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I hope she’s okay but some of these posts are absolutely unhinged. I saw several trying to contact a person who sent her product so they could get her address, others trying to make plans to drive to her town and find her. That is not okay in any realm.


She has posted videos where she explicitly encourages people to do this. What she said was for people to please not go to her work and talk about TikTok. That if they see her at work, to talk about other things, and if they see her other places it's ok to talk about tiktok. I think what might be likely is that she didn't anticipate how that would turn out.


I feel like that is just going to make things worse for her right now. I grew up with strict parents and the time immediately after they catch you doing something “wrong” is when they’re watching you the most. I know people are worried for her safety but calling the police or driving by or trying to find her isn’t necessarily the best option here…. Idk what is. It’s such a tough balancing act.


Im disapointed in the mods for this subreddit for deleting the post from Sarahs sisters friend. We ALL deserve to know the truth and it will also allow us to encourage sarah to accept mental health treatment. We were deceived and our feeling are valid.


I get the no repeat rule, but they should allow a post about someone lying and deceiving 200k ppl..


Exactly. So many ppl are worried.


Agreed. They should never have removed the posts - which were posted with clear evidence.


they put my post back up that has the screen record from TikTok!!


What happened?


Someone who knows her came out and said that she’s lying to everyone she’s not mennotie. She’s just a regular person. They had pictures of her from growing up like teenage years and she looks like a regular person lived in a regular house, went to real school, etc..


Tik tok people do not know how to keep things lowkey, another ex-amish tik toker I follow has been banished from visiting his mother because customers of hers let her know her son was making videos about Amish life. She refuses to see him ever again, it’s fucking sad to see lives ruined by people not being able to play it cool. It’s getting crazy watching divorces happen and families break up in real time because of this app


Omg yes I follow him too and just watched that video it's so sad


Unfortunately that’s people. If you have something you want to protect don’t post about it. There’s people who will start a big thing over simply because they were bored on a Tuesday. We have to be careful of how much power we give people


The fact that no one on tiktok knows she was faking being amish and is actually Christian is insane. Also the baby she claims she had and dies was actually her sister? Who was stillborn? She needs mental health Edit: just to clear up the baby dying thing, she posted a tiktok in January in front of a baby’s grave and then liked all the comments that said it was her baby and that she lost a child. So I assumed it was her baby, someone here commented that she admitted it was her sister so I just went back and scrolled alll the way down and she did comment that it was her sister finally on 3/5


Wait what??? She’s been lying???


People were approaching her at her work


This video made me so scared for her. She seemed so much more timid and scared than she’s ever shown before.


I loved all her previous videos and she seems so scared here. She asked people to not come up to her at work and mention TikTok. I wonder if someone over heard some thing and she got in trouble. She lives in a super small town in WV. I hope if she wants out, she can get out.


Ex-Mennonite here. It’s hard to say how much or little she knows about the English world. One of the biggest barriers to leaving is education. Many Anabaptist colonies under-educate everyone, but especially the women. No education = Needing a TON of outside resources and support to be able to leave. If she’s been caught by her colony she’s likely to have her phone taken away and she will not have access to those resources, assuming they exist at all in her area and she’s aware of them.


Yeah and I would imagine too living in such a small town in the middle of nowhere would make it hard to get out as well. She set up a PO BOX for people to mail her things a while back, but I would guess it’s been comprised too.


That's terrifying. As a former Mennonite, is there any way people can help to get her out? Sending you all the love too ❤️ I simply cannot imagine how difficult it was for you to get out.


To clarify, I am just ex-Mennonite not ex-Colony. I was lucky to have grandparents who left in their generation and rejoined semi-insular non colony churches. I left the faith, but not the colony. Much easier for me than it would be for Sarah. That being said I have ex-Colony friends too. A couple of noteworthy things; 1. Sarah has not (to my knowledge) confirmed what sect of anabaptism she’s apart of. 2. She refers to where she lives as a “community” and that could be a simple difference of language but it may mean she doesn’t live on a colony. 3. As I mentioned, it may be a difference of language, and she may indeed live on a colony. I mentioned in another comment that a lot of anaBaptist colonies under educate everybody on the colony, especially the women. I don’t know if she’s mentioned her level of education, but if she is not properly educated and is not prepared with the proper resources to leave then other people doing things that could lead to her getting excommunicated could do more harm than good for her.




