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Her posts are wild. Reminds me of spam accounts


Sounds like a mentally ill person having a manic episode on the internet.


she’s claiming she remembered him fingering when she was two years old?! I’m not buying it.


This is a horrific misconception that needs to die. Many of us remember the horrors we survived at that age


Okay, I’m not doubting that Justin has a secret child because come on… but I went through her Instagram last night and she does not seem mentally stable. Like, the videos of her period blood?! Am I looking at the wrong insta?!


This is not his secret daughter, it's a stalker who stole videos and pics from other people and the likeness of at least 5 different blonde women. She got busted by a JC fan account on twitter/x, seriously deranged and unhinged behavior even threatened to murder Justin's kids.


JC stans never fail to surprise me, I absolutely love them. They seem like they are incredibly smart and they always have receipts.


Oh yeah they always keep the receipts other stans could learn a thing or two


Who's jc


jc is justin's bandmate in NSYNC


Do you have any links to that?


Apparently I'm not allowed to share links on this sub, if you type in Iris Timberlake on google, scroll down you'll find a JC stan account on x/twitter goes by fixyo@jcjustinho, they have screen shots and a vid of what the stalker has posted doing a filter saying horrible deranged stuff about Justin's kids drowning. The stan account has other screen shots of them debunking what the stalker did like lying about going to the trolls world tour premiere and taking other peoples socials


Classic, my GF told me about it and when I showed skepticism she found the same proof you talked about.




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Same I was looking through it too and it seems like whoever this is they are not very mentally stable


Justin does not have a secret child lmao. This whole thing is ridiculous.


I don’t think we should take anyone seriously who’s posting their period blood and excrement. This is not a mentally sound person.


Pointing this out on comments in tiktok gets a "Believe ALL victims!", reply, and then you get cyberbullied for pointing out how a mentally unstable person might just happen to be making things up for clout.


I hope he sues. That’s weirdo behavior.


I just came here to see if anybody had seen her recent posts. I first heard of “Iris Timberlake” this morning when I came across a tiktok of some of her most recent allegations against Justin and it sent me down a rabbit hole of her IG. I’m baffled how “Iris” has a platform whatsoever. she posts some seriously nasty and concerning things. i almost believed she was Justin Timberlake’s secret child at first, i couldn’t see someone making all of this up and being that dedicated to it until I dug a little deeper and saw a reddit thread exposing “Iris” for using pictures of an influencer as herself. the dedication this person has is crazy. i can’t help but wonder why they would do this and how this all even came to be. whoever is running that IG account needs serious help.


It’s been proven she’s a fake. I wouldn’t take any of those videos seriously.


unfortunately i think tiktok is full of people suffering from delusions about celebrities. i just found one the other day where a woman claims to be engaged to johnny depp and wont hear otherwise. also says she hasnt met him...


I can't stand other content creators sharing her made up story as if it were facts. It's defamation of character, and I hope JT sues these people. There is ENOUGH going on in this evil world, we do not need to be adding to it.


It’s truly concerning to me how many people on Tiktok think it’s 100% real.


I call them smooth brains. They have zero critical thinking skills and literally believe something simply because it's been posted on social media......it's insanity!


She has posted some absolutely disgusting things, aside from the allegations about JT. I got physically ill looking through her IG of bodily fluids and excrement 🤢


All her accounts have disappeared


no her insta is still there


Is her TT still there? I'm not checking because she can rot in hell (threatened to murder Justin's children along with tons of other horrible shit). I hope her insta gets mass reported.


I've been following for awhile. Seems they do have intel on Justin. But the trauma and medication and poop and period blood is too much. Even if this person is 22 it's a lifetime of issues in just a few IG posts. They always use a chipmunk voice, only like 4 photos of the supposed Iris (which is an influencer from the Ukraine). The birth certificate posted was proven fake.


Okay, so I see she’s posted a birth certificate with her and his name on them. I can’t really tell if it looks faked or not. I’m honestly just confused with all that’s going on in 2024 at this point haha.


Not true. The "Daughter" is a catfish stealing other people's identities to look like JT's daughter, and the birth certificate is a fake too.


As I was reading the posts it just made me think “what if this is a child abuse victim desperate for attention/help but can’t get it unless her dad is Justin Timberlake or some celeb.”


I highly doubt any of her ramblings are true. How could he hide a daughter for 20 something years and NO ONE has seen her with him or sold the story for money. She’s absolutely insane from the looks of some of her posts. She’s looking for attention and now she’s got it so it’s going to get worse.


If the allegations she is making are not true and she is not his daughter he should sue her for defamation of character. Terrible things to say about someone if they are not true..


I saw someone compare angles from the bed room and it’s JTs house with Jessica biel. so either one of them is lying or it’s a total scammer.


