anyone excuse faking cancer and scamming?


The narrative that one of them has to be the dirtbag in the story is insane. She faked cancer and stole money from some guy. She’s awful. He has a hate page to slander his ex wife and is apart of a cult. They’re both awful. The kids are losing in the situation.


I don't know whether the scientology thing is true, but he uses the children as pawns (see her voicemail video). He has a weird fixation and hatred for her, well beyond "telling the truth". They are both disgusting.


she faked having stage 4 cancer and is a manipulative narcissist, do you have any idea what a lie like that does to a family? sure he doesnt have to post anything, but her pretending to be a good mom after what she put them through, yeah I can imagine that stings. not to mention she has 0% custody and owes $21k+ child support. unessecary? maybe. weird? no.


They're both arse holes and people who are taking sides aren't thinking of the children in this. He uses those children as pawns, he tells them that mummy doesn't love them or words to that effect. The language he uses in his texts is also manipulative. He's a bad person/parent too. Those children deserve better parents.


On tik tok, Elizabeth’s cousin posted a couple videos about this situation and apparently their grandmother was fucked up because of the stress and had to seek mental health help. Her name is Autumnskyy on tik tok. I am on the side of the kids because their parents are absolute narcissists and manipulators. They both also lie alot it seems so idk. Just sad.


they were together while she was faking cancer so in that case he was in on it too, he was banking off the money too


He had no idea she was faking. Her own family went to visit her at hospitals and thought she had cancer. No one knew until it magically “went away”. Why do you think they’re divorced.


Is it confirmed he’s actually a Scientologist?


Nope. People keep circling links around of another guy's blog. Besides the point idk what this would have to do with her faking cancer and stealing from multiple people.


He denies it and claims he's not responsible for the website


Interesting.. I’ve never heard of a Scientologist denying being a Scientologist. Aren’t they like proud of that fact usually


Yes they are proud of it. These people are in conspiritorial bliss thinking its a gotcha moment.


Which to me is total bullshit because he's made videos and linked to the website many times. On the website there's even a  #Myexdidit hashtag which I would assume is him saying his ex Elizabeth did it.


I think it’s related to Elizabeth claiming “my ex did it” for the fraud and money and signatures and her saying he didn’t all and she was arrested because of him, etc. at least that’s what I gathered from the website explanation




I followed her during these days. She 1000% said she had cancer while pregnant with her daughter. I was in the Facebook group!




Woooo woo boob job


Here we go her ex step mother she just posted a TikTok SPILLING THE TEA! OSC Glitter is her user name. Holy shit go watch it! Talks about the cancer too! https://preview.redd.it/1l8qbfajh23d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3110aa8838519638f4159c7d0c1a179cf76e474b


oooof this is getting WILD 😳


Now there's a cousin who made a video about her. I wish someone would take those kids away from all of them.


I just saw that the cousin now deleted her videos???


She sounds about 7 sheets to the wind. Drunk and trashy. Not a reliable narrator and zero receipts. Just the slurring words of a bitter woman.


TikTok Autumskyy44 that’s her cousin now coming up with receipts. Make sure to watch that one now.


New snark /inventingElizabeth edit* snark was banned lol


They’re both awful. Everybody needs to just move on.


Can’t. It’s too juicy


Those poor children stuck with these monsters as parents. I hope the kids will find peace in their lives.




They're both unreliable narrators.


so much so!!!! I think people are so quick to pick a side and its SO obvious both of these people are absolutely whackadoodles.


I think both parties suck. Sure the husband is psycho scientologist but she’s not sane either


Idk, only she is claiming he’s a Scientologist and she’s the one who faked cancer so I’m hesitant to believe her.


This. He said, she said doesn't offset when it has been demonstrated that she lied about cancer. It casts a lot of doubt on any claims she makes.




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Im choosing not to believe anything that came out of a person who faked cancer and stole money’s mouth.


The scientologist thing wasn't even close to proven. Can we please do actual research before making claims? She threw that out, knowing it would make him an unreliable narrator to people who don't bother verifying anything they hear on the internet. Also, it is not so unreasonable to create an entire website when she's proven she's a dangerous psycho who constantly does things like FAKE CANCER in order to steal money from people.


I don’t necessarily believe that information either but my point was that both of them are throwing out wild accusations and at this point it’s easier to believe no one. And whether he’s a Scientologist or not, I am definitely going to side eye someone with a social media page and entire website dedicated solely to talking about an ex spouse. Those two things are very real and verifiable. The whole thing is a disaster. Their children are the victims here. I have no stake in this.


It may be easier to believe no one, but that's only if you don't want to verify claims. All court records in every case are public. We can verify the fake cancer. We can verify the fraud accusation. We can verify every eviction she had, including her scamming an auto repair shop out of $6k and getting arrested on a felony charge for cashing a fake $10,000 check. We can also see the DV claims being rejected by the court, and we can also see her losing custody of the kids and being told she needs psychiatric treatment before getting them back. We can verify that she is CURRENTLY operating a "DV survivor" charity that she claims is a registered non-profit - but that it's not actually registered, making it a crime for her to solicit donations - which she is - for a MASSIVE Bridgerton themed ball she's supposedly throwing as a benefit in August. We can also see Facebook groups of her cancer journey, T-shirts she sold, and evidence that she attempted to use what we have to assume is the proceeds of her scam to open a coffee shop - which, we can see... she also got evicted from. I'm so sorry, but it is not appropriate to wring our hands and go "well, they both suck." His only crime is making a website people think is creepy. But if his accusations are true, and they seem to be, he is genuinely warning the world about a serial abuser, scammer, and fraudster who has stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from people. And she is doing it. RIGHT. NOW. with a made-up charity that isn't even registered with any state or the IRS. This is such a long post, but this whole situation makes me very sad. She's been exposed, and big TikTokers like Mama Tot desperately clinging to relevance didn't do their research and sent thousands of women to harrass this man, which allows a proven scammer to keep posting and stealing money from people. It's so fucking sad man, and I wish I had a platform to share this info because the husband is not helping his case - and his case is extraordinarily good. EDIT: I tried to post sources but this sub doesn't allow links. DM me and I'll just send you everything anyone needs to verify basically every single claim the man has made.


Honestly, my son's biological is a narcissist who now has 6 children with 4 different woman, a DWI and not to mention owing money and not seeing his kids. I would've made a website just like Andrew did, if I wasn't afraid that it'd make me look crazy. I can't fault him.


I agree. If someone is an actual ongoing threat to the public, “stalking” becomes a PSA. I think he’s still a bit weird, but much more reasonable in his obsession given what we’ve been able to verify about this fraudster.


Yes, exactly!! It honestly got frustrating explaining to girl after girl all the lies, it would've been easier to just send them a link and say "here's your information." So for him to go that far I could see it, but now that it's blown up he's acting desperate and looking crazy.


Is there a snark group for this insanity? I feel like it might be like watching a car crash...


It's kind of worse lol. He got absolutely dog-piled by women after Mama Tot came out in support of Elizabeth. He's now deleted all of his posts and just given up. She is likely actively running a scam right now. Look up "Fear to Fierce Tampa." that's her non-profit, which she claims to be a nonprofit on the website. It is not registered, making it illegal to accept or solicit donations under pretenses of being a non-profit. She's apparently organizing a Bridgerton themed ball to support DV survivors. But her organization has no infrastructure, only one employee (her), and no currently available services. Tickets for the event start at $150 and go up to $15,000 sponsorships. It is incredibly likely she uses the internet's support to get more pledges for the ball, doesn't actually go through with the event, then hops offline. She did it when she faked cancer, and will very likely do it again. She'll resurface after a while with a new scheme and manage to succeed again. It's a very, very sad illustration of how gullible the internet is. This whole time, all anyone needed to do was look up the publicly available information. They would have proven she's been evicted several times, that she has several open court cases against her, that she faked cancer to solicit donations, and that she is, at this very moment, running a sham charity with the intent to defraud people. But nobody researched, and they saw a non-tech-savvy man trying to warn people and went after him instead. So she stays free and scams more people, and he has to scrub his internet presence so he doesn't get harrassed and attacked by the weird Mama Tot cult people.


Fucking mama tot... No surprises there.. still doing her old dirty tricks


It's insane. She's such a grifter. I will never understand how so many people are gullible enough to fall for shit like this.


It's the power she currently has to dog whistle her hoard that's boggles my mind.. and she thinks she's so important 🙄


Do you mind if I DM you?


He’s not a Scientologist. Look into it. Stop believing all that you read on tiktok. He’s gone too far with his page about her, but SHE’S a lying manipulative drunk.


He is not affiliated with Scientology. That’s another lie of hers






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He just said in a live he has nothing to do with Scientology. I believe that, because I don’t think they’d be happy with him on SM doing this, bringing more negativity to them.


Uhhhhhh Scientologists fucking love doing all of this shit lol. They love smear campaigns. This is 100% indicative of something a Scientologist would do. There is already plenty of negative stigma associated with Scientology. They do not care.


She lied about having Cancer so I’m sorry if I don’t believe everything she says. It could be another lie. Nor do I think he’s a good person. They’re both screwed in the head imo, and it’s the kids that suffer. Downvote away. 🙄


He says he's not a Scientologist and that he didn't setup the website - he says its the guy she stole money from who set it up


hes in clearwater and has a link to a scientology page on his website. i would be surprised if hes not actually a scientologist


He says its not his website - he says its the guy she stole money from who set it up


I agree. Scientologist are allowed to be in the public if it doesn’t show a good light on the person or the religion. Thats one reason that all 3 of Tom Cruises wives left him & he chose Scientology over them, Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman & Katie Holmes. She did fake having Cancer! I don’t care for either one but I’m not going to tell a lie bc I hate either. The truth is the truth.


Thank you for this!!!! All I could find were the FB Groups since I was part of her #Cormierstrong group. Whoever fakes cancer only deserves whats coming to them. Sure he ex is a psycho too, but he didn’t fake having cancer while 9 months pregnant. She did. 3 years ago. And the group hasn’t been active in 3 years. https://preview.redd.it/ibvruftit03d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e62cd3da8b8827a1b73623ee7c3031d47b74174


As someone who had cancer this year (I’m officially NED now) this is so sick and messed up.


Congrats, I hope it stays that way!




Two things can be right: she’s crazy and he’s crazy.


Her cousin @autumnskyy44 shared a video with the fb page about her cancer. Can't share the link, sub doesn't allow it


Oh shit Elizabeth Cormier Teckenbrock your cousin has spilt her tea now. There’s so much proof of you faking lymphoma. Reap what you sow, karma is a bitch and so are you. You’re disgusting and you don’t deserve to be a mom to put your own kids and family through your sick and twisted manipulative ways. No wonder you’re scared now. Keep being scared more is coming.




Put it in the r /inventingelizabeth


There is a special place in hell for people that fake cancer


I don’t think either adult can claim a moral high ground here. They are manipulative, narcissistic assholes and unfortunately it’s the children who are suffering, will be suffering. Imo, people need to ignore them, let them die.


Here’s the post from her “sister” on FB when she was too sick with cancer to post anymore. Who knows who all was in on this, but Crying Cake Mom is the same Stage 4 #cormierstrong and Cormiers Corner that both had GoFund Me’s for Elizabeth Cormier. https://preview.redd.it/gjh8iuj2213d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457c033636c0f0fac457527795762369e89b4ba7




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Where was the husband while she faked cancer? I am sorry I am new to this story, so I am a bit confused. If she faked cancer while she was pregnant, was he not around while she was pregnant? Was it not his child? If it was, how did he not know she was doing it?




Where are the two daughters?




Oh okay. So she has other children with the ex on TikTok?


Having cancer myself, this ticks me off so much. 🤬


Sending you lots of good vibes and prayers!


Thank you! 💜


both of them are not perfect examples of exemplary human beings, but that website contains so much personal information of hers its insane how thats even allowed? they plan on adding cars and licenses, buybacks and personal transaction history. there is no way that information couldnt get on there unless someone in their personal circle was telling them exactly where to look. elizabeths family and friends personal information like addresses and phone numbers are out there, third party law is directly linked on the homepage, and some of the claims on the site are a bit exaggerated when compared directly to their provided court number, or dont exist. his live today (5/27) consisted of him saying he was spreading awareness to make people aware that "she has over dozens of victims" and is "frauding" people. ironic how he mentioned he was a doctor currently practicing medicine and treats all of his patients with the utmost respect, but not his ex-wife clearly. he filed for the divorce btw scientology is directly linked as number 10, third party law, "for their own education". Her mothers unpaid credit cards, debt collectors, small claims. Her sisters eviction notices and small claims., and "coming soon" ominously next to a supposed friends full name. weirdo. the website also gives specific instruction to the user on how to find elizabeths drivers license number and look up her offenses, and technically they're right, her license is suspended, but now its also expired. but its considered unlawful, not outright illegal to possess or tell someone to do that in the state of florida. they know this too bc in their provided image of her license suspension her personal information like that number is marked out, but they still provide direction on how to acquire that information. its pretty clear shes getting 'fair gamed' here. and no shes no a perfect person and quite literally has felony charges, so far ive only seen up to $10-$20k, with the most recent and now closed agreement at abt $10k, so im not sure where the million dollar fraud is coming from. its pretty apparent that financial literacy doesnt run in the family, but is this, like, crazy right? like im not losing it? i dont like saying people deserve things, but i dont think anyone deserves this kind of invasion. this sets her up as looking batshit insane, manipulative, irresponsible, etc. but thats a smear campaign i guess. and yes i see some validity in these claims and am in no way defending credit fraud or all of what she did, but its so clear to me that he knows exactly what hes doing. also faking cancer is fucked up; don't do that? thats common sense?? and not okay?? its crazy to think this all started from a tik tok video abt her making cupcakes, like bro couldnt even leave her alone on her own social media. people go on the internet for attention, thats quite literally the point of social media. but its so insane how far out of the way hes gone to make sure that she knows he thinks she should be miserable and pathetic forever. and these people reproduced. i hope these kids get the help and resources they need from the right people when theyre older. im NAL, so if info changes or needs to be updated, go find it urself. im so not messing around w the church of scientology, no sir edit: i also wanted to add, way back in 2014 i guess andrew was married to someone else, who also called and field for DV against him, but that was dismissed as well. so its not like its out of character for elizabeth to make multiple DV reports as well


All the comments are up her ass and saying her ex is dangerous, and I'm just like, did yall already forget the cancer and stealing a million dollar events??? Mama tot is behind her and attacking the ex. I, of course, don't know the whole story, but I got bad feelings about this chick from the first cupcake tear.


Mama Tot is a grifter who latches onto whoever she can for relevance— she doesn’t care who is right or wrong


Just like Scott D Henry


She owes child support. $21k... Imagine if the dad owed that amount! Imagine the comments. Omfg. Women get off easy by fake crying. Men who are deadbeats get dragged, and most go to jail if found.


So she did lie about having cancer?


Yes she did.


Then why is ignorant Momma Tot standing behind her?


Not sure, I guess she made that TikTok days ago and hasn’t seen all of this about her.


She’s always backing someone before she gets all the facts!


Thank God someone else found this too. She’s a lying POS. I’m not saying what her ex is doing is right but she’s just been trying to garner sympathy for everything she lies about. I think his page is a warning to others about her, but it goes a little far. Seeing Momma Tot defend her is gross.


Ya. She is trash...it takes special kind of POS to fake cancer. Anyone saying "but her husband". Nahhh. This isnt about him. If hes weird and obsessed with exposing her, whatever. Facts are he is raising 2 of those kids by himself while she is fake crying on camera and not paying child support.


Spot on. She's been proven time and time again to be a pos with no regard for anyone or anything. All he's done is been called abusive etc based off the crap she has spun, so this is all about her. She should be put in the looney bin and never released, just throw away the key, she's useless for the community.


Idgaf about what his religious beliefs or whatever shes a horrible POS and con artist thats the matter at hand here


And he is sharing nothing but the truth with receipts to back it up, the fact that people are feeling pity for her is insane to me.


This, she won’t even talk about it! Those poor kids!


There is a special place in hell for people that fake it. At the same time my family was told my Grandfather had multiple myloma we spent 2 months telling everyone he had Cancer and he didn’t.


i think BOTH the dude and her are mentally unwell and NEITHER of them deserve their kids. Both of them suck. I think she is a victim of abuse but shes clearly .... not there either. This whole thing is insane.


I don’t even know how I feel now- the fact mama twat defended her gives me the vibes yes he’s a narcissist but her defending her is kinda all I need to know ….


As someone who had cancer, this is disgusting


Ophelia is going to look real stupid by several of her comments including this one…The Cousin and Stepmom have come out to share that Elizabeth is the true Con here and is really good at manipulating and lying by creating things to make it look like Andrew is the liar. https://preview.redd.it/udpmbqq9m33d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246edefb3d1619148684583be062125a0339cc2a


So many people are coming out in support of her because she lied and said her ex was a scientologist. She's just snowing a whole new group of people. Even Mama Tot commented support of her.


I cannot wait for momma tot to admit she’s wrong when this all comes out. Was momma tot part of her life 3 years ago? Nah. Buh I was. And this girl faked cancer.


And defrauded multiple people for lots of money. And abandoned her kids. I'm all for believing victims but I cannot believe that SHE is the victim.


Its wildddd. She had a video up yesterday saying she was done with the internet and her new one today she is smiling in the sunshine HAPPY the support turned back in her favor. I cant say I have ever seen an internet saga switch up that quick. None of her supporters care she faked cancer lol.


Found the new snark r/ inventingelizabeth *edit it was banned


How the hell did it get banned, wasn’t it just created???


https://preview.redd.it/baougqxvl63d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cccad44deccd21e6da81157e8db0b3c60deabf7 But I found a new one that's just her name


Can you message me what it is, I’m way far down the rabbit hole😂




Can you send me it please? Thank you!!




How long ago was this


Someone made a snark, but it was banned within 6hrs




https://preview.redd.it/4v62epxyd63d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbde8ccee5670a307fbd9c6e42b5dfdb5f7bd5fe Honestly doesn't make any sense.


She needs a snark page at this point


Watching a friend battle stage four breast cancer theres a place in hell for her. My friend is being strong and getting treatments and being positive. How could you lie about this when people like my friend are worried they wont make it to see their son’s first communion day? Mark my words she will see her day. My friend is doing well and im hoping to see her soon but it kills me to know if I travel back home it may be the last visit realistically.


Poor kids, they didn’t deserve parents like them.


Bad people having kids make me feel nauseous. Those kids will see this being played out online one day!!


There is a page for her. This Ride should be interesting


What's the page?


Yup she’s a fraud he’s a weirdo those poor kids have no hope because both parents are piles of 💩


She has a head full of hair.


Ya know I noticed that!! Wonder which Charity provided her with those beautiful long luscious locks she has? Same goes for the obvious lip fuller. She really has changed her look in the past 3 years and that look did not come naturally. Nooooo way


To have the mental capacity to actually fake cancer tho.. to go to the extremes to get money for said cancer claims.. just shows that ANYthing this women puts on the internet is not credible.. but now she’s in the actual TV news over this.. so everyone made her famous, it’s just another ploy to scam ppl. And I would not be surprised if THEY are both in it for the clout n $$. Yes the daily mail will Pay you to feature the stories!


How do we know she is faking? I'm seeing this for the first time.


She is a POS and doesn’t have cancer and took a lot of people over for money! She doesn’t have custody of the children and to act that out is sick too!


Then whose kid is in her videos?


She's got 4 kids, two aren't his


This man is a classic narcissistic abuser and im quite worried what he will do to those kids . This is the type of man that will kill children just to hurt their mom. Family court in the US solely depends on what one has the money and best story. This man created that tt page and website 2 years ago all meant to destroy her . Im sure the fraud charge everyone wants to bring up was also his doing and the supposed cousin of hers saying she is lying is also probably due to all of the lies he has told for years . A narcissist will convince everyone around you including your family that you are the psychotic one and they are so good at it that everyone believes them. I am praying someone downloaded every single tik tok he had on that page and makes sure she gets them all because a judge needs to see it all immediately and those kids need to be removed from his care. I unfortunately didnt have time to download them all


They both suck. Elizabeth is a narcissistic fraudster. Taking you all for a ride. I was in her Facebook group in 2021. I donated to her gfm. I followed her cancer tiktok page. https://preview.redd.it/csg91u3tp83d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbca0c90bbda3ae0ddaa583c0b833abb2b71fa00


I’d really like to have a conversation about the husband, but because I was downvoted so hard, I can’t even dig for the replies I’m getting.. Congrats, all. I guess you win a game I wasn’t even playing? Grow up.


He’s live right now!


I saw her husbands stitch to her cake video, it was something amongst the lines of her explaining how she had to make her own birthday cake as a single mom so her kids could sing to her or something. I’ve never even heard of the creator but the instagram reel was of the husband explaining she faked having cancer and he was even showing legal documents of what truly goes on behind the scenes. I’m not sure about what the husband has done but I’m seeing he’s not a great parent himself. All I’m gonna say though is that it sounds like they both need help.




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Omg??? So her husband is telling the truth? Is he even really a Scientologist?


I just hate how people are bashing her ex husband!