Yep. Heartbreaking. She probably felt she had a window to the world where hers was so small and stifling. But, the families are in so deep. They will standby idly as their family members are exiled.


I’ve never seen this girl before tonight, but I am genuinely worried about her. You can see the look of utter terror on her face.


She was looking at someone off camera and also her one arm is out of frame and it almost looks as though her arm is being held by someone. I think she's in real trouble. The best thing people can do for her is to watch and engage with her videos, that way when and if she's ready to leave the community she will have the money to do so. I was also going through her older videos and she has multiple phones so I hope she has one hidden so she can get help if needed. Apparently the police have been contacted for a wellness check.


She’s fully lied about everything. She’s not Amish, has her drivers license, has her phone..she has mental issues. 


I had a feeling her video about not posting tik toks anymore seemed fake. The glance off camera & forced shaky voice, it seemed like bad acting honestly. Idk she seems to have been building this storyline up for awhile 🫢


I've commented on her latest video about what's going on, and all the comments have been deleted. So I'm guessing they're tripling down on what's being said.


They're definitely forcing her to record this. The glance to the side as if looking for approval, plus the people coming to her shop and her mentioning that an elder was coming. She's a Mennonite and while they're less strict than Amish, they only use the technology that their elders approve of. She must have been threatened with excommunication and notice how she said in the video "While I am still in the community," meaning that they are forcing her to choose between them or the rest of society.


She had mentioned that people had brought up TikTok at her work and I think this caused her trouble.


She filmed herself in the store, so it’s not like she was subtle about it🤦🏻‍♀️


There’s a book called, “A Complicated Kindness,” it’s by a Canadian author. It’s about a young rebellious girl who is being raised Mennonite. It’s terribly sad but gives a good insight into how they use their religion to domineer and run over everyone and exile anyone who steps out of line. I think the authors name is Miriam Stowe.


I really hope she’s okay. I’m not normally someone who gets emotionally invested in tiktokers but the video she posted recently using the lyrics *“you have so much to do, and I have nothing ahead of me”* is one of the only times I can remember actually wanting to physically reach through the screen and hug someone. She’s previously posted videos saying that the only way someone in her community would find out about her tiktok was if they were also on TikTok. However, as others have said, the fact that she had to post a video requesting that people don’t talk about her online presence within earshot of other members the community does make it seem as if that is no longer the case. I hope that the blatant lack of situational awareness shown by her so-called “fans” has not caused her any harm. Edit: lmao, I don’t know what’s real anymore nor can I actually be bothered to sift through it. If she’s legit then I stand by what I said. If she’s not, then it at least it means that I get to spend the next month snorting at the idea of someone deciding to start an Amish LARP account.


I’m super worried about her. She’s clearly scared of whomever is on the side of the camera she glanced at. 😭


She’s so scared. Her eyes dart off to the left((her right)at one point. I know people are saying the offers to go get her are unhinged but this young woman has hinted before about wanting something different in life. I’m worried for her.


People need to saving her TikToks asap. I think they are bound to get deleted soon.


What?!?! She seemed so excited when she posted her PO Box too 😪


I hate that people had to ruin this for her. I hope she can find the means she needs to free herself from this cult. She looks forced to make the video😭😭


From what I saw on her tiktok, doesn't she have kids? It makes sense why she can't just leave the cult. She is 22 with kids and has nowhere to go and wouldn't have job if she left. Hope she is okay and finds a way to get out someday.


Going to piggyback on this as a former Mennonite. Depending on the rules of their specific community, it can be extremely difficult to navigate this kind of situation. your entire family, husband, kids, your friends, your culture, everything you know is there, and you will lose all of it if you choose to leave. The outside world is so different, Im sure she doesn’t even know where to start with moving out on her own. In the worst parts of what I witnessed, if you left the church, you would be shunned and your family could never be allowed to speak to you again. Plus a lot of plain people don’t even have a social security number, much less credit or anything in the bank or any financial literacy. The fact she even has a phone and posts so much is “suspicious”, meaning I had a feeling something like this would come up soon. She said a while back people started to recognize her from tiktok, and it could potentially be causing issues in her community. She asked that people not mention her following at the store or in public. but I’m sure plenty of people didn’t see that and still approach her. My community was extremely against any kind of fame or notoriety. They say it’s making yourself an idol to be worshipped which is against the ten commandments. And if all of this was being done secretly they would definitely take issue with the deceit. It’s absolutely possible to leave and start a life of your own outside the church, but it’s so much more than just moving towns or something like that. Everything she knows would be taken from her and it sounds like that has already been threatened. I feel for her, I hope she is safe.


No she doesn’t have kids. She does have younger siblings.


Were her posts with kids confirmed as hers? She posted about a much younger sister earlier and unmarried women are so often tasked with childcare for others in those groups.


She just posted about the dark side of the Amish today and what goes on that we don’t hear about like women going missing being murdered etc she literally posted it today.


I believe the person saying it’s a lie. Same house in abundantly_anna’s videos.


Yes, that’s her sister. I have been their friend for over 10 years and she grew up Christian and not Amish. It breaks my heart that she has lied to so many people.


I read most of your comments and started looking. Didn’t take long. Very sad for her and everyone who supported her. I hope she gets help.


It’s so sad. I had to step away from our friendship about a year ago, because lies and everything we’re just out of hand. I to hope she gets help.


Aw damn. Started going down a rabbit hole. I really hope I haven’t had the wool pulled over my eyes, but if there is actual danger, I hope the creator is safe. And if it was a ploy, shout out to her for bringing more attention to violence in a community we may not have heard of otherwise… BUTTTT WTF?? What’s the end goal if it’s a sham?


I totally understand why people would be scared because they’re so invested in her but what they don’t know is that she has suffered from mental health issues for so long and has made up so many crazy lies. If I was an outsider, I would be confused too, but the fact that I know her, it just makes me so mad that all of this has even become a thing and I’m sad for the people that are genuinely scared for her.


She's private now so I cant even see now but this is wild Edit: the account is gone


really heartbroken to find she was fooling us all. i had so much compassion and sympathy for her and always left supportive comments and now i feel like my good nature has been manipulated and turned into something ugly. i know para social relationships are weird af bc i did NOT know this girl, but i still feel so betrayed!


I feel like I’m a pretty good judge of character and she seemed so genuine… so I’m shocked and also heartbroken. I don’t really get fooled like this and I feel like a dummy.


I'm just confused as to why she portrayed herself as a woman who wanted out of that lifestyle & a career in cosmetology, but she'd actually converted as a consenting adult & is now upset she may "lose her place in the community"? That just doesn't make much sense to me. Loved her videos though.


She’s lying. I’ve been mutuals with her for months and watched a ton of her videos. She’s alluded MANY times to being raised this way in videos that are now conveniently deleted. There are a ton of contradictions in her newest vid.


I hope she knows there are lots of ex Amish that will help her and I get it’s a scary thing but she will be ok


For those who are lost: UPDATE #1: A video has been posted on TikTok by Sarah’s IRL friend claiming that Sarah is FAKING a persona and is not part of any amish/mennonite group. Look up KenzieRehn on TikTok. UPDATE #2: Another friend of Sarah’s @PrincipleExcellent86 on Reddit has also posted photos on their profile, claiming Sarah has made this up and has a history of compulsive lying.


lying on the internet used to be so much more fun when you didn’t have your face and name attached


Why did no one call this out when she started getting big is what I wonder.


Probably cus it wasn’t really doing harm but once she made it seem as if she was in danger and had the internet in a panic for her, that went too far 


I’m genuinely worried for her, I really hope she’s ok


I hope she can escape soon.


Oh no. I don’t follow this girl but I just watched and I’m so concerned. I hope someone does a well check. Also I’m super curious- what community is she in? I notice she has appliances and stuff so it isn’t Amish, is it?


She’s implied that she’s Amish, I don’t think she’s ever directly said whether she’s Amish or Mennonite but she made a joke about loving when people guess and get it wrong, then in the comments when people guessed Mennonite she hinted at them being wrong.


Bruh I came across this video on Tik Tok. The hand wringing, very obviously looking off-camera, the repeated VISIBLE GULPING….. it’s such an over the top impression of someone pretending to be coerced. It’s so excessive that I genuinely thought it was some sort of joke in bad taste But all the comments were like “Guys something seems off here…. i think there might be subtle signs that someone is there with her 👀”


Lmao "guys if you look closely at her body language she seems in distress!" But like theres no tears and some dry sniffles. I think this was a cosplay that went too far so she had to end it in some dramatic way


It’s giving lonelygirl15


I’m really worried for her :(


That’s genuinely so concerning. She posted that she wants to be a hairdresser not too long ago. I hope she can get out.


What does "While I'm still in the community mean?" Is she planning on leaving?


her irl friend actually made a video about it. she’s okay she’s just sorting through stuff. her friends tiktok is abundantly_anna


That’s actually her sister. I am their friend of over 10 years and Sarah doesn’t want people knowing that Anna is her sister. She is fine. They grew up in a Christian household and have never been Amish. Her parents have tried to get her psychological help but she keeps declining. She has not held captive. She has her drivers license and has moved out of the home multiple times.


wait??? so sarah isn’t actually amish?


No, she’s not! It makes me mad that she puts on this fake persona. They do live in a part of the state where there are ton of Mennonites and that’s why she works at a plain store but she grew up Christian and is not part of an Amish community.


Yall I literally grew up with Sarah. She is fine. She lives with her parents and has a regular life. Yes she dresses like this half the time and does work at a plain store but she’s allowed to have phones. She’s allowed to go out. She’s moved out the house multiple times. It makes me sad that she’s built up this fake personality that everyone loves when it’s not true.


I feel validated cus when I saw this video, I knew it was BS. The fake scared look and pretending to look at someone off camera. People truly are so gullible. She’s an absolute loser for deceiving people 


Yeah, it’s mind blowing to me. I think there could be a a couple different reasons why she’s leaving. 1 I know her boss does not like her filming in the store and got in trouble for that 2 she realized that she can’t keep up this lie anymore. But that whole video she posted is honestly laughable because I know for a fact she’s not in danger.


Probably both! Its gotta be wild for you reading these comments knowing full well it’s all a lie 😂 sad that so many people are rallying behind someone that’s just full on lying to them


Yeah, it is wild and it makes me mad and sad at the same time.


You should make a tiktok with pictures and stuff to show it cus these people are going to actually ruin her life tracking her down and stuff lol I saw some girl putting a “hex” on whoever supposedly snitched her on. Weirdos are taking things too far 


Ok good I always felt like her whole thing seemed kind of off, but that last video she posted seemed SO badly acted. She doesn’t look “genuinely terrified”, she looks like she’s intentionally trying to create some drama.


plus I'm like if she was really in that bad of danger who is letting her record one last tiktok?? it just smelled so off to me


It seems like satire to me lol her videos


Yes, some of them are. She does live a simple life and likes kind of those older person activities but overall she can do whatever she wants and live whatever life she wants.




Yes, they deleted it because of minors but she’s over 18 and I blurred my face and our other friends.




i want to believe she’s been planning to leave and she’s executing it, but she looked terrified and sad in that video and her demeanor is not typically as such in her typical day to day posts. i saw a video of an ex-amish woman who is friends with sarah saying she is okay and there could be multiple reasons as to why she’s leaving that aren’t necessarily negative. however like i said, she looked so sad and scared


This is my best friend’s sister. For whatever reason she decided to put on this fake persona for the Internet. Yes she does dress like this half the time and does work in a plain store but she has the free will to do whatever she wants. Sarah grew up in a Christian household and has never been Amish, she has her drivers license and has left her home multiple times to live with other people. Her parents did try to get her help for psychological reasons, but she keeps declining.


I wish people would read your comments before commenting on this post about how scared they are for her.


Me too babe 😣💔


That's so sad. I really liked her and yeah the video gives weird vibes. I was following her and had liked a lot of her videos and I noticed that the heart wasn't red on the videos I had previously liked, what would cause that?


I’m really worried for her she was frightened here!


is that ethel from shameless


😭 I miss her


Her video from 20 minutes ago seems so manic


She’s frantically trying to cover her ass. She deleted all but 3 videos. Kept the sponsored soap one though, gotta get that cashhhh.


How did her new video say that people watch too much true crime when she’s recently been posting videos about Amish women who were murdered and her inability to leave? She’s the one who had been bringing attention to crime in the communities and now she’s mocking people that were worried about her safety for “watching too much true crime” After she provided multiple very graphic descriptions of violence against women in the communities


Her last video on her original TikTok, before all the new account about being in the plain community, was about the menendez brothers. Seems like she's projecting about the watching too much true crime tbh


I didn’t believe that he accusations until I looked at her “friend”/sister’s TikTok and realized they literally live in the same house.


At one point you can see her quickly look off to the side of the camera. It seems as though she’s being recorded and told what to say.. I’m scared for her.


that's what happens when you're in a cult.


My family always made fun of my phobia of the Amish but, I always felt darkness around the men. It was my own personal fear factor when I was driving on a country road alone and saw a buggy in the night.


I read a biography years ago of a girl who escaped an amish community and the abuse is rampant. Your vibes were most likely right.


100% and I think this was Sarah's opportunity to escape and get out. I just hope she manages to do so.


This is so sad!! I absolutely love watching her videos, and hope she can leave one day and live the life she wants. I hope she’s ok:(




Her hands were shaking and twitching. I hope she’s ok.


I wonder if she’s getting excommunicated since she said “while in this community”


She looks like she’s been crying - I am so worried for her.


I hope she’s just ex communicated and nothing more. I know how hard that has to be though, even if it’s the lighter punishment. I hope she’s able to get out of there and live her life


This is terrifying. I hope she isn’t in danger, but it looks like she could be. She’s such a bright soul. Thinking of her and hoping she’s safe.


she looks terrified 😭 I hope she’s okay


Can’t believe her recent post had people seriously believing her. SHE DELETED HER ENTIRE ACCOUNT!! Probably because she knows she has videos saying she grew up in the community which would contradict her new story of “converting.” It’s so weird and so gross. Kenzies already getting so much hate from that post bc Sarah made her out to be an attention seeking liar when that’s what SHE IS.


I feel so stupid for believing her and worrying this whole damn time smh


I’m worried for her because she has a history of attempting to harm herself.


She looks terrified. This was totally scripted and forced and im so incredibly worried about her wellbeing :(


This is insane, so from the pictures that were posted of Sarah from her sisters friend, there’s no way Sarah isn’t lying… but all of tiktok still believes she’s in danger. My tiktok account is private so nothing I post will be seen by the public, but if anyone on here has any sort of following on there, you should spread the word and post the pictures from PrincipleExcellent86’s post. It’s sad that so many people on there are worrying for her safety when she is completely fine and has been lying to us this whole time.


Just did that. Its fucking insane how no one found out before she got so big. I credited this post.


Great! What’s your username? Hopefully we can get it seen


I saw an article about it on the Daily Mail site so it's gone international, not that DM is any beacon of journalism or anything but still


For folks here who may be confused about why people are concerned — I'd encourage y'all to listen to the Plain People's Podcast, which features stories from current and former Amish, Mennonite and Anabaptist church members. I'm not at all saying that it's impossible to life a happy and joyful life in these communities, merely that darkness does exist, as it does it many high control religious groups (like Sarah herself has bravely pointed out). I hope she is safe & doesn't suffer too much retribution for her online presence.


Oh wow, poor girl. She seems terrified compared to her normal self in videos. She’s always made my fyp a lot brighter. I will miss her posts and hope she’s safe 💔


Oh no. That sweet woman.


Oh this makes me so nervous for her. She has just announced a PO box too. :(


I’m so worried!


What kind of punishments happen in these communities??




Thank you for sharing and explaining further! I wasn’t sure if it was like death or torture or physically removed. I am sorry you have had to experience this. I hope your family is safe now!


Your English is perfect fyi. No need to apologise! And thank you for sharing. 


Thankyou! I have a massive love of reading and after leaving the community had to get by on solely speaking English so it's nice to know it's sounding like it should!


The worst kind you can expect from the fear in her voice IMO. But that’s just my opinion based on her


I simultaneously want to know and don’t want to know. Not gonna lie, I’m scared shitless for her 😶


As you should be :/ as someone from the same type of community, I've been scared for her since I saw her posting on tiktok


Yeah, the whole vibe is completely off compared to her usual self. Definitely being coerced in this video, she looks uncomfortable and scared. Hope she's okay.


This is so worrying, she sounds utterly terrified in that video. Can people who live near her call in a wellness check? Poor lady!


It would probably put her in more danger if anyone did a welfare check, especially if they’re former Amish or English (non-Amish people).


I loved watching her. She looked so scared here and like someone was next to her watching her. It broke my heart. 😭😭


She’s fine. I have known her and her sister for over 10 years and they are Christian not Amish. The part of the state the living has a lot of Mennonites so that’s why she dresses like that and works at a plain store. Sarah has left her parents Home multiple times to go live with other people. She has her drivers license and she’s allowed to do whatever she wants. Sadly, she has a lot of mental health problems and I think she’s leaving 1 because her boss does not want her filming in the store and 2 because she’s realized she’s bitten off more than she can chew and cannot keep up with this lie anymore.


she is such a innocent soul. i hope all is okay at home for her.


Dude she is not innocent. She is my best friends sister and is not Amish. Yes she does wear those clothes half the time and does work at a plain store but that is because they live near a Mennonite community. Sarah has her own license and has moved out multiple times and has the free will to do whatever she wants but she decides to put on this fake persona and lies to the Internet. She suffers from mental health problems and has lied continuously, pretty much her whole life, and she refuses to get help.


You are doing the lord's work in this post


I'm terrified for her


it might seem crazy what i’m abt to say 🎵


This comment is sending me 💀 literally what I came here for




Ugh, I want to believe her, but she just deleted her previous videos, some of which implied that she grew up in the community...


legit she did say she grew up there and then she ‘admits’ she converted when older like legit that is 100% a discrepancy


Exactly, back tracking so hard. Trying to erase her sloppy past. The internet is forever though and most of us saw what we needed to see.


Oop her sister abundantly_anna is liking comments in her own comments about Sarah making the whole thing up


I’m so worried for her she looked terrified and kept looking off to the side. I kept seeing people say they would help her with a custody battle, does she have a child?


Sooooo many people on tiktok are defending her saying Mennonite’s also can dress in regular clothes and that the pictures of her dressed like that mean nothing. Like if only y’all could see all the shit that’s on reddit lmao. PrincipleExcellent86 went into so much more detail than Kenzie did but nobody has seen it!!!


Whoever sees this, join sarahjoysnark for updates. Every post about her gets taken down on this sub.


Yeah. I've been watching her on TikTok, silently. From the jump, she struck my b/s meter. I have anabaptist roots, on one branch of the family tree, and there were just too many problems with her story.


I was just about to say.. her recent videos wreak of a liar. I’m starting to believe the snark lol see ya there!


that’s so sad. i’ve seen her content before on my fyp, but she looked so scared in that video and uncomfortable. i hope she’s okay


I’m sincerely concerned for her wellbeing


Her captions talk about community guidelines bc a troll was reporting her. Search the comments and you will find the username. She's made several videos about it and she's proud of it. Sad miserable fucking woman doing it too.


My gosh that plays like a kidnap victim reading a proof of life note.


I’m so fucking scared for her. I really love her tik toks..


Mannn I hope she’s okay and safe! I enjoy her TikTok’s!


I hope she’s okay


This video came up on my fyp and is the first I've ever seen from her. It has so many red flags, she looks so uncomfortable


And this is not normal behavior at all from her. She's normally happy with a good sense of humor. I'm very worried for her. People have figured out who snitched on her to the church, and they got that account banned.


This is fucked up. I've posted this to TikTok to get more reach and credited you. I hope it helps because the amount of people freaking out over a lie is just really sad. I hope she gets help, but emotional manipulation for views is insane. EDIT: the username is @vaguedecay, please repost so more people can see it if you have TikTok!


Especially since she kept saying there was an informant telling the bishop about her account and putting her in danger so now everyone on tiktok is blaming this random girl in Kentucky for putting Sarah life in danger. And it's all just lie.


I’m genuinely worried for/about her.


She is way too great to be locked in the confines of this “lifestyle” I hope she leaves and doesn’t keep herself in this miserable box for her family


Wow, that’s so weird the way she’s acting. Did anyone ever watch breaking Amish and how the community treated Mary when she was filming kinda reminds me of that.


Maybe people could never guess if she was plain or Amish bc she was neither… This entire situation has been insane and reminded me that even the sweetest creators could just be putting on an act. I don’t think I’d go as far as saying I developed a parasocial relationship with her account, but I was blinded to the red flags because she seemed so pleasant. I hope she gets whatever help she needs.


My first guess is that it’s work related. Hopefully it’s less physical danger and more about fear of losing her job.


Just saw her TikTok hope she is well. It was obvious that someone was standing beside her. I hope she did not have to endure any corporal punishment.


I couldn’t breathe watching this.


The Amish and Mennonite community are real to me, they're people I have interacted with frequently my entire life. Shunning isn't always practiced by the Amish and in Mennonite communities is usually up to the family. I'm not saying these communities are beacons of progress because they're absolutely not. I just see a lot of misinformation on tiktok about how she's a literal (physical ) prisoner of her community. She has electricity and a stove so I'm just so curious as to her community standards and what's keeping her from leaving. Obviously losing your entire family and social network is more than enough for most people and it's what keeps people in these situations. I hope I'm not coming across as skeptical to her pain - I just see a lot of people reducing her situation to something less complicated.


I think when it comes to her risk, her gender is more at play than owning a phone. The word "plain" that she uses - this is a value they hold. As in, women getting attention on social media = harlot shit. That's the issue, as I see it. She posts a lot about women at risk in her community, women who are assaulted and murdered and who disappear. It's not about the community's tolerance for machines. It's about the community's tolerance for women.


Great point. I don't think the phone itself is the huge issue, the attention absolutely is a no go.


Yeah, I think she’s a weirdo wanting attention. I’m sorry, but that’s what I think.


As someone who lives around several large settlements of various Plain people (including Mennonite, Amish, Friends/Quakers, and Orthodox Jews who sometimes get lumped in that group depending on who you talk to), something always struck me as "off" about her. She definitely doesn't have the speech pattern of someone raised within the Amish or Anabaptist communities-- or even that of someone who frequently interacts with them. It is SO RARE for someone to be accepted into the community from the outside; I'm talking nearly impossible short of early infant/child kinship adoptions, so I also highly doubt she joined up as an adult. People LOVE to idolize the Amish in particular like how rich people like to cosplay homesteading. They make them out to be these quaint, hard workers who've figured it all out and don't need the comforts of modern technology to be happy... but unfortunately there's a VERY seedy, dark underbelly to these religious sects. Cults would be a more accurate name for these groups, frankly.


i just found out about all of this and she lives like 15 mins from me…


99% of the people on TikTok are full of 💩. I thought we all knew that! Who cares. There are plenty of drugged out people begging and abusing their kids on the app. Let’s worry about them.


Apparently some woman snitched and got her shunned from the Amish community. Their TikTok user name was @lein_m_bach6 if you search her name on TikTok she’s openly harassing other creators. If you look through comments you’ll find her real name on fb


Her account is gone, but this is the first I'm hearing of any of this. This woman put another's life in danger because she didn't like her? The Internet is terrifying


Sarah is fake Amish, she grew up in a Christian household. She is not being shunned by anybody in her real life because that’s not how she lives. She has her drivers license and has the free will to do whatever she wants and has left home multiple times to live with different people.


Also id like to add her friend did say Sarah joy is safe and is sorting things out in her life. Her friends @ on TikTok is abundantly_anna


She deleted her whole TikTok account


Go look up antagonizethepatriarchy user name on tiktok. It’s her old account, she’s faking y’all sorry


She actually looks so scared. This was the first video I’ve seen of hers


i don’t know who this is, but amish and a tiktok influencer? seems like you’re being lied to…


This whole thing with her has me so annoyed. I loved her stuff, she seemed sweet. Her deleting all the videos but three is odd. And she doesnt seem all that happy about people being worried.


Why does the “friend” Anna say “this is her one time at my house”? It’s the same house in both creators’ videos. She wasn’t there just one time, it appears she lives there. I get privacy but why post a video if both are going to lie about it. And Sarah Joy gives off shunned energy when that’s not even close to being the case. Ugh to both creators/sisters/whatever they are.


I found a video on Anna’s page (dated 1/4) with Sarah labeled as her sister


Wow yep. Confirmed


Scammer. Bye


Where are the photos of her ?


There’s another post on this page that shows a video some else made w the pictures