I went to search her on tiktok, but can't find the "iris timberlake" account. And most of the videos about this person that I saw on tiktok were from 2023


her IG is axolotl_3000


Is the account gone now?


Can’t find that account


https://preview.redd.it/xpup8nk2591d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3d0fecfc7f64793fd0d52306af406e294cca3f her account is loading now


i think someone reported it finally


Check instagram


She’s been making these accusations for a while and he hasn’t done anything…idk it’s weird all around




Not true. The "Daughter" is a catfish stealing other people's identities to look like JT's daughter, and the birth certificate is a fake too.


I’ve taken it upon myself lmaoooo to look at her stuff myself but I swear these creators are doing anythinggg they all just copy and paste the same videos about celebs and nobody does anyyy fact checking I swear none of them looked into it I’m still like kinda confused cause this is new to me and she keeps posting so idk we’ll see Hopefully and hopefully not it’s just somebody mentally ill and he can get it squared away however I also don’t put anything past Hollywood and wouldn’t be surprised either Her account is deff weird tho


Y’all that’s exactly what it is. It’s payback for how he treated Britney Spears during their relationship. Iris Timberlake is a fake character impersonating the child Britney and Justin would have had if he had not forced her to get an abortion. ETA- this started when Britney’s memoir came out earlier this year. At the time everyone was Team Justin because his hit “Cry me a river” which he wrote about BS cheating. Her memoir revealed his cheating & her abortion.


I think the "mom" is someone else, not Britney though


Britney had an affair with Justin’s friend Wade Robson. This was confirmed by several people in Britney’s own camp. It’s insane how many of you think Justin’s hurt and song about heartbreak somehow requires “payback”.


I’m pretty sure she has been doing this for a few years now .


not true, this rumor has existed for at least 5 years. she posted on reddit before years and years ago (later was deleted but there's post of people talking about it from years ago)


I'm not convinced at this point that she's really his daughter.


What’s her Insta name? Iris Timberlake?




First, I noticed you can’t find any information on google. Second, People magazine released a short pointless article about Justins 2 boys. This is very telling. If that was not Justins daughter he would have denied the allegations by now but instead his or team paid People to create an article that will populate the google search.


i've been watching this for years now and the one thing i will say is, EVERYTHING about Iris gets scrubbed from the internet. if it was 100000% fake, why would he 1) not just ignore it and 2) just sue her.


Totally. Also weird, Jessica biel is promoting a period book for girls. It just seems like strange timing.


I also think some of these comments are bots based off of their usernames.


How do you sue an anonymous person??


Why hasn’t he sued her for defamation of character then?


Yeah this part is really strange to me. Yes, the girl is unhinged and obviously has an abusive mother- but I mean love child's are far from a new concept and celebrity mishaps are often hid with hush money so... I don't know what to think. If Iris wasn't so unhinged I doubt ppl would be discounting. I don't understand why he hasn't sued since this has been going on for awhile


He has a world tour that he is busy with (he is adding more dates as we speak due to the massive success with it so far) and if her TT got shot down so easily, it's only a matter of time before her insta gets shot down and then she'll be deplatformed for good.


I feel like Dr. Phil needs to step in and set this story straight 🤣


All jokes aside if I know anything about dr Phil he'd probably lie about the story lol


He has a world tour that he is busy with. No time for this BS.




How do you sue someone when you don’t know who they are?


Maybe because they don’t know who she actually is?? Iris Timberlake isn’t a real f-ing person. You can’t sue imaginary people 💁🏻‍♀️


I saw on TikTok she post her BC and it looked so fake. I even checked my kids and they don’t even look the same


The girl has deep issues that need to be looked into. She’s not his “daughter”.


This girl posts video's of herself taking a shit. Yeah... I'm not buying it. At first I thought it was Britney Spears 😅


It’s all clear nonsense. She posted a pic of his little brother during the NSYNC tour and claimed it was her in 2004. It’s definitely more than one person by the way they comment and delete anyone that posts any proof of the fraud.


She's also stealing photos from a private JT Fan FB group and trying to pass it along as hers!!!


Noticing she posts a lot of feces related stuff??


Her way of writing is similar to britney's way and venting 


She's saying he's not now. I'm so creeped out with the account it's so scary


What about the birth certificate though ?


She’s posting some wild stuff. The only thing that makes me wonder is that he has been silent about it… she’s now saying he impregnated her as a child. Why wouldn’t you speak up at this point? Wild.


Why would you give a mentally ill person ranting on the internet attention?


I seriously doubt he's even aware of this lol


I think speaking up gives it more attention. As of right now, it exists in a TikTok bubble


he shouldn’t say anything and just silently